DOCUMENT RESUME ED 258 479 FL 015 108 TITLE The English Language Amendment. Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary. Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session on S.J. Res. 167, a Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States with Respect to the English Language. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. REPORT NO J-98-126 PUB DATE 12 Jun 84 NOTE 291p. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC12 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Constitutional Law; *English; *Federal Legislation; Hearings; Language Planning; ',Official Languages; Public Opinion; *Public Policy IDENTIFIERS Congress 98th ABSTRACT The transcripts of the hearings on Senate Joint Resolution 167, proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution with regard to establishment of English as the country's official language includes: the statements of three committee members (Senators Orrin G. Hatch, Jeremiah Denton, and Dennis DeConcini); the text of the proposed legislation; the testimony of the witnesses (Senators Walter D. Huddleston, Quentin N. Burdick, and Steven D. Symms; former Senator S. I. Hayakawa; Congressmen Norman D. Shumway, and Baltasar Corrada, Gerda Bikales of U.S. English, and Arnold° S. Torres of the League of United Latin American Citizens), presented chronologically; the witnesses' submitted materials, presented alphabetically; additional materials submitted for the record; and related correspondence. (MSE) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** BEST COPYAVAILABLE S. Hs*. 98-1284 THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AMENDMENT as HEARING Lir1 BEFORE THE fri SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION LAJ OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S.J. Res. 167 A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTI- TUTION OF THE UNITED STATES WITH RESPECT TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE JUNE 12, 1984 Serial No. J-98-126 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary U.S. DU ASISIMPIT CW IDUCAIXIN NATIONAL INSTITUTE EDUCATIONAL. OF EDUCATION RESOWtaiSINFORMATICIA CENTER (ERIC1 Ths efoannenthew been reproducedsO waved from theportico or otganktition orionsong n. f.) Monet tin hbro bow mods repnaclocoon qty. to improve Ports of VOW Of OPOOlON Ole* OOCti mons do notwomanly footmen! 0 imition or polo". oficen NIE U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 40-407 0 WASHINGTON : 198b 2 3.1118U1AVA 'OW1238 COMMITTEE O THE JUDICIARY SISOM THURMOND, South Carolina, Chairman CHARLES Mee. MATHIAS, JILI Maryland JOSEPH R. KEEN, Ja., Delaware PAUL LAXALT, Nevada EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Maaaachuaetts ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah ROBERT C. BYRD, Wad Virginia ROBERT DOLE, Kansas HOWARD M. MEIMBAUM. Ohio ALAN K. SIMPSON, Wyoming DENNIS DtCONCINI, Arizona JOHN P. EAST, North Carolina PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont CHARLES E. GRASSLE?. Iowa MAX BAUCLIS, Montana JEREMIAH DENTON. Alabama HOWELL HEFLrN, Alabama ARLEN SPECTER, Pennsylvania Vtarroar Dz Vaivz Um, Chief Coiaisel and Staff Director DESORAll K. °wax, General Counsel BEgratram, Chief Clerk Am H. Grruserzna, Minority Chief Counsel SuacomsarrEE ON nu: CossTrrtrrioil ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah, Chairman AOM THURMOND, South Carolina DENNIS DzCONCINI, Arizona CHARLES E. GRA&ILEY. Iowa PATRICK J LEAHY, Vermont SersPHAN MAILMAN, Chief Counsel and Staff Dilutor RANDALS. Raorz, General Counsel fluor Mciaixxx, Staff Assistant Rosin FLIDLU, Minority Counsel .4* a CONTENTS STATEMENTS OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Par, Hatch, Finn. Orrin G., a U.S. Senator from the State of Utah 1, 4 Denton, Hon. Jeremiah, a U.S. Senator from the State of Alabama 8 DeConcini, Hon. Dennis, a U.S. Senator from the State of Arizona.... 37, 40 PROPOSED LEGISLATION S.J. Rea. 167, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States with respect to the Erglish language 13 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Huddleston, Hon. Walter D., a U.S. Senator from the State of Kentucky 15 Burdick. Hon. Quentin N., a U.S. Senator from the State of North Dakota 41 Symms, Hon. Steven D., a U.S. Senator from the State of Idaho 43 Fkyallawa, Hon. SI., a former U.S. Senator from the State of California. 51 Shumway, Hon. Norman D., a U.S. Representative from the State of Califor- nia, and Hon. Baits:sir Corrada, a U.S. Representative from Puerto Rico 69 aikales, Gerda, Executive Director, U.S. English. Washington, DC, and Ar- naldo S. Torres, National Executive Director, the League of United Latin American Citizens, Washington, DC 103 ALPHABETICAL LIST AND MATERIAL SUBMITTED Bikales,Cerda: Testimony 103 Prepared statement 106 Letters from: Surendra K. Saxeria,firesident, the Association of Indians in Amer- ica, Inc., to Joseph E Fallon, October 25, 1983 113 Marie J. Iribarren, secretary, Kern County League Basque Club, January 10, 198 114 Steve Workings, Government Relations Associate, U.S. English, to Senator Orrin G. Hatch, chairman, Sulkommittee on the Constitu- tion, October 15, 1984 115 "Peace, Friendship, Limits, and Settlement" (Treaty of. Guadalupe Hidal- go), reprinted by U.S. English 116 Testimony on fiscal year 1984 appropriations for bilingual education 128 Presentation to 1984 Republican Platform Committee by U.S. English, April 17, 1984 128 Fact sheets: English language amendment to the Constitution 130 fliirngual voting ballots 132 Bilingual Education Act revisions 133 "In Defense of Our Common Language " 134 Excerpts from Up-Date, a periodic publication of U.S. English, volume II, No. 3, June-July 1984: Up-Date. 141 Testimony presented at hearings on the English amendment, June 12, 1984 143 "Ideas" by Richard Kahlenberg from Harvard Political Review, spring 1984 147 I V Page Bil ale* Genie Continued I " 'Temporary' Bilingual Education Lives On,' " from theWashington Times, August 18, 1983 149 "The Swiss, the U.S, and Language Unity," from the Christian Science Monitor, September 12, 1984 150 Burdick, Senator Quentin: Testimony 41 Corrada, 13altasar: Testimony 79 Prepared statement 83 Hatch, Senator Orrin G.: "Legal Analysis of H.J. Res. 169 proposing an amendment to theU.S. Constitution to make English the official language of the United States," by Charles Dale, legislative attorney, American Law Division, Congressional Research Service. the Library of Congress, June 2? 1983. 89 "What a School-Was." by Abraham H. Lass from the New York Times, April 16, 1983 96 "ELA: Making English the Official Language," by Nadine Cohodas, from the Congressiona l Quarterly, October 242, 1983 97 "English Spoken Here Please,' by Jonathan Alter, from Newsweek, Jan- uary 9, 1 98 "Voting in English," by William Raspberry, from the Washington Post, March 15, 1984 99 "Aqui se 1-labia Ingles." from the Washington Times, April 4, 1984 100 "You'll Be a Nobody if They Didn't Make You Learn English," by Gerda Bikales, from the Christian Science Monitor, April 20, 1q 101 "The Mother Tongue Has a Movement," by Francis X. Clines, from the New York Times, June 3, 1984 102 Hayakawa, Si.: Testimony 51 Prepared statement 57 Letters to: Dear Friend, from S.I. Hayakawa 63 Marion Faldet, the Spencer Foundation, September 27, 1984 66 Commentaries by Guy Wright: "U.S. English," from the San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle, March 20, 1983 64 "Speaking English," from the San Francisco Examiner, March 28, 983 65 Huddleston, Walter D.: Testimony 15 Memo from Angela Evans. June 6, 1984 18 Article from the Congressional Record,'Constitutional Amendment to Make English the Official Language of the United States,"September 21, 1983 25 Letters: Helen Wong Jean, executive secretary for Chinese CivicCouncil, April 23, 1984 30 S.I. Hayakawa, August 27, 1984 31 Charles V. Dale, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, legal analysis of Senate Joint Resolution 167 proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to make English theofficial language of the United States, Congressional Research Service, the Libraiyof Congress 32 Shumway, Norman D.: 69 Testimony . Prep 'red statement 73 "Prapcsed Constitutional Amendment," from the CongressionalRecord, March 2, 1983 77 Letter from Michael Blichasz, president, Polish American Congress,Inc , Eastern Pennsylvania District, February 6, 1984 78 Symms, Steven D.: Testimony 43 Prepared statement 47 Torres, Arnaldo S.: Testimony 152 Prepared statement , 159 V APPF-NDLX ADOMONALMATERIALFOR THE RECORD Page "State Statutory. Recognition of English as the Official Language of the United States,' by Mark E. Gurevitz, Legislative Research Assistant, Amer- ican Law Division, Congressional Research Service, the Library of Congress, March 1, 1984 . 169 Letter from Senator Orrin G. Hatch to Paul L. Douglas, attorney general for the State of Nebraska, October 11, 1984 181 Letter from Paul L. Douglas, attorney general for the State of Nebraska. to Senator Orrin G. Hatch, December 3, 1984 182 Enclosures: Nebraska Department of Education from Joe E. Lutjeharms, comniis- sinner of education, November 15, 1984 183 Dear concerned citizen from S.I. Hayakawa, December 1982 184 Department of State of Nebraska, Allen J. Beermana, secretary of state, October 27, 1984 185 State of Nebraska, Mexican American Commission, Rudy Peralez, executive director, October 30, 1984 186 Enclosures: Washington briefs, NALEO National Report 3 187 "Canada Provides Example of How Bilingualism Hurts," Omaha World-Herald, June 18,
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