Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83704-0 - Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures Stephen James O'Meara Index More information Index A View from a Distant Star,227 NGC6873 inNGC 1365, 100 Abell 779,238 SailofCorvus, 305 inNGC 2655,241 Acker, Agnes, 6 Astro-1, 126 inNGC 4699, 342 Aitken, Robert Grant, 321 Astro-2 Spacelab, 295 inNGC5746, 369 Albino Butterfly Nebula Astronomy with an Opera-Glass,85 inNGC6503, 424 (NGC 2440), 204 AsymptoticGiant Branch (AGB) Black Swallowtail ButterflyCluster Albuquerque AstronomicalSociety, Stars, 40, 516 (IC 4665), 414, 416 371 Aunt Margaret’sMirror (Hidden Blade and Pearl Galaxy (NGC5746), Alessi, Bruno, 533 Treasure 29), 146, 149 368 Alessi J23407 +0757 (O’Meara1), Auwers, Arthur, 184, 423,425 Block, Eugen, 95, 110 530–534 Avery, Captain, 197 Blue Oyster Nebula, 120 Alexander, P., 316 Avery’sIsland (NGC 2353), 197 Bok, Bart, 166 al-Firuzabadi, 84, 85, 147 Bok Globules, 28, 166 AlHalbah(Coma Berenices), 310 Bailey, Solon Irving,253,414, 459 Bond, GeorgePhillips, 541 Allen, D.A., 90 Balick, Bruce, 322, 419 Bond’sGalaxy (NGC 7793), 541 Allen, Richard H., 169, 500 Balloon and Gondola, 31 Bonn Observatory,89 Allen, Richard Hinckley, 5, 33, 106, Barnard 30, 148 Bonner Durchmusterung,89 223 Barnard 33, 171 Bower, Gary, 342, 369 Aller, Lawrence, 322, 391, 448, 490 Barnard 77, 404, 406 Box Nebula (NGC6445), 419,421 Alonso–Herrero, Almudena,258 Barnard 78(Pipe Nebula), 404 Brahe, Tycho, 310 Alpha Persei MovingCluster Barnard 86 Brakel, Albert, 254 (Melotte 20), 83,85, 131 Barnard 160, 523 Branchett, D., 19,23 Al-Sufi, ix, 76, 147, 480 Barnard 161, 523 Brennon, P.,421 Al-Sufi’s “Nebula” (Collinder 399), Barnard 168, 505 Brocchi,Dalmiro F., 480 479 Barnard 348, 506 Brocchi’s “Cluster” (Hidden Alter, George, 19,23 Barnard 349, 506 Treasure 97), ix,479, 480 Ambartsumian, Viktor A., 198 Barnard 367, 523 Broken Heart Cluster (Hidden American Association of Variable Barnard, Edward Emerson, 26,27, Treasure 2), 18 Star Observers (AAVSO), 46,433, 440 Bruhns, Carl Christian, 184 36 discoveries of, 433,434, 481,491 Bug Nebula (Caldwell 69), 401 Anadarao, B. G., 305 Barnard’s Loop, 433 Burnham, Robert, Jr., 34, 83, 84, 94, Anderson, Jim, 22 Barnard’sRunaway Star(Hidden 149, 156, 189, 391, 404, 452, 481 Anderson, ThomasDavid, 76 Treasure 87), 433 Burning Bush Nebula (NGC 2024), Aratos, 386, 507 Barnard’sStar(Hidden Treasure 87), 168 Arbour, Ron, 246 432–436 Buta, Ron, 110, 297, 318 Archinal, Brent A., 6, 24, 26,29, 117, Barrie, J. M., 118, 462 132, 136, 147, 184, 210, 211,215, Bastian, Ulrich, 209 Caldwell Catalog, ix, x 223,226, 398, 402, 459,468, 480, Baume, G.,270 California Nebula (NGC1499), 89, 486, 533 Bayeaux Tapestry, 161 433 Ariadne’sHair (Melotte 111), 308, Bayer, Johann, 56, 154, 159, 310 Callimachus, 309 310 Begh, Ulugh, 147 Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope, Arp 269, 316 Bekki,Kenji, 106 27 Arp, Halton, xiv, 53, 68, 240 Bell, David, 349 CanberraAstronomicalSociety, 36 redshift argument, 68, 69 Belloni,T., 500 CanisMajor OB1Association (CMa Asiago Astronomical Observatory, Benetti,S.,490 OB1Association), 198 510 Benitez, Narciso, 215 CanisMajor R1 (CMa R1), 198 asterisms Berenice’s Bush, 310 Captain Hook, 462, 463 Coathanger (Hidden Treasure 97), Berenice’sHair (Melotte 111), 308 Captain Hook Cluster (NGC 6633), 416, 532 “Berenice’s Lock,”309 457,462 Drunken Pirate, 237,243 Berko, Erno, 246 Carey, CaptainSamuel, 13 False Cross, 252, 266 Berlin Observatory, 184 Carina OB1Association, 270 Frigate Bird, 115, 120 Bernoulli,Johann, 374 Carney,B.W.,475 Hershey’sKiss, 383 BHe 42A,270 Carroll, Lewis, 458 Juggler, 252 BHe 42B, 270 Castaway Cluster (NGC6520), 438 Kemble’s Cascade (Hidden Bigourdan, M. Guillaume, 29,415 Catalog of Isolated Galaxies, 424 Treasure 21), 113, 122 Black Bart’sHair (Melotte 111), 308, Cave Nebula (Caldwell 9), 520 Little Ladle (O’Meara1), 531 314 Cederblad 62 = NGC 2163 (Hidden Little Lepus, 141 Blackbeard, 433 Treasure 35), 174 Martini Glass, 141 black holes (supermassive) Cederblad 90, 200 NGC629, 390 inNGC 1316, 79 Cederblad, Sven, 176 572 Index © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83704-0 - Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures Stephen James O'Meara Index More information Celestial Handbook, Burnham’s, 34 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya–Zhang), NGC 2202, 390 Celestial Jellyfish (NGC 1535), 125 526 NGC6648, 390 Celestial Objects for Common Comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT), 531 SigmaCassiopeiae, 539 Telescopes, 34 Comet Halley, 161, 181 Sigma Orionis, 172 Cepheus OB1Association, 527 Comet Komorowski (NGC 404), 39 STF 519, 134 Cepheus OB2 Association, 521 Comet of 1758, 534 Struve485, 117, 118 Cerro Tololo Inter-American Comet Planetary (NGC 1360), 94, 96 Struve 743, 154 Observatory, 79,405 comets Struve 745, 156 Chamberlain, Joseph Miles, 1 of 1843, 95 Struve 747, 156 Chameleon Nebula (IC 418), 142 Cone Nebula, 189 Struve 750, 154 Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, Conon of Samos, 308 Struve 752, 156 516 Conrad, Joseph, ix, 107 Struve 848, 181 Chaney, Lon, 538 Cooper, Andrew,472 Struve 953, 191 Chaple, Glenn, Jr.,414 Copeland, Leland, 189, 195,235 Struve2375 (Tweedledee and Chavarria, C., 527 Copenhagen Observatory, 160 Tweedledum), 458 ChristmasTreeCluster (NGC 2264), Copernicus satellite, 222 Struve2816, 522 188, 189,235 Cordingly,David, 7, 12, 13, 157, 197, Double Cluster (Caldwell 14), 131, Claria,JuanJose,251,254 429 132, 270, 461 Clark, Paul, 90 Corwin, Hal, 29, 92, 186,201,263, Downes, Commodore, 275 Clark, Roger, 64, 138 294 Dragons, A Natural History, 57 Clemens, M. S., 316 Coteau, Paul, 6 Drake, SirFrancis, 220 Cleopatra’sEye (NGC 1535), Cowper, William, 436 Drenkham, Georg, 326 125 Crab Cluster (NGC7789), 536 Drew,Nancy, 30 Coal Car Cluster (NGC1981), 152 Craigin, Murray, 6 Dreyer, J. L. E.,46, 175, 188, 200, 201, Coalsack (Caldwell 99), 505 Critique of Practical Reason,412 210, 253 Coat Button Nebula (NGC7008), Cuestra,L., 391 Drinkwater, Michael, 106 510, 512 Curtis, Heber, 299, 322, 420, 447 Drymon, Kathleen, 136 Coathanger (Hidden Treasure 97), Cycle of Celestial Objects, 33 Dunlop, James, 73, 80, 221,231,252, ix, x,479,499 254, 265,270, 272, 286, 357, 363, Cobweb Cluster (Melotte 111), 308, d’Arrest, Heinrich Louis, 40, 122, 387, 398, 400, 410, 428, 459,474, 311 128, 160, 170, 297 542 Cocoon Galaxy (NGC 4490), 316 D’Auria,Tippy, 171 Dupree, Andrea, 539 Coe, Steve, 24, 70, 238, 352, 398, 411 Dali,Salvadore, 302 Dwarf Nebulae, 163 Colas, Jules, 146 dark matter, 369 Collinder 69 (Hidden Treasure 29), Davies, Roger, 44 Easter Egg Double, 31 145–150 Davis, George A.,Jr., 146 Eddington, Arthur, 85 Collinder 72(Hidden Treasure 31), Dawes Limit, 476 Effelberg Radiotelescope, 327 152–161 DeadMan’s Chest (NGC6520), 438, Einsteinsatellite, 291 Collinder 84, 184 440 Eliot, T. S., 482 Collinder 135,209 DeadSea, 189 elliptical galaxies Collinder 140, 209 Dead Zone, 359 description of, 44 Collinder 147,209 Death Star, 405 evolution of, 44, 79 Collinder 332, 410 de Chese´ aux,Philippe Loys, 415,458 Embryo Nebula (NGC 1333), Collinder 399 (Hidden Treasure 97), and comet of 1746, 534 89, 91 478–480 Defoe, Daniel, 438 Emerald EyePlanetary,447 Collinder 465, 200 de La Lande, Joseph Jerome le Eratosthenes, 310 Collinder 466, 200 Francais, 492 Eridanus Group of Galaxies, 68 Collinder, Per Arne, 147, 157, 184, de Vaucouleurs, Gerard, 68, 294 Eskimo Nebula (Caldwell 39), 215, 480 diCicco, Dennis, 376 125 Collins, Peter, 515 Dick, Thomas, 95 ESO 382–45, 353 Collins, Wilkie, 526 Dillon, Jamie, 59, 65 EtaCarinae Nebula (Caldwell 92), Colored Contacts Nebula, 141 Dorpat Observatory, 95, 390, 447 31,252, 269, 364 Coma Berenices Cluster (HT 62), ix, double and multiple stars EtaCassiopeiae, 31 308, 460 ADS 2984 AB, 117 Evans, Rev. Robert, 101 Coma Berenices Cluster of Galaxies, Alnitak, 169 Everglades NationalPark, 359 312 BetaCygni (Albireo), 528 Execution Dock, 157 Coma–Sculptor Cloud of Galaxies, DeltaCepheii, 528 Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer, 95 312 DeltaCorvi, 306 eye, the primitive response to star Comet Borrelly–Brooks, 321 Epsilon Coronae Australis, 475 patterns, 114 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake), 370 GammaVelorum, 222, 223 EyeofGodGalaxy, 67 Index 573 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83704-0 - Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures Stephen James O'Meara Index More information FabergeEgg Galaxy (NGC 4605), Gotha Observatory,423 Herbig–Haro objects, 164, 189 331, 333 Gottingen Observatory, 484 Heroes,The,84 Feinstein, A.,215,401 Gottlieb, Steve, 142, 201 Herschel, Caroline, xiii, xv, 19–20, Fetus Nebula (NGC7008), 510, 512 Goudfrooij,Paul, 79 22, 197,415,458, 484, 494, 496, FiddleheadGalaxy (NGC772), 52 Gow, John, 157 526, 536, 545–555 Fiebelman, Walter A., 448, 490 Graff 1,459 comet discoveries, 554–559 Filippova, A. A.,479 Graff, K.,459 early life with William, 545–547 Fitzgerald, Pim, 95 Gramer, Lew, 156 finaldays, 559, 560 Flaherty, Robert, 321 Grasburg,E., 342 nebula discoveries, 547–554 Flame Nebula (NGC 2024), 168 Green, Dave A., 316 Herschel, John, 3,4,70, 73, 80, 105, Flamsteed, John, 153 Green Mars Nebula (NGC6818), 489 106, 154, 184, 189,209,211,263, Flying Unicorn Cluster, 466 Green Rectangle, 514, 518 296, 364, 393, 398, 400, 459,475, FlyingWitch Cluster (Melotte 111), Gregory,R. L., 14 507, 536 308, 314 Grillmair, Carl, 79 Herschel, William, xiii, xv, 1,4,20, Fool’s Gold Galaxy (NGC5866), 373 GrimReaper, 173 27, 31, 33,43, 62, 64, 90, 102, Fornax A, 78 GrimReaper’s Horse (Barnard 33), 128, 131, 137, 149, 153, 155–157, Fornax Cluster of Galaxies 171 159, 160, 163, 170, 180, 181, compared to Virgo Cluster, 105
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