‘ , r ■ y . ' ' ' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1967 Bloodmobile Visits St. Mary’s Church Tomorrow; 1:45 to 6:30 p. m. PAGE SIXTEEN iiUtnrli^Bttr Suptiittg iim lii The Anna Addy Sunbeam posal by working foi* activation Illinois jPolice Averace Dally Net Preas Rm The Weather Troop o f the Salvation Army Public Records South Windsor of the North Central Refuse Dis­ For Uie Week Ended A bout Town will have its first meeting of posal district "as an economical Clear, cool tonight, low in Womptee Deed Arrest 35 After l&epitemiber 11, 1967 the season tomorrow at 3:30^ and lasting solution to the re­ 40s; sunny and pleasant tomor­ Atty Mark S. Levin and Maud W. White to Leo X. gional problem of limited areas p.m. in Junior Hall at the Republican Party Issues row, high 76-80. Atly. DaVtd C. Wichman were and Evridiki L. Vedeuios, prop­ available for dumping,” is Wave of Looting Citadel. admitted yesterday to practice erty at 73-76 Pine St. pledged. 14,805 before the U.S. District Court. Lease Three Campaign Pledges (Continued from Page One) Manchester— A City of Village Charm Senior Girl Scout Troop 2 Extension of the present sew­ Judge T. Emmet Claire of­ Rose T. Kronick to Lemd er program in accordMce with financed by federal antipoverty (OlassUted Advertising on Page 20) PRICE SEVEN CENTS will have its first meeting of ployes essential to a growing MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1967 ficiated at the admission cere­ O’Fashion, store at 883 Main St. ’The Republican party has the needs of the town areas funds, police said. VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 292 (THIRTY^TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ,,the season tomorrow from 7 community” and the practice of mony. Atty. Levin is associat­ ,for five years commencing Dec. stated three principles to which "as governed by ^conomlc ’The disorder followed d, Sun­ to 9 p.m. at center Congrega­ community planning consider­ ed with the Lessner, Rottner, 1, 1967, with option for five-year feasibility and fairness In as­ day visit to East St. Louis by tional Church. The meeting is the GOP candidates for the Oc­ ing the needs of all areas in Karp and Plepler law firm, renewal. sessment policies” is advocat­ Black Power advocate H. Rap open to ali interested high tober election are pledged. terms of their Significance to and Atty. Wichman is with Trade Name ed by the GOP.' Brovm, who urged Negroes to school girls. They are: the community as a whole is Oarrity, Walsh, and Diana. Dominic Gentilcore, doing arm themselves. Dynamism and efficiency . in advocated by the party. The statement lists four pol­ business as Newgate Machine Arrests were made about 2:16 Members of the VFW Aux- government; an informed and In public safety, the party icies on takes. They are: Surgery Possible Shop, Forest St. in' Cheney (Mancheater Association for iliiary wishing to sew on can­ 1. Scliedule every town of a.m. today outside Daut’s Drug Anti-Maoists participating public, and a com­ advocates creation of a ]^Uce Mob the Help of Retarded Children Building. Store (at 1602 Broadway) and cer pads vidll meet Thursiday munity planned along realistic department headed^ by a chiOf Soqth Windsor dollar, whether will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at 7:30 pm. at the home of Marriage Licenses lines in accordance with the de­ experienced in the field and fp6m taxes or grants, from day the Broadway Market (at 1332 at Bunce Center. Earle Long:, Mrs. Ben Huck, 51 TumbuU Louis Charles Barber, 186 Ma­ sires of its people and not for the continued development of. "of receipt to day of use to yield Bradway), both damaged and assistant director idf communi­ looted. Two nearby liQuor stores Rd. ple St., and Brenda Lee Ven- the benefit of a few. the fire department through th^ maximum investment income. For Pope Paul VI ty services of 'the* Office of Men­ nell. East Hartford, Sept. 16, also were looted. “A Republican majority in purchase of eQuipment neces­ 2. Pay all town bills prompt­ tal Retajvlaition of Connecticait, South Methodist Church. ! Thirty negrroes marched into WINDOW The VFW AuxiUary will South Windsor’s government sary to meet local fire.-'emer­ ly to gain maximum discounts. The Pope became ill on Sept. will SFpeak on “FTograms and. Richard Rene Godin, 382 Sum­ police headQuarters early today VATICAN CITY (A P I- 4 while at his summer palace in sponsor a kitchen Wngo' 'Ihurs- will bring these. principles to gencies.’' 3. Make maximum use of Attacks Red Guards Standards for Day Care Cen­ Three doctors who examin­ day at 7:45 p.m. at the Post mit St., and Lynn Marie Mathla- bear upon the . problems which Complete and appropriate fa­ protesting the citizens’ arreste SHADES Castel Gandolfo, 15 miles south ters.” Refreshments will be available expert financial as­ Home. ' son, 117 Helalne Rd., Sept. 16, increasingly threaten the wel­ cilities for schools with long by a Negro peace patrol of 10 ed Pope Paul VI today said of Rome. He returned to the served. St. Bridget Church. sistance such as bond counsel Negro youths the patrolmen Made to Order that while his condition has fare of the town and its citi­ range planning and continual and government consultants. Vatican two nights later and hM The American Legion will Building Permits zens,” the statement says. alertness in Securing ail avail­ said were manufacturing fire Bring your old rallen In and “improved notably” it been reported improving. 4. Pursue a responsible fiscal The Hartford County Ama­ meet tonight at 8 :16 at the Post Luclen Collin, carport at 643 able state' and federal funds bombs in the Lincoln Park area. save SSc per shade. mis^t be necessary to op­ Last Sunday he appeared on teur Radio Association will A government operated on be­ policy to stabilize town finances Over 30,000 Home. The executive board will Hartford Rd., $600. is pledged. the balcony of his Vatican meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at half of all the people is pledged and maintain an equitable tax ALSO erate to cure his urinary meet at 7. Robert J. Kane, porch at 40 by the GOP. “ This reQuires co­ T^edge on Master Plan VENEUAN BUNDS aiimenh apartment to give his usual HUltop House, Veterans Memo­ Foxcroft Dr., $660. fa planning and zoning for the base for home owner and busi­ FOR RENT blessing to the crowd in St. Pe­ rial Park, East Hartford. A so­ ordinated efforts through such ness man alike. 8 and 16 mm. Movie Pro­ ’They reported the present In volved in Bishop McMahon General As­ Jay R. Stager, alterations to town, the GOP pledges comple­ treatment for his condiUon ter’s Square and Spoke briefly cial time will begin at 7. The media as the inter-agency meet­ jectors—sound or silent, also sembly, Fourth Degree Knights dwelling at 72 Pitkin St., $700. tion at “ the earliest possible in a weak and trembling voice. meeting is open to all amateur ings lnaug;urated by the Repuh* S3 nun. slide projectors. would be continued but that if of Columbus, will have its first Raymond Schaller for George moment the comprehensive Manchester Evening Herald necessary surgery might be The statement by the three Canton Qash operators in the area. lican administration of meeting of the season Thursday Lawrence, alterations to dwell­ and neglected by the present master plan for South Windsor South Windsor correspondent, WELDON DRUG CO. used. His condition has been di­ doctors said: ’ at the KofC Home after a bene­ ing at 232 Autumn St., $860. which allied with up-dated zon­ 767 Main St?^-Tel. 643-58'Sl "The Holy Father has im­ HONG KONG (AP) — The Auxiliaries of the ViFW, Democratic administra^n,” the Ann Lyons, tel. 644-8682. agnosed as cystopyelitis, an in- diction at St. Bridget Church at Pressure Blast Mfg. Co., two ing regulations will provide for proved notably in regard to the Thousands of opponents of Army-Navy Club and World statement says. flamation of the urinary system. 7:46 p.m. signs near 66 Main St., $200. The party plbdg^ to encour­ logical and orderly growth of cystopyelitis which has struck War I Veterans have been in­ The statement was signed by Mao Tse-tung attacked Red Neal Sign Service for Bourne age citizens to ^'participate in the town.” the Pope’s personal physician. him. The doctors plan to contin­ vited to the joint installation Guards celebrating in the The Lucy Spencer Group of Buick, sign at 286 Main St., government tbf-ough the crea­ Additional recreation fa­ Dr. , Mario Fontana, and two oth­ ue the present treatment, re­ Saturday at 7:30 p.m. of the New England's Leading Canton stadium Tuesday, Second Congrregatlonal Church $ 200. tion of asso^ate study groups cilities with a full-time director er well-known doctors. Dr. Pie­ serving the possibility of modi­ American Legion Post and arrivals from the Chinese will have a poUuck at its first Connecticut Swimming Pool and holdhig sessions separate and planning immediately for tro Valdoni, who treated Pope fying the treatment with sur­ Auxiliary at the Legion Home. a self-liQuidating municipal Two-Year Professional gery for the purpose of achiev­ mainland said today. meeting of the season tomor­ Co. for Donald Anderson, swim­ from the regularly scheduled John XXIII during his last days, One visitor said more than swimming pool are advocated. ing the complete and definitive row at 1 p.m. at the home of ming pool at 92 Timber Trail, meeUhgs at which citizens may and Dr.
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