[E THE voLUME8(1995) PAilG0Utl A BULLETINON VERTEBRATESOF SINGAPOREAND THE SURROUNDING AREA I i ai; "tdj . .j:,: '; .i: :f:' Horsfield's Fllng Squirrel (lorzys horsfteldi) atthe end ofa glide. from "Malayan Squirrels (including Tree-shrewsatd the Flying- Lemur)",Harrison. Publishedby NatureSociety (Singapore) 510Geylang Road The Sunflower#02-05 Singapore387382 lssuedon 1 December2000 MITA(P)NO. 255t Ogt 2000 ThePangolin is a publicationof the Nature Society(Singapore) which disseminates current information on the status,distribution and naturalhistory of mammals,reptiles, - amphibiansand fishes. The geographicalarea covered is primarily Singapore,but also includesPeninsular and East Malaysia, as well as other SoutheastAsian countries. The following referenoeswere consultedfor systematicorder andnomenclature: Mammals Corbet, G. B. & J.E. Ilill, 1992. Themammals of the IndomalayanRegion: a systematic review. Natural History MuseumPublications, Lond,, 488 pp. Medway, Lord, 1993. The lttild Manmals of Malaya (PeninsularMalrysia) and Singapore. 2* ed. reprintedwith corrections. Oxford University Press,xxiii + 131pp. Payne, J. Francis, C.M. & K. Phillipps, 1985. Field Guide to the Mammalsof Borneo. The SabahSociety with World Wildlife Fund Malaysia,332 pp. Wilson, D.E. & D. M. Reeder, 1993. Mammalspecies of the world. A taxonomicand geographicreference, 2* ed, SmitbsonianInstitution Press,Wash. xviii + 1206pp. Yang, C.M., Yong,I( & I(I(.P. Lim, 1990. WiIdmammals of Singapore,In:Chou, L.M. & P.K.L. Ng (eds.),Essays in Zoolory, Paperscommemorating the 40* Amiversary of the Deparonentof Zoolory, National University of Singapore,p. 1-23. Reptiles& Amphibians Berry, P.Y,, 1975. TheAmphibian Fauna of PeninsularMalaysia. Tropical Press,Kuala Lumpur,x+ 130pp. Cox, lWJ. et aL,1998. A PhotographicGuide to Snakesand other ReptilesofPeninsular Malaysia, Singaporeand Thailand. New Holland Publishers(,IK) Ltd, 144pp. Denzer, W. & U. Manthey, 1991.A nominal checklistof the lizards inhabiting Peniwular Malaysia and Singapore.Raffles Bulletin of Zoolory. 39;309-322. Ernst. C.I[ & RW. Barbour , 1989, Turtlesof the World. SmithsonianInstitution Press, U.S.A..313pp. Inger, R.F. & RB. Stuebing,1997 . A feld guide to thefrogs of Borneo.Natural History Publications(Bomeo) Sdn,Bhd, Kota Kinabalu.205 pp. Lim, K.K.P. & L.1\4 Chou, 1990. Theherpetofauna of Singapore. Ir: Chou,L.M. & P.K.L. Ng (Eds.),Essays in Zoolory, Papelscommemorating the 40e Anniversaryof the Departreentof Zoology, National University of Singapore,p. 49-59. Stuebing, RB. & RF. Inger, 1999.A Field Guideto the Snakesof Boneo. Nahral History Publications(Bomeo) Sdn,Bhd, Kota Kinabalu. 254 pp.. Tan, F.L. 1993.Checklist of lizards of Sabah.Sabah Parks Trustees, Kota Kinabalu 29 pp. Tweedie, lt{.WF ., 1983. TheSnakes of Malaya, 3'" ed. GovemmentPrinting House,Singapore, 167pp. FreshwaterFishes Kottelat, M. 1989. Zoogeograplryof thefuhes from Indochineseinland waters with an annotatedchecHisr, Bulletin ZoologischMuseum, Universiteit van Amsterdam,12(1):54 pp. Kottelat, M. & A.J. Whitten, 1993, FreslrwaterFishes of lllesternIndonesia. Peiplus Editions(HK) Ltd., lvii + 293pp. + 84 pl. The Pangolin,Volume 8(1995). Issued on lst September2001.39pp- - TheNatue Society(Singapore). Typesetby RobertTeo. Fditor: RobertTeo - Blk 210,Pasir Ris St 21,#12-322, Singapore 510210. Tel: 5856406/96367704.Subscription: The Pangolin,c,/o Timothy Pwee,75, Jalancreja, Singapore488938. Tel:97918300. ffidq$W THE PANGOLIN Volume8 (1995)Numbers 1-4 20 December2000 Records Late Records(1993-1994) Singapore Mammals 1-2 Herpetofauna z-) Fishes 6-7 PeninsularMalaysia Mammals 8 Herpetofauna 8 Mammals hdonesia:Sumatra.Riau. PulauBintan Mammals 8-9 Herpetofauna 9 Recordsfor 1995 Singapore Mammals t0-12 Herpetofauna L)-ZV Fishes zu-zz PeninsularMalaysia Mammals 23-26 Herpetofauna 26-28 Fishes 28 Mammals 28-29 Herpetofauna ........... 29 Indonesia:Sumatra, Riau, PulauBintan Mammals 29-30 Herpetofauna ........... 30 NewSoutheast Asian Vertebrates Described '. '..... 31 A Surveyof theVertebrate Fauna of PulauUbin, Singapore ........ 31-36 Articles Ick & Ack 3't-39 THE PANGOLIN MacRitchie North on 12.8.1994 Q_ee King Li); 2 at SimeForest on 10.7.1994; 4 at Thomson Volume8 (1995)Numbers l-4 Ridge from 8-9.10.1994; male 20 December2000 at ChestnutForest on 10.12.1994 (SubarajRaja+htxai et al\ juvenile picked up by visitor at BTNR RECORDS on 1.8.1994& later released;1 at lower Path,BTNR on 5.10.1994;2 at SeletarNorth peninsula Abbreviations: BTNR - Bukit Timah Nahre on 14.17.1994(Subaraj Raj athurai). Reserve; CCIIR - Centrat Catcbment Nahrc Reserve;NSSF - Nee SoonS\ramp Forest; SBG - SingaporeBotanic Garders; SBltp - SungeiBr.rloh Large Flying Fox Nature Park; SICC @ukit) - SingaporeIsland Pteropusvampyrus Country Club @ukit Location); SICC (Istand) - I at overflow drain at Sime Forest.near SingaporeIsland County Club (sland Location); Upper Peirce Reservoir on 8.7.1994 SZ,G - Singapore Zoological Gardens;ZR.C - (Shirley Pottie); I feeding on parkia Zoological Reference Collection of the speciosatree at Sime Forestpipeline Deparbxent of Zoology, National Univercity of on Singapore. 9.7.1994 (Chew Ping Ting, Shirley Pottie); I over MacRitchie North on 14.8.1994(re King Li). LATE RECORDS(1993-1994) CommonFruit Bat compiledby Cytop te r us br aclty o t i s RajathuraiSubaraj, Kelvin Lim & RobertTeo At SB}{P: 1 mist-nettedon 6.11.1994;I mist-nettedon 18.11.1994- forearm SINGAPORE length:67 rnm (WangLuan Keng). Mammals Trefoil IlorseshoeBat Rhi no I o p hustr tfuI i attu BandedLeaf Monkey Male capturedat day roost in Presbytis MacRitchie femoralis North on 14.8.1994(Yeo SuayHwee) - 8 feedingbetween 1245 & 1315 hrs on probablythe secondrecord of this forest 9.2.1994 (Yeo Suay Hwee) & 8 on bat in Singapore. 2I.5.1994 ffeo Suay Hwee, Tan Mei Ling) atNSSF. Blyth's HorseshoeBat Rhi noI op hw Iep i dus (formerlyr efuI g e ns) Malayan Colugo I detected at MacRitchie North on Cynoc ep h al us var i egatus 10.8.1994, 6 at lnmie Forest on Femalewith infant in coils of Reticulated 10.9.1994& 1 at ThomsonRidge on Python on 24.12.1993at Kruing path, 4.10.1994(Shirley Pottie); 5 at Sime BTNR - infant rescued& kept for over 1 Foreston 13.8.1994; adult femalemist- month before dyng; 2 chasingeach other netted at Mandai Range Forest on at Visitor Centre,BTNR on 17.5.1994 12.11.1994(Subaraj Rajathurai et al); at (RobertTeo); I at forest between Mandai BINR, near Simpang Hut: over 300 Lake Road & Mandai Road in March 94 flying across Main Road at dusk on (Shirley Pottie); femalewith infant along 8.9.1994& 1 female hand-nettedon South View Path, BTNR on 6.5.1994 13.9.1994(Robert Teo); 18 mist-netted (Teo Chan Seng, Joseph Lai); I near on 11.10.1994(Subaraj Rajathurai eraf. summit,BTNR at 1915hrs on 8.5.1994 (Yeo Suay Hwee, Tan Mei Ling); 1 at GreaterBamboo Bat Herpetofauna TyI o nyc ter is r obustula At SBG: I constrictedto death by a SunbeamSnake ParadiseTree Snaken Ig92 & 3 roostins Xenopeltisunicolor in separate bamboo intemodes oo Roadkillat King Albertpark on 7.5.1994 17.11.1993 @oberr Teo); 2 at Lomie (Yeo SuayHwee). Foreston 9.9.1994(Shirley Pottie). Red-tailedRacer SundaPangolin Gonyosomaoxycephala Manisjavanica I of about 1.2 m, with a swollenbellv. I m female pholographed on tree along coiled up in tree at Sime Forest on Golf Course Link, MacRitchie on 19.8. 1 994 (SubarajRajathurai). 2.10.i994(Subaraj Rajathurai er af. KeeledRat Snake Masked Palm Civet Ptyascarinafiu Pagumalarvata 2 m exampleseen shuggling with 1 m I at 2215 hrs on 13.8.1994at Kalans- StripedBronzeback & finally eating it at Circus,Sime Forest(Andrew Tay). MacRitchieNorth on 8.5.1994Cyeo Suav Hwee,Tan Mei Ling). CommonWolf Snake Ophitesauliew 1 at SICC @ukit) golf course on 10.9.1994 (Shirley Pottie, Subarai MaskedPatrr Civet Rajathurai). from "Ihe Book oflndian Animals", prater StripedKukri Snake Oligodonoctolineatus Three-striped Palm Civet 40 cm roadkill at Bt Kalang serviceroad Ar cto ga I i dia tr ivir gat a on 13.8.1994 (Andrew Tay); l at Juvenilecaptured at fiinge of SBG Jturgle ThomsonRidge on 8.10.1994(Ire King on 20.2.1992@obert Teo) - it was reared Li). for over 2 months & then donated to SZG. BarredKukri Snake OligodonsignaW LesserMousedeer I forurd dead at MacRitchie North on Tragtlusjavanicus 14.9.1994 @edamin Lee). 1 at pipeline in NSSF at 1440 hrs on 9.2.1994(eo SuayHwee). VariableReed Snake Cal amar ia lumbricoidea Sambar I found dead at BTNR on 17.12.1993 Cervusunicolor , @obertTeo). A roadkill at West Bridge, 1 beforedawn on l2.ll.lgg4 at Mandai Sime Forest on 9.7.1994 (Subaraj Track 15 Forest(Lee King Li); hacks of Rajathuraiet al); 1 with specklesinstead andther along reservoir edge at Seletar of blackbands on undersideat Mandaion Norttr Peninsula on 15.9.1994(Subarai 14.2.1994 - identification is tentative Rajathurai). @rancisLim). Pink-headedReed Snake OrientalWhip Snake Calamariaschlegeli Ahaetullaprasina 3 roadkills between20 to 36 cm along I at MacRitchieNorth on 13.8.1994CYeo Old Upper Thomson Road near Upper Suay Hwee); 115 cm exarnpleat SICC Peirce Park gate on 4.9.1994(Subaraj (Island)'svisitor carparkon 9.10.1994 Rajathurai);1 small examplecollected at (SubarajRajathurai er af; 60 cm example Mandai on 21.2.1994- rmdersidewhite, at Jungle Fall Valley, BTNR on banded with black - identification is 25.12.1994(Subaraj Rajathurai). tentative(Francis Lim). Dog-toothedCat Snake Dwarf ReedSnake Boigacynodon Pseudorabdionlongiceps 1 at Sime Forest pipeline on 8.7.1994 1 deadspecimen on 23.9.1994& 2 dead (-eel{ngLi et at). ones on 2.10.1994at Bt Kalang service road (Subaraj Rajathurai et al); I at Yellow-ringed Cat Snake Thomson Ridge on 9.10.1994(Subaraj Boiga dendrophila Rajathuraief al). I photographedat Lower Peirce on I 0.4.1993 (Tay Eng Pin). PaintedBronzeback Dendrelaphispictus Dog-facedWater Snake 1 about50 cm on 6.8.1994& 1 about45 Cerberusrynchops cm on 20.10.1994at Visitor Centrepond, 40 cm examplein SgBuloh Besar, SBNP SBNP; 1 m exampleat Bt Kalang service on 6.8.1994;2at PasirRis Mangroveson roadon 31.10.1994(Subamj Rajathurai).
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