CITY OF HASTINGS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Monday, March 18, 2019 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM New Employee Introductions Deputy City Clerk – Erica Henderson Fire & EMS – Joe Cysiewski Swearing-In of New Officers Police Sergeant – David Bauer New Police Officer – Jacob Willers New Police Officer – Nicholas Cross New Police Officer – Daniel Vomastek New Police Reservist – Michelle Caballero V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting and Workshop of March 4, 2019 VI. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE VII. COUNCIL ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED VIII. CONSENT AGENDA The items on the Consent Agenda are items of routine nature or no perceived controversy to be acted upon by the City Council in a single motion. There will be no discussion on these items unless a Councilmember so requests, in which event the items will be removed from the Consent Agenda to the appropriate Department for discussion. 1. Pay Bills as Audited 2. Accept Resignation: Planning Commissioner Jeff Deaver 3. Memo: Declare Surplus Property and Authorize Public Sale or Disposal – I.T. Department 4. Memo: Declare Surplus Property and Authorize Public Sale – Fire & EMS Department 5. Resolution: Approve Fireworks License for TNT tent at Wal-Mart parking lot 6. Resolution: Approve Lawful Gambling Premise Permit for Irish Football Boosters 7. Resolution: Support of Comprehensive Transportation Funding IX. AWARDING OF CONTRACTS AND PUBLIC HEARING These are formal proceedings that give the public the opportunity to express their concern, ask questions, provide additional information, or support on a particular matter. Once the public hearing is closed, no further testimony is typically allowed and the Council will deliberate amongst itself and with staff and/or applicant on potential action by the Council. Sign up to receive automatic notification of Council agendas At [email protected] or by calling 651-480-2350 City Council packets can be viewed in searchable format on the City’s website at http://www.hastingsmn.gov/city-government/city-council/city-council-agendas-and-minutes 1. Public Hearing – Proposed Special Assessments for 2019 Neighborhood Infrastructure Improvements Program X. REPORTS FROM CITY STAFF These items are intended primarily for Council discussion and action. It is up to the discretion of the Mayor as to what, if any, public comment will be heard on these agenda items. A. Public Works 1. Resolution: Approve Special Assessments for 2019 Neighborhood Infrastructure Improvements Program 2. Update on Spring Flood Forecast & Request to Authorize Flood Preparation Actions B. Community Development C. Administration 1. Approve 2019 Historic Downtown Hastings Cruise-In XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS XII. NEW BUSINESS XIII. REPORTS FROM CITY COMMITTEES, OFFICERS, COUNCILMEMBERS XIV. ADJOURNMENT Next Regular City Council Meeting: Monday, April 1st, 2019 7:00 p.m. Sign up to receive automatic notification of Council agendas At [email protected] or by calling 651-480-2350 City Council packets can be viewed in searchable format on the City’s website at http://www.hastingsmn.gov/city-government/city-council/city-council-agendas-and-minutes Hastings, Minnesota City Council Minutes March 4, 2019 The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota met in a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Hastings City Hall, 101 East 4th Street, Hastings, Minnesota. Members Present: Mayor Fasbender, Councilmembers Balsanek, Braucks, Folch, Lund and Vaughan. Members Absent: Councilmember Leifeld Staff Present: Interim City Administrator Julie Flaten City Attorney Dan Fluegel Presentation: Dakota County Library’s 2018 Annual Report Pleasant Hill Library Director Julia Carlis presented the report. Approval of Minutes Mayor Fasbender asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting on February 19, 2019. Minutes were approved as presented. Consent Agenda Councilmember Balsanek motioned to approve as presented, seconded by Councilmember Folch. Ayes, 6; Nays, 0. 1. Pay Bills as Audited 2. Resolution No. 03-01-19: Accept Donation to the Parks & Recreation Department for a Memorial Bench from the Zuzek Family 3. Resolution No. 03-02-19: Support of the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago Second Train 4. Resolution No. 03-03-19: Authorizing Application to Minnesota GreenCorps 5. Memo: Authorize Police Department Building Roof Project, Chiller, and Budget Amendment 6. Special Event Designation: The Longer Table 7. Memo: 2019 Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Program 8. Memo: Approve 2019 Dakota County Drug Task Force Contract Amendment Approval of City Administrator Executive Search Firm Flaten introduced the item requesting Council to accept the proposal from The Mercer Group for Executive Search Firm Services to assist with recruiting and hiring a City Administrator. The Mercer Group is a well-respected executive search firm who have conducted numerous nationwide top City official searches. Recently they have conducted City Administrator/Manager searches for the cities of Forest Lake, South St. Paul, and West St. Paul. Jim Miller will be the main contact for the City Council and staff during the search process. Council discussion on the quality of the proposals received and the strength of the firms interviewed, availability, dependability, and experience of Jim Miller, staying on track with the timeline of the recruitment/hiring process of the City Administrator. Councilmember Balsanek motioned to approve as presented, seconded by Councilmember Vaughan. Sign up to receive automatic notification of Council agendas At [email protected] or by calling 651-480-2350 City Council packets can be viewed in searchable format on the City’s website at http://www.hastingsmn.gov/city-government/city-council/city-council-agendas-and-minutes Ayes, 6; Nays, 0. Mayor Fasbender and Councilmembers made the following announcements: Planning Commission meeting on Monday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall HEDRA meeting on Thursday, March 14th at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall Alternative Spring Break March 11th – March 14th at Hastings High School New employee reception in the Community Room at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 18th Councilmember Vaughan will attend the MN High-Speed Rail Commission meeting on Thursday, March 7th Police Reserve Banquet on Wednesday, March 20th Councilmember Folch stated the final Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lab was held. Appreciation shared for the commitment by the community to this initiative Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilmember Balsanek, seconded by Councilmember Vaughan. The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. ____________________________ ______________________________ Mayor Fasbender, Mayor Julie Flaten, City Clerk Sign up to receive automatic notification of Council agendas At [email protected] or by calling 651-480-2350 City Council packets can be viewed in searchable format on the City’s website at http://www.hastingsmn.gov/city-government/city-council/city-council-agendas-and-minutes Hastings, Minnesota CityCouncilWorkshop March4,2019 TheCityCounciloftheCityofHastings, MinnesotametinaworkshoponMonday, March 4,2019 at5:30p.m.in theVolunteerRoomattheHastingsCityHall,101 East4th Street, Hastings, Minnesota. MembersPresent: MayorFasbender, CouncilmembersBalsanek, Braucks, Lund, Folch, Vaughan MembersAbsent: CouncilmemberLeifeld StaffPresent: InterimCityAdministratorJulieFlaten CityAttorneyDanFluegel PublicWorksDirectorNickEgger FinanceManagerMelanieLammers MDHStaff KarlaPeterson, CommunityPublicWaterSupplyUnit Stantec: RyanCapelle, HenryCroll Theworkshopconvenedat5:30p.m. PublicWorksDirectorNickEgger, providedapresentationwhichdiscussedotherpotential threatstotheCitywatersystemfromPerfluoroalkylSubstances (PFC) andNitrates. Current levelsinHastingswellsandpossibleMinnesotaDepartmentofHealthchangestomaximum allowedlevelwerediscussed. Eggerprovidedinformationonthetypeofwaterdisinfection methodutilizedbymanypeercommunities. Staffisrecommendingthegaschlorinationmethodofpermanentwaterdisinfection. This methodiswidelyusedandhighlyeffectiveatprotectingagainstcontaminationwhilewaterisin transportthroughoutsystem. Themethodprovidesconstantchlorineconcentrationwhichwill minimizetasteandodorvariability. Theapproximateinitialcapitalcostis $440,000and ongoingcostsareestimatedat $44,000annually. Lammerspresentedthreeoptionsforfundingthegaschlorinationmethod. Thepreferredoption utilizesWACfundbalanceandasmallerportionofwaterfundbalance. Thisoptionprovidesfor theleastimpactonutilityrateincreasesinthefuture. CouncildiscussiononnitratesandPFClevelsinwatersystemandwhenthesemayneedtobe addressedinthefuture. Council alsodiscussedtheoptionof doing“ nothing”or providingno permanentdisinfectionmethod. AttorneyFluegelprovidedhisassessmentoftherisksthat choicemayposetotheCity. Alternative timesofyeartochlorinateandpeople’sperceptionof chemicalingestionwerealsodiscussed. Councildiscussedtheimportanceofcommunication CityofHastings January22,2019 CityCouncilWorkshopMinutes Page2of2 withthepublictopromoteanunderstandingofwhypermanentdisinfectionisapublicsafety issue. NextstepsincludeacommunityopenhousewiththeDepartmentofHealthinlateMarchor earlyApril. Staff willbringrecommendationtofullcouncilforapprovalafterreceivingpublic input. ADJOURNMENT MotiontoadjournbyCouncilmemberVaughan, secondedbyCouncilmemberBalsanekat 6:55p.m. MaryFasbender, Mayor JulieFlaten,
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