16008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-8-ENATE DECEMBER 1 By Mr. WALTER: . MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT ate on official business as a representative H. R. 9826. A bill for the relief of Gunter Messages in writing from the Presi­ of the United States to the fifth session Arno Theleman; to the Committee on the of the General Assembly of the United Judiciary. dent of the United States submitting nominations were communicated to the Nations. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ Mr. WHERRY. I announce that the PETITIONS, ETC. taries. Senator frorri Iowa [Mr. HICKENLOOPER],. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions the Senator from California [Mr. KNow­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk RESIGNATION OF SENATOR DOWNEY LAND], the Senator from South Dakota and referred as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. [Mr. MUNDT], and the Senator from 2396. By Mr. RICH: Petition of citizens of STENNIS in the chair) . The Chair lays Michigan [Mr. VANDENBERG] are absent Clinton County, Pa., urging that there be before the Senate a copy of t,he letter of by leave of the Senate. written into any bills drafting our youth resignation of the senior Senator from The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. for war or military training provision that no California [Mr. DOWNEY], which will be LODGE] is absent by leave of 'the Senate alcoholic beverages may be served or sold in read. as a delegate of the General Assembly of camps or within radius of 10 miles; to the The legislative clerk read as follows: the United Nations. Committee on Armed Services. 2397. By Mr. TAYLOR: Petition of the UNITED STATES SENATE, The Senator from Indiana [Mr. JEN­ Parf'nt-Teacher Association of Hoosick Falls, COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND NER] is unavoidably detained. N. Y., that Anna Mary Robertson Moses be INSULAR AFFAIRS, The Senator from Michigan [Mr. FER­ named and appointed as grandmother of the November 25, 1950. GUSON] is absent by leave of the Senate year :t'or the whole United States; to the Hon. EARL WARREN, on official business, . having been ap­ Committee on the Judiciary. Governor of California, pointed as a delegate from the Senate to 2398. By the SPEAKER-: Petition of Sacramento, Calif. attend the meeting of the Common­ George E. Miller, New York, N. Y., relative to MY DEAR GOVERNOR: In conformity with a petith:m in the matter of judicial proceed­ the recent s,tatement I made to you, I here­ wealth Parliamentary Association in ings against· Henry P. Chandler, as Director by tender my resignation as United States Australia. of the Administrative Office of the United Senator from the State of California, effec­ The junior Senator from Ohio [Mr. States Courts, and Mortimer W. Byers, as tive midnight, November 30, 1950. BRICKER], the senior Senator from Ohio United States district judge for the eastern Sincerely, [Mr. TAFT], and the Senator from Dela­ district of New York; to the Committee on . SHERIDAN DOWNEY. ware [Mr. WILLIAMS] are necessarily ab­ the Judiciary. sent. 2399. Also, petition of V. D. Heyde, Del­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The let­ menhorst, Germany, relative to abominable ter of resignation will lie Oil the table. The PRESIDING OFFICER: A quo­ housing conditions existing in Delmenhorst; CALL OF THE ROLL rum is present. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. CREDENTIALS 2400. Also, petition of Frank Santiago Mr. TAYLOR. I suggest the absence Brito, Rio Piedras, P. R., relative to the at­ of a quorum. T:Q.e PRESIDING OFFICER laid before tack s made on President Harry Truman and . The PRESIDING OFFICER. The -the Senate the credentials of LISTER HILL, Gov. Luis Mufi.oz-Marin, of Puerto Rico, and Secretary will call the roll. duly chosen by the qualified' electors of family; to the Committee on Public Lands: The roll was called, and the following the State of Alabama, a Senator from 2401. Also, petition of Francis jean Reuter, Senators answered to t~ir names: that State, for the term beginning Janu­ Silver Spring, Md., relative to a redress of ary 3, 1951, which were read and ordered grievances pertaining to compensations, pay. Aiken Hendrickson Maybank Anderson Hill - Millikin to be filed, as follows: ments for damage&, and other earned Benton Hoey Morse To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE -OF THE UNITED moneys; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Brewster Holland Murray STATES: . Bridges Hunt . Neely Butler Ives O'Conor This is to certify that, on the 7th day of Byrd Johnson, Tex. O 'Mahoney November 1950, LISTER HILL was duly chosen Ca in Johnston, S. C. Russell by the qualified electors of the State of Ala­ SENATE Capehart Kefauver Saltonstall bama a Senator from said State to represent Carlson Kem Schoeppel said State in the Senate of the United States Chavez Kerr Smith, Maine for the term of 6 years, beginning on the 3d .FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1950 Clements Kilgore Smith, N. J. Connally Langer Smith, N. C. day of January 1951. (Legislative day of Monday, November Cordon Leahy Stennis Witness:/ His Excellency, our Governor, 27, 1950) Donnell Lehman Taylor J ames E. Folsom, and our seal hereto affixed Dworshak Long Thomas, Okla. at the capitol, in the city of Montgomery, The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Eastland Lucas Thomas, Utah this November 20, A. D. 1950. ". Ecton McCarthy Thye JAMES E. FOLSOM, on the expiration of the recess. Ellender McClellan Tobey The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Flanders McFarland Tydings Governor. Fulbright McKellar Watkins By the Governor: Harris, D. D., offered the following George McMahon Wherry [SEAL) SIBYL POOL, prayer: Gillette Magnuson Wiley Secretary of State. Gurney Malone Young At this altar of prayer which our Hayden Martin Mr. SCHOEPPEL presented the cre­ fathers builded, we would be still and dentials of FRANK CARLSON, duly chosen know that Thou art God. Forgive us Mr. LUCAS. I announce that the by the qualified electors of the· State of that we talk so much and are silent so Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CHAPMAN] Kansas, a Senator frotn that State, for seld0m; that we are in such constant and the Senator from Colorado [Mr. the term beginning January 3, 1951, motion .and are so rarely still; that we JOHNSON] are absent on official business. which were read and ordered to be filed, depend so implicitly on the effectiveness The Senator from Illinois [Mr. DouG­ as follows: of our own schemes and organization LAS], the Senator from Delaware [Mr. STATE OF KANSAS, and so little on the power of. Thy spirit. FREAR], the Senator from Pennsylvania EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Bewildered by the world's confusion [Mr. MYERS], and the Senator from Vir­ CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION and by the angry emotions of the time, ginia · [Mr. RoBERTso:NJ are absent on To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE we are tempted to lose certitude and public business. UNITED STATES: stability and self-control. We would The Senator froin Rhode Island [Mr. This is to. certify that on the 7th day of GREEN] is absent by leave of the Senate November 1950 FRANK CARLSON was duly be true servants of Thy will in this chosen by the qualified electors of the State troubled time. Teach us this and every on official business, having been appoint­ ed a delegate from the Senate to attend of Kansas a Senator from said State to rep­ day so to wait upon Thee that we may resent said State in the Senate of the United renew our strength, mount up with the meeting of the Commonwealth Par­ States for the term of 6 years, beginning on wings as eagles, run and not be weary, liamentary Association in Australia. the 3d day of January 1951. walk and not faint. We ask it in· the The Senator from · Minnesota [Mr. Witness: His Excellency our Governor, Redeemer's name. Amen. HUMPHREY] is absent because of illness. FRANK CARLSON, and our seal heret o affixed The Senator from Nevada [Mr. Mc­ at Topeka, Kans., this 27th day of Novem­ THE JOURNAL CARRAN J and the Sena tor from Florida ber A. D. 1950. On request of Mr. TAYLOR, and by FRANK CARLSON I [Mr. PEPPER] are absent by leave of the Govern.or. unanimous consent, the reading of the Senate. By the Governor: ,Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, The Senator from Alabama [Mr. (SEAL) LARRY RYAN, November 30, 1950, was dispensed with. SPARKMAN] is absent by leave of the Sen- Secretary of Stats. 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 16009 SENATOR FROM CONNECTICUT United States· for the term of 6 years, be· time radio service. in areas. remote from Mr. McMAHON. Mr. President, I pre .. ginning on the 3d day of January.1951. cities; and sent a certificate; in proper form, certi­ In witness whereof, I have hereunto set Whereas city listeners in the United States . my hand and seal at Oklahoma City, Okla., have more than an adequate amount of fying to the election of my colleague the this 20th day of November A. D. 1950. radio broadcast coverage; and junior Senator from Connecticut [Mr. Roy J, TuRNEJt. Whereas the National Grange has gone on BENTON]. By the Governor of the State of Oklahoma. record many times in the past in favor of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The [SEAL] WILBURN CARTWRIGHT, clear channels and sufficient power on them credentials will be read and placed on Secretary of State. to better serve rural and small-town lis­ teners: Therefore be it file. LEAVE OF ABSENCE The credentials were read and placed Resolved, That the National Grange in on file, as follows: On his own request, and by unanimous annual sessio:n in Minneapolis, Minn., vig­ consent, Mr.
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