www.ukrweekly.com The Ukrainian Weekly Edition СВОБОДА SVOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN BAILS VOL. LXXXI1I THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1976 25 CENTS Urge President to Act Catholics in U.S., Dies In Its Spirit Patriarch Josyf Leads Clergy, Faithful in Funeral Services PHILADELPHIA, Pa.-Archbishop WASHINGTON, D.C.— A Senate reso­ Ambrose Senyshyn, Metropolitan of lution in defense of Ukrainian political Ukrainian Catholics in the United States, prisoner Valentyn Moroz was passed by a died Saturday, September 11, 1976, after a voice vote Wednesday, August 25, a day prolonged illness which had incapacitated after it was reported out of the Senate him for almost a year. He was 73 years old. Committee on Foreign Relations by its Leading hundreds of clergy of various chairman, Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.). rites and denominations in the funeral The resolution is now in the White House. services last Thursday, September 16, was The resolution, numbered S. Res. 67, Patriarch Josyf Slipij who arrived here from "requests the President to express the Rome the preceding day. The remains were concern of the United States government for interred in the crypt of the Cathedral the safety and freedom of Valentyn Moroz, Metropolitan Ambrose built. historian, writer, and spokesman for the Last Tuesday, September 14, Archbishop cultural integrity of the Ukrainian people." Mstyslav, Metropolitan of the Ukrainian It was sponsored by Sen. Robert Taft (R- Grthodox Church of the U.S.A., offered a Ohio) on February 7, 1975. Co-Sponsors of Requiem service at the Cathedral of the resolution aie J. Glenn Beall (R-Md.), Immaculate Conception where the remains James L. Buckley (R-C-N.Y.), Robert of the deceased prelate lay in state. Griffin (R-Mich.), Hubert Humphrey (D- Metropolitan Senyshyn was born on Minn.), Charles Mathias (R.-Md.), Abra­ February 23, 1903, in Stary Sambir, ham Ribicoff (D.-Conn.), Hugh Scott (R.- Western Ukraine, the son of Timothy and Fa.), Lowell Weicker (R.-Conn.), Harrison Maria. When he was 10, he entered the Williams (D.-N. J.), Richard Schweiker (R.- Ukrainian Gymnasium in Lviv, which he Pa.), Walter Tvfondale (D -Minn.), and completed in 1921, with an interruption of William Brock (R.-Tenn.). studies for four years because of World War A similar resolution, sponsored by Rep. I. Joseph Minish (D.-N.J.), and other Con­ He entered the Basilian novitiate in gressmen, is still pending in the House of Krekhiv in 1922, where three years later he Representatives. completed his candidature and received the Ukrainian American community leaders name of Ambrose (his baptismal name was are urging all Ukrainian voters to send Andrew) in monastic life. He continued his telegrams to the White House expressing studies at St. Onuphrius in Lavriv for two Archbishop-Metropolitan Ambrose Senyshyn their support for the resolution and asking years. In 1927, he entered the Monastery of Krystynopil to study theology. where he continued his studies at the the President to act in it's spirit. Dobromyl and in 1929 he went to In 1931, the monk Ambrose was ordained University. into priesthood in Krekhiv by Bishop In 1933, Fr. Senyshyn emigrated to the Josaphat Kotsylovsky. He was first a parish U.S., where he was assigned as pastor in the Engineers For Committee priest in Krystynopil and then in Warsaw (Continued on page 4) To Defend Scholarship in Ukraine "Miss Soyuzivka 1977" To Be Crowned Saturday Lesia Ukrainka Monument to Be Unveiled During UNA Day Festivities KERHONKSON, N.Y. (September 16)- "Miss Soyuzivka 1977," the 22nd queen of the UNA estate since the contest's inception in 1954, will be crowned Saturday night, September 18, before an overflowing crowd at the "Veselka" auditorium. Along with the pageant, which caps the summer season here at the estate, the annual UNA Day festivities will be held during the weekend and include the unveiling of the Members of the TUIA and their Canadian counterparts discuss plans with UNA officers and Lesia Ukrainka monument Sunday at noon. Svoboda editos. Normally a weekend packed with UNA'ers, this Saturday and Sunday JERSEY CITY, N.J.—The Society of into all fields of scholarship, especially Soyuzivka is expected to draw more than the Ukrainian Engineers of America and the natural and applied sciences, the engineers average 2,000 guests because of the two Ukrainian Technological Society of have outlined a five-pronged program of events. Canada, two of the largest Ukrainian action which they intend to formalize during A panel of judges, unkown to the audience professional organizations, have joined in the 6th Congress of Ukrainian engineers until after the coronation, will select the new forming a special committee to defend the from the U.S. and Canada, slated for queen on the basis of her charm, beauty and rights of Ukrainian scholars in the USSR. November 13-14 in Philadelphia. activity in the Ukrainian community. All Deeply concerned over intensive Russifb First of all, the engineers intend to contestants must be members of the UNA. cation of scholarship in Ukraine, the perse­ establish close ties of cooperation and As the winners are announced from the cution of individual scientists, and methodi­ engage in joint actions with other Ukrainian (Continued on page 16) Anna Chornodolska cal proliferation of Russian terminology (Continued on page 5) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1976 UCCA Presidium, Executive Board Sarcastic Letter by Kalynets Shows Hold pre-Congress Meeting Harshness of Soviet Penal Camps NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA Supreme)- (ODFFU), by which it recalled Prof. Ivan HELSINKI, Finland.-In a bitingly arrived here) to my fellow political prisoners On Friday and Saturday, September 10 and Wowchuk as the representative of ODFFU sarcastic letter to the Soviet chapter of the in Chile," wrote Kalynets. 11, the Presidium and the Executive Board in the UCCA Policy Board, where he is Red Cross, Ukrainian political prisoner Ihor He changed his mind because he recently of the UCCA held their separate meetings chairman. After a brief discussion, the letter Kalynets wrote that he would give up one of learned "from the Soviet press, of course," which were devoted almost exclusively to was accepted as a matter of record. his two blankets to inmates more unfortu­ .that the Chilean prisoners are allowed to use the forthcoming Xllth Congress. nate than he, if, he said, that is possible, not only the bedding which they are sent or At the meeting of the Presidium, UCCA Executive Board according to the UIS "Smoloskyp". issued, "but also anything which they Executive Director Ivan Bazarko reported Kalynets volunteered to give up his extra brought from home." extensively on a number of specific actions On Saturday, at 2:oo p.m., 26 members of blanket, which he was able to conceal from "My continued efforts to find other of the UCCA, notably the events of the the Executive Board of the UCCA took part the camp officials, when he learned that all unfortunate prisoners in pro-fascist-like "Ukrainian Week," held from June 21 to 28, in the plenary session, chaired by Msgr. extra bedding would be confiscated and regimes (if there are others?) who need 1976 in Washington, D.C., which culmi­ Myroslav Charyna, a UCCA vice-president. burned. blankets were unsuccessful (probably be­ nated various festivities of the Ukrainian The agenda included a report by Prof. cause the Soviet press is not properly community in connection with the Bicenten­ Dobriansky, who expanded his report given "On October 8, 1975, in camp VS 389/35 informed about them)." he said. nial of the American Revolution and the to the presidium the previous night. He (in the Perm region) yet another of the camp Kalynets wrote that he appeals to the Centennial of the Ukrainian settlement in added that although the UCCA as such adminstration's humanitarian actions was Soviet Red Cross as a more authoritative America. cannot take direct part in the presidential conducted under orders of the well known organization, to help him find "a concentra­ In turn, UCCA President Prof. Lev E. and congressional campaigns, all members (beyond the camps, but not completely a tion camp where my blanket could be put to Dobriansky reported on his activities in of the executive organs of the UCCA should holy of holies) humanitarian Poliakov," use and not thrown away. (Somehow it is Washington. The report covered the Bicen­ be active in the party of their choice. wrote Kalynets. "All extra blankets and wrong to burn it, when you think that tennial events, Captive Nations Week Mr. Bazarko reported a complete agenda bedding were confiscated with much enthu­ somewhere there are people who are worse observances both in the U.S. Congress and of the Xllth Congress, which was read and siasm and hunter's accuracy from dangerous throughout the country; Congressional debated by executive officers point by point, government criminals, among whom were off—but where?) hearings on religious persecution in the and accepted unanimously. invalids, sick and old people." In a post script, Kalynets, who signed the USSR and an apparent reappraisal of policy Dr. Anthony Zukowsky, head of the letter "owner of two blankets," said that toward the USSR by the Vatican; his committee for the study of Ukrainian life, He said that since he is still young and these humanitarian actions are also carried participation in the Ukrainian Eucharistic reported on the work of the committee healthy, "though I get cold at nights under out by "members of the fairer and soft­ symposium in Philadelphia and at WACL during the past term. my two worn-out blankets—probably be­ hearted sex (and not only during this and ACWF meetings; the UCCA represen­ In turn, Dr.
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