Loss of status: Townson quits Advisory Council Alter 18 Dlonths on the job, the Council's DleDlbers (all Li­ Council. Without more woDlen of Monica Townson, vice-president beral appointees) · gives theDl her calibre, I just don't see it of the federal Advisory Council little understanding of or syDl­ coming." on the Status of W ODlen and pathy for the research activities A Dlember of the Ottawa director of its research prograDl, Townson Dlanaged. Association of Women and the has left the Council. She is now In fact, a significant nuDlber of Law said that all she knew about senior econoDlir. advisor to the Council DleDlbers appear to have the Council was Townson's re­ Centre for the Study of Inflation little understanding of feDlinisDl. search. "Does it do anything and Productivity at the Econo­ For exaDlple, at least 6 of the 27 else?" ntlc Council of Canada. part-tiDle meDlbers of the Coun­ Under Townson's guidance, Curiously, neither Marc cil (who function rather like its the Council has produced studies Lalonde, Dlinister responsible for Board of Directors) are meDlbers ·of sex stereotyping in advertis­ the status of WODlen, nor Yvette of the Catholic WoDlen's League. ing, problems faced by aging Rousseau, the Council's presi­ This organisation's position on women, the value of the house­ dent, has seen fit· to Dlake any abortion is so single-Dlindedly wife's labour, and the status. of public stateDlent about the anti-choice that cabinet Dlinister immigrant women (this last due August 15 departure. Indeed, as Jeanne Sauve (herself no pro­ for publication in October 1978). of August 24, Townson adDlitted choicer) took the group to task It has produced critiques of that she had not even received an for risking alienating younger every federal bill affecting woDl­ acknowledgeDlent of her letter of women and thus losing Dlembers en from pension rights to sexual resignation. and power altogether. offenses. Townson herself The next day, Rousseau said To such women, Townson's worked on the Hutnan Rights she expected Lalonde to Dlake an obvious non-alignDlent with the Commission Equal Pay Task announceDlent in "around 15 Liberals or any other political Poree and served as the resource days" when a replaceDlent for party-as evidenced by her in­ person for the consultations with Townson is found. Rousseau did volveDlent with the Ottawa eDlployers. not know who that would be, WoDlen's Lobby and the rape Another Townson achieve saying,"lt's not our business. It's crisis centre-Dlust have been ment was the agreeDlent she his responsibility." threatening indeed. And the fact negotiated with the Canadian The secrecy surrounding this that the research prograDl's coDl­ Life Insurance Association to event is in contrast to the recent Dlentary on Bill C-51 (porno­ 'share funding of a project to Monica Town80D: will the Counc:D'11 reseuch p with her? public fuss Dlade about Julie graphy) is still not listed as a study the implications for the . Lor~nger's proDlotion froDl the council publication available to next 10-20 years of woDlen zens Minus. This original re­ complained about the lack of Office of the Co-ordinator of the the public despite its release to forming permanent attachDlents search documents for the first distribution plans and the non­ Status of WoDlen. For Loranger, the press last spring, indicates to the labour force. The Council tiDle the history of legalized existent publicity. Maybe so, but Lalonde held a lavish reception that there is disagreement with­ will use these socio-economic discrimination against Indian one recalls that the "Sharing-the attended by people working on in the Council on the policies profiles to make recoDlmenda­ woDlen under the Indian Act. It Power" brochure, which re­ status-of-woDlen issues both in­ governing release of research tions to the government on ~ntradicts the widely-held as­ flected the PR interests of the side and outside the federal documents and the degree to policies such as job splitting and sumptions that the Act reflects Council's members, was distri­ governDlent. which researchers' findings are sharing, work patterns affecting Indian traditions and that it is buted widely for free and at­ It cpqld be that officialdoDl is expected to agree with the woDlen, and requirements for designed to protect Indian land tended by a DlamDloth publicity actually relieved to see the last of opinions of the Council Dlembers. shared parenting responsibi- froDl encroachments by whites. -campaign. One wonders there­ Monica Townson. This- past win­ "The research of the Advisory . lities .. The insurance companies .fore why the d~ribution of . tel', at a Swedish eDlbassy syDl- Council is a great help to us," will use the same data to identify The report is a Dlassive indict­ Citizens Minus is on an "as posiuDl, her outspoken criticisDl said Kay Macpherson, president their future markets and the ment of past governments for the requested" basis. In. addition, the of Finance Minister Jean of the National Action CoDlntlt­ needs of clientele. This study will injustices they created through study-unlike all other Council Chretien and the Liberal govern­ tee on the Status of Women. be out in the spring of 1979. the iDlposition of white values on Publications-has no interior in­ ment's ·tacit acce}>tance -of tfie ''The foss of Monica Townson is a Friends say the work Townson native cultures. It also makes formation telling how to obtain myth that woDlen are secondary blow. Everything she has said personally found Dlost satisfying clear why the present Lt"beral additionill copies. wage-earners, raised Dlore than has been right on the button. We was the joint project with Indian government-influenced by pres­ Rumour hath that the .Ad­ one Liberal eyebrow. And it is no need more research of the qual­ Rights for Indian WoDlen, which sures from the National Indian visory Council is now planning'to secret that the Dledia or public ity and character that has been culminated in the publication of Brotherhood-is perpetuating cut back the research program, if relations background of many of produced during her stay at the 'Kathleen Jamieson's study, Citi- the injustices and refusing to act not phase it out altogether or at and change the law. least restrict the subjects -Btu= Such content Dlay explain why died to "safe" areas. If this the report is so hard to come by. happens, Canadian women's Dla­ "Everybody. who's asked for a jor source of objective, non-par­ copy has received one,'·' one tisan research will be completely native woman was told when she down the tubes. lSeptember 1978 La· loi 43 encore sans effet par Lucie Masson Conseil du a+.atut de la feDlDle enceinte, sans perte de benefices, done pas plus protegees qu'au­ plus que 12 seDlaines de presta­ Des conflits juridiques et ad­ aux congressistes de la Federa­ des taches differentes pour la paravant. tions. ntlnistratifs qui ne connaitront tion des femmes du Quebec periode de sa grossesse. L'ordonnance sans laquelle Ia Cette situation etant, il va sans leur denouement qu'a la fin reunies en mai dernier. En confiant la responsabilite loi 43 demeure sans effet reste dire, in~ceptahle pour le gouv­ octobre privent. d'ici la les Que­ La nouvelle ord'onnance donne de la nouvelle ordonnance a la cependant a etre connue. Des ernement du Quebec, des pour­ becoises des bienfaits de la aux Quebecoises l'assurance de Comntlssion salaire miniDlum, le conflits opposant le federal et le parlers s0nt presentement en nouvelle loi sur le conge de pouvoir conserver et reintegrer gouvernement du Quebec a ainsi gouvernement quebecois sur la cour$ dans le but d'en venir a une Dlaternite adoptee au Quebec en leur emploi a la suite d'un conge accelere l'adoption de la loi, mais repartition des allocations . aux entente. En attendant les Que­ juin dernier et des $5.8 millions de maternite aux DleDles condi­ prive ainsi les Quebecoises n~n­ nouvelles meres constituent la becoiSes font lt:s frais de ces prevus a cette fin. tions ou l'equivalent. De plus la couvertes par la loi du salaire principale raison du retard con.hits constitutionnels .. La presentation de cette loi, feDlme au travail aura une minimuDl, les plus deDlunies en apporte dans la publication de Une deuxieme raison qui qui n'est en fait qu'un aDlende­ grande latitude dans le choix de SODlDle, des avantages du conge I'ordonnance. empeche la presentation a court ment a la presente loi du salaire la periode de conge. Des Dlesures de Dlaternite. Le gouvernement quebecois terme de l'ordonnance c'est le ntlniDlum, avait ete annoncee par seront egalement prises pour Les travailleuses a pourboires, voudrait que les $5.8 millions desire de la Commission· du Pierre Marois, Dlinistre d'Etat au assurer la securite de l'enfant a les travailleuses domestiques et destines aux conges de Dlaternite salaire miniDlum de consulter les developpement social et Lise naitre. Ainsi dans certains cas on les femmes qui travaillent pour le viennent s'ajouter aux alloca­ organismes et personnes inter­ Payette, Dlinistre responsable du pourra assigner a la femDle compte de leurs Dlaris ne seront tions deja versees par la Comntls~ essees sur les modalites d'appli­ sion d'assurance-chomage por­ cation de la loi. Des auditions, tant ainsi de 15 a 18 le nODlbre de dont la date reste encore a semaines de conge payes. Ce­ deterDliner, devraient avoir lieu FLECK: strike ends pendant un des reglements de la dans les prochaines semaines. n was your right to have a union.'' Last month the Ontario Lab­ CAC veut que- les soDlmes est cependant trop tard pour by Marilyn Burnett The contract provides for a 20 our Relations Board decided that versees a la nouvelle Dlere par un modifier les principes de '.'lase de to 24 cents an hour increase in there was sufficient evidence for •autre que son employeur soient la nouvelle ordonnance .
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