Page 2, The Tripod, February 11, 1975 Energy Costs May Raise Tuition experienced a 216 per cent jump in figures now show a seven per cent North Campus and Ogilby shows a tending to June 1974. Figures are ngures now snow a BCVCII yvi tc»n , o--~j oWg a by Scotte Gordon unit price from Dec. 1972 to June decline from that high point in forty- nine per cent gain in nrinp in This year's overwhelming high broken down according to three decline from that high point in forty- nine per cent gain in price in standard oil types: #2, H and #6. 1974. The original eleven-cents-per- June. the second half of last year energy costs at Trinity has made a Overall, the span from Dec. '72 to tuition or room and board increase m fuel oil, used exclusively in the gallon price rose to thirty-five In contrast,//4 fuel oil, used m campus central heating plant, cents during that time. Dec. '74 boiler plants m dorms such as Dec. '74 charted an accumulated inevitable for next September. increase of 182 per cent. The hike is expected to com- pensate for the high costs incurred The price of #2 oil (diesel fuel), this year and continued rises an- reserved to heat homes and fuel ticipated for next year. According trucks on campus, approximately to Robert A. Pedemonti, Comp- doubled during the two-year troller and Budget Director, the period. Prices for diesel fuel do not proposed increase will be show any signs, of lowering, since presented with the budget in its December's figures register a final form to the Executive thirty-four per cent increase over Committee of the Board of last June. Trustees at the end of April. Actual adoption of the budget, including Electricity costs per kilowatt the proposed increase will follow at hour show a gain in similar the May meeting by the entire proportion. Figures charting Board. prices during the fifteen month Commenting on the energy period from August 1973 to prices incurred at Trinity this year November 1974 indicate a ninety- and its relationship to a tuition two per cent increase. The original increase, Pedemonti emphasized, price rose from just under two "We are trying to present an ac- cents an hour to 3 and 1/4 cents. curate picture as we adopt the The period ending late last year budget. By waiting unti] April we revealed a significantly lower nine hope to take into consideration per cent decline in price compared every variable that will influence to 1973. prices." The higher electricity bill is due According to recent oil and in part to the additional fuel ad- electricity figures released by Riel justment charge rendered by the S. Crandall, director of Buildings utility company. Connecticut's and Grounds, Trinity is part of the Public Utility Commission (PUC) effects of the nationwide spiral of grants the utility permission to inflation and fluctuating energy pharge the consumer's a monthly costs. fuel adjustment rate in order to meet the current fluctuating costs Oil prices per gallon show the of oil necessary for the company's greatest gains during the period operation. beginning in December 1972 ex- photo by Matthew Quigiey Kayman's Reform Proposal Discussed Discussed in Part by SGA Steve Kayman's tour-point A revision o{ Kayman's proposal Governors (Programming the suggestions of a complete year's election, Lisa Heilbronn, proposal tor a revised student was made calling for 80 per cent of Committee), was also begun. security pamphlet and the in- was appointed to the Committee, government was debated in- part the proposed Budget Committee to stallation of additional punch according to a report by the Budget last Wednesday evening at the be elected by and from the student In other action former SGA clocks in critical areas outside. Committee. She replaces Arthur Student Government meeting. The body and 20 per cent by and from member Mary Nelson's Garofolo cited weather obstacles Johnson, who is in Rome this term. proposal will be put to the student the SGA plus the chairman. resignation was announced by toward the purchase of the cart, Other committee appointments body in a referendum next May. Kayman's proposal called for 100 Gary Morgans, SGA president. and monetary obstacles toward made last Wednesday were Gil Initial plans were formulated for per cent of the body's members to The newly-created Security installation of call boxes. He ad- Childers to the Space Use Com- the first part of the referendum be elected by and from the SGA, Committee, according to a report ded, however, that "he would mittee and Tom Santopietro to the concerning the creation of a by Rand Foreman, committee seriously investigate its call box Athletic Advisory Committee. Business or Budget Committee Preliminary discussion of the chairman, will join forces with the installation feasibility," according Continuation of discussion of from the Student Activities second part of Kayman's proposal, Trinity's Women's Organization to Foreman's report. Kayman's proposal will be held at Committee and the present Budget dealing with the responsibilities of (TWO) security committee. The The seventh place candidate for the SGA meeting tomorrow Committee. the proposed Mather Board of SGA sub-committee met on the Budget Committee is last evening. Thursday, Jan. 30, and formulated suggestions for improved campus security. On Monday, Feb. 3, the suggestions were made to A. A. Garofolo, director of security. American Studies Major The suggestions include a An American Studies major is an American Studies major for the security bulletin board in Mather now a reality, according to past five years according to Sloan Hall for information on recent Professor Edward Sloan, coor- through the Individual Degree crimes, a complaint/suggestion dinator of the major. The an- Program. The confirmation by the box, a complete campus security nouncement followed positive Board Officially approved the pamphlet, installation of outdoor decisions by the Education Policy major as a formal program. punch clocks, purchase of a cart to Committee, the Curriculum Ten graduating seniors in 1973-74 patrol the campus, and installation Committee, and the Board of were American Studies majors, as of various call boxes around the Trustees. well as five this year and 14 campus. A professor with special com- predicted for 1976. • petence will be hired as a joint Sloan said he wished to keep the Garofolo agreed to a suggestion American Studies/History ap- courses specifically designed for box, but insisted that the SGA pointment. He will eventually take the course small for maximum handle the administration of the over the American Studies efficiency. Complete details of suggestions as well as the security program from Sloan. course requirements are available bulletin board. He also agreed with Students have been able to take from Sloan. Berkeley Students vs,NBC (CPS)-A group of seven jour- the party was answered on the On Telegraph Avenue there's a ' nalism students at the University December 13 Nightly News when kind of Skid Row." Chancellor of California/Berkeley have ex- Chancellor conceded that the went on to say that if "these young tracted a partial concession from students had been invited by NBC people" were headed for a career NBC that a November 11 segment to be filmed. The broadcast then or education, "they have now on the NBC Nightly News showed students smoking forgotten all about it." presented a "totally false image of marijuana and defending their Hanna said Chancellor's com- Berkeley,, its students, and the right to use the drug. ments were valid because "he did whole issue of marijuana use." In a letter to the students early not state that the individuals this month, NBC News Vice filmed on the street are University The students complained that a ^President Lee Hanna said the of • California students." The group of marijuana smoking Berkeley students' criticism was students responded that they ob- students were shown while John "well taken." jected not with what the program Chancellor commented that people However, NBC did not give in on explicitly stated, but with what it who used marijuana at Berkeley another point of contention con- inferred. even invited television crews to nected with the November 11 Hanna said that while the film them. The group of students broadcast. message of the broadcast was that shown had been asked by the NBC As part of the marijuana many of the persons shown on crew to come and give their segment, footage of Telegraph Telegraph Avenue "became pnoto t>y Nina Meiedandri opinions on marijuana use, but Avenue was shown while Chan- derelicts through excessive use ot Thirsty townlets demonstrate that even their world is not none of the students' views were cellor commented that, "Berkeley marijuana," NBC News "has no fiat, proving once again that necessity is indeed the mother of aired. students don't have to go far to see opinion of its own concerning tne invention. The Berkeley complaint about the effects of too much marijuana. use of marijuana." - ,, If Febr,..ary ~ 1975 Vol. J.J, Issue t-6.. 11 . THE TRINITY Trinity College Hartford; Conn. / A Dog's Life Pets To Be Prohibited ,-In '75~'76 janitorial staff's new union con­ ever smce pets were permitted on cleaning up after pets thus causing campus. It specified that pet by Jeanine Figur tract states that the workers will campus a few years ago, according sanitational problems on the owners must observe all Pets will no longer be permitted refuse to pick up after animals, to Tilles. grounds and in the dormitories; regulations established by the on campus, according to the and therefore, the .
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