野菜とサラダ Vegetables and Salads 自家製糠漬け盛り合わせ Homemade Nukazuke $8 Homemade Pickled Seasonal Vegetables 蒸し黒枝豆 Fresh Steamed Black Edamame $7 Black Soybeans Freshly Steamed トマトサラダ Tomato Salad $11 Tomato Topped with Diced Onions, served with Sesame and Vinegar Dressing 大根サラダ Daikon Salad $ 11 Julienne cut Daikon Radish and Various Vegetables with Plum Dressing 肴 Appetizers 自家製冷奴 Homemade Tofu $12 Served chilled with various condiments 和州牛たたき Washu Gyu Tataki $21 Lightly roasted Washu beef with Yuzu and Miso Dressing 地鶏塩麴唐揚げ Karaage $14 Fried Chicken Marinated in Rice Malt and Garlic 黒豚 角煮 Kakuni $ 16 Berkshire pork belly simmered in sweet dashi broth 味噌汁 Miso Soup 豆腐と岩のりの赤出汁 Tofu Miso Soup $5 Miso Soup made from Red Miso with Tofu and Toasted Seaweed 牡丹海老の頭と三つ葉の赤出汁 Botan Miso Soup $6 Miso Soup-Bisque made with Botan Shrimp Head 揚げ出し Agedashi (Deep Fried and Served in a Light Dashi Broth) 豆腐 Tofu $12 野菜 Vegetables $16 地鶏 Chicken $17 天婦羅 Tempura 盛り合わせ Assortment of 5 Types of Tempura 海老 2本 2 Shrimp NY鱒 Trout $32 きす梅紫蘇巻き Whiting Rolled with Japanese Basil and Plum はじかみ Pickled Ginger 大葉 Japanese Basil 野菜盛り合せ Assortment of 5 Types of Vegetables 茄子 Eggplant 南瓜 Pumpkin 椎茸 Shiitake Mushroom $21 はじかみ Pickled Ginger 大葉 Japanese Basil 天重 Tempura over Rice and Botan Miso Soup Set 海老【2本】 2 Shrimp 茄子 Eggplant 南瓜 Pumpkin $35 NY鱒 Trout 大葉 Japanese Basil 海苔 Seaweed 半熟卵 Boiled Egg 野菜天重 Vegetable Tempura over Rice and Tofu Miso Soup Set 茄子 Eggplant 南瓜 Pumpkin 椎茸 Shiitake Mushroom 28 大葉 Japanese Basil 海苔 Seaweed 半熟卵 Boiled Egg 炉端焼き Japanese Barbecue 名物 地鶏つくね Tsukune $15 Signature Chicken Meatball, Topped with Raw Egg Yolk 帆立バター Hotate Butter $ 18 Scallops Grilled with Butter and Dashi 烏賊一夜漬け Ika Ichiyazuke $ 17 Grilled Whole Marinated Squid 紙すき Hot Pot 湯豆腐 Homemade Tofu $21 Simmered Tofu served in a Hot Dashi Broth with Vegetables and Mushrooms 常夜鍋 Jyoya-Nabe Pork Belly $24 Thin Sliced Pork Belly served with Vegetables and Mushrooms 鱒の葱間鍋 Trout and Scallion Hot Pot 26 Thin Sliced Scallion and Trout, with Vegetables and Mushrooms 御刺身 Sashimi TUESDAY-SATURDAY 御刺身六種盛り合わせ $52 Assortment of 6 Types of Sashimi (Chef’s Selection) 御刺身三種盛り合わせ $28 Assortment of 3 Types of Sashimi (Chef’s Selection) 升ちらし寿司 Chirashi Sushi Served on a Bed of Sushi Rice) NY鱒といくら Masu and Ikura $23 NY Trout and Salmon Roe 煮穴子 Anago $24 Sea Eel Simmered in Sweetened Soy Sauce 蟹といくら Kani Ikura $27 Snow Crab and Salmon Roe 鮪鉄火漬け Maguro $27 Blue Fin Tuna Marinated in Dashi Soy Sauce 雲丹といくら Uni Ikura $30 Sea Urchin and Salmon Roe 升握り寿司 Nigiri Sushi NY鱒の握り三貫と巻き物1本と赤出汁 3 Pieces of Trout Sushi, 1 Trout Roll, and Tofu Miso Soup $29 握り5貫と巻き物1本と牡丹海老赤出汁 (Chef’s Selection) 5 Pieces of Sushi, 1 Sushi Roll, and Botan Shrimp Miso Soup $35 握り10貫と巻き物1本と牡丹海老赤出汁 (Chef’s Selection) 10 Pieces of Sushi, 1 Sushi Roll, and Botan Shrimp Miso Soup 85 For a la carte nigiri sushi, please ask your server 太巻きと稲荷寿司 Futomaki and Inari-Sushi 太巻き4貫、稲荷寿司2貫 (Chef’s Selection) 4 Pieces of Futomaki and 2 Pieces of Inari-Sushi $25 *Inari-Sushi is Sushi Rice Wrapped in a Fried Bean Curd Skin 御刺身 Sashimi SUNDAY-MONDAY 御刺身八種盛り合わせ $75 Assortment of 8 Types of Sashimi (Chef’s Selection) 御刺身六種盛り合わせ $52 Assortment of 6 Types of Sashimi (Chef’s Selection) 御刺身三種盛り合わせ $28 Assortment of 3 Types of Sashimi (Chef’s Selection) 升ちらし寿司 Chirashi Sushi Served on a Bed of Sushi Rice) NY鱒といくら Masu and Ikura $23 NY Trout and Salmon Roe 煮穴子 Anago $24 Sea Eel Simmered in Sweetened Soy Sauce 蟹といくら Kani Ikura $27 Snow Crab and Salmon Roe 鮪鉄火漬け Maguro $27 Blue Fin Tuna Marinated in Dashi Soy Sauce 雲丹といくら Uni Ikura $30 Sea Urchin and Salmon Roe 太巻きと稲荷寿司 Futomaki and Inari-Sushi 太巻き4貫、稲荷寿司2貫 (Chef’s Selection) 4 Pieces of Futomaki and 2 Pieces of Inari-Sushi $25 *Inari-Sushi is Sushi Rice Wrapped in a Fried Bean Curd Skin 細巻き寿司 Sushi Rolls トロタク細巻き Blue Fin Tuna with Smoke Daikon Roll $16 鱒といぶりがっこの細巻き 鱒キャビアの乗せ $14 Trout and Smoked Pickles Roll Topped with Trout Caviar 宮崎和牛巻き寿司 4 Piece Wagyu Roll w/ Cucumber & Truffle Salt $20 海老天婦羅巻き寿司 4 Piece Tempura Roll w/ Cucumber $14 おすすめ Today’s Specials 五輪丼 Olympic Themed Roll over Rice 38 雲丹といくらの冷製茶碗蒸し Uni Ikura Chawanmushi 18 根室, Russia, California産雲丹 Uni Tasting M/P 根室, Russia, California産雲丹寿司 Uni Sushi Tasting M/P 北海道 水蛸のカルパッチョ Octopus Carpaccio 25 世波来 大海老進上天婦羅 Jumbo Shrimp Tempura Dog 14 世波来 納豆爆弾 Slimy Bomb 16 Natto Tuna Tartar with Japanese Yam, Okra, and Quail Egg Yolk 世波来 納豆爆弾手巻き寿司 1 Slimy Bomb Hand Roll 12 本日の酢の物 Vinegared Octopus and Japanese Basil and Plum 20 海鮮紙すき Fresh Fish Shabu-Shabu Hot Pot 勘八 Amber Jack 26 水蛸 Octopus 28 ずわい蟹 Snow Crab 32 銀鱈味噌漬け握り寿司 Miso Marinated Black Cod Sushi 7 トロタク細巻き Blue Fin Tuna with Smoke Daikon Roll 16$ 葱ネギトロ丼 Fatty Blue Fin Tuna Tartar with Scallion over Rice 38 二色丼 Fatty Blue Fin Tuna and Trout Tartar over Rice 38 宮崎和牛 握り寿司 Wagyu Beef Sushi 1 貫 1 Piece (Truffle Salt) 13 3 貫 3 Pieces (Truffle Salt, Uni, Soy Sauce) 30 宮崎和牛焼肉重 Grilled Wagyu Beef Over Rice w//Miso Soup 45 宮崎和牛巻き寿司 4 Piece Wagyu Roll w/ Cucumber & Truffle Salt 20 海老天婦羅巻き寿司 4 Piece Tempura Roll w/ Cucumber & Sweat Soy Sauce 14 NY産 鱒づくし Trout from Hudson Valley NY 鱒といぶりがっこの細巻き いくら乗せ 14 Trout and Smoked Pickles Roll Topped with Salmon Roe 鱒の変わり三種刺身 Trout Sashimi (3 Types) 18 日本直送 鮮魚お刺身 Fresh Sashimi From Japan 鰺 Horse Mackerel 鯖 Mackerel 水蛸 Japanese Fresh Octopus 煮真蛸 Simmered Octopus カマス Barracuda 目板鰈 Flounder One Order (3 Slices) $15 厳選 旬魚カマの煮付け Simmered Fish Head/Collar in Sweetened Soy Sauce Here is a good selection of fish to get simmered today NY産 鱒 Hudson Valley Trout $25 日本産 勘八 Japanese Amber Jack $35 海がシケの場合や天候次第で入荷状況が変動します。 Availability Varies. Please enquire with the servers for today’s selection. 寿司 アラカルト Sushi/Sashimi A la carte O-Toro M/P Chu-Toro M/P Maguro M/P Marinated Maguro $7 Amber Jack(J) $7 Trout $6 Seaweed Marinated Trout $7 Torched Trout $7 Horse Mackerel(J) $7 Branzini $5 Seaweed Marinated Fluke $7 Octopus(J) $7 Scallop(J) $7 Uni (J) M/P Salmon Roe(J) $7 Botan Shrimp $7 Sea Eel (J) $9 *(J) imported from Japan(( Draft Beer 生ビール SAPPORO GLASS $9 サッポロ PITCHER $35 Craft Beer クラフトビール KAWABA SUNRISE ALE 330ml $11 川場 SNOW WEIZEN 330ml $11 HAKKAISAN RYDEEN IPA 330ml $15 八海山 PILSNER 330ml $15 CHUHAI JAPANESE COCKTAILS 酎ハイ CALPICO カルピス GREEN TEA 緑茶 YUZU 柚子 $10 PICKLED PLUM 梅干し OOLONG TEA ウーロン茶 LEMON レモン WHISKEY ウィスキー SUNTORY TOKI SHOT 1oz $10 サントリー季 2oz $18 HIGHBALL $12 SHOCHU 焼酎 ~POTATO~ SHIRANAMI GLASS $10 芋 白波 BOTTLE $62 IKKOMON GLASS $12 一刻者 BOTTLE $87 ~BARLEY~ IICHIKO GLASS $10 麦 いいちこ BOTTLE $62 JAKUUBAKU GLASS $11 釈云麦 BOTTLE $82 ~RICE~ GINSHIRO GLASS $10 米 銀しろ BOTTLE $62 TORIKAI GLASS $16 鳥飼 BOTTLE $115 PLUM WINE 梅酒 KAORI UMESHU 梅酒香り GLASS $12 SAKE 日本酒 *Please enquire with the servers for our sake menu and any recommendations* M/P WINE ワイン RED WINE 赤ワイン LES PROMISES LUBERON ROUGE (2018) 150ml $15 ROSE WINE ロゼワイン O DE LETHE ROSE NON-ALCHOLIC ソフトドリンク OOLONG TEA ウーロン茶 CALPICO カルピス COKE コーラ $5 GREEN TEA 緑茶 CLUB SODA ソーダ SPRITE スプライト .
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