Vossingen 1 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― VOSSINGEN VOSSINGEN ORGAN FOR VOSSELAGET. ORGAN FOR VOSSELAGET ――――― ――――― Fortsættelse af det ældste bygdelagsorgan i Amerika. 1857-1860. Continuation of the oldest bygdelags newsletter in America. 1857-1860. ――――― ――――― K. A. RENE, Redaktør. K. A. RENE, Editor. ――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――― Nr. 2 Madison, Wis., Juni 1926 8nd aarg. No 2 Madison, Wis., June 1926 8th year ――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――― VOSSENAVNET I GAMLE SKALDEKVAD THE VOSS NAME IN OLD SKALDIC ART1 ————- —————— Af K. R. By K. R. Dengang, da kong Olav Kyrre anlagde kjøbstaden At the time when King Olav Kyrre established the Bjørgvin ved havet udenfor Voss, var han kanske mercantile city Bjørgvin (Bergen) out from Voss, he was især blit opmærksom paa Vossingerne, om end possibly especially attentive even if the horders and horder og sogninger var nær ved. De var ialfald sognings were nearby. In any case, they were the city's byens rygstød, der de laa bagenfor Borgeaasen med back support since they lay back of Borgeåsen with their sine skibe ved Osterøen og Balstadfjorden. Nogen af ships in the Oster Islands and Bolstadfjord. Some of them dem havde vel været med til England og deltaget i had been along to England and taken part in the battle at slaget ved Standfords Bro, hvor Olavs far, Harald Stamford Bridge, where Olav's father met his fate. Their Haardraade, fandt sin bane. Og deres skibe var vel ships probably were in the fleet that Olav led back to med i den flaade, som Olav førte tilbage til Norge Norway after the battle. Enough that he laid out building efter slaget. Nok er det, at han kort tid efter udlagde lots and built churches a short time later at his yard byggetomter og byggede kirker paa sin gaard Bjørgvin by the harbor, and set up probably on Alrekstad Bjørgvin ved Vaagen, og satte sig til selv sandsyn- now Aarstad ― the old palace at Bergen. ligvis paa Alrekstad nu Aarstad — den gamle King Olav was peace-loving and gregarious and one kongsgaard ved Bergen. who quietly tried to improve progeny and practices. Kong Olav var fredsommelig, selskabelig og en, som i Prosperity reigned in the kingdom and splendor in stilhed søgte at forbedre sæder og skikke. Velstand fik clothing and household appearance. raade i riget og pragt i klæder og husstel kom tilsyne. King Olav had one son, who was given the name Kong Olav fik en søn, som blev givet navnet Magnus. The mother was Tora Joansdatter. Her Magnus. Moderen var Tora Joansdatter. Hvor hun var background is not known. The son grew up at court and fra er uvist. Sønnen vokste op i hirden og blev meget was very handsome and promising, says the sagas. vakker og haabefuld, siger sagaen. That was Magnus Barefoot. He came in contact with Det var Magnus Barfod. Tidlig kom han sikkert i the Vossings early on, who were like-minded with him; berørelse med Vossingerne, som har været efter hans or he like theirs. Compared to his father he was of a sind; eller han er blit efter deres. I modsætning til bellicose disposition; and had definite aims. His motto faderen blev han krigersk anlagt; men gik efter was, people get more from honor than from long lives bevidste maal. Hans valgsprog blev, at man skal se and he adhered to what he said. mere paa æren end paa et langt liv, og dette fulgte Soon after his father's death in 1093, Magnus was han trolig, som han saa det. proclaimed at Viken as king of all Norway. The trønders Straks efter faderens død 1093, blev Magnus wanted his cousin, Haakon Magnusson as king. He had, udraabt i Viken til konge over hele Norge. Men presumably following his stepfather, Steiga-Tore's trønderne vilde have hans søskendebarn, Haakon counsel, won the people's favor by following certain Magnussen til konge. Denne havde, formentlig efter impositions as earlier kings had done. Magnus felt that sin fosterfar, Steiga-Tores, raad, vundet-folkets gunst this was an attack on his rights and he gathered his ved at eftergive visse paalæg, som tidligere konger soldiers. With seven ships, he took off for Nidaros. This havde gjort. Magnus syntes, at dette var indgreb may have been the Vossings seven ships; since they ogsaa i hans rettigheder, og han samlede sine 1. Skaldic. In medieval times entertainment and hærmænd. Med syv skibe drog han til Nidaros. Dette history was transmitted by "skalds", minstrels who kept var maaske Vossingernes syv skibe; thi de udrustede history and customs alive. (SJN). ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Translated by Stanley J. Nuland 2 Issue No. 2, 1926 - 8th year ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― samme antal for at hjelpe Haakon Haakonson provided the same number of ships to help Haakon senere. Trønderne viste sig imidlertid for talrige og Haakonson later. Meanwhile the trønders were too efter at have seet deres hengivenhed for Haakon numerous and after he had seen their devotion to drog han tilbage til Bjørgvin, hvor han muligens da Haakon, he retreated back to Bjørgvin where he had samlede sine horder, saa styrede han til Viken med possibly gathered his men from Hordaland, then he sin flaade, kanske for at samle mere folk; men der aimed for Viken with his fleet, maybe to get more blev ikke brug for hans krigere indenlands, om det people, but there was no need for his warriors var tanken; thi kong Haakon døde allerede samme inland, as was the thought; since King Haakon had vaar, og trønderne skyndte sig nok med at died that same spring and the trønders hurried to underkaste sig. surrender. Magnus vilde dog prøve sine folk, før han lod dem Magnus then wanted to test his men before he let fare hjem igjen, og fandt anledning til at gjøre et tog til them go home again and found a chance to make an Halland — kystlandskabet syd for Gøtaelven, der expedition to Halland — a coastal area south of the dengang var dansk. Der ved Nisaaen havde Magnus's Gøta River, which at that time was Danish. It was farfar, kong Harald Haardraade, holdt et berømt slag there at Nisaaen that Magnus' paternal grandfather med danske-kongen, og Magnus vilde kanske vise, at had the famous battle with the Danish king, and han ikke vilde være mindre til mand. Da det vaarede, Magnus maybe wanted to show that he was not a for han med sine folk derhen og herjede vidt og bredt. lesser man. While it lasted, he went with his men Om dette tog forteller Bjørn Krephændte følgende i and raided far and wide. Bjørn Krephændte tells the Magnus-draapa: following about this project in his laudatory poem: Vidt lod vorsa-drotten Widely ranged the Voss force folket skyndsomt flygte. People hurriedly fled Horda-ræsir *) svidde husene. The Vossing king scorched the houses Halland brand fik mærke. Halland's burning was notorious Thrønders budlung *) brændte Trønders monarch burned mangt et herred siden. Many a district since Vidt lyste baalene. Widely burned the bonfires. Visdalske enker vaaged. Visdal's widows keened. Af dette kvad kan man nok forstaa, hvem From this lay (song) people can interpret who Magnus's krigere var. Først og fremst var det Magnus' warriors were. First and foremost were the Vossinger, saa horder, og siden kom thrønderne. De Vossings, then the horders, and last came the vilde vel snarest mulig gjøre godt igjen, at de havde Trønders. They wanted to do well soon again as holdt sig til Haakon. they had supported Haakon. Men det maa synes lidt besynderligt nu, da Voss However, it must have seemed a little strange, kun udgjør en brøkdel af Hordaland, at se since Voss only constituted a small portion of vossenavnet sat i spidsen, og kong Magnus kaldt Hordaland, to see the Voss name occupying the vossa-drotten. Det skulde da vise, at han stod i et vanguard and King Magnus called the Voss særligt forhold til dem — at de havde udmærket sig, monarch. It confirmed that he had rapport with them som tidsaanden var, og at Voss i de dage har været — that they had distinguished themselves, as was betragtet som en stormagt blandt de norske the spirit of the times, and Voss, in those days had landskaber. Vi kan nok ogsaa tænke os til, at been regarded as a power in the Norwegian Magnus, der som nævnt var opdragen i hirden og for countryside. Magnus, as mentioned, had been reared det meste opholdt sig i Bergen under faderens among the bodyguard and mostly kept to Bergen fredelige regjering, har gjort ture til Voss med en during his father's calm reign and had traveled to eller anden hirdmand, og der udvalgt sin livvagt og Voss with one or the other retainer and there chosen sine kampfæller blandt de sprækeste karer. his own bodyguards and fighting comrades from Det er dog ikke bare i dette tilfælde, at among the spriest fellows. vossenavnet i gamle skaldekvad særskilt er sat i This is not the only time that the Voss name forbindelse med Kongen. I kong Haakon appeared in the old skaldic songs in association with Haakonsons saga forekommer noget lignende. I et a king. In King Haakon Haakonson's some thing kvad der er kong Haakon kaldt Vossingernes similar is presented. In a song King Haakon is krigshøvding eller hersker (vaursagrams), og han er called the Vossings chieftain or sovereign and ———— ———— *) Ord for kongen. *) Word meaning king. ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Translated by Stanley J. Nuland Vossingen 3 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― er da ikke nævnt som noget andet landskabs speci-elle he is not mentioned as the special chieftain or sovereign høvding eller hersker. Kvadet er om kong Haakons of any other region. The lay is about King Haakon's kronings-fest i Bergen 1247 og er skrevet af Sturla coronation in Bergen in 1247 and is written by Sturla Tordson — den sidste store oldnorske sagaskriver, Tordson — the last Old Norse saga writer, soon after straks efter kongens død paa toget til Skotland.
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