1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- SENATE 8283 initial advahtage had they chosen the course tures over the BBC, in which he pleaded the· of all mankind. Mortal man does not have of sneak attack? The Western nations, par­ sincerity of the Russians, the Russians were that power. It can be said for the Russians ticularly the United States, quickly disman­ engaged in delivering diplomatic notes to that they have been engaged fa( several cen­ tled their wartime Military Establishments. European members of NATO, the essence of turies in the rewriting of history to their So rapid and complete was the disarmament which were thinly veiled threats that if they liking and more lately have been engaged that we were caught flatfooted and ill pre­ strengthened their defense capabilities they in efforts to create a new type of man called pared when the Russian-inspired communist would be marked out for early treatment by Homo Sovieticus. We trust that Mr. Kennan war of aggression broke out in Korea. There atomic warfare launched from the Soviet will henceforth ·not engage in the same kind never has been any threat of aggression from Union by missiles. It is only fair to ask who of activity. the West so what motivated the Russians to is rattling the atomic bomb and who is These are the main trends of thought, as keep such a massive military striking force threatening atomic warfare unless a settle­ I see them, expressed in the Reith Lectures in being? ment of differences is entered into, on terms delivered by Mr. George Kennan. There is Mr. Kennan also advances the idea, con­ dictated by the Russians? Mr. Khrushchev's much marshmallow and honey interspersed trary to the reasonable estimates of respon­ recent demonstration of diplomacy by ulti­ between the lines, but this is the basic mes­ sible leaders in the Free World, that the matum can hardly be taken as proof of the sage he intended for his listeners. Russians are sincere in their claims for peaceful intentions of the Kremlin leaders. There undoubtedly is confusion in the · banning use of the atomic bomb, both as a Mr. Kennan's greatest weakness lies in his minds of a considerable number of people military weapon and a diplomatic aid. He inability or unwillingness to recognize that in Great Britain as to just who Mr. Kennan, had this to say on the matter: "Surely basic Communist doctrine calls for world former American career diplomat and now everyone, our adversary no less than our­ conquest by any and all means. The Rus­ assuming the role of historian, represents. selves, is tired of this blind and sterile com­ sian leaders reaffirmed this doctrine as late He does not carry any infiuence in the coun­ petition in the ability to wreak indiscrim­ as last October by a manifesto issued in cils of either the Democratic or the Republi­ inate destruction." All sane men wish this connection with the 40th anniversary of the can Party, the two major political parti-es. were true but the realities of fact do not Bolshevik revolution. This objective coin­ His "containment policy" was draped around support this sweeping statement. Not quite cides with the centuries-long dream of the the neck of the Democratic Party by theRe­ 4 years ago the Russians launched a propa­ Russians, a fact which Mr. Kennan also re­ publicans in the 1952 national elections, a ganda offensive in 'which they attempted to fuses to accept. In speaking of the prospects maneuver which cost the Democrats the sup­ convince free people that the only alterna­ for a political settlement in Europe he makes port of many millions of thinking Americans. tive to an atomic war was what they called this startling observation: "I do not think He has never stood for public office in the "peaceful coexistence." They used the same we know what the Russians do want." He United States, though it is said he did offer loose generalities peculiar to Mr. Kennan in would have been in much better grace and to do so if he could be assured of nomination explaining what they meant by "peaceful co­ surely more accurate had he said: "I do with no opposition. It appears that he is existence." The well informed on Commu­ not think I know what the Russians do rapidly losing what few public supporters nist doctrine knew that this was a tactic want." It is distinct disservice to thinking he had through his newly assumed role as developed by Lenin to lull the non-Com­ Americans to say that they do not know historian. A real disservice to Anglo-Ameri­ munist world to sleep, to cause free men to what the Russians are up to. can relations will result if the BBC listeners drop their defenses and thus to be easy prey The BBC lecture series by Mr. Kennan assume that the proposals advanced in the to internal subversion and armed attack. leaves no doubt as to what he personally Kennan lectures have any credibility on the More lately, Khrushchev announced that the wants at this stage of world affairs. He American public scene. first step necessary to "peaceful coexistence" wants a "clean slate." But he offers no prac­ In these circumstances, the British Broad­ was acceptance by the Free World of the tical formula for acquiring this much-desired casting Corp. might well give thought to status quo. By way of enforcing acceptance state of world affairs. It would be quite un­ sponsoring another series of lectures titled of this condition, Khrushchev threatened the fair to criticize him for not coming up with "The Kennan Fables." This would clear the people of Europe with the specter of atomic such a formula because it would require air and provide a basis of much good humor, warfare unless they agreed. Even as Mr. the instantaneous wiping out of the long because Mr. Kennan has forfeited the right Kennan was delivering the last of his lee- history of man and the immediate rebirth to be taken seriously on the Russian proJ:>lem. SENATE THE JOURNAL ORDER· FOR ADJOURNMENT ·TO On request of Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, MONDAY THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1958 and by unanimous consent, the reading Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ of the Journal of the proceedings of dent. I ask unanimous consent that Dr. Lawrence D. Folkemer, minister, Wednesday, May 7, 1958, was dispensed when the Senate concludes its delibera­ Lutheran Church of the Reformation, with. tions today, it- stand in adjournment washington, D. C., offered the following until Monday next. prayer: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE The PRESIDENT pro tempore. God of our forefathers, and our Father, Without objection, it is so ordered. who hast given us this good land for our A message from the House of Repre­ heritage, we humbly beseech Thee that sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its we may always prove ourselves a people reading clerks, announced that the House ORDER FOR CONSIDERATION OF mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy had passed a bill <H. R. 11399) relating URGENT DEFICIENCY APPROPRI­ will. Bless our land with honorable in­ to price support for the 1958 and subse­ ATION BILL dustry, sound learning, and high morals. quent crops of extra long staple cotton, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ Save us from discord and confusion, from in which it requested the concurrence of dent, I ask unanimous consent that it pride and arrogancy, from selfishness the Senate. be in order for the Senate to proceed and narrow partisanship. Help us in­ to the consideration ·of Calendar No. telligently to defend our liberties, pre­ HOUSE BILL REFERRED 1548, House bill 12326, the urgent de­ serve our unity, and mold into one ficiency appropriation bill. happy and consecrated people the many The bill (H. R. 11399) relating to kindreds and tongues that make up our price support for the 1958 and subse­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. land. - quent crops of extra long .staple cotton, Without objection, it is so ordered. Endue with the spirit of wisdom all was read twice by its title and referred those to whom, in Thy name, we entrust to the Committee on Agriculture arid LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM the authority of government, that there Forestry. may be justice and tranquillity at home, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ and peace, understanding, and good will dent, I announce that we expected to among the nations. COMMITTEE MEETING DURING have the Senate take up the depressed Direct and sanctify the deliberation of SENATE SESSION areas bill, after consideration of the this body, this day, to the advancement On request of Mr. JoHNSON of Texas, urgent deficiency appropriation bill has of Thy glory and the safety and welfare and by unanimous consent, ~he Labor been concluded. ·But we do not expect of Thy people, that their decisions may Subcommittee of the Committee on La­ any yea-and-nay votes to be taken rest upon the best and surest of founda­ bor and Public Welfare was authorized either today or Monday on that bill. I tions. In the spirit of Christ, our Lord. to meet during the session of the Senate make this announcement so all Senators Amen. today. may make their plans accordingly. 8284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE May 8 I express the hope that the commit­ to foreign aid to certain countries; to the favoring the enactment of legislation to tees which are considering emergency Committee on Foreign Relations. prohibit the sale and possession of knives The petition of Laura E. Short, of Brook-. known as switchblades. legislation of extreme importance will lyn, N.
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