J 1 *itai^aM^<HB*a THE V/ Botanical Gazette; A PAPER or BOTANICAL NOTES EDITED BY JOHN M. AND M. S. COULTER. Volumes V and VI. Crawfordsville and Logansport, Indiana. 1880— t88i. KB ^ vol. €" ^ INDEX TO VOLUMES V AND VL Pagp. Cafalpa speciosa, Wanler, n. sp 1, 33 309 Acorns and their frerminatiou .. 71 Cedar-apiiles ol If. S .\dditioii8 to F). of N. Am 223, 3:^5 Cercospora Tili:u, n. sp 377 I'iCidium Jainosiaiuim, u. sp •}* Chupuianuia 257 " polyguliiuim, n. sp 275 Characea' 20> 140 •'• Sarcobrtti, u. ep 340 Cheiromyces tinctus, n. sp 35 - 235 " Xaiithoxyli, u- sp 375 (ihcnopodium viride • Agaricns Brownei, n. up KiG Chesti ut, Crosn fertilization 1.59 144. 15.5, 188 " ccllariH, n. sp Chickcriu-i, J . W Albiniem 205 Chlorophyll 46, 67, 2)9 104 \lbiiio Arcthusa bulbosa 79 Clethra, Anthers of 64 A lopocurus saceatiis, n. ep 280 Cob;ea scauclens Am. Monthly Mic. Jour 48 Cochran, C. B Oil -1 Anders, J. M 80 Cocliicient of Contraction Andropof;on and Amarantaceje 273 Colorado Nott-.s of M. S. Jones 11 ,\uthcrs of Clethra 104 Colorado Plants 51) 31 > I)Iectrum byemale 248 Colored llowers and Insects AquileKia chrysantha 347 Colors of some western flowers 198 42 Arc-indicatori3, Easily made 173 CommelynacejB 301 Arizona, New plants of 183, 217 Comparative View of Fl, lud 313 n. sp 33 Arkansas Feme . .39, 189, Coniothyrium niiuutulum, 374 Plants .... 56, 84, 91, 139, 188, 215, 230, 273 Couoliea niultillda vrtemisia 238 Convolvulus senium, Rootstocks of 2.i6 annua **29 Arthur, J. C 133, 180 Coulter, Jno. M. .70, 95, 96, 10.5, 10(1, 174, 219, Asclepiad Plant, Moth entrapp-.d by 17 ;M1, 290, 301 94 Asclepiae, Notes on 64, 80 Coulter, .\L S 250 Asclepias uncialis, n. sp 64 '"ox, C'has.F 57 Asparagus for Histological study. 294 Cratfes-ue tomentos.-i, var. punctata 94 Agplenium Bradleyi 15 Cross-fertilization of Baptisia tinctoria " Trichomanes, Automatic '• " " Chestnut Tree 1.59 " " 243 movement 37, 43 in Cruciferie Asters 139 Cryptogams, Evolution of 241 " 164 Audibortia Vaseyi, u. sp 307 Terminology in - 357 Australia, Plants of 267 Curtis.sA.II 65,136,137,138, Curtiss'N. Am. Plants ''.). K!(; (.'omposite, 383 Bacteria the Cause of Blight 166, 371 Cynaroid A new Cynosurus 177 Hailey, L. H 44,76, 90 cristatus Cypripedium caudidum 343 liailcy. VV. W 33, 64, 79, 94, 135, 238, 366, 273 3r,9 '' JJanning, ;M0, 310 spectabile . — M. E 5, 165, r.aptisia calycosa : 89 -Marnee, C. R 4, 14, 32, 40, 54, 104, 175, 186 Darlington, Collection of ilO ,• 175 i;eal, W. J 303 Darwin, b'niiicis ... „ ••. 295 Heardsleo, H. C 43 Davenport, Geo. E 30, 48, 131, 18., 3()4, 243 i;ebb's Herb. Salicum 329 Davis, .J.J 136 l.enuett, A. W 46 Davis, J. T... •„ 21H I'.essey's Botany 96 DeBary, Modes of work in Laboratory 193, jiessey, C. E 173, 394 Delidiiuium scaposr.m, n. sp 156 14;i I'igelovia juncea, n. sp 184 Destruction of Insects 1)V Kiiniii 2-43 " rupostris, n. sp 183 Development o) Heat in"PhYtelephas 36 1 lig Trees of Indiana 69 Diatryi)e augulare, u. sp 22:5 r.light 166,371 Dic(aitra ochroleuca, n. sp 13H Boltwood, H. L 71 Digestion in plants 11 Jiotanical charts 186 Dimorpho-Dichogamy in Juglaus and Gary a. :a " Handbooks for Tourists 348 Discella variabilis, n sp 65 Index 34 Double-staining of vegetable tissues 64 " Objects for the Microscope 37 Double Thalictrum 91 I iotanic Garden at Cambridge 63 Downingia p:ilchella " " .,.'. 1.57 , Natural 70 DraOa Mogollonica, n. sp !^otany of California 174 " to the aid of Geology 13,34, 49 .56 Early Plants . Krandefcoe, T. S 125 j. 2s:J Eaton, D. C .131,^16, I 'ritish Moss-flora 185 Echinocystis lobata, Trichomcs of ]!^0 1-ulgaria spongiosa, n. sp 341 40 Elfectsof uninterrui)ted sunliuht o" plants. .. i;ulletiu of Torr. Bot.Club 32, 45 54 Electric light, Veiiutation >inder llun-ill, T. 271 J • 105 Embi-yo-sac, ))ev(dopment of ... .^- — bursting of Fruit of Euphorbia corollata 20 -«.i, 2.35 Engelmann, <; 1, 63, i).i, <i, Epiga'arepens, Doul)lo 3:8 44 Calamagrostis Howellii, n. sp 371 Ervtiirea Centaurium ' alifornia Plants 13i'i Es'chscholtzia Californica, n. sp 2:15 I 57 187 alkius, W. U Essex Co., Mass., Flora of Calluna vulgaris in 140 20 Mass Euphorbia coKiilat I, fSu.'stiug fruit Campanula scabrclla, u. sp " vcrsic'olor, n. s() IM < :anby, Wm, M 270 Evolution of Cryi)t.ogain8 341 ( 243 12 arcx aurea Exi'haiige Fraud " SuUivantii 94 " " a hybrid 169 Ml ( Farlow, W. G 'am ivorons Plants .. 148,161,170,198, 307 395 <'aruers 377 I'"ernery, An interesting New -System of Plants 1:51 Feru l/ist < drya, Dimorpho-Dichogamy in 11 ^9A) i\ i) . 1 INDEX CONTINUED. PoruB of Ai'knnsiiB :39, 189, 213 Lithospermum Cobreuse, n. sp 157 " " Flo-:da «, 137, 161 '• viride, n. sp 1.58 " " •' for sale 43 Littorella in Nova .Scotia.. 4 " " New Me?:ico 195. 220 Lockwood, S 14 .1. <« •' New York 248 Loouiis, E. 43 " " Tr'uidad, Fendler's 121 Lubhock, S'r J., Address of 268 " Notet* on rare 42 Lysimachia thyrsiflora 246 Fcrtilizatiou of Trumpet Creeper 302 Flint, W.F 42 Alagnolia graudiflora 270 Flora of Ind., Comparative view 301 Mail Rates for Bot. specfmens 32 Florida Plants 57, 65, 158 Marine Algre of N. E 246 Floridian Alp'ii! 138 Murtiudale, I. (; .38,303 Flowers and Insects 31 Marvbind Fungi 5, 200, 210 Foerste, A. F 264 Mead, IS. B.. Death of 1.50 Foliar Nectar G'auds of Populus 28 Meehan, Joseph . 264 Forest N oti^s 273 Meehan, Thos 11, 63, 64, 75, 152, 219, 245, Forestry in N. Am 141 247, 2,53, 265, 273. Franklin Co., Ivy., Plants of 44, 70 Melnnconium Typhre, n. ^p 275 FraxiuuH qnadriinijnlata 63 Melica Hallli,n.''sp 296 Function olChloroijhyll 46 Mesembryauthemum 88 Funici destroying; insects 143 ' " Now spc'ies of 33, 105, 226, 239, 274 Michigan Lake Shore Plants 76, 90 " Notes on Maryland 5,23,200, 210 " Plants 57, 76, 90, 2.55, 2.59 " on Anemone nemorosa Microscope, Preparing objects lor 27 Missouri Plants 230 Mistletffi Oa:bera 2.57 271 Germinat-on and 38 Mode.* of Teaching Botany 233 growth of parasit'c plants. " Godei'i), Rudimentary Coma 95 Work in Lab. of Prof. DeBary. .193, 204 Goodyera pubescens 264 Monthly Indt!X 95 Grasses, Some rew 173,271,290, 296 Morgan, A. P 164 Morong, Thos . ... 290 Gray, Asa 3, 4, 2.->, 27, 39, 53, «3, 75, 87, 88, 138, 185 .50, 89, Gray's Bot. CoutrihutiouB 106 Moths Entrapped by an Asclepiad 17 of Frond of Asplenium Trich- Greene, E.L 56,64,156, 183, 198, 217 Movement (irowtli of Trees 31 otnanes 27, 43 Mueller, Hermann.... 93 ( Jutteuberg, G 177 Mycenastrum n. 240 <;yninosporaugia of U. S 2(19 spinulosnm, sp NabalUR Ronnensis, n. sp. Halienaria brev'folia, ii. sp 218 155, 191 " Garheri, n. sp 135 Narcissus Canariensis 84 " v:resceu8 63 Nasturtium lacustre 264 Halsted, B 1) 20 Nectar Glands of Populus 284 Handbooks for Tourists 248 Nesreaverticillata 274 Cyuaroid Composite 2S3 Harvey, PL .15, 39, 50, 84, 91, 139, 189, 213, 215 New 230,273. New Jersey Trees 270 Heat in Phytelephas 243 New-Mexican Perns 19.5, 220 " Herbarium for sale 138 Plants, New Species 156, 183, 21T " of Brown Uuiv 149 New York Ferns 24S Hieracium auraulirtcuin 248,^265, 273 Nolina in Colorado 56 " cameum, u. sp 184 North Am. PL, Additions to 2-23, 235 Notulre Exiguaj Iligley, W. K 148, 161, 170, 198, 207 53, 63, 75, 87 Hill. E. J 259 Nova Scotia, Littorella and Schizaea in 4 Internal Hairs 250 Holway, E. W 77, 177, 243 Nuphar, Hoopes, .Josiah 90 Nymphacea- in Ark.... 139 Howe, E. C 94, 169 Nympha'a, Internal Hairs 250 " odorata 266 Howell, Thos. ,I 267 Hunter, E 178 Hygienic and Therapeutic Relations of House Observations on Triticnm repens 40 Plants 80 Ohio Plants 44,274 Onagraceie, Stipules in 137 Impurities of Drinking Water 141 Origm and survival of types. 83 I'linois Plants 71 Orobanclie, (iermination of 38, .53 Our £64 Indiana Plants 69, 259 Native Perns In.sects and Flowers ! 31 Intern ;il Hairs of Nympba'a and Nuphar 250 I'ackard, A. S 17 Introdnci'il Plnnts of Dallas Co., Texas 10 Painesville, Ohio, Notes from 43, 53 Isoetes laeustris 228 Parasitic Plants, Germination and Growth. 38, 53 Jackson, .Joseph SM2 Perk, Chas. II 33, 209, 226, 239, 274 .lames, Davis L 2ti6 Peltandra Virginica ... 219 .lames, .Joseph P 126 Peutstcmon paucitlorns, n. sp 218 '• Jones, M. S 11, 1.5, 40. 143 pinilblius, n. sp 218 .lum-iiH ruiriilosus, n. sp S>'\1.,._ Peronospora vilicola 177 J uglans, Dimorph -Dichogamy in 11 Perrett, Fannie J 291 Perulai'i.i viroscc:ns 63 Kentucky Plant.« ,.44, 70 Peziy.a spongiosa, n. sp 35 Kerguelen"s Land, Klnra of .... 30 Pbacidiuiu spursnm. u. sp 35 Phaseolus narvuliis, n. sp 217 Lankester. E. Ray 69 Phonia al bas-triat'i, n sp 33 Large Piiff ball 290 " colonitn, n. sp 34 Leaveiiwortliiu ill Mo. and Ark 230 Phyllosticta ,\stragali, n. sp 275 '' The Genus 25 Physalis griindillora 90 '• stylosa, n. sp , 26 Physiology of Plants 175 ' tojiilosa, n. sp 26 Phytelephas, Heat in 243 Lecythim macrosora, n, sp 35 Phytography. A. DC 77, 99 J...emna minor. Development of. 152 Pilen puniibi for sections 244 Lennon. W. II . 3^18 Pinus I'.ontoi'ta, Viiality of seeds 54, 62 Lepidiiiui CiHui)estre, L 14 " Revision of Geniis 58 Leptolhyriuni chromospermum, n.
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