TWENTY POINT PROGRAMME-2006 ANNUAL REPORT (2014-15) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF STATISTICS AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION SARDAR PATEL BHAWAN, SANSAD MARG, NEW DELHI-110001 website : www.mospi.gov.in CONTENTS CHAPTERS PAGES PART-I: ANALYTICAL EVALUATION 1. Twenty Point Programme 1-5 2. Poverty Eradication [Point 1 ] 6-21 3. Power to People [Point 2 ] 22-32 4. Support to Farmers [Point 3 ] 33-43 5. Labour Welfare [Point 4 ] 44-48 6. Food Security [Point 5 ] 49-54 7. Housing for All [Point 6 ] 55-60 8. Clean Drinking Water [Point 7 ] 61-70 9. Health for All [Point 8 ] 71-106 10. Education for All [Point 9 ] 107-126 11. Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Minorities and OBCs [Point10] 127-146 12. Women Welfare [Point 11] 147-154 13. Child Welfare [Point 12] 155-161 14. Youth Development [Point 13] 162-168 15. Improvement of Slums [Point 14] 169-171 16. Environment Protection and Afforestation [Point 15] 172-178 17. Social Security [Point 16] 179-190 18. Rural Roads [Point 17] 191-195 19. Energization of Rural Area [Point 18] 196-203 20. Development of Backward Areas [Point 19] 204-206 21. IT enabled e-Governance [Point 20] 207-229 PART - II ANNEXURES Annexures 235-296 Twenty Point Programme – 2006 1. Garibi Hatao [Poverty Eradication] 2. Jan Shakti [Power to People] 3. Kisan Mitra [Support to Farmers] 4. Shramik Kalyan [Labour Welfare] 5. Khadya Suraksha [Food Security ] 6. Subke Liye Aawas [Housing for All] 7. Shudh Peya Jal [Clean Drinking Water] 8. Jan Jan Ka Swasthya [Health for All] 9. Sabke Liye Shiksha [Education for All] 10. Anusuchit Jaati, Jan Jaati, Alp-sankhyak evam Anya Pichhra Varg Kalyan [Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Minorities and OBCs] 11. Mahila Kalyan [Women Welfare] 12. Bal Kalyan [Child Welfare] 13. Yuva Vikas [Youth Development] 14. Basti Sudhar [Improvement of Slums] 15. Paryavaran Sanrakshan evam Van Vridhi [Environment Protection and Afforestation] 16. Samajik Suraksha [Social Security] 17. Grameen Sadak [Rural Roads] 18. Grameen Oorja [Energization of Rural Area] 19. Pichhara Kshetra Vikas [Development of Backward Areas] 20. e- Shasan [IT enabled e-Governance] Twenty Point Programme 2006 Annual Report 2014-15 CHAPTER-1 TWENTY POINT PROGRAMME with the priorities contained in the Millennium Introduction Development Goals of the United Nations and SAARC Social Charter. As per the Allocation of Business Rules 1961 of Government of India, the work relating to 1.2.2 TPP-2006 has various points for the benefit monitoring of the Twenty Point Programme has of both the rural and urban people. Its thrust is been assigned to the Ministry of Statistics and towards programmes for eradicating poverty Programme Implementation. and improving the quality of life of the poor and the under-privileged people all over the country. 1.2 Objectives and Scope The programme covers various socio economic aspects like Poverty, Employment, Education, 1.2.1 Alleviation of poverty and improving the Housing, Health, Agriculture, Land Reforms, quality of life of the people, especially of those Irrigation, Drinking Water, Protection and who are below the poverty line, has been the Empowerment of Weaker Sections, Consumer prime objective of planned development in the Protection, Environment, e-Governance, etc. With country. In recent years, the meaning of economic the globalization of the Indian economy and the CHAPTER 1 development has shifted from growth in per adoption of the market liberalization process, the Twenty Point capita income to the expansion of opportunities. TPP-2006 provides a much-needed safety net to Programme Development of human capability is broadly the deprived and adversely affected population. seen as the central feature of the process of The Twenty Point Programme-2006, thus, has a growth. Government of India, through different vital role to play in ensuring growth with equity programmes/schemes, is helping its citizens to and social justice. expand their capabilities. In order to achieve these objectives, package of programmes comprising 1.2.3 TPP-2006 has 20 Points covering 65 items schemes relating to Poverty Alleviation, (Annexure-1A). These 65 items coincide with Employment Generation, Education, Health, etc., various programmes and schemes of Government called the Twenty Point Programme (TPP), has of India which are administered by the Central been in operation since 1975. Over the years, Nodal Ministries/Departments and by and large the need for restructuring the Programme has are implemented through the State Governments/ been felt in the light of our achievements and UT Administrations. Ministry of Statistics & experiences, as well as the introduction of several Programme Implementation monitors all the 65 new policies and programmes by the Government items on 162 parameters. However, all the 65 of India. Although the TPP has been in existence items of TPP-2006 are not amenable to reporting for nearly 40 years, it is still relevant today as on quarterly basis. The details of the parameters the desired objectives of eradication of poverty and the frequency of reporting is annexed at and improvement in the quality of life of the Annexure-1B. Also, some of the schemes/ common man are yet to be completely attained. programmes are yet to be operationalised by This programme was restructured in 1982, 1986 the Central Nodal Ministries concerned. These and 2006. The present programme now called items will be monitored only after the schemes Twenty Point Programme-2006 (TPP-2006) is in concerning these come into existence and their operation since April 2007. The programmes and frequency of monitoring will be decided later. schemes under the TPP-2006 are in harmony 1 Twenty Point Programme 2006 Annual Report 2014-15 1.3 Monitoring Mechanism this, monitoring of individual scheme/ programme covered under TPP-2006 is also done by the 1.3.1 For monitoring of Twenty Point Central Nodal Ministries concerned. The charter Programme-2006 by this Ministry, information is of this Ministry is to monitor the TPP-2006 as a collected from Central Nodal Ministries on each whole in a holistic manner with a view to enhance point of the programme comprising various items its effectiveness. Ministry is also mandated to aggregating 65 in all. The details of these items conduct Impact Assessment studies on selected and names of nodal Ministries concerned are programmes as part of its monitoring. given in Annex-IB. In order to effectively monitor the Twenty Point programme, this Ministry has 1.4 Performance Criteria developed a Management Information System (MIS). The Management Information System 1.4.1 In order to have goal oriented development, (MIS) consists of a Quarterly Progress Report Central Nodal Ministries have been requested to (QPR), Capsule Report and Annual Report. fix annual and quarterly targets for the measurable The Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) covers parameters of the schemes administered by monitoring of achievements in respect of the 19 them. However, Central Nodal Ministries have crucial items (earlier 20) against pre-set physical not found it feasible to fix targets for some of the targets, whereas the Annual Report presents an items due to the peculiar nature of scheme or for analytical review of the performance of all the items some practical reasons. under the programme. Capsule Report presents the details of QPR in concise and capsule form for 1.4.2 For the purpose of evaluation, the the information of Cabinet Secretariat and Prime performance of States during 2014-2015 under Minister Office. The sources of information for the TPP-2006 in respect of the following 14 items Annual Report are the Central Nodal Ministries have been taken into account (i) National Rural CHAPTER 1 and the State/UT Governments. Livelihoods Mission (NRLM); (ii) Food Security; Twenty Point (iii) Rural Housing - Indira Awaas Yojana; (iv) Programme 1.3.2 All the States and the Union Territories of Economically Weaker Section / Lower Income the country have Planning Departments. Under Group (EWS/LIG) Houses in Urban Areas; (v) Rural the Planning Department, there exist a monitoring/ Areas: National Rural Drinking Water Programme evaluation unit which have been entrusted with -(NRDWP); (vi) SC Family Assisted [SC families the responsibility of monitoring all schemes/items assisted under Special Central Assistance (SCA) covered under the Twenty Point Programme. to Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) & National These Planning Departments also have offices/ Scheduled Castes Finance & Development units at the district level which monitors and Corporation (NSFDC)]; (vii) Universalisation of collects information for the schemes of the Twenty Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Point Programme at the district level. Similarly, Scheme; (viii) Functional Anganwadis; (ix) there are block level officers and village level Number of Urban poor families assisted under officers who collect the information for the block seven point charter viz. Land tenure, Housing and the village respectively on the schemes of the at affordable cost, Water, Sanitation, Health, Twenty Point Programme being implemented at Education, and Social Security; (x) Afforestation; the block and the village level. Thus, information (xi) Rural Roads– Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak will flow from the village to the block, block to the Yojana (PMGSY); (xii) Village electrified under district and district to the State. Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY); (xiii) Energising Pump sets; and 1.3.3 Like the Planning Departments, there (xiv) Supply of Electricity. The performance of are other line Departments in the States/UTs States under different items is assessed on the which monitor the programmes coming under basis of actual achievements against targets. their purview. These Departments collect and The performance for each item is classified on collate the information to be sent to the Planning the basis of percentage achievement into three Department which is the nodal department in the categories, namely: State for the Twenty Point Programme.
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