r- tl^Ðn**t t Fisheries Research Bulletin No. r (New Series) The New Zealand Cetacea By D. E. Gaskin FISHERTES RESEÄRCH DIVISION, NEW ZEALAND MÁ.RTNB DEPÁ.RTMENT _l THE NE'üØ ZEALAND CETACEA , ,,i! ''it{ Pholograph fui D. E. Gaskin. Frontispiece : A blue whale (Balaenoþtera tnusculus) being flensed on the deck of the FF Southern Venlurt:r in the Weddell Sea in February t962. Fisheries Research Bulletin No. r (New Series) The New Zealand Cetacea By D. E" Gaskin* Fisheries Research Division, Marine Department, Wellington, New Zealand * Present address: Depattment of Zooloe¡ Massey lJnivetsity, Palmetston Noth FISHERIES RESE..q.RCH DIVISION, NE\Ø ZEAIAND MÁ.RINE DEP,{.RTMENT Edited byJ W McArthur Published by the New Zealand Marine Department, 1968 I{. [,. OWDN, GOVI':RNMENT PRINTDR. WELLINGTON. NEW ZEALAND-19ti3 FORE\TORD OvBn the past decade there has been a continued interest in the Iarge and small whales of New Zealand. This activity in the Marine Department and elsewhere followed earlier intensive work on the humpback whale in Victoria University of Wellington. As the humpback industry declined attention turned to the sperm whale. Substantial field studies of this species in local waters were made by the Marine Department. At the same time there has been a steady increase in the data available on strandings of the smaller whales. The circumstances make it appropriate to provide a handbook of the whale species fo-und in New Zealand waters. This bulletin is presented as a review of the available taxonomic and ecological data and not as a systematic revision of the group. Such a review as this would not have been possible without the aid of many people both amateur observers and professional scientists. J. W. Bnoorn, Acting Director, Fisheries Research Division, 3l January 1967. CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT It INTRODUCTION 13 MYSTACOCETI, WHALEBONE WHALES t+ Familv BALAENIDAE, Rieht Whales t+ australis, the Soúthern Right Whale t+ Eub'alaena t8 ::::::::: t9 Blue Whale 20 ack Whale 2I i Whale 2+ 27 Whale 29 umpback Whale 32 ODONTOCETI, TOOTHED WHALES 36 36 36 40 42 +3 +5 +6 +9 +9 50 5l 54 55 57 Pseudorca crassidens, the False Killer Whale 59 lotwhale 63 :. :: .. .. 66 67 r Cowfish Dolphin 68 eDolphin 70 :: :: :: :: 7l 72 /3 75 'u'oo:ln'" 77 .. :: :: :: BO SOURCES OF DATA 82 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 83 REFERENCES 8+ INDEX 90 FIGURES PAGE L e. l5 2. seasonally abundant round New Zealand 16 J. pbell Island between 19il and 1963 . T7 4. l8 5. a marginata on the New Zealand coast i8 6. blue whale 20 7. nlþtera musculus on the New Zealand coast 2l o. the southern finbaðk whale . 22 9. nsed on the deck of the FF Southern Venturer 23 10. - randings oî Balaenoþtera þhlsalus on the New Zealand coast 24 Balaenoptera borealis schlegeli, il. the southern sei wtralê 25 12. A sei whale on the deck of the FF Southern Venturer 13.Thelocalitiesofknownstrandingsof..sei,'whalesontheNewZealandcoast 25 26 14. Balaenoþtera edeni, - Bryde's whale 27 15. A stranded Bryde's whale at Motuora Island oo 'iii;#nîrr^;;,';äil;;;;:::i::':':':'""on|:**o*":^""ïo'*': 29 30 30 19. The head of a minke whale stranded at plimmerton 20. 3l wn ¿ on the New Zealand coast . 32 21. e la 32 22' on JJ between 1953 and 1963 JJ in the South-west Pacific and the Tasman Sea JJ the coast of New Zealand 34 36 ern Venturer 3t 28' The localities of known strandings of Phltseter catodon on the New Zealand coast 3B 29. Areas which were intensively wõrked by the American sperm whalers between 1790 and r 900 39 30. {ggia breuiceþs, the pygmy sperm whale 40 ll. Tlr" head. of a pygmy sperm whale stranded at Lyall Bay 4l 32. The localities of known strandings of Kogia breaiceps on thé New Zealand coast 42 33. Berardius arnouxi, the large beake-d whalë +3 34. The localities of known strandings of Berardius arnouxi on the |trew Zealand coast 44 35. liphius cauirostris, Cuvier's beaked whale 45 36. The localities of known strandings of /iphius cauirostris on the New Zealand coast 46 37. H2þeroodon þlanifrons, the southerñ bottËnosed whale 47 38. Mesoþlodon grayi, Gray's beaked whale 49 39. The localities of known strandings of Mesoþlodon gra2i. on the New Zealand, coast 50 40. The localities of known strandings of Mesiptodonheítori on the New Zealand coast 5l 41. MesoþLodon laltardi, the strap-toothed whale 5l 42. 4.-female-strap-toothed whale stranded at Castlepoint . 52 43. The head of a female strap-toothed whale strand'ed at Makara . 53 44. The localities of known stràndings of Mesoplodon Laltardi on the New Zealand coast 53 45. Mesoþlodon bowdoini, Andrews's btaked wliale 54 46. The head of a female Andrews's beaked whale stranded at Stewart Island 55 +7. bou.¡doini on the New ZeaÌand coast 55 to. 56 +9. tlsiand :: :: :: 56 50. sheþherdi on the New Zealand coast 57 51. Urcznus orca, the killer whale 57 52. The head of a killer whale stranded at Paraparaumu Beach 58 FIGURES-continued PAGE 53. The localities of known strandings of Orcinus orca oÍr the New Zealand coast 5B localities of confirmed sightiígs of Orcinus orca in the New Zealand atea 60 S+. ffr. 6l 55. Pseudorca crassidens, the false killer whale 56. The localities of káown strandings of Pseudo'ca crassidens on the New Zeaìand coast 62 OJ 57 . Globicephata , the s-outhern- pilot whale 58. The hêad o stranded at Ngunguru 63 59. The localiti andings and silhtings of Globi.cephala melaena in the New Zezlanà alea 6+ 60. The localities of strandings of "blackfish" which could have been either Globicephala 66 m¿laena or Pseudorca crassidens 68 61. 62. dolPhin or cowfish dolPhin 69 63. t Motueka River 69 6+. s of Tursioþs truncatus on the New Zealand coast 70 7T 65. Lissodetþhis þeroni, the southern right whale dolphin 66. Movementi of southern right whale dolphins 72 67. Steno bredanensis, the rough-toothed dolphin t3 68. IJ 69. 74 70. 7+ 7I. us delphis on the New Zealand coast 75 72. Sightings of the common dolphin round New Zealand 76 73. Såsona"l variation in the conðentration of common dolphins in the Hauraki Gulf 74. Areas in the Hauraki Gulf where the common dotphiñ was consistently found by the MV Ocean Star 77 75. Lagenorhltnchus cruciger, the southern white-sided dolphin Itt 76. bscurus, the dusky dolphin to 77. n stranded at Island Bay to to. f known strandings o1 Lagenorhlnchus obscurus on the New Zealanà coust 79 79. C eþhalorh2nchus hectori, Flector's dolphin 80 80. The localities of known strandings of Ceþhalorþtnchus hectori on the New Zealand coast 80 TABLES PAGE l. Numbers of right whales caught offthe New Zealand coast since 1915 15 , Campbell Islañd right whale sightings between l9ll and 1964 l5 J. Sighfings of right w:hales at CampbeIl Island month by month I6 +. New Zealand strandings of Caþerea margxnata l9 5. New Zealanld strandings of Balaenoþtera musculus 2l 6. Blue whales taken at Tory Channel, 193047 2t 7. New Zealand strandings of Bahenoptera þhltsalus 23 8. New Zealand strandings of "sei" whales 26 9. Length-sex ðata ofcatches of Balaenoþtera edeniby the Great burri., Iriårrd whaling station in 1956, 1957, 1959, and 1961 28 10. New Zealand strandings of Balaenoþtera acutorostrata 3l I 1. Sightings of humpback whales on the coast of New Zealandin l95a and 1963 .. :: 35 12. New Zealand strandings of Phlseter catodon 39 13. Numbers of sperm whales taken by Tory Channel whaling company between April 1963 and December 1964 39 14. New Zealand strandings of Kosia breuiceþs 4t 15. New Zealand strandings of Berardius arnouxi 4+ 16. New Zealand strandings of /iphius cauirostris +7 17. New Zealand strandings of Mesoplodon gralti 52 18. New Zealand strandings of Mesoplodon hectori 52 Ib TABLES-continued 19. New Zealand strandings of 20. New Zealand strandings of 21. New Zealand strandings of 56 22. New Zealand strandings of 59 23. Ñ; Z¿;1;;d;"-il;i;nfirmed sightings of orcinus orca 6l 24. New Zealand strandings of Pseudorca õrassidens 62 25. New Zealand strandings and sightings off GlobiceþhalaGIo melaena 65 26. New Zealand strandings of "blackfish'¡,' ", whichw could be either Gíoiicephala'*¿*no L, Pseudorca øassidetts 67 New Zealand strandings of 70 New Zealand strandings of t5 New Zealand strandings of rus 79 New Zealand strandings of ri BI ,\BSTR,{.CT Available material on occurrence (much of it previously unpublished) .is ,rr**.rir"¿ in this paper for 30 species àf cetacean knõwn or reported to occur in New Zealand waters. Those whose occurrence has been confirmed are; Eubalaena australis, Caþerea Lagen suspected to occur and^also,a species of Sfuno or Stenella as y.i"îa of Steno bredanensis and Stenella euþhroslne are discussed, but are not The biology and distribution of each s Sighting and stranding data slggest that eait and west coasts of New Zealand in s discussed, and the catches Where sufficient data ate Ziplnäð.ae in New Zealarrd' waters are discussed. il INTRODUCTION Forty-six years have elapsed since the last of right whales declined, the humpback whale Whaling general reviews of the Cetacea occurring in New became the mainstay of the industry' Zealand waters were published (Olivet, 1922b in New Zealandhas been reviewed by Ommanney bY arLd 1922c). The only general work previously described available was a guide book to the group producecl by Waite (1912), which was limited in scope. ïÏ.:::,"'"1 Little research on cetacean distribution was on (in TorY carried out in New Zealand before 1950. Ceta- Channel, Cook Strait) was able to operate from cean studies in the last century were mainly lB90 to 1963 with hardly a break.
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