Vol. 102 No. 154 Sunday, December 25, 2011 75¢ Plus tax Sheriffs oppose Happy holidays! additional Snow in Florida? ...Page 11 Bass gambling tourney is a in Florida success TALLAHASSEE—The Florida Sheriffs As- ... sociation (FSA) has announced its opposi- tion to the expansion of all forms of gam- Page 8 bling in the state. The FSA release stated that Florida sher- Lake Levels MMerryerry CChristmashristmas ttoo AAll!ll! iffs in particular oppose an increase in casi- SSantaanta CClauslaus ttookook ttimeime ooutut ooff hhisis bbusyusy hholidayoliday sschedulechedule ttoo sstoptop bbyy no-style gambling due to the proven likeli- hood of increased criminal activity, higher 13.74 feet tthehe OOkeechobeekeechobee CCountyounty PPublicublic LLibraryibrary oonn DDec.ec. 2211 ttoo vvisitisit wwithith llocalocal demands on law enforcement resources Last Year: 12.54 feet cchildrenhildren aatt sstorytory ttime.ime. FForor mmoreore pphotos,hotos, sseeee oourur FFacebookacebook ppage.age. and detrimental impacts on society. Okeechobee County Sheriff Paul May 6SRQVRUHG%\ said he agrees with views of his fellow sher- iffs. “I fully support the sheriff’s association’s Corps releasing water from lake stand on that,” he said. 3RJH\·V)DPLO\5HVWDXUDQW According to the FSA press release, na- 63DUURWW$YH The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jack- the freshwater tapegrass and other submerged tional studies have demonstrated that casi- sonville District announced Friday that it will aquatic vegetation. no-style gambling creates additional crime. Source: South Florida Water make a series of two water releases from Lake “Improvement of salinity conditions was The increase in crime is often attributed to Management District. Depth given Okeechobee to send additional fresh water into shown from the last pulse release,” said Antho- the infl ux of tourists and the common prac- in feet above sea level the Caloosahatchee Estuary. ny Rodino, Hydraulic Engineer with the Jack- tice of promoting free alcohol or drink spe- The Corps will make these releases in a sonville District’s Water Management Section, cials to gamblers. pulse-like manner to mimic rainfall events. The “but due to dry conditions, a continuation of In addition, the high wages and win- releases started on Friday Dec. 23, with another fresh water releases is desirable for the overall nings at stake attract criminals committing release to begin on Dec. 30. The target fl ow to benefi t of the estuary.” burglary, larceny and auto thefts—all of the Caloosahatchee Estuary for each release is On Friday, the lake stage was 13.74 feet. The which generally are higher around casino See page 4 for information about an average of 450 cubic feet per second (cfs) lake is currently within the Operational Band of areas, continued the release. how to contact this newspaper. over each seven-day period, as measured at the 2008 Lake Okeechobee Regulation Sched- In some cases these crimes are being W.P. Franklin Lock and Dam (S-79) east of Fort ule (2008 LORS). At current levels, the Corps committed by compulsive gamblers who newszap.com Myers. may make releases up to 450 cfs to the Caloo- need to feed their addiction. Criminals prey Minimum freshwater releases to the Ca- sahatchee Estuary and 200 cfs to the St Lucie. on tourists and other individuals who have Free Speech Free Ads won large amounts of cash. loosahatchee River are critical in maintaining “We have seen no negative effects on lake health in the estuary, according to a Corps “The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) stages from the previous pulse release,” Mr. stands behind Attorney General Pam Bondi spokesperson. These low volume releases are Rodino said. expected to prolong the benefi ts of lowered in her opposition to the expansion of gam- salinities, reducing impacts and degradation of See LAKE — Page 12 See CASINOS — Page 12 Welcome to Brahman Country port for up OH r S S u B NEW STORE of Car Wash proceeds go to o a 1865 HWY 70 W Y s e w 15% Stop by the b o benefit OHS Athletic Dept. a 863 357 0106 h car wash l l HELP Support OHS Sports Program S 2 Serving the communitiesOkeechobee south News of Lake Okeechobee DecemberMay 27,25, 20102011 Special to the Okeechobee News/Grand Oaks Doll house raises money for charity The residents and staff and Grand Oaks ALF worked together to build a doll house that was raffl ed off on Dec. 16. The proceeds were donated to charity. Jennifer Dodd, Activities Director at Grand Oaks ALF, presented raffl e win- ner Janelle Thomas with the doll house made by residents and staff. Special to the Okeechobee News Toy drive successful Ultimate Gamer’s Christmas Toy Drive was a huge success collecting over 100 toys for the local Toys for Tots program. Thanks go to our local busi- nesses Ultimate Gamer, Stitch N Post, Radio Shack, Jersey Mikes, Cham- bers Trucking, Higgins Garage Doors, TD Bank, One Stop Party Shop, and Creech Construction. Okeechobee News/Diana Whitehall FFA member visits Kiwanis The Kiwanis meeting for the week was held at The Lodge at the Lake Family Restaurant. In the photo left to right are Clayton Williams who introduced his speaker, James Sharpe, State Vice President of the Florida FFA Association. James has been involved in the FFA organization since the sixth grade and his motto is faith, family and the FFA. He is very knowledgeable about the or- ganization and he presented the Kiwanis members an enlightening speech about the importance of agriculture, especially in Okeechobee. Local Forecast Weather forecast for Okeechobee County from the National Weather Service Local Forecast Christmas Day: Partly sunny, with a high near 82. Calm wind becoming south- east between 5 and 10 mph. Tuesday: A 30 percent chance of show- Sunday night: Partly cloudy, with a low ers. Partly sunny, with a high near 83. South around 61. South southeast wind around 5 southwest wind between 5 and 10 mph. mph. Tuesday night: A 20 percent chance of Extended Forecast showers. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 60. West northwest wind around 5 mph. Monday: A 30 percent chance of show- Wednesday: A 20 percent chance of ers. Mostly sunny, with a high near 82. South wind around 5 mph becoming east. showers. Mostly sunny, with a high near 75. North northwest wind around 5 mph. Monday night: A 30 percent chance of *All invoices must be paid in full to be eligible, promotion applies to residential customers only. Valid Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, with a December 1, 2011 ~ November 30, 2012 showers. Mostly cloudy, with a low around *Winners will be announced in the Okeechobee News. Call for additional details. 63. Southeast wind around 5 mph. low around 52. North wind around 5 mph. December2 25, 2011 Serving the communitiesOkeechobee south News of Lake Okeechobee May 27, 20103 Army veteran receives belated awards By Pete Gawda with these awards.” tion Medal, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Okeechobee News The Congressman recounted the details Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal and the National Defense Service Sometimes earned recognition is a long of Sgt. Martin’s heroic action following the Medal. time coming. That was certainly the case explosion of an IED (improvised explosive Currently Sgt. Martin is a criminal justice with Army veteran Adam Martin. On Thurs- device) that impacted the vehicle in which training coordinator at South Florida Com- day, Dec. 22, he was presented two awards he was riding. munity College. Before being called to active earned for heroism in combat in Iraq several On July 4, 2004, as a Military Police Team duty he was a police offi cer in Sebring. He years ago. Leader on a mission escorting a supply con- discovered he enjoyed training and when he He served in the U.S. Army Reserves from vey in Iraq, Sgt. Martin’s unit encountered a was released from active duty the instructor 2001 to 2007, achieving the rank of sergeant. vehicle born improvised explosive device. position at the college was available. The From May of 2003 to Aug. of 2004 Sgt. Mar- After the vehicle exploded, sending shrap- Okeechobee News/Pete Gawda regular schedule and holidays appealed to tin was with the 810th Military Police Com- nel, fi re, smoke and debris everywhere, Sgt. Sgt. Adam Martin, center, is surrounded by him. However Sgt. Martin is still a part time pany deployed to Kuwait and Iraq. Because Martin led the convoy to rally a mile east, his family. They are, left to right, daughter, police offi cer in Sebring. of service above and beyond the call of duty where they could fully assess injuries and Kylee, wife, Amy, daughter Sydney, Sgt. Sgt. Martin comes from a military fam- he earned the Combat Action Badge and damage. Martin, father, Charles and mother Betty. ily. His father is an Army veteran and several the Iraqi Campaign Medal with Two Service “Thank you for your service and God other close relatives have served in different Stars. However, for some reason, he never bless,” Congressman Rooney said. branches of the armed services. received those awards while on active duty. Sgt. Martin thanked the congressman “Always on Top of the Job” While it was defi nitely Sgt. Martin’s day, They were presented to him by Congress- and said he had waited seven years for the Congressman Rooney also received recogni- man Tom Rooney in a ceremony at V.F.W. awards. He said Congressman Rooney had tion. Bobby Schultz, District 11 V. F. W. Com- Post 10539 in Okeechobee. worked for a year and half to clear up re- mander, presented him with a Distinguished “He works hard for the military,” VFW cords so the awards could be presented.
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