432 Index a acquired medetomidine, 351 abdominal cavity, 120–127, 134, 342–344, cardiomyopathy, 321 xylazine, 422 347–349, 355, 358 hypothyroidism , 312–313 anestrus, 366 colon, 122, 125, 127–130, 134, 342, orthopedic disease, 177, 414 angular limb deformity, 150, 384, 386 347–348, 351, 354, 358 acral lick dermatitis, 234, 237 animal-related injuries, 20, 194 duodenum, 120, 127–129, 342, 351 acromion, 154–155, 388 anisocoria, 62, 66 gall bladder, 342 acute abdomen, 343–344, 371 annulus fibrosus, 416–417 ileum, 120, 128–129, 342 adenocarcinoma, 90, 215, 330, 332–333, 351, ano-genital distance, 135–136 jejunum, 120, 124, 128–129, 342, 346, 353, 386, 394 anorectal disease, 130 352, 354 adenoma anorexia, 130, 313, 344, 349, 351, 361 large intestine, 129, 354 bile duct, 120 antebrachium, 154, 156, 235, 237, 239, 244, liver, 41, 91, 98, 114, 120, 122, 125–127, cholangiocellular, 120 387, 391 132, 240, 342, 347–351 meiobomian gland, 270 anterior chamber, 64–65 ovaries, 90, 125, 137, 347, 364 thyroid, 97 anterior synechiae, 65, 282 pancreas, 90, 122, 125, 127–128, 342, 347, adhesions, 52, 123, 282, 345 anus, 120, 130, 132, 182, 342, 356, 366, 420 351–352 adnexa of the eye, 52–53, 55–56, 58 anxiety prostate, 125, 135, 347–248, 355, aflatoxin, 348 feline, 7, 9–10, 21, 39 357–358, 361 aggression separation, 198 small intestine, 123, 125, 128–129, 345, canine, 193 anxiolytic agent, 21 347, 352, 354 defensive, 187, 199, 424 aortic stenosis, 98, 320 spleen, 125, 127, 137, 342, 347, 350–351 fear-based, 199 aortic thromboembolism (ATE), 101, 117 stomach, 86, 120–122, 125, 127, 342, 347–351 inter-cat, 4 aortic valve, 101–104, 326, 328–329 urinary bladder, 123–125, 132, 134–135, inter-dog, 193 apocrine, 32, 46, 225 345, 347–348, 355, 358–359 provoked, 3 apoptosis, 33, 183, 225 uterus, 123–124, 137–138, 345–346, 364–366 agouti, 33–34, 225, 231 appendicular skeleton, 146, 150, 153, 160, abdominal distension, 120–123, 343 airplane ear carriage, 201 382–383, 386, 392 abdominal fat pad, 25, 28 airway area centralis, 261 abdominal pain, 120, 122, 128, 343–344, lower, 105, 107, 114, 313, 330–332, 335 arousal, 8, 199, 361 349, 352 obstruction, 105, 184, 331–332 arrhythmia, 321 abdominal palpation, 122, 124–125, 127, upper, 99, 105, 113, 184, 313, 323, artery 137–138, 344, 346–347, 358, 364–365, 403 330–332, 334 brachial, 156, 389 abdominal silhouette, 122, 343, 350 airway sounds common carotid, 312 abdominal tuck, 27 adventitious, 115, 336 femoral, 100 abdominocentesis, 123, 344 bronchovesicular, 114, 335 articular cartilage, 166–167, 389 abducent nerve (CN VI), 183, 421 alar folds, 99, 323 ascarids, 128, 352 abduction, 397–398 albino, 34 ascending colon, 127–129, 351 abnormal behavior, 174, 412 allergic reaction, 42, 241 ascites, 100, 120, 122, 343–344 abnormal heart sounds, 101, 321, 326 allergic skin disease, 267 Aspergillus fumigatus, 330–331 abnormal lung sounds, 332 alopecia, 35, 233, 285 aspiration aborad, 128, 352 color dilution, 233 fine-needle, 313 abrasion peri-aural, 35 pneumonia, 332 corneal, 58, 273 peri-ocular, 36 reflex, 331 nasal planum, 75, 291 overgrooming, 134 ataxia, 177–178, 180, 186, 315, 414–415, 423 abscess, 69, 127, 130 truncal, 314 atlantoaxial subluxation, 383 anal sac, 44, 130–131 American Association of Feline Practitioners atriventicular valves (A-V), 101 atlantoaxial epidural, 383 (AAFP), 4 atropine, 67, 422 hepatic, 348 amniotic sac, 139, 368 attrition, 303 splenic, 351 anal sacculitis, 130–131, 354 audiovisual recording, 174, 177, 412 accessory nerve (CN XI), 183, 421 anal sac impaction, 354 aural accessory sex glands anal tone, 131–132, 153, 182, 356, 420 discharge, 285 ampullae, 361 anconeal process, 389, 391 hematoma, 69 bulbourethral glands, 125 anemia auscultation prostate, 125, 135, 347–348, 355, 357–358, 361 hemolytic, 348 abdominal, 129, 344 acetabulum, 131, 160, 163–164, 394–397 physiologic, 321 cardiothoracic, 98–99, 101–102, 105, 116 Achilles tendon, 160 anesthetic agents respiratory, 110, 116, 334, 337 acholic feces, 348 atropine, 67, 422 awareness, 12, 15 acidifying diet, 360 ketamine, 351, 422 axial skeleton, 146, 148, 382 Performing the Small Animal Physical Examination, First Edition. Ryane E. Englar. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Index 432 30 May 2017 5:08 PM Index 433 axillary breed, see canine breeds; feline breeds Great Pyrenees, 227, 343, 364, 418 lymph node, 94–95, 317 breed-related canine pattern baldness, 233 Irish Setter, 343 nerve, 182, 420 breed-specific legislation, 222 Jack Russell Terrier, 225, 349 azotemia, 30 brindle, 230–231, 225, 227 Keeshond, 320 bronchitis, 107, 332 King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, 266, 321, b bronchopneumonia, 332 365, 412 back bronchovesicular sounds, 114, 335 Labradoodle, 223 arched, 16 “brudacaine”, 10, 199, 206 Labrador Retriever, 343, 364, 389–390, 392, pain, 344 bruising, 40–41, 34–44, 76–78, 81, 131, 240, 397, 401, 403 back curvature 243, 266, 295–296, 303 Lhasa Apso, 360 kyphosis, 150, 177, 383, 414 “bug-eyed”, 263, 267, 274 Maltese, 320, 333, 364 lordosis, 138, 150, 177, 383, 414 bulbourethral glands, 135 Mexican Hairless, 223 scoliosis, 150, 177, 383, 414 bulbus glandis, 362 Miniature Poodle, 223, 320–321, 383 bacteriuria, 215 bulla osteotomy, 184–185 Miniature Schnauzer, 321, 360, 365 ballottment, 344 bullae, 42 Newfoundland, 320, 343, 401 Bayer Veterinary Care Usage Study, 3 bunny-hopping gait, 397, 401 Old English Sheepdog, 312, 314 behavior, 4, 8, 9, 15–16, 20 buphthalmos, 274–275 Pekingese, 266, 274, 364, 417 behavioral flooding, 197 Pug, 263, 265–266 biceps brachii tendon, 155, 389 c Puggle, 264 biceps femoris, 94, 316 C1–C5, 181, 419 Rough Coated Collie, 365 bicolor, 33–34, 36, 225 C6–T2, 181, 419 Saint Bernard, 266, 364–365 bilaterally symmetrical cachexia, 25, 93, 145, 275, 380 Samoyed, 321 alopecia, 35–36, 233, 314 calcanean tendon, 169, 403 Scottish Deerhound, 314 discharge, 72, 291 calcaneus, 169, 246, 403 Shetland Sheepdog, 320, 384 pupils, 62, 184 calcium oxalate, 359–361 Shiba Inu, 204 biliary cystadenoma, 120–121 calculus, 81–82, 302–303 Shih Tzu, 360 biliary tract obstruction, 41, 240 calico, 34 Siberian Husky, 237, 278, 332 bilirubin, 41, 61, 240 calipers, 42, 241, 244 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, 352 bioimpedance monitor, 257 callus, 246, 248–249 Standard Poodle, 70, 285, 364 biopsy, 142, 353 calming cap, 208 Tibetan Mastiff, 366 birth weight, 368, 396 calvarium, 262, 265 Yorkshire Terrier, 233, 321, 333, 360, 364, bisphenol A (BPA), 91 Campylobacter spp., 354 400–401 bite wound, 20 Canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2), 330 Weimaraner, 264 bladder canine aggression, 193 West Highland White Terrier, 321, 401 gall, 342 canine breeds Whippet, 225 urinary , 123–125, 132, 134–135, 345, Afghan, 334 canine distemper virus (CDV), 330 347–348, 355, 358–359 Airedale Terrier, 365 canine herpesvirus-1 (CHV), 330 blepharitis, 56, 267–268 Alaskan Malamute, 237, 383 canine infectious respiratory disease (CIRD), 331 blepharospasm, 53, 55, 57, 265–268 American Bulldog, 266 canine influenza virus, 330 blindness, 278, 422 American Staffordshire terrier, 222 canine parainfluenza virus, 330 blood pressure, 19, 196–197, 322 Australian Cattle Dog, 231–232 canine parvovirus, 353 body composition, 25, 215–216, 221 Basset Hound, 286 canine respiratory coronavirus, 330 body condition scoring (BCS), 25–29, 145, Beagle, 228, 312, 320, 364, 417 canine tooth, 79, 186, 299, 423 154, 214–221, 380 Bedlington Terriers, 267 capillary refill time (CRT), 76, 99, 112, 296, body fat, 25, 27, 145, 215–216, 380 Bernese Mountain Dog, 228, 365, 386, 390 323–334 body language, 12, 124, 199, 204–205, 285, 323 Bichon Frise, 320, 360 capital femoral epiphysis, 164–165 body mass index, 25, 215 Border Collie, 202–203, 223, 225, 286 capital physeal fracture, 165 body posture, 11, 13, 16, 194, 199, 204 Bouvier des Flandres, 332 carbon monoxide toxicosis, 76, 295 body weight Boxer, 222, 266, 312, 314, 320, 401 cardiac cycle, 101, 325–326 emaciated, 27, 216 Bull Mastiff, 320 cardiac silhouette, 109, 330, 334 obese, 25, 28, 30, 94, 124, 132, 138, Bull Terrier, 262, 285, 320, 332 cardiomegaly, 330 145–146, 154 Cairn Terrier, 212 cardiomyopathy, 98, 101, 107, 278, 321–322, 326 overweight, 24–25, 27–28, 124, 145, 154, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, 225, 227 cardiothoracic auscultation, 98–99, 215–216, 220–221 Chihuahua, 261, 320, 381 101–102, 105, 116 underweight, 25, 27, 90, 145, 215–216, Chinese Crested, 223 carpal laxity syndrome, 384 350, 380 Chinese Shar Pei, 272, 348 carpal valgus, 150, 384–385 weight gain, 25, 120, 215, 314 Chow Chow, 225, 266, 365 carpal varus, 150, 384 weight loss, 25, 30, 90, 98, 120, 128, Cocker Spaniel, 225, 267, 271, 274, 314, carpus, 154, 156–157, 160, 169, 182, 237, 384, 145–146, 215, 313, 352–353, 380 320, 351, 355, 401, 417 387, 391–392, 402–403, 420 body wrap, 21, 207–208 Collie, 384 cartilage bony prominences, 146, 246, 380 Dachshund, 227, 364, 417 articular, 166–167, 389 scapulae, 146, 154, 380, 387–388 Dalmatian, 225, 332, 361 hyaline, 164, 273, 397 temporal bones, 146, 380 Doberman Pinscher, 231, 233, 278, 314, cat carrier, 3 transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae, 322, 417–418 cataract, 66, 276, 282–283 146, 380 English Bulldog, 251, 266, 320, 361, 364, 382 Cat Friendly Practice, 4 wings of the ilia, 25, 146, 160, 216, 380, 396 English Setter, 225, 264 caudal borborygmi, 129, 344 Fox Terrier, 278 cyanosis, 320 Bordetella bronchiseptica, 105, 330 French Bulldog, 382 laryngeal nerve, 312 brachial plexus, 422 German Shepherd, 278, 320, 331–332, 343, stomatitis, 84 brachycephalic breed, 262, 277 353–354, 389–390, 392,
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