10 / 2013 Strategic Depth through Soft Power: The Domestic Production and International Projection of Turkish Culture Guest Editor: Mathieu Rousselin (Duisburg) Turkish Soap Oper Aşk-ı Memnu (“Forbidden Love”) was aired between 2008 and 2010 and is one of the most popular Turkish television series in the Middle-East and in the Balkans Source: http://www.askimemnu.tv Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe University of St. Gallen www.gce.unisg.ch, www.euxeinos.ch ISSN 2296-0708 Managing Editor Maria Tagangaeva Center for Governance and Last Update May 27, 2013 LAndis & GYR Culture in Europe stiFtung University of St.Gallen Contents Strategic Depth through Soft Power: The Domestic Production and International Projection of Turkish Culture Editorial 3 Special note: Photography Exhibition „Catching the Europe in Istanbul“ 6 Soft Power in Turkish Foreign Policy: New Instruments and Challenges by Selcen Öner, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul 7 Turkish Soap Power: International Perspectives and Domestic Paradoxes by Mathieu Rousselin, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen 16 Are New Sufis “Grey Turks”? by Marta Dominguez Diaz, University of St.Gallen 23 Istanbul: How Turkey’s Cultural Capital Has Shaped Its Foreign Policy by Jennifer Brindisi, Istanbul/London 30 Euxeinos 10 (2013) 2 Strategic Depth through Soft Power: The Domestic Production and International Projection of Turkish Culture uring the Opening March of the World Turkish/Oriental match of the white-skinned, DSocial Forum held in Tunis from March fair-haired and blue-eyed Daniel Craig in 26th to 30th 2013, thousands of participants James Bond or of Jack Bauer in the television walked up the Mohamed V avenue, one of Tu- series 24. Equally remarkable to a western au- nis’ forefront boulevards hosting a large num- dience, the Valley of the Wolves franchise heav- ber of government buildings and headquarters ily draws on anti-Americanism and anti-Sem- of large international companies. In doing so, itism for the portrayal of the villains. In Valley Editorial they passed by two symbols of the Turkish of the Wolves: Iraq (2006), American soldiers presence in Tunisia: the Bosphore Académie, a are the bad guys, using Iraqi children as hu- private language school also acting as a Turk- man shields, blindly killing innocent guests at ish cultural centre and a number of bus stops a wedding ceremony and abusing detainees in covered with large-scale advertisements for sequences which are obvious references to re- the Turkish television series Magnificent Centu- al-life events such as the wedding-party mas- ry. If needed, these are welcome signs that the sacre in Mukaradeeb and the Abu-Ghraib tor- work undertaken in this issue is both timely ture scandal. The movie also showed a Jewish and important. doctor removing organs from injured civilians Indeed, Turkey is increasingly seen, if not so as to sell them to rich American and Jewish as a full-fledged counter-model, at least as pro- patients in the West awaiting transplantation. ducing and promoting cultural goods which Although the movie earned much criticism in openly challenge Hollywood codes. And these the US and in Europe, it was a good export productions are often exported internation- product throughout the Arab world. ally (sometimes with the active support of Such trivial examples are not isolated. the Turkish government) and are particularly Alone, they would be mere anecdotes, but tak- heartily welcomed in the Balkans, in the Black en together, they point to a growing trend as Sea region and in the Arab world, thereby well as to a characteristic feature of the Turk- positively contributing to the international im- ish foreign policy, in particular under the AKP age of Turkey as well as generating income for government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip the Turkish economy. One such example is the Erdoğan – namely the deliberate effort to pro- success of the Valley of the Wolves. Three movies mote Turkish culture abroad, and particularly were adapted from the television series, two of in the Arab world and in neighbouring coun- which openly deal with sensitive international tries of the Black Sea region, in order to gain issues (the Iraq war and the Gaza flotilla af- a series of political, diplomatic and commer- fair). These movies are noteworthy because cial advantages. The conceptual cornerstone they offer beautiful cases of mirrored depiction of this policy is Ahmet Davutoglu’s Strategic of heroism to a western audience. Indeed, Val- Depth, which contends that Turkish history ley of the Wolves does not break with the codes (Ottoman legacy) and geography (size and of modern chivalry or with the grotesquely ex- strategic location) provide the country with aggerated portrayal of good and evil. Instead, a significant soft power potential, which the these codes are merely reversed. Hence, the country ought to activate and use to its benefit undercover agent protecting the weak, de- by actively promoting its culture worldwide. fending helpless children and saving villages is played by Necati Şaşmaz, who is a kind of Euxeinos 10 (2013) 3 Thematic scope of the issue discrepancies between the international image of Turkey and the domestic societal realities of In this context, this issue addresses the contemporary Turkey. question of Turkish soft power with a double emphasis on Turkish structures/institutions Individual contributions as well as on concrete empirical case studies. Stated otherwise, the purpose of this issue is The first paper “Soft Power in Turkish not to offer another theoretical contribution to Foreign Policy: New Instruments and Chal- the ongoing academic debate on soft power lenges” by Selcen Öner serves as a framing pa- – an issue which is better left to specialised per for the entire issue. It briefly highlights the scientific reviews. Another important caveat understanding of soft power within Turkish is the focus that the review Euxeinos oper- academia and goes on to introduce Strategic ates on governance and culture. This means Depth as the conceptual basis underpinning that a series of important economic, trade or Turkish foreign policy. It then reviews the in- financial issues which undeniably contribute stitutions and foreign policy instruments at to strengthen the power of attraction of Tur- the disposal of the Turkish state when trying to key will not be dealt with here. The interested promote its culture worldwide. It points to the reader may refer to scientific journals such proliferation of various cultural institutions as Turkish Studies, the International Review of which, as is the case for the Turkish Cultural Turkish Studies, the European Journal of Turkish Centres and the Yunus Emre Institutes, are de Studies or New perspectives on Turkey which facto placed in a situation of competition one have regularly addressed these issues at great with another. Another perhaps unexpected re- length. sult for the Western reader is the trade-off that The aim and added-value of this issue is some members of Turkish academia seem to therefore twofold. First, it aims at showing see between hard and soft power. how Turkish scholars understand and apply The second paper ”Turkish Soap Power: soft power and how the Turkish state has de- International perspectives and domestic para- veloped specific foreign policy instruments doxes” by myself is the first case study of the dedicated to the promotion of Turkey’s soft special issue and focuses on the domestic and power. Second, these strategies of soft power international success of Turkish television se- are illustrated by means of three case studies ries. These series often address pressing soci- dedicated to domestic and international suc- etal issues such as sexual emancipation, wom- cess of Turkish soap operas, to the spread of en rights, drug or alcohol consumption and Sufism in segments of the Turkish society and abortion which could be deemed offensive to the bids of Turkey’s capital city Istanbul by an Islamic audience. Yet, the manner with to host a series of international events. These which these issues are dealt with seems to case studies highlight the way in which cul- resonate across the Black Sea and Arab world, tural contents or messages are promoted and leading for instance to a situation in which the received internationally. They also point to last episode of the Turkish soap Gümüş / Noor subtle and interesting evolutions in the kind was viewed by 85 million people worldwide, of image Turkey wants to convey of itself. Fi- including half the total number of adult wom- nally, the same case studies identify certain en in the Arab world. Paradoxically enough, Euxeinos 10 (2013) 4 the freedom of tone of Turkish producers has tempt to break the deadlock on EU accession been harshly criticised within Turkey by se- negotiations. A few years ahead and with ac- nior AKP politicians as well as by regulatory cession talks virtually frozen, the bid for the authorities such as the RTÜK. 2020 Summer Olympics is based on a different The third paper “Are New Sufis “Grey narrative, that of the “global vision”, whereby Turks”? Urbanite National Identities and Re- Istanbul has become the avant-garde of all ligious reconfigurations” by Marta Domin- Muslim nations and a city “looking at 360 de- guez Diaz addresses the recent revival of Sufi grees”, rather than a microcosm of religious thought in traditionally secular urban classes diversity with its eyes riveted on Europe. of Turkey. She argues that this movement ought to be understood as an attempt to break Mathieu Rousselin (Duisburg) with the old anti-religious discourse of “White Turks” while simultaneously keeping away from the traditional and rigorous religious About the Editor: practices of “Black Turks”. Stated otherwise, this movement does not imply a rejection of Mathieu Rousselin is a postdoctoral fellow at western modernity, which the so-called “Grey the centre for Global Cooperation Research Turks” still embraced for intellectual stimu- of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
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