t". Sons -^•ook Bindery Inc. iiprln.tJ^poi't, Ich.lean ko28U plan candy sale F ra n k D ul The Woman’s Missionary Society of First Baptist church is selling Kathryn Baich candy relea se d I this month to raise funds for mission projects Frank Dul, Jr. waa freed Wedneadgy, Oct A and local projects. Members of the group have after a Will County grand Jury ruled tfaarewai available boxes of Bike’s Originals, Katydids, insufficient evidence to return a ch arft'al Truffles and Imps; cans of Bike's Party .Nuts, murder against him. Dul had been am iW d cans of Bike’s Katydids, Mixed Party Nuts, Thursday, Oct. 2 in Eufala, Ala. on a warraW and Golden Crumbles, and Crunch bars. charging the former Chatsworth man willi tha Caramel bars, and Almond bars. 1974 slaying of his wife, Beverly. Authorities had earlier set a preliminary hearing for Oct. 7, but cancelled the hearing ia favor of taking the case to the grand Jury. Bazaar is Mrs. Beverly Dul's body waa diacom ad near Braidwood, 111. in April 1975, some seven months after her husband reported her miaa- mg from their rural Chatsworth home. She had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber October 25 bullet. Mrs. Glen Oehm and Mrs. Wesley Klehni are serving as co-chairmen of Chatsworth United Methodist Women's annual Bazaar The event is scheduled for Saturday, Qct. 25, Fire began and will be held in the new church at S. Fourth St. and Rte. 24. Women named as chairmen of the various committees include: Mrs. Wilbur Point, St., tired treasurers; Mrs. Roland Stalter, plants; in hay bale Mrs. I^eon Sharp, country store; Mrs. leshe Hanna, Christmas novelties; Mrs. Wayne Cor­ I jvmgston County Sheriffs Police reported ding, coffee hour; Mrs. Wesley Klehm and Iasi week that the Sept. 28 fire which destroyed Mrs. l>eonard Fairley, noon lunch: Mrs. Glen the gymnasium at Forrest High school started Dehm and Mrs. Robert Milstead, supper. Mrs. in a bale of hay brought in for the homecoming Clarence Bennett and Mrs. Willis Pearson are celebration earlier that evening. in charge of cashiers. Police said there was no evidence of arson. The doors will open at 8:30 a.m. with sales They did determine that the fire started in the of bazaar items until closing time at 7 p.m. bale in the gym's southwest corner, then The coffee hour is to be from 8:30 to 10:30a.m., MEMBERS OF THE PEORIA-BASED Mohammed Temple Shrine Band over the years Walter plays the upright alto in the band Approximately 80 caught the bleachers, and traveled upward, with noon lunch served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., traveled to Chatsworth Sunday afternoon, Oct. 12, to surprise Chatsworth people, including band members and their families, enjoyed the potiuck dinner engulfing the entire gym. and an evening meal from 5 to 7 p.m. Creamed resident Arthur G. Walter (front row, center), a member of the brass band for the and impromptu concert that followed in the Chatsworth Masonic Hall. (Inset) The F-S-W school board has yifiri»d E.I. chicken biscuits will be added to the buffet past 50 years. Ron Maurer, president of the band this year and a resident of Eighty-nine year old Arthur Walter and 9Tyear-old Fred Garrets of Lacon, are the Brown Architects of Indianapolis. Ind. to sub­ selection in the evening. Hopedale. commended Walter for his conscientious and faithful participation two senior members of the Shrine Band mit a contract to redesign the gym area. Con­ struction to replace the gym will not begin un­ til next spring. Local Jr. Women observe r III. Jr. Woman's Club week SINGLE COPY - 20C by Tami I.ivingston Research Foundation, Inc. The club has existed since 1936. In the past On the national level, domestic violence few years many items were bought for CAPS The Chatsworth Junior Woman’s club will was chosen as the special project for the next including a water cooler, slide, diving board, join nearly 200 junior clubs throughout Illinois two years by clubs of the General Federation. bleachers at the ball field, bases, and in observance of “GF'W/Illinois Junior The Federation’s goal is to bring about public playground equipment. ^teU ndccU /fft Woman’s Clubs Week" Oct. 19-25. awareness in the areas of child and spouse The Chatsworth Juniors are urging more abuse. This year Community Improvement CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS (60921), THURSDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1980 local women to join the club. The only Spina bifida, second most common crippler Project chairman Jane Dehm has the uptown ONE HUNDRED SEVENTH YEAR NUMBER 3 membership requirement is that the woman of newborns in the United States, is a special mini-park underway. This is a two-year ________________________________________________________ 1980. Cornbelt Press, inc. be at least 18 years old Chatsworth Jr. Women project of the Illinois Federation of Women’s project. The teen dance was held this summer started the year with 17 members, and have clubsiIFWCl. and a New Year's Dance is planned, along already added seven new members. Chatsworth Junior officers are co- with a write-in Mother of the Year contest, The club not only supports many local and presidents Nancee Livingston and Tami pumpkin contest, Easter Egg Hunt. t’PR Club samples community projects such as CAPS, REAL, the IJvingston, vice-president Carol Scher, training session. Arbor Day tree planting, and REAL project library, Iattle 1 -eague, and senior citizens, but secretary Mary Hoelschcc. and treasurer supplying tray favors and bibs for sei also supports slate-wide the Children’s Margaret Trost citizens at the nursing home. oriental dishes rtic Woman's dub held its regular riionthiv meeting Wednesday afternoon, Oi'l 8 at Board sets Trick or Treat times CAPS m eeting g o a l Tuesday night the town board added an ad­ have been granted an extra hour to be open facilitating the sewer connection work. Twcnt\ members were present and three ditional member to the new zoning board and that evening. in other action the board appro\ed a guests. Beryl Irwin, Rose Ixx-kner. and V:iilet .set hours for Halloween trick-or-treating in The board voted to transfer $40,000 from recommendation by trustee Ken Ashman that Kybur?.. Chatsworth. the municipal sales tax fund to a six-month the town purchase three no park The members \oted to donate $10 to the b> Jane Livingston onl) alternative to small group homes is an in- Mrs. Ullian Saxton was named to the zon­ money market certificate. July sales tax ing/wheelchair signs for the ramp corners on l ions dub and $50 to .Martin Luther Homes. The Chatsworth area is close to reaching its .stitutional setting. ing board to replace Charles Elliott, who, as receipts were $6,854.93. Ixicust street. The board also voted to pur­ I'he ways and rneans committee reported goal in the drive to raise $90,(X)0 throughout the Because of the time involved in making per­ administrator, is not eligible to sit on the chase and plant five trees in the town park to on their plans to have a Christmas house walk county toward the purchase of two group sonal contacts, further solicitation in the board itself. Town employee Jerry Birkenbeil com­ replace dead trees. The board also discussed on Dec 10. homes for the developmentally disabled. The Chatsworth area will be done by letter. Mayor Ken Sharp recommended that the mended the contractors who are putting in the possibility of picking up part of the bill for iVtartha Knipp announced that the ne.vl balance of the money neded to acquire the Anyone who has not been contacted, but board set trick-or-treating hours from 5 p.m. sewer connnections. He said they are doing a the clearing of the new mini-park. No action meeting, a continental breakfast, would be homes will be supplied by Martin Luther wishes to contribute to the project can do so by to 8 D.m. on Friday. Oct. 31. In addition, the fine job. and anticipates no major problems if was taken. held at the Sts. Peter and Paul rectory. Homes Society of Beatrice, Neb. sending a contribution to Mrs. Frank Liv­ board approved a request by tavern owner all goes as it has been going. Trustee Bill Knit- The group enjoyed Ken Rosenboom's The Residential Alternatives committee ingston, Chatsworth. (Checks should be made Bette Evans to allow for an extra hour of ties pointed out that the town employees had The next meeting of the board is Tuesdav. demon.stration on Oriental cooking and his iR E A I.i Launched the two-month c-ounty-wide payable to Martin Luther Homes in order to business on Halloween night. All local taverns also been doing an exceptional job at Oct. 28. sharing of some techniques he learned in a fund drive in August. The goal of the R E A L qualify as a personal tax deducton. Oriental cooking cla.ss that he recently attend­ project IS to begin providing small group hous­ Seven women and three men have assisted ed in Bloomington. The ladies e.specially en­ ing for developmentally di-sabled adults living Mrs Jane Ijvingston in the fund drive: Mrs. joyed sampling the end results of brown rice ui the county. The small group homes will be Elma Tnnkle, Mrs. .Noble Pearson, Mrs. Candy Day is success cooked in chicken broth, celer\ and beef, and super\ used minimally, but will allow disabled William Sterrenberg, Mrs.
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