NO 151 en | zh Edited by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA FRESH VIEW on Tourism Infrastructure and Know-How SUR PRIS INGLY INGEwww.advantageaustria.org NIOUS Tourism Infrastructure and Know-How 旅游业基础设施及专业知识 04 Tourism Infrastructure and Know-How – an Overview 04 旅游业基础设施及专业知识—概况 18 Planning and Consultancy Services 18 规划及咨询服务 89 Infrastructure, Equipment and Furnishings 89 基础设施、设备和陈设 198 Software Solutions and IT 198 软件解决方案和信息技术 215 Educational Programmes 215 教育项目 226 Index 226 目录索引 235 ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Offices Worldwide 235 奥地利对外贸易全球范围代表处 Disclosure according to §25 Media Act: Editor, Media Owner and Editorial: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, A-1045 Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, T +43/590 900-4491, W www.advantageaustria.org • Publisher: Service-GmbH der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich • Concept: ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA • Senior editor: Fritz Steinecker • Text: Franz Hubik • Graphic concept: ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA and Inhouse Media/Inhouse GmbH der Wirtschaftskammern Österreich • Graphic: lucid.at • Co-ordinating manager: Eva Vrzak, Bettina Trojer• Cover and symbol images: ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA • Translation: ZHOU Weidong • Print: Shanghai Jiezhan Print Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted only if the source is indicated and prior agreement is given. Despite careful copyreading of all contributions in this booklet, errors can not be entirely ruled out; therefore, no guarantee is assumed for the correctness of the content. All liability on the part of the authors and the copyright owners is precluded. Spring 2013. Impressum (Offenlegung nach § 25 Mediengesetz): Herausgeber, Medieneigentümer und Redaktion: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA, A-1045 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, T +43/590 900-4491, W www.advantageaustria.org • Verleger: Service-GmbH der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich • Konzept: AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA • Chefredakteur: Dr. Fritz Steinecker • Text: Franz Hubik • Grafisches Konzept: AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA und Inhouse Media/Inhouse GmbH der Wirtschaftskammern Österreich • Grafik: lucid.at • Koordination, Objekt- management: Mag. Eva Vrzak, Mag. Bettina Trojer • Cover und Symbolfotos: AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA • Übersetzung: ZHOU Weidong • Druck: Shanghai Jiezhan Print Co. Ltd. • Hinweis: Im Sinne einer leichteren Lesbarkeit werden geschlechtsspezifische Bezeichnungen nur in ihrer männlichen Form angeführt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nachdruck – auch auszugsweise - nur mit Quellenangabe und vorheriger Rücksprache. Trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung des Inhalts sind Fehler nicht auszu- schließen. Die Richtigkeit des Inhalts ist daher ohne Gewähr. Eine Haftung des Verlags, des Herausgebers oder der Autoren ist ausgeschlossen. Frühling 2013. This publication was funded by the internationalisation initiative „go-international“ established by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Diese Publikation wurde mit Fördermitteln aus der Internationalisierungsoffensive „go-international“ des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft und der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich finanziert. Tourism Infrastructure and Know-How in Austria 奥地利的旅游业基础设施及专业知识 COMM ITTED EXPERTS Tourism in Austria is a unique success sto- 旅游业在奥地利获得了独树一帜的成功。在过 ry. For decades, politics, business and cul- 去的几十年中,政治、经济和文化领域共同发 ture have worked together in making sure 挥作用,让来自全世界的游客在这里找到了宾 that guests from all over the world feel at 至如归的感觉。热情好客的天性和创新的思维 home here. Hospitality and innovative thin- 让奥地利成为全球旅游业的模范,其独创性令 king make Austria a role model for tourism 人惊叹。 worldwide – Surprisingly Ingenious. Tourism is one of Austria’s most important 旅游业是奥地利最重要的经济产业之一,是全 economic sectors and ensures widespread 民富裕的保障。来自国内外的游客甚至会蜂拥 prosperity for the entire population. Guests 至阿尔卑斯地区最偏远的山谷,欢度闲暇时光 from both within the country and abroad 或来一场刺激的冒险。奥地利的企业为顾客们 flock to even the remotest Alpine valleys, 度身定制各类服务,以满足他们的所有愿望。 either to simply take some time out or in search of an adventure. Austrian compa- nies fulfil their customers’ every wish with tailored offers. With their many years of experience, they 这些企业具备丰富的经验,他们清楚地知晓在 know exactly what problems are likely to 实际操作过程中可能出现的问题,帮助避免在 arise in practice and help avoid expensive 基础设施项目的规划和实施阶段犯错,因为这 mistakes being made in the planning and 些错误会让他们付出高昂的代价。全世界五大 implementation of infrastructure projects. 洲的企业、城镇和都市都受益于奥地利旅游业 Companies, cities and municipalities on all 专家的专业知识。 five continents are profiting from the know- how of Austria’s tourism experts. Contents 内容: • Planning and Consultancy Services • 规划及咨询服务 • Infrastructure, Equipment and • 基础设施、设备和陈设 Furnishings • 软件解决方案和信息技术 • Software Solutions and IT • 教育项目 • Educational Programmes 4 FRESH VIEW Planning and Consultancy 规划及咨询服务 Services Sound planning is also the key to success in 完善的规划也是旅游业成功的关键因素,许多 tourism and many touristic ideas never get 关于旅游的点子没能付诸实施的原因在于,在 off the ground because the processes are 对其进行构思的过程中没有将最终的结果考虑 not conceived with the end result in mind. In 在内。旅游业需要考虑到各个方面的利益,甚 tourism, a range of different interests need 至规模很小的项目也必须符合大量法律规范及 to be factored in and even the smallest of 要求。奥地利的企业十分清楚在项目的规划和 projects involve compliance with a plethora 实施过程中存在哪些陷阱,并将他们的知识传 of laws and requirements. Austrian compa- 播到世界各地。 nies know exactly which pitfalls can occur in the planning and implementation of projects and export this knowledge throughout the world. Tourism is often the principal source of in- 旅游业往往是一个国家的主要经济来源,尤其 come, especially in economically underde- 是经济欠发达的地区。奥地利的旅游业专家不 veloped areas. Austrian experts in tourism 仅为发达国家提供项目支持,那些发展中国家 provide assistance not only with projects in 和经济转型国家也日益成为他们的重要市场。 developed countries. The developing coun- 尤其值得注意的是,奥地利的企业对亚洲项目 tries and transition countries are also be- 的参与度很高,他们帮助那里的公司、地区及 coming an increasingly important market. 都市度身打造旅游业基础设施的建设战略。 Most notably, Austrian companies are heavi- ly involved in projects in Asian destinations, helping companies, provinces and munici- palities to create tailored strategies for the construction of tourism infrastructure. Close cooperation between politics and in- 在旅游业的基础设施建设中,政界与业界的密 dustry is crucial when it comes to imple- 切合作至关重要。无论游客走陆路、海路还是 menting the necessary infrastructure for 搭乘飞机而来,便捷性(即顺畅的交通衔接) tourist facilities. Regardless of whether 对于吸引更多数量的游客至关重要。只有在停 guests arrive by land, air or sea, good ac- 车位充足、交通顺畅,可便捷快速的到达及离 cessibility, i.e. good transport connections, 开的情况下,他们才会选择故地重游。 is essential if higher numbers of tourists are to be achieved. Tourists will only return a second or third time if the mobility strategy provides sufficient space for car parking fa- cilities, prevents traffic congestion, and en- sures a speedy arrival and departure to and from the site. At first glance, tourism projects and eco- 乍一看,旅游项目与生态保护往往是水火不容 logical concerns often seem to be oppo- 的。但奥地利的企业早在多年前就已经致力于 sed to each other. Austrian firms, however, 可持续发展,他们运用自己的专业知识设计出 have been committed to sustainability for 可行的解决方案,不仅保护了自然界和周边环 many years and use their expertise to devi- 境,更彰显出可持续发展的价值理念,并对此 FRESH VIEW 5 se practical solutions which ensure that na- 理念进行推广传播。 ture and the environment are not only kept in good condition, but are also shown to repre- sent a sustainable value and are marketed as such. Expert Knowledge 专家知识 Working with Austrian companies means 在项目规划、开发、实施和持续监管的过程 results-driven cooperation in terms of the 中,与奥地利的企业合作都是结果导向型的。 planning, development, implementation and 我们拥有以下 ongoing monitoring of projects. They are specialists in: 我们拥有以下领域的专业人士 • Destination development and tourist • 旅游目的地开发及旅游业基础设施建设(山 infrastructure (mountains, rivers and 区、河流和湖泊、城市和文化、健康、水疗 lakes, cities and culture, health, spa and 和医疗保健、自然) medical wellness, nature) • 创意与商业开发(酒店与度假村、餐饮业、 • Innovation and business development 餐馆、餐饮集中区域) (hotels and resorts, gastronomy, res- • 会议与商务旅游(MICE:会议、奖励活 taurants, culinary clusters) 动、大型会议及活动) • Congress and business travel (MICE - • 文化(节庆、历史建筑、城堡和宫殿、修道 meetings, incentives, congresses and 院、博物馆、园林、非物质文化遗产) events) • 旅游教育及培训(训练及培训、培训师培 • Culture (festivals, historic buildings, 训、课程开发、与中小学和高校建立及开展 castles and palaces, monasteries, 合作) museums, gardens, intangible culture • 休闲及旅游设施(冒险活动及主题公园、赌 heritage) 场、码头) • Tourism education and training (coa- ching and training, train-the-trainer, curriculum development, development of and cooperation with schools and universities) • Leisure and tourism facilities (adven- ture and theme parks, casinos, ports) Austrian Specialists 奥地利的专业人士 The following examples of export-oriented 以下这些奥地利的外向型旅游、咨询和培训服 Austrian tourism providers, consultants and 务供应商展现了奥地利旅游业在国际市场上的 trainers give an overview of the international 重要性: importance of the Austrian tourism sector: One example of a company that is alrea- 其中一个例子就是一家业已成为国际市场主力 dy a major player internationally is the spa 军的水疗规划及咨询公司—Schletterer健康及 planning and consulting company Schlette- 水疗设计公司。 rer Wellness & Spa Design. Austrian consulting companies operating in 在旅游和休闲行业提供咨询服务的奥地利公司 the field of tourism and leisure are, in most 大多专长于某些特定的类别,比如旅游目的地 6 FRESH VIEW cases, specialized in specific categories 管理、酒店管理或高尔夫旅游。 such as destinations, the hotel business or golf tourism. Horwath Tourism Consulting Austria is a 奥地利浩华旅游咨询公司是一家专门提供酒 specialist in the hotel, tourism and leisure 店、旅游和休闲、浴池业服务的企业,在全球 and bathing industry and has an extensive 广泛布局。 international network at its disposal. Kohl & Partner is particularly active in coun- Kohl & Partner公司则在中欧及东欧业务尤其活 tries in Central and Eastern Europe and has 跃,并且在企业管理、旅游目的地管理和基础
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