GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER Name of Work :- C/o Govt. Higher Secondary School at Dambuk. Estimated Cost Put to Tender :- Rs 8,67,03,772.00 Earnest Money :- Rs. 8,67,038.00 (For APST Contractors) Performance Guarantee : - 5% of Agreement Value Security Deposit : - 2.5% of Agreement Value Time for completion of work : - 24 (twenty four ) Months. Date of opening of tender :- Certified that this bidding document contains 1 to 250 Pages ( One to two hundred fifity ) pages including cover page. Executive Engineer (Plg) Tezu Circle, PWD, AP, Tezu Draft NIT approved for Rs. 8,67,03,772.00 (Rupees Eight crore sixty seven lakhs three thousand seven hundred seventy two) only Superintending Engineer Tezu Circle, PWD,AP, Tezu 1 BLANK 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Name of work: - C/o Govt. Higher Secondary School at Danbuk. Sl. No Details Page No. 1 List of important dates 5 to 6 2 Press Notice 7 to 8 3 Amendments 9 to 10 4 Invitation for Bid 11 to 14 5 List of Document to be scanned and uploaded. 15 to 16 6 Brief Particulars of Works 17 to 18 7 Information and Instructions for Bidders 19 to 22 8 Information regarding eligibility letter of 23 to 24 Transmittal. 9 Form “A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ ‘D’ ‘E’ ‘F’ ‘G’ ‘H’ ‘I’, ‘J’, 25 to 46 ‘K’, ‘L’ 10 Performance Bank Guarantee. 47 to 48 11 Agreement form 49 to 50 12 Sample Guarantee Bund. 51 to 52 13 AP,PWD-form- 6 53 to 56 14 General Guidelines 57 to 58 15 Conditions for e- Tendering. 59 to 60 16 AP,PWD-form- 8 61 to 67 17 Conditions of Contract 68 to 180 18 Special condition 181 to 184 19 List of Acts, Rules to be followed by AP, PWD, 185 to 186 or Contractors. 20 Technical Specification 187 to 188 21 List of Mandatory machinery tools and Plant 189 to 190 (Annexure-I) 22 Requirement of Technical representative 191 to 192 deployed by contractor (Annexure-II) 23 Table of Mile stone 193 to 194 24 Drawings 195 to 212 25 Bill of Quantity 213 to 250 3 BLANK 4 GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER: ROING DIVISION: AP: PWD: ROING LIST OF IMPORTANT DATES NAME OF WORK :- C/o Govt. Higher Secondary School at Dambuk. Sl.No Name of Events Time of occurrences 1 Completion Period of Construction :- 24 (Twenty four) Months. 2 Date of Online Publication :- 10.11.2017 (10.30 Hrs) 3 Period of availability of Bidding :- From 10.11.2017 1030 Hrs to 20.11.2017 Documents 1500 Hrs 4 Document download Start date :- 10.11.2017( 11.00 hrs) 5. Document download End date :- 20.11.2017(15.00 hrs) 6. Bid Submission Start date :- 10.11.2017(16.00 hrs) 7. Bid Submission End date :- 22.11.2017 (15.00 hrs) 8. Date and time of Opening Bid :- 24.11.2017 (15.00 hrs) 9. Physical submission of EMD and :- Tender box kept at the O/o Executive Tender fee and other necessary Engineer Roing Division PWD, AP, documents. Roing, Arunachal Pradesh for receiving only original copy of EMD. 10 Place of Opening of Bids. :- Office of the Executive Engineer, Roing Division, PWD,AP, Roing, Arunachal Pradesh. 11 Last Date of Bid Validity. :- 90 days from date of opening of Technical Bid. 12 Address for Communication. :- Executive Engineer, Roing Division, PWD,AP, Roing, Lower Dibang Valley District Arunachal Pradesh- 792110. 5 BLANK 6 Press Notice for Publication on News papers. GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER The Executive Engineer, Roing Division, PWD, Arunachal Pradesh, Roing invites on behalf of Governor of Arunachal Pradesh online item rate tender in single bid system for the following work NIT No. RD/DBK/ RIDF-XXII /07. Name of work:- C/o Govt. Higher Secondary School at Dambuk under RIDF Estimated Cost Rs. 8,67,03,772.00, Earnest money Rs. 8,67,038.00 for APST Contractor, Period of completion : 24 (twenty four) months & last time and date of submission of bid: 1600 Hrs of 10.11.2017 The tender forms and other details can be downloaded from the website https://pwdar.etenders.in from 1100 hrs of 10.11.2017 to 15.00 Hrs of 20.11.2017. The Press Notice is also available at the website www.mail.gov.in / www. arunachalpwd.org. Sd/- Executive Engineer Roing Division,PWD,AP,Roing Not for Publication Instructions for publication in newspapers : 1. Main title “A.P.P.W.D” and NOTICE INVITING e-Tenders” with black background in white letters should not be more than 9 font size and should be in bold letters. 2. Rest of matter should not be more than 8 font size and should be in normal form. 3. Website address httpps://pwdar.etenders.in or www.arunachalpwd.org should be in bold letters and size should not be more than 8 font size. 4. Press notice up to two works shall be in single column. 5. When number of works in a single press notice exceed width of 2 columns. 6. The advertisement should only be published in classified columns. 7. If press notice is published in larger size which is not as per the above directions, no payment shall be made. Sd/- Executive Engineer Roing Division,PWD,AP Roing 7 BLANK 8 AMMENDMENTS TO TENDER FORMS/CONTRACT DOCUMENTS /GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. In place of President of India, Please read Governor of Arunachal Pradesh. 2. In place of Govt. of India, Please read Government of Arunachal Pradesh. 3. In place of CPWD, Please read APPWD. 4. In place of Director General of Works, Please read Chief Engineer, PWD, Eastern Zone Arunachal Pradesh. 5. The standard form along with the General Condition of Contract shall also form a part of the Tender Documents to be issued to bidders for better understanding and to be referred as ready reckoned for evaluation and work ability of cost etc. 6. Engineer-in-Charge means The Executive Engineer, Roing Division, PWD,AP, Roing. 7. Please read the name of the work in General Condition of Contract Book in AP,PWD Form-6. 9 BLANK 10 GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC WORKS EPARTMENT INVITATION FOR BID The Executive Engineer, Roing Division, PWD, AP, Roing on behalf of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, invites Online item rate tenders in single bid system from all registered contractors in Class –I Categories of APWD and those of appropriate class with CPWD/NEEPCO/BRO/MES/RAILWAYS etc as per Arunachal Pradesh District Based Entrepreneurs and Professionals (Intensives, Development and Promotional) Act 2015 (Act No. 05 of 2015) for the work as detailed below. NI Name of Work Estimat Earnest Cost of Period of Last Date Time and T & Location ed cost Money/ tender completion & time date of No. put to Bid for opening tender security submissio of Bid. n of Bid, EMD, Remarks Processin g fees etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C/o Govt. Higher 24 (Twenty 22.11.2017 24.11.2017 Secondary four) at 1500 hrs at 1500 hrs School at Rs. 5000 for Dambuk. (For APST) submission RIDF-XXII /07. RIDF-XXII Rs. 8,67,038.00 Rs. 8,67,038.00 of bid and at 1200 hrs Rs 8,67,03,772.00 for EMD and Cost of RD/DBK/ tender fee. 1. The eligibility of contractor shall be strictly as per rule and condition notified vide NO. SPWD/W- 66/2012 /314 dtd 13.08.2015 and published in AP Gazette vide No 224 Vol XXII September 11th 2015. 2. The participation in the tendering is restricted to the contractors domiciled in the territorial jurisdiction of Lower Dibang Valley District . If the district based entrepreneurs and professionals who have got their firm already registered as contractor under Arunachal Pradesh contracts enlistment Rules 2008 but have the address different from their domiciled territorial jurisdiction, they shall be allowed to participate in the tender on production of proof of permanent residence certificate in support of their claim. 3. Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. Joint ventures are not accepted:- a) Should have completed three Similar nature of works each of value 40% or two Similar nature of work of value 60% or one similar nature of works value of 80% during last five year. b) Should have had an average annual financial turnover of 50% in construction works during last three years upto 31.3.2017. c) Should have a Bank Solvency ( 40% as per CPWD Manual Appendix-20(E) or financial soundness certificate (Scanned copy of original solvency to be uploaded). d) The bidder shall have to submit Credit facility from Bankers of 10% of tender value. e) The bidder shall have to submit an affidavit to invest up to 25% of tender value. 11 4. The intending bidders must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6. He should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents required. 5. Information and instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of Bid documents. 6. The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be downloaded from website https://pwdar.etenders.in 7. But the bid can only be submitted after depositing processing fee in favour of M/s Nextenders (India) Pvt.
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