and Stereo A tash of the late through th~sarly '608 found in amateur sbm slides by Mmrk W1b ple who shot the slides. This isn't small, personal shop with a friend- Store Interiors the owner shown in the photo, ly sales staff ready to assist you. iews taken inside stores and but is apparently one of the sales Our second view is completely shops are often fun, allowing clerks employed at the store. The unidenaed. I found the two you to see what was sold at glass cases in the counters and in Kodachrome film chips loose in a vthe time and how it was displayed. the wall behhd them are well used Realist mounting kit, and 1 Our first view this issue is unla- stocked with sweaters of all colors decided they deserved to be through and other small clothing items. mounted1 This scene appears to beled, but after looking show the other slides it was with, I feel Other slides in the set that have been taken in some sort of confident in stating that this is the the rear half of the store is raised a small tobacco or cutlery shop interior of a women's clothing couple steps hlgher than the part around Christmas time. There Is a store in Portland, Oregon, in the shown here, and that is where strip of fake idcles runnlng most 1950s which was run by the cou- many racks of dresses were of the length of the store, and arranged, It appears to have Men a some holly decorations thrown In too. Besides the pipes and cans of tobacco, other items visible indude small cutlery items, pocket watches, pens, magnifymg glasses, and sunglasses. One glass cabinet appears to contain medicines or media, and I beliwe the stack of kesnearest the camera on the le€t to be strings ofCMstmas lights. A brilliant chrome cash register is built into the counter between the ghss cases. It looks like business has kngood, as there hasn't been theto sweep up the unsightly debris on the floor! rr A Puhlxnl~onol National Stereoscopic- Association, Inc. .""& NSA Raar~3 of Directc Bill C. Wa Iton, Chalrrnon .Anrh ~,." t Criscom D~eter Lorenz RUSSI211 Norton Page 4 Page 70 Page 78 T.K. Treadwell ..Airha1 -. _rd Twichell Helena E. Wright NSA Officrrs REGULAR Mary Anr I Sell, President 3 View-Master/TCE/Cancer Bill Davis, Vice President FEATURES [lean Kamin, Vi,ce President, Acl Linked in Study Larry HI ?ss, Secretory by john Dennis David Wheeler, Treasurer brereo World Stafl 2 Editor's View lohn Dennis, Editor Comments and Lawrence Kaufman, Contnbutin<7 Editor Observations 4 Zeiss lkon and Stereo Photography Mark Willke, An Director by john Dennis by Dieter lorenz Sylvia Dennis, Subscription Ma1ioger Don R. Cibbs, Back Issues Morlager - - 10 A 3-D lcon Turns 50 How to Rench U,s: 24 The Society . .. NSA Membership News from the Behind the Scenes of Bwana Devil (New rnembprrh!pr, rpnrwoir 8 niidn.rr chonqa) Stereoscopic , by Ray Zone P.O. Box 86708, Portland, OR 97286 Society o Amer~ca by Roy Zone Questions Concernina., Steii~oCZ'trrl d Subscriptions 17 Photo Patents Past P. 0. Box 86708, Portland, OR '97286 e-mail: stw'[email protected] m review by /ohn Dennis or: [email protected] 1 26 Nediews Stereo worm Back Issue S Current Information (Wnlr for ovnilohrliry B pncpr ) on Stereo Today 18 Santa vs. The Snowman NSA, 23575 C R. 77, Calhan, CC by David Storkman review by Lawrence Kaufman & /ohn Dennis Stereo World Editorial 0 (l~tfrrrto the Piirtnr, on>ilt,i k rnl~ndnr 561 0 SE 71 st Ave., Portland, OR (503) 771-4440 20 3-D Trends at Photokina 2002 e-mail: [email protected] by Dieter Lorenz -- - -- - 28 Classified Stereo World Advertisi Buy, Sell, or (Cbir!!jrd k d~rplnyadrl Trade It Here 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR (503) 771-4440 23 World's First Freevision Headstone e-mail: [email protected] by Ray Zone (inrrn flyerr k niicfion odr) Jeffrey Kraus PO Box 99, Modena, NY 12548 (845) 255-791 3 e-mail: jkrausbhvc.rr.corr Strreo World (ISSN 0191-4030) is publ~rhedb~monthly by the Nat~onal Oliver Wendell Holmc Stereorcop~cAsroc~ation. Inc , PO Box tereoscopic Research Lil 86708, Portland, OR 97286. Ent~re Front Cover: contents C2002, all riqhts resewcd. 3665 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208 Mater~alIn th~spubl~cat~on may not In this Realist slide taken during the filming of Bwana Devil, Lothrop Worth ASC is e-mail: [email protected] be reproduced w~thoutwrlltcn pcr- seen up top, behind the Natural Vision camera on the crane. In front of him is loe mlrrlon of the NSA. Inc. Pr~nledIn Biroc ASC, director of photography. Robert Stock and Barbara Britton pose on the USA. A subrcr~ptionto Sterro MforM ir Stereoscopic Society of America par1 ol NSA membership. Annual ground beside somebody's brand new Nosh Rambler. More production stereos can (Af1,l~ot~dwilil 111~~Nol#onol Stprrorconir Arronnt~onl membership dues: $26 th~rdclars US, been seen in "A 3-0 lcon Turns 50" by Roy Zone. 138 l~rrtclass US, $38 Canada and Paul Talbot, Mc mbership Seer'etary (Stereo courtesy of the Acoderny of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.) 6203 Avery Island Ave., Austin,T: 78727 foreign surface, $56 lnternatonal alr. < mall Annual membersh~piinclude six (512) 257-3056 Issuer of SIpreo World, a plasllc lorqnette viewer, and a memberrhlp Back Cover: Stereo World on the h,, d~rectory. This Zeiss lkon Stereo Ideal was a 1926 drop bed camera from Ico. Many more www.stereoview.orq Afrrwhrr, Zeiss lkon stereo cameras can be seen in "Zeiss lkon and Stereo Photography" lntrnrntior~nl.Str~rclncn~pit C'nior! by Dieter Lorenz, page 4. Comments and Observations john Dennis 50 Years! everyone concerned, it proved to cent Hospital, where he noticed t's a bit of a shock to realize it be a benign, slow growing mass Sylvia's name on MRI scans of cur- was 50 years ago that a low bud- without intrusions into brain tis- rent patients and visited her short- get 3-D production called Rwana sue, and was removed successfully ly after the operation. He was I three days after its discovery. delighted that she recognized him, Llevil was drawing audiences to theaters in record numbers and Within a few minutes of waking and caught up with me later in a kicking off the brief Hollywood up following surgery, she felt more cafeteria line to talk about the 3-D movie frenzy of of the early alert than she had for some time amazingly small world of both 1950s. While I never saw Bwana and her memory now again easily stereo and brain surgery. Devil, I used every resource of an surpasses mine. She has upgraded Just when this issue was finally enthusiastic ten year old to make it the NSA membership records to a close to completion, Art Director to all of the subsequent 3-D films level of organization far above that Mark Willke was incapacitated appearing at the two theaters with- of my already chaotic SW editorial with what at first seemed like the in walking distance of my house. office, which had also suffered the flu. His symptoms progressed to a After we saw It Came From Outer effects of my distraction before, point where his doctor ordered an Space, my father arranged a visit to during and after her surgery. ultrasound at St. Vincent to check the projection booth. I felt like It should probably come as no his liver for possible food-borne some kind of honored royal guest, surprise that there was a 3-D con- hepatitis. On duty that night to being allowed to watch the huge nection to our sudden and intense interpret the resulting images for reels feeding the two linked projec- medical adventure. NSA member, him was, you guessed it, John Roll. tors beaming their glowing images master stereographer, and neuro- Fortunately, all tests for hepatitis through the big polarizers hung surgical imaging specialist John were negative and Mark soon over the outside of the projection Roll had recently moved to Port- regained the energy to complete me ports. I saved every pair of 3-D land and joined the staff at St. Vin- the layout of this issue. glasses along with The Story of 1)olaroid 3-0 Movies folder handed out at some showings (SW Vol. 28 No. 2, page 20). By the time the Peter Palmquist 1936-2003 first wave of 3-D comics appeared that same fall, I was hooked- s this issue was about to go to ary 11. He never regained con- along with, I suspect, many other Apress, we learned of the death of sciousness and died surrounded by future NSA members. Our feature NSA past president and noted his family. article by Ray Zone provides a fas- photographic historian Peter Eric A detailed memorial to Peter can cinating look behind the scenes Palmquist, who died January 13, be found on the NSA web site during the production of this cru- 2003, in Oakland, California. www.stereoview.org and a feature cial yet marginal film. While walking his dog in covering his prolific work in so Emeryville, he suffered a severe many areas of the history of pho- Due to Circumstances... head injury after a speeding car tography will appear in our next This issue was expected to follow struck him in a crosswalk on Janu- issue. mGB quickly on the heels of the previ- ous one in the continual effort to advance the publication schedule.
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