MUSIC WEEK, JULY 22, 1978 C 0 DIlQ r n i\\sn n Other Notable Producers: Jo FROM PAGE 30 Camilleri, Bob Taylor, Ian Tour Mason, Gerry Stevens, Lesley Australian industry Shaw, Rick Formosa, Keith Music Jacobsen, Jim Manzie, Garth organisations Porter, Greg Macainsh, Martin Clarke, Roger Savage, Spencer A.G.C./Paradine Entertainments publishers contact directory P/1, 55 Lavender St. (7th FL), Lee, Rod Coe. Milsons Point NSW 2061 1021 (Also see page 30) J Albert & Son 139 King St., Leading Arrangers: Bill Motzing, 922 4000 Tlx: AA25997. Mng. Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 232 2144 Ralph White, Mike Perjanic, Rick Dir.; Pat Condon. Tlx AA25621. Gordon Clark Formosa, Vanda & Young, Artist Concert Tours, 14 Villiers Sleeve design Trade unions St., North Melbourne VIC 3051 Allans Music Ltd 276 Collins St., Graham Lyall, Peter Martin, (031 329 6033. Mng. Dir.: Ron Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 630451. Tony Ansell, Bob Taylor, Jackie Blackmore. P. J. Green. Kettle Art, 3 Systrum St., Ultimo Musician's Union of Australia, 65 Orzasky, Col Laughnan, Tweed April Music 11 Hargrave St., East NSW 2007 (02) 211 0835. Rick Wellington St., Windsor VIC Harris. ATA 96 Glebe Point Rd,, Glebe Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 310255 Godfrey 3181 (03) 51 2110. Gen. Sec.: ' NSW 2037 (02) 660 3466. Mng. Tlx AA21246. John Anderson Peter Ledger, (063) 6724 ext 38. Don Cushion. Dir.; Kevin Jacobsen. Associated Music P/1 2 Dind St., Actors & Announcers Equity Australian Concert Entertain- Milsons Point NSW 2061 (02) Ian McCausland, C/o Mushroom Assoc., 72 Stanley St., East ments (ABC), 258 Flinders Lane Records, P.O. Box 121, St. Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 31 (3rd Fl.l, Melbourne VIC 3000 929 0244 Tlx. AA21654. Ron Kilda VIC 3182 (03) 758 5067 Studios Wills (private). 7718/21. Gen. Sec.: Bob (031 631772 Tlx; AA35783. Bellbird Music 28 Cross St., Returb Studios, 72 York Studios., Alexander. Alberts, 139 King St., Sydney Mang. Dir.; Zev Eizik. Brookvale NSW 2100 (02) 938 Richmond VIC 3121 (031 429 Theatrical & Amusement NSW 2000 (02) 232 2144. Studio Paul Dainty Corporation, 299 2200. Ron Hurst 4147. Graham Weber. Employers Assoc., 15 Glebe Mgr.: Bruce C. Brown. Lennox St., Richmond VIC 3121 Boosey . & Hawks P/l 26-28 Point Rd.. Glebe NSW 2037 (02) Armstrong Audio, 180 Bank St., (03)429 3577. Asst. Mgr.: Mike Whiting St., Artarmon NSW 660 4766. Gen. Sec.: Damian South Melbourne VIC 3205 (03) Barnett. 2064 (02) 439 4144. Gordon Stapleton. 699 1844. Studio Mgr.: Roger Duet Productions, 2 Northcote Harrison Savage. St., St. Leonards NSW2065 (02) Castle/Belinda Music 120 Christie ATA, 96 Glebe Pt. Road, Glebe 439 6588. Mng. Dir.: Kevin St., St. Leonards NSW 2065 (02) Music press NSW 2037 (02) 660 3466. Studio Ritchie. 439 6688 Tlx. AA22872. Frank Mgr.: Duncan McGuire. Edgley International P/1, c/o Donlevy Encore. 104-108 Mount St., North Atlantic Studio, 104 Bayview Ave, Perth Entertainment Centre, Chappell/lntersong Group 225 Sydney NSW 2060 (02 ) 922 Earlwood NSW 2206 (02) Wellington St., Perth W.A. 6000 Clarence St., Sydney NSW 2000 5556. Editor-Andrew Urban. 551486. Studio Mgr.; Peter (09) 321 2662. Mng. Dir.: David (02) 290 3500 Tlx. AA26856. Jazz Downunder, 25/186 Hood. Patersen. Johnathon Simon Sutherland St.. Paddington Tape Clarion, 63 Thompson Rd., North Evans-Gudinski £f Assocs., 59 Essex Music Group 5-13 Northcliff NSW 2021 (02) 32 0949. Editor Freemantle W.A. 6159 (09 ) 384 Wellington St., Windsor VIC St., Milsons Point NSW 2061 — Horst Liepold. 6491. Studio Mgr.: Martin 3185 (03) 519 821 Tlx: AA31738. (02) 922 4100 Tlx. AA26405. Juke, 250 Spencer St., Melbourne manufacturers Clarke. Mng. Dir.: Ray Evans Bruce Powell VIC 3000 (03) 600421 Tlx. Greencorp Magnetics P/l, 80 Crystal Clear, 2 Hotham St., South Marquee Attractions, 275 Alfred Festival Music 63-79 Miller St., AA30449. Editor - Allan Perry St., Matraville NSW 2036 Melbourne VIC 3205 (03) 699 St. (15th Floor), North Sydney Pyrmont NSW 2009 (02)660 5218 Webster; Asst. Eds. — (02) 661 6511 Tlx. AA24761. 7784. Studio Mgr.: Phil NSW 2060 (02) 920365/ Tlx. AA25686. Ray Farley Christie Eliezer, Al Webb, Ed Mng. Dir.: Jack Green, Dwyer. 925262. Mng. Dir.: Michael Image/Propaganda Music 113 Nimmervoil. (Manufacturer). EMI, 301 Castlereagh St., Sydney Chugg. Lonsdale St., Melbourne VIC Keyboard World, P.O. Box 2104, K.G.C. Magnetic Tape P/l, P.O. NSW 2000 (02) 20912. Studio Harry M. Miller Attractions P/T, 3000 (03) 636 3947 Tlx AA33609 North Paramatta NSW 2151. Box 118, St. Peters NSW 2044 Mgr.; Nigel Wake. 1 Bayswater Rd. (Suite 901), John McDonald/Beverly Editor & Publisher: Les (02) 519 2677 Tlx. AA22809. Festival Studio 24, 63-79 Miller St., Kings Cross NSW 2011 (02) 357 Patterson Flanagan. Mng. Dir.: Mr K. G. Coles. Pyrmont NSW 2009 (02) 660 3077 Tlx; AA22349. Mng. Dir.; Leeds Music 23 Pelican St., RAM (Rock Australia Magazine). 77 (Duplicator). 4022. Studio Mgr.: Barry Harry M. Miller. Darlinghurst NSW 2010 (02) 61 Glebe Point Rd., Glebe NSW Kiarion Enterprises P/1, 63 Nagel. Musica Viva Australia, 68-70 6088. M.D. Jack Argent. 2037 (02) 6600833. Editor - Kingsway, South Melbourne VIC Pepper, 7 Moger Lane, Adelaide Clarence St., Sydney NSW 2000 Matthews Music P.O. Box 243 Anthony O'Grady; Assist, 3205 (03)61 3801. Mng. Dir.: B. S.A. 5000 (08) 223 2788. Studio (02) 298441. Gen. Mgr.: Epping NSW 2121 (02) 86 3817. Eds. — Annie Burton, K. Horman, (Duplicator). Mgr.; Colin Freeman. Michael Griggs. Phil Matthews Andrew McMillan. Tape Duplicators P/1, 3 Chard Richmond Recorders, 17 Pearson Nova Entertainment Mushroom Publishing 59 Rolling Stone (Australian Edition), Rd., Brookvale NSW 2100 (02) St., Richmond VIC 3121 (03) 429 Organisation, 47 Falcon St., Wellington St., Windsor VIC 6a Cliff St., Milsons Point NSW 938 1539. Dir.: Don Thomson, 4922. Studio Mgr.: Chris Crows Nest NSW 2065 (02) 92 3181 (03) 519 821 Tlx. AA31738. 2061 (02) 920861. Editor: Paul (Duplicator). Naper. 6045. Mng. Dir.; Peter Gary Ashley Gardiner; Assist, Eds: Paul Slater. 24 Cover St., North Conyngham. Penjane Music P/l 5-13 Northcliff Comrie-Thompson, Jane Adelaide S.A. 5006 (08) 267 Stadiums Ltd., Southern Cross St., Milsons Point NSW 2061 Mattheson, Ken Quinnel, Ed 3499. Studio Mgr.: Rick Kent. Hotel (Suite 2), 95 Bourke St., (02) 922 6503/6540 Tlx. St. John. TCS Productions, 22 Bendigo St., Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 635654 AA22923. Penny Whitely Freelance writers (Rock); Glenn A. Richmond VIV 3121 (03)42 0696. Tlx; AA30193. Mng. Dir.; Dick Razzle Music 76 Spring St., Bondi Baker (02) 639 3709. Studio Mgr.: Ern Street. Lean. Junction NSW 2022 (02 ) 389 Jenny Brown, (03) 347 6699. Trafalgar, 74b Trafalgar St., Van Egmond Promotions P/1, 55 5011 Tlx AA23482. Roger Kevin Hillier, (07)229 3333. Producers Annandale NSW 2038 (02) 660 Exhibition St., Melbourne VIC Davies David Pepperell (03) 63 5507. 0385. Studio Mgr.: Mike 3000 (03) 635251 Tlx. AA 34122. Rondor Music P/l 104-108 Mount Ross Stapleton, (03) 600421. (With recent projects and usual MacMartin. Mng. Dir.; Gary Van Egmond. St., North Sydney NSW 2060 studio of operation.) United Sound. 21 Pier St., Sydney J. C. Williamson Productions (02) 92 0666. M.D. John NSW 2000 (02) 26 1381.Mgr.: Ltd., 240 Exhibition St., Bommell. Richard Batchens, Sherberl Ron Purvis. Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 663 J, Schroeder Music P/i 99 (Fest.), Richard Clapton. Jeff St. Window, 10 Buchanan St., West 3211 Tlx: AA33947. Mng. Dir.: Elizabeth St. (12th Fl.), Sydney John. End OLD 4101 (07 ) 44 6844. Kenn Brodziak. NSW 2000 (02) 233 1588. Mr J. Bruce Brown, Jon English, Studio Mgr.: John Davies. Belfer Photographers Moonlight, Kevin Borich Southern Music Co. 38-40 York (Alberts). St.. Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 29 Bob King. P.O. Box Q8, Queen Vic. Peter Dawkins, Dragon, Air 1392. Chris Vaughan-Smith Bldgs Sydney NSW 2000 (02) Supply, Finch (Alberts). Sparmac Music, 100 William St., 808 2375. (Covers all o/s & local Martin Erdman, Airlord, Sinclair Kings Cross NSW 2011 (02) 357 rock acts). Bros., Sis, Janet Mead, Festival 3277 Tlx. AA26856. Tony Greg Noakes, 14 Godfrey Ave., Strings Ef Orch. (Festival). Publicists Hogarth East St. Kilda VIC 3182 (03) 946875. Charles Fisher, 01'55, Radio Sundowner Music P/1, P.O. Box Graeme Weber, Returb Studios. Birdman, Cheek, Ray Burton, David Douglas Er Assoc., 121 215. Armadale VIC 3143 (03) 509 Stanky Brown (US) (Trafalgar). Glebe Pt. Rd., Glebe NSW 2037 4031. Barry Coburn Ern Rose, Lake Stars, Renee (02)692 0077. Promotional Tumblewood/Antipodes Geyer (Armstrongs). Patti Mostyn, 8 Cliff St., Milsons Music,155 Clarendon St., South Howard Gable, Russell Morris, Point NSW 2061 (02) Melbourne VIC 3205 (03) 699 John Farnham, Mother Goose 924601/9294702. films 5366 Tlx. AA35906. Paul (TCS, Armstrongs). Sandy Patterson, 8 Cliff St.. Wheatley Tweed Harris, various 'Beautiful Milsons Point NSW 2061 (02) Paul Drane, 65 Queens Rd. (Suite Warner Bros. Music, 319b Industry Music' projects. 922 3736. 2), Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 529- Penshurst St., Willoughby NSW Richard Lush, Sherbert, Mark Propaganda, 113 Lonsdale St., 4961. 2068 (02) 406 5322 Tlx. A A associations Holden, TMG(EMI). Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 663 Count Features, 16 Kipling St., 24653. Bill Fleming. Ian Meldrum, Ferrets, Supernaut 3947. Head: Beverly North Melbourne VIC 3051 (03) Woomera Music Co., 17-19 APRA, 25 Albany St., Crows Nest (Armstrongs). Patterson. 329 5849. Head: Chris Lofven. Radford Rd., Reservoir VIC 3073 NSW 2065 (02) 439 8666. Mng. Robbie Porter. Hush, Daddy Cool, (03) 460 4522. Miss R. L. Dir: John Sturman, (Aust. Marcia Hines (Trafalgar). Buffham equivalent to BMI, ASCAP & John French, Madder Lake, Jo Jo PRS). Zep, Manning (TCS). A SMALL but highly efficienl corp of professional (our publicists Australian Music Publishers John Sayers, Daly Wilson Big operate out of Sydney.
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