Love You, Lemkovina, _My Beloved Mother! | №. 9 YONKERS, NEW YORK FRIDAY, MARCH 3. 1989, а Te На TDITORIAL | OUR SONG LIVES ON BARDIOV,CZECHOSLOVAKIA. --The We all know that Macy's be- 16th Festival named Strings of gins planning their Thanksgiv- Makovitsa 88 was held from News From ing Day parades a year ahead. December 2-4, 1988 in Bardiov. Мусе lioVes това over Karpathians While the Lemko Association's gathered together for this fes Festival Committee does not Ета к. need a year to plan a festival, as the Spring approaches the committee beings to work towards its Annual Festival to be held in August at Lemko Resort. This year is no different. Plans have already been made to hold the first Festival Commit- tee meeting on March 18, 1989 at the CRA Center in Yonkers, New York. The Festival Committee is looking for new members--for people who want to work towards making our Festival one that is enjoyable for everyone. The festival committee does not meet. very often so іт ум are one of those people who do not like too many meetings-- have no fear! If you are, how ever, someone who loves their culture and is proud of being The weather was not the The editors of the newspaper Lemko--then we ask you to join type for travel ing but the cars Nove Zhittya, Druzhno vpered, us on March 18 at the CRA Center, and buses that were arriving and Duklia participated in «Пе 556 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, did not риса: damper on the meeting. One of the guests at New York. ал. М: : Testival Bb" the meeting was the popular The more members we have, This year's program, under - Lemko author Fedor Zubanich. the better because with new mem the direction of Anna Chavaga bers come new ideas and we want was entitled Life and song. LEMKO SONG RINGS OUT to find the type of program that Lemko songs were heard through will make the annual Festival at out the concert hall. Over Every Saturday night the mem Lemko Resort even more enjoyable 1200 people were in the audi bers of an amateur Lemko choir than ever. ence. See you there. gather for rehearsal at the House The songs of the Carpathians of Culture in the village of Tive in the hearts of the citi Rydodubi, Ternopol Region. This zens ог Багато м. well-known group 1$ made up of WE ENJOY THE NEWSPAPER Singers from Bardiov, Svid- people who vary in age and trade nik, Velika Poliana and Kolo workers of farm and field at the Enclosed please nitsa entered the audience. find a check Lesya Ukrainka Collective Farm. for $30--$20 for renewal of оці The festival showed that Most of them are new settlers subscription to KARPATSKA RUS Lemko song and culture are from the Lemko area. and $10 for the Press Fund. still alive in the Czechoslovak This Lemko Choir is conducted Carpathians. by two teachers from the Chort kiv Pedagogical College--Vera LETTERS | NEW DANCE ENSEMBLE GAINS A and Orest Podolchuk--who are FOLLOWING deeply in love with original Lem ko songs. I read the newspaper be The dance group Chardash Orest, a teacher of singing cause it is very interesting. from the village of Orosiev and conducting, has long been in Et мошій be difficult бо live in Transcarpathia has been in terested ihslemko. folklore. His without it. The paper writes existence for only two years. home Tibrary contains many books many interesting articles " The group has gained wide on this theme published in the about our people. popularity in only a short republic. Orest has also made I thank all those who work time. his own arrangements to Lemko for the newspaper. It is good The group is popular because songs. One song he has worked to know that there are still the choreography of its dances ‘on was written down by chorus people who care about their tells about the live of the own and are ready and willing Lemkos and their traditions. to work for their cultural member Petro Kulyk. heritage. Many relatives of Petro Kulyk Nellie Wanca FEDOR ZUBANICH MEETS WITH sing in the choir--his brother, Andrei with STUDENTS IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA his wife; his nephew TO THE EDITOR Pavlo with his mother; his sister SNINA,CZECHOSLOVAKIA.--On Decem Maria's son-in-law Roman; and JOHNSTOWN,PA.--In memory of my per. 7 ih the High“Scheal og Maria's two daughters-in-law, dear husband, John Matelesko, Gotwald Street, a meeting betweer Maria and Stephania. The Lemko youth and editors and (Continued on ie di writers was held. (Continued on pg.2) PAGE 2 "KARPATSKA RUS FRIDAY. MARCH:0354 198% EO “FHE -BBLIOR I Love You, Lemkovina, My Be oved Mother! (From рд- 1)| PATSKA Re \ enclosed please find $50 for the Press Fund in his memory. The costumes for the Lemko 5 влет Six Tong years have passed EEMKO SONG chorus were specially made in since the i я of my husband. (From pg.1) workshops of Kosiv. The men My life has changed completely are dressed in long embroidered and I miss him deeply. Ivan and Ludmila Verbitsky shirts drawn in at the waist by belts, and also have hats. Mary Matelesko got to know Lemko songs from their mother and grandmother. The women wear skirts, embroi | The youngest choir member is dered blouses under a bodice ОЕ JO THE PAPER Vitaly Derenyuk, a fourth-grade and flowers for the head. All pupil. He performs with his members wear leather boots. Enclosedit=za checks for $30. mother’ and father. “Vitaly. 15 The chorus has performed throughout the Ukraine and also Twenty for the paper and $10 for very ‘interested sin. singing. on television. Their reper- the Press Fund. This Lemko Choir has more I enjoy reading the paper than forty singers. People tojreicensists mainly of folk songs from Lemkovina. Their se both in Englésh and Russians. id are: attracted got. only by their lections convey the unique col am of Lemko descent. I am 81 Sng ngs bust by the ее costlnes oring of Lemko land, and call years. old. = EER proud То Бела which were designed personally by members of the choir. For forth: respects for their working Lemko. people. Wishing you a successful this purpose, they made a spe cial visit to the«villages: of year. Pydzamochok and Loshniv in neigh АТ тев Каро ой boring dis tefctsfo®ithe region, CARPATHO RUSSIAN ORTHODOX Lemko from Gorlice where Lemko choirs had also been CHURCHES formed. The Rydodubi Choir was interested in the costumes worn wherever they met Lemkos. ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH Branch News The latter willingly showed FREELAND, PENNSYLVANIA them their "kiptar"--sleeveless fur coats worn from olden times The first Carpatho-Russians to settle in the Freeland YONKERS, NEW YORK BRANCHES HOLD by Lemkos. They found it very area founded St. Mary's Greek Catho ANNUAL MEETING useful when they became acquain ted with the Lemkovina chorus Tic Church and attended it faith fully until the early 1930's. YONKERS,N.Y..--The annual meeting from Rudno near Lvov. They The Vatican decrees of 1929 cay of Yonkers branches 4-28 of the sketched and photographed the sed many of the faithful to Lemko Association was held on costumes used by this famous amateur collective. gugstion their church's leader December 18, 1988 at the CRA Cen ship as well as their ter in УопКкере Пенал notion of what it meant to be "Greek Catho The meeting was opened at тех nr 4 P.M. by the President, John SOOT Mary's ис Ем и ж о в п ОСЬ Celebration of 1000 Was split Reports of the officers of й anity in Russi al LOL Свої нт су FEUD thos 0 who felt that loyalty to branch activities over the past Rome was para mount before any consideration year were given and accepted by of their unique Eastern Chris those in attendance. The mem tian identity, and those bers also heard a report by who red “that this Jdentity кон Timko Fecica in regard to the not be compromised in the inter First Distriet meeting which est of better relations between was held in November. Mr. Fe- ‘the Vatican and the American cica spoke of the need to in- Roman Catholic hjerarchy. crease membership in the Lemko st. И] сПав" < ААА Orthodox Association#and: to help find Greek Catholic Church was foun new readers for the KARPATSKA ded in 1935. In 1938 the church RUS. was officially кепатей as St. The branch members decided Michael's Carpatho-Russian Greek to hold a banquet in honor of Catholic Church under the dio cese of Bishop Orestes Chornock. their long-time members in order to raise funds to the newspaper. A collection was made for From:American Carpatho Russian the Press Fund from the members Orthodox Greek :Catholic Journal in attendance. The branch dona ted $200 in memory of its members Nicholas Cislak and Mary Hrabsky. Sti Yuri-Cathedral=Eveov. The branches also voted to donate funds to the newspaper in’ the Spring: Officers elected were: John Vislocky - President Olga Yedinak - Vice President Timko Fecica - Treasurer and Financial ‘Seey Simon Wan - Recording Secy Stefan Kurylo and Sophia Wan - Controllers Mark Medvid and John Fecica - substitutes After the meeting was closed a traditional Lemko meal was served which was prepared for | the branch members by the women. Simon Wan, Recording Secy. “GES KARPATSKA RUS FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1989 IN MEMORY OF “MICHAEL RISKO "Nicholas Carpatho Russian Ortho dox Greek Catholic Church in Michael Risko (Ryszko) died Elizabeth, New Jersey.
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