ᷝઃ⾗ᢱ㧦 1. ⺞ᩏᣣ⒟ 2. ਥⷐ㕙⺣⠪ࠬ࠻ 3. ⷞኤ⸥㍳ 4. PRAA ⷐ 5. ࠠ࠻Ꮢߩ᳓ᣉ⸳ⷐ㧔EMAAP-Q㧕 6. ࡄࠬᏒޔࠛ࡞ࠕ࡞࠻Ꮢߩ᳓ᣉ⸳ⷐ㧔EPSAS㧕 7. 㕙⺣⼏㍳ 8. 㓸⾗ᢱࠬ࠻ 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 78 2009/09/14 18:27:30 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 79 2009/09/14 18:27:30 1. ⺞ᩏᣣ⒟ 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 80 2009/09/14 18:27:30 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 81 2009/09/14 18:27:30 SCHEDULE䋨1/3䋩 MISSION FOR BASIC INFORMATION COLLECTIO ON ADAPTATION TO IMPACTS OF TROPICAL GLACIER RETREAT IN THE ANDES No Date Time Place Activities Contact person 1 2-Mar Mon 17:10 ᚑ↰㪄㪟㫆㫌㫊㫋㫆㫅㪄㪨㫌㫀㫋㫆 Flight Quito 09:30 – 10:00 Reunión JICA Meeting Escuela Politecnica Nacional Profesor Principal: Ing. Remingo H. Gal (Department de Ingenieria Civily árraga S., Ph.D 10:30 – 12:15 Meeting Ambiental Unidad de Ciencias del 2 3-Mar Tue Resercher: Dr. Marcos Villacis Quito Agua) Yaku Parque Musco (Memoria del 14:15 – 15:45 Meeting clima) 16:15 – 17:45 EMAAPQ (BellaVista) Meeting Antonio Villacres 9:30 – 10:45 INAMHI Meeting Ing. Bolivar Cáceres Correa Dr. Edgar Ayabaca 11:30 – 13:10 EMAAPQ Meeting Mr. Jorge Povero Navera 3 4-Mar Wed Ing. Fernando Salgado Quito 14:20 – 15:10 MOP / DIPLASEDE Meeting Nelly Joramillo Instituto de Investigación para el 16:00 – 17:00 Meeting Sr. Francou Bernard Desarrollo Sr. Jorge Núñez - PRAA Ing. Fausto Alarcón - PACC 09:30 – 12:00 Ministerio de Ambiente, PRAA, PACC Meeting Sra. Irmu Suocz Escuela Politecnical Nacional, Instituto 14:30 – 15:00 Meeting Vulcanologa:Patricia A. Mathes 4 5-Mar Thu Geofisico Quito 16:00 – 16:40 Instituto Nacional de Riego Meeting Ing. Carlos Balarezo Balladares 18:00 Secretaría del Agua Meeting Ing. Jorge Jurado Sr. José Vicente Troya 09:30 – 10:30 PNUD (UNDP) Meeting Sra. Cecilia Falconí Sr. Walter Vergara 5 6-Mar Fri 11:00 – 12:00 Banco Mundial (W.B) Meeting Quito Sra. Cristina Medina Ministerio de Electricidad y Energía Subsecretario; Eduardo Rosero Rhea 14:00 – 14:40 Meeting Renovable Ing. Ramón Rodríguez 6 7-Mar Sat 06:00 – 18:00 Cotopaxi y viaja a Chimborazo Visit Riobamba 7 8-Mar Sun 07:00 – 17:00 Chimborazo y traslado a Quito Visit Quito 08:00 – 13:00 Volcán Pichincha Visit 14:00 – 15:00 Reunión JICA Meeting 8 9-Mar Mon Lima 18:15 Departure from Quito, Ecuador Flight 20:30 Arrival to Lima (TA028) 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 82 2009/09/14 18:27:30 SCHEDULE䋨2/3䋩 MISSION FOR BASIC INFORMATION COLLECTIO ON ADAPTATION TO IMPACTS OF TROPICAL GLACIER RETREAT IN THE ANDES No Date Time Place Activities Contact person 09:30 - 11:30 JICA Peru Office Meeting Ms. Ana IJU (National Technical 12:00 - 13:00 Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) Meeting Specialist from PRAA in Perú) 9 10-Mar Tue Dr. Ronald Woodman Pollitt Seniro, Lima 14:30 - 16:30 Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Meeting Pablo Lagos, Alejandra MartƯnez, Ken Takahashi Partoronato Museo de las Mountañas 17:00 - 18:30 Geological Suevey of Peru Meeting Andians: Ing. Benjamin Morales Arnao am Arrangement of Interview Appointment Meeting 11:00 Instituto Geografico Nacional Meeting Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e 15:00-16:30 Meeting Sr. Eduardo Durand Lopez-Hurtadp 10 11-Mar Wed Hidrología del Perú (SENAMHI) Lima Arrangement of Interview Appointment 17:00 and Internal work Meeting with Ing. Benjamin Morales 17:45-18:30 Meeting Ing. Benjamin Morales Arnao Arnao Institute National de Defensa Civil 08:00-09:05 Meeting Ing. Alberto Bisbal Tanz (INDC) 09:45-10:55 Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) Meeting Sr. Eduardo Durand Lopez-Hurtado Autoridad Nacional del Agua (ANA : Ing. Juan Carlos Sevilla Gildemeister, Lima 12:00-13:10 Meeting 11 12-Mar Thr Ex-INRENA) Mr. Marco Zapata Institute Nacional de Estadistica e 14:30 Visit Informatica (INEI) Arrangement of Interview Appointment 15:30 and Internal work am Arrangement of Interview Appointment Lima 12 13-Mar Fri Internal Work 17:00 MINAM Meeting Sra. Ana Saori Iju Fukushima 13 14-Mar Sat Internal Work Lima Departure from Lima to Huaraz by 14 15-Mar Sun 07:00-16:00 Huaraz 4WD Car Director Regional:Sr. German Velasco 09:30-11:30 INDC Huaraz Meeting Vallejos 15 16-Mar Mon Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Gerente General:Ing. Juan Tarazona Huaraz 11:50-12:45 Meeting Saneamiento (eps) Chabin S.A Minaya 14:50-18:20 ANA Unidad Glaciologia Meeting Sr. Marco Zapata Yungai - Ls Llanganuco - Punta 16 17-Mar Tue 05:00-20-30 Visit Sr. Marco Zapata Huaraz Plimpica 07:00-16:00 Chabin Visit 17 18-Mar Wed Huaraz 16:00-18:00 ANA Unidad Glaciologia Meeting Sr. Marco Zapata 18 19-Mar Thu 06:30-18:30 L. Paron Visit Sr. Nerson Huaraz 07:00-13:30 L. Llaca Visit Sr. Oscar 19 20-Mar Fri Huaraz 14:30-18:30 ANA Unidad Glaciologia Meeting Sr. Marco Zapata, Sr. Nerson Departure from Huaraz to Lima by 20 21-Mar Sat 08:00-17:00 Lima 4WD Car 21 22-Mar Sun Lima 22 23-Mar Mon 07:00-20:00 Glaciers of the Lima's hinterland Visit Lima 23 24-Mar Tue 07:00-16:00 Glaciers of the Lima's hinterland Visit Lima Arrangement of Interview Appointment am Internal Work 24 25-Mar Wed 12:30 Instituto Geografico Nacional Visit Lima Ministrio de Vivienda, Construccion y Directora General: Econ. Elena 15:20-16:30 Saneamiento / Oficina General de Meeting Mercedes Tanaka Torres Planificacion y Presupuesto Ing. Pilar Alva Tafur Gerente General: Jorge J. Barco 09:15-10:30 SEDAPAL Meeting Martinez Representante del IRD en el Peru / Director de Investigacion: Dr. Gerard 25 26-Mar Thu L'Institut de Recherche pour le Lima 14:30-15:30 Meeting Herail, Developpement (IRD) Hidro-Glaciologo: Dr Robert Gallaire Hidrologo: Thomas Condom Internal Work Intermediatry Technology and 09:50-10:35 Meeting Sr. Juan Torres Guevara 26 27-Mar Fri Development Group (ITDG) Lima Internal Work 27 28-Mar Sat Internal Work Lima 28 29-Mar Sun Lima 09:00-09:30 Ministerio de Energía y Minas Visit (Ing. Juana Sueldo, Ing. Alfredo Sausa) 11:00 Report to JICA Peru Office Meeting 29 30-Mar Mon La Paz 21:45 Lima-La Paz Flight TA039 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 83 2009/09/14 18:27:30 SCHEDULE䋨3/3䋩 MISSION FOR BASIC INFORMATION COLLECTIO ON ADAPTATION TO IMPACTS OF TROPICAL GLACIER RETREAT IN THE ANDES No Date Time Place Activities Contact person 0:45 La Paz Arrival 11:00 JICA Mr.Toshiyuki Ezuka, Mr. Atsushi 30 31-Mar Tue Meeting La Paz Kamishima 14:30 JICA Meeting Local Consultants 10:30-11:20 Viceministry of Public Investment and Mr. Harvey Rodriguez, External Finance (VIPFE) Meeting 31 1-Apr Wed La Paz 14:30-15:50 Viceministry of Hydro Resources and Ing.David Alconce Meeting Irrigation 16:20-18:20 Institute de Hydrology and Hydraulics Meeting Dr. Edson Ramirez 09:30-11:10 National Service of Meteorology and Ing. Carlos Días Meeting Hydrology (SENAMHI) 32 2-Apr Thu La Paz 14:30-17:20 Social Public Company of Water and Ing. Víctor Rico Meeting Basic Sanitation (EPSAS) 09:30-11:40 National Program of Climatic Change Ing. Ivar Arana Meeting 33 3-Apr Fri (PNCC) La Paz 14:25-15:50 L´Institut de Recherche por le Dra. Marie Danielle Demelas, Dr. Meeting Development (IRD) Edson Ramirez 07:00-19:00 Glaciers of Chacaltaya and Huayna Dr. Edson Ramirez Zongo 34 4-Apr Sat Potosí, Zongo Visit 35 5-Apr Sun 07:00-15:00 Hydroelectrics of Zongo Visit Dr. Edson Ramirez La Paz 07:00-15:00 Tuni-Condriri Dr. Edson Ramirez 36 6-Apr Mon Visit La Paz 09:30-10:30 Andean Regional Project of Adaptation Ing. José Luis Gutierrez Meeting 37 7-Apr Tue to Climatic Change La Paz 14:30-15:15 World Bank Meeting 09:30-10:20 Bolivian Corporation of Electric Energy Ing. José Ramirez Meeting 38 8-Apr Wed (COBEE) La Paz 14:30-15:30 Bolivian Hydroelectric Co. Meeting Ing. Gastron Lemaitre 09:30-10:40 Denmark Meeting Lic. Andreas Brogaard 39 9-Apr Thu 11:00-12:40 Simposio: Medio Ambiente Salud y Dr. Edson Ramirez, Dr. Sebastien La Paz Geologia Medica Hardy (IRD) 40 10-Apr Fri La Paz 41 11-Apr Sat Holly Week (Hollyday) / Internal Meetings of Mission La Paz 42 12-Apr Sun La Paz 09:30 - 10:40 Prefecture of La Paz Meeting Dr. Pablo Ramos 11:00 - 12:00 JICA Meeting Ezuka, Kamishima 43 13-Apr Mon La Paz 14:30 - 16:00 Viceministry of Environment, Ing. Juan Pablo Ramos Meeting Biodiversity and Climatic Change 09:30 - 10:40 Mayor of La Paz Meeting Dr. Juan del Granado 44 14-Apr Tue 11:00 - 11:40 Sweden La Paz 14:30 - 15:30 Mayor of El Alto Meeting Dr. Fanor Nava 45 15-Apr Wed 07:00 - 16:00 Visit to risky areas of Titicaca Lake Visit Dr. Edson Ramirez La Paz 09:30 - 11:30 JICA (Meeting with local consultants) Meeting Local Consultants 46 16-Apr Thu 20:00 La Paz -Lima (TA036) 47 17-Apr Fri Houston Flight 48 18-Apr Sat ᚑ↰ 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 84 2009/09/14 18:27:31 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 85 2009/09/14 18:27:31 2. ਥⷐ㕙⺣⠪ࠬ࠻ 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 86 2009/09/14 18:27:31 09-08-387_i-p163.indd 87 2009/09/14 18:27:31 ਥⷐ㕙⺣⠪ 㧝㧚ࠛࠢࠕ࠼࡞ 㧔1㧕ᐭᯏ㑐 Instituto nacional de Meteorologia y Hidrologia (INAMHI)㧦࿖┙᳇⽎᳓ᢥ⎇ⓥᚲ Carlos Paez Director Ejecutivo Ing.
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