to the reader For fw:fiCTO'IU Unch 3«"'1- trogic(IU..11 tudkrou.,- lht domestic sit� 1iu. t>ecoru CO'ffl'J)liccrted. (11 cdditfon co hil work. os:1n:t'm41lo•Hl agent of ,:t-.r.clet and OQO'renlon,. -whkh Jiu bt<kf-ire4 ._ '1101't than o.e octado�. he b tt0&0 faced with • tcbelU.ow.s tlt11-&t1on 111 hf.s OI01I hot.ttt, 0$ owr <Ot.Jrer bc!ieues. rteo oJ our orricto i" thia iuue deol �h th4t c.June. "A Volte J1om rhe ftlcm,ter,' h1 the sectl01l M'a.n and Hi.S Word, '!:f :Jut p,odwt'I c,f on. f,uen,tew u,lill cht 11o-rth .Ar'l\trita..f\ Cl'la1'1ene Mite-ht II - who a.1 o. alld c:oni.1n11.11-11t woma111 b o natural thorn in the rid.t: of 1he ;V()rth Arurlnn imptrlc.U,u cu •P-.c! conthauo 1>11-111.ina ihe ht.teor4riO'ft. c'Jtd rocficaU:at;on o/ the No-rth Ainerlcn left. The eri.lh C1I lht value• rhot n:uain th<' An.tri.cca. to&l/ o1 life la /vU11 tzpo,ed i,a iht ortiete "Yo11rh. c,ae Si,seem"' bi, the uounsi N<>Yth Amerf014 Ptt-er Jfor:vJLond, hi.eluded {n the 1"4"ction :£xpcr!cnctS arul Facts. Tht, ,ecdO'II. co1ui1u;.q with thru ot�u work::s conta.inlno valvobte h&,fmmcdon.. "'lmmtdit.ate Objtctfue; Cabora Sane... b11 rht BTirllll AfricaJttlt KeUner. p1dls osld� lhe CU1'tQbt lhal hide, th� co,np.ler oj hn�l hue-rem cro1utd the con,tML,clion of the Cabera Ba.,M dcim lit Mo:o11lbiq-ue 1ho101 thb and C.lle i,a.1er•1tiofl,Qt mobttl.::atfoa1 cootnJS project. lff uU10: Loo, L,J.oe,, Yaxke-t1 ·• the,tan ·reader Kav,o-ne P1'0flvihcn Qit,u iei.r• aoco:.nt o/ dut qu.arrer,..c�ntu"li ,1r-.i,gle o/ the Lao1i4n people. c 1tn•oot• that hal developed 0110 mo.n of thq1 ptriOd with en alm.o,r tor41 lf.d( o/ t1'fonnotion otd e1gaim wh.ich "'b'\I form oJ lrn.perialisi rtp-tE'sslon cindt.1ri g1Je hH be�n t.Qtd. The ru.Jitv oj Zi<mht poUtw, it, $t.Ohch from the Enol£1h to the North Amerit:a:n bas$, the d:enimc:iotion crt rhe lack TRICONTIN&NTAL rn•CN"elice,I org•n or tho 1;.,cocut.\l"O Se-cr•t..ler ot lhe 0,9-en .2:ec.,on o• Solldlll11')' ot the Peopioa of Africa. Mia, •no Leon Americ• BJMOt'llhl)I, No. ,3, MttrCh•Apt4 1�71 . Central oc:Hton..i otnc•� LiNtO y O Vooo� Mavana, Cvb.._ addrO•Sl P.O. 8ox ._224, M.e11,afta. Cuba. 0191fiDVreo by OSPAA�L; Meape,o Ed•ll0l\a, Place Pa1,1 Po nlovO. Po,,. 0� F,ar,c;;.e Fettnnelll 8ookahop. MIion. ltOly l!dltOd in tour lo,ngvogo� SponJan.. ltngllah. Franch ar-.d ltal•an Price pe, copy· S0.7C►. Pa.rt•,,•.� ,.titan L 700. ,,·11"1ue1 -.ubscriptlon (G Issues), $3 eo pesos $3.00 us. F ». I. 3000. ::.onlaJ or total rep,oc:h.1c11-on •• freely pon•n1rtec:.t oy if'lconunantaJ ma.ga1:,no. PrlntOd ,n Unidad 0, ot the Book 1n,tHvte. Cuba ,----------, oJ common 4tlion whhtn rhe Arab world due to cla.u fntneru and imptriali.u COfftrol.1, and a rummar11 oJ the of the of the building proud ,r,...ggle Pale,tine.. people, on Included tn tht ort1C'le "PlundeT and Dipnit11 b1,1 rhe ,cholarlu Swtde Steffan Bukman, lono identified with the P4lestint C41'St. Th.e ourho,t111 o/ Vo Ngu110. Gia-p /or ht, l,;mg hon>tlt of mUha'll vicrorie, technical end mor-fflol disa.dvcntagt.f, oJ oJ few the nux-ea,u the ,rruoole che Vittnome,e people and havh10 been the mtlftarv arm of the immortal Ho Ch, Mfflh, addl to th.e tignl/kctftct of "Growth of the People'• Army," indt,pen,abte manual for the utional lib.-raticm io,,.,presented here in SLarting Points. Included in tJu ieciton Land ot Idea.a U the TtpOrt-, pubU1hed undtr our title ,.An lnternatiornU War," which Ma-rceth,o do• Santos, Predcte-nr of CONCP. made at the Rome Confe-rmce. The imJ)Ortanc:e that the Pcwtuou1e colcmte, p,re,nit becatUe weaJth. b«'cctue TO contentsTHE READER of thtir natural thev are th� ia,t colodtd ba,don.r. i, explained in thf.1 work. aio�Q uihh the M'rolc ,truggJe i-n. which the people LAND OF IDEAS o/ 1,hose terrl1orle1 aTe enpagied. "Ye• ,o Sodalbm•' t, the title /of' the program of Che ■ An International War trfumpMnt 1#11 coalition, Pe0p1e·, Unit11 of ChUe. Marcelino dos Santos 4 on hi.froMc commitment 10llo1e /ulflUment t.0Ul �,on the real ttizure of pou,er bii the Chilean J>fOple. Beoiwe Of the importance of tu propo,ot.,, it opp,ar, in Noth tor A STARTING POINTS History. Growth of the People"s Army And coJ1ceml110 the J)Tetent Chtlean J)GMrom.o, the Initial diJ/kulcte, '"" makh1g a nMantial c:ha11oe. there £, the Vo Nguyen Giap 16 direct t,l$ion o/ ..A, the Starting Line'' in the ,ectio'R Trlcontln�ntal on lhe Marc:h, wh.ole author Carto, Padmu e EXPERIENCES AND FACTS wcaa p-re.-�1 for the ch.anoe in govn11men-t tn ChUe, reprcaetttin-g 1tie MPI of .Puerto Rko. Immediate Objective: Cabora Bassa The olobat e:rpOfidon of Ch4d', faUe indep,en.dmct, Peter Kellner 29 untimeJs, /, a backwoTdneq: of centurie,. a-nd the fint 1te;,1 toward cte,tTol(ing the,e /eo.t11Tet ht Chad, 1970: Laos Lives. Yankees! the Cffltrat•African duttt nation. /m Meridian Llberatlon with rhe WO'l'k •'lnitde a. Sft'wggre... on. u:cturiue aTtt:clc Kaysone Phomvihan 37 ,., Trlcontln•ntoJ. bi, Abbo Sidlk, FROLINA leodff, Books tor Today "eomplere, our Hgutar ,ectlcm, whh Plunder and 0igni1y ..The lflter11ol Colo1111.. ,,. wh.lch Jea"•Poui Sor,.,.c. who Steffan Beckman 50 ha, written /oT .u be/OTt., r11J>UU11 and ctcorfi, outline., tht .liruation.-the infruiruarton we might caU it-of Youth Against the System AJrican immigrant Ill FTonce, whkh. ii the. wm of tht. c:ommen.tarv from a dtbote on. the Ttcen.U.11l)'llbfilhed Peter Hammond �3 �----------' Book the Attiean Workers in France. ol e NOTES FOR HISTORY Yes to Socialism 74 e MERIDIAN LIBERATION Inside a Struggle 102 a MAN AND HIS WORD A Voice from the Monster Charlene Mitchell 121 •TRICONTINENTAL ON THE MARCH Al the Starting Line Carlos Padilla 136 a BOOKS OF TODAY The Internal Colony Jean-Paul Sartre 142 I NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS 145 An International War Marcelino dos Santos The e-xtenslvc anaJy"a.l.t that Marcelino dos Snn.tos prHmta in lhe nam.c of the CON'CP tn hi.I report rto the 1ntttnatlonal Conference of Soppr,tt to tl'le P�plet ot the Portucuese ColoniM� give:. tht, the lmporlt.nce of an hi.rto-ric document and, as •ue:h, Trl�oa.Une•tal it to it, read.era, Here is: the documentation neceuuy for o complt-t.e undersl.3.ndii,g of the poliUcal• tt<>nomic a net , situation imposed by Portuguese C'<llonlaUsm wltl) the support of Yankee impniallsm. which has made Portug,a) �U ILi ncocolony. DEAR FRIENDS, selves. Portuguese c-olonialism, established On February 4, 1961, the militants and maintained by force,- is on the of MPLA fired on the Luanda decline today. Slaughters such as prisons and thus initiated �he ir­ that of Sio Tome (19f>3), Pijiguiti reversible process o:f peoples' armed (Guinea-Bissau, 1959), Mueda \Mo- struggle. In turn, on August 3, zambique, 1930), Icole and Ben go 1963, and September 25; 1964,P AlGC (Angola, 1961), have brought us to and FRELIMO began the national an understanding that any peaceful armed liberation struggle :.gainst solution of the conJlict we offered Portuguese colonialism among the the colonialists was blocked, that peoples of Guinea and Mozambique armed aation could put an end to respectively. the aggression. This necessity be- The peoples of Guinea and Mo­ came more evident as everyone zambique have been able to over­ could recognize that Lisbon simply come their own dillicullies rapidly strengthened its repressive force in in successfully launching the nation­ every answer to the calls and resolu- al armed libera1ion struggle, and tions of the United Nations on the with their Angolan brothers, have colonial problem. undertaken the effective destruction This naturally led to our people taking up arms to liberate them- 11 of 1-'orluguese colonialism. liberation, in relation to the real lt"w countries of Europe in which 1rlu, 30 to 50% of the equipment The unity achieved al the nation­ needs of our people. the latifundist structure is still in this industry would be considered al level, like that forged among our On the other hand, for us it is largely a feudalist dependency. [n pr&cti cally unusable. three peoples and organizations, also a question of better organiza­ e,(fecl, if it is recognized that the Nevertheless, this industry includ­ �ave us the necessary and powerful tion of our common forces with a 500 principal landowners hold as ed a third of the industrial work instrument with which to build our view to achieving victory, because much land as the 500000 small land­ 1orce and the value of the products victory.
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