Initial Calibration Data Semtvolatile HSL Compounds (Pagel) Case No: 3SQ>7~-_________ Instrument tD; Contractor: gMCOTT&C-___________ Calibration Date: 3./M-/&S" Contract No: 6&-g»3-"feWf_______ Minimum RF for SPCC is 0*050 Maximum % RSD for CCC is 30% Hesponw Factor (subcchpt is th« amount of nanogramt) SPCC -Syswm P«r*ormance Check Compound* (e.j RF -Avtrae« Retoonsa Factor , t -not d«tectataf« at 20 ng %RSD -Parcam Relative Standard Daviation CCC -Cal.brat.on Chack Compound. M FormVI " - 4/84 Initial Calibration Data Semivolatile HSL Compounds (Page 2) Case No: -33O1—_____' Instrument ID: Contractor: ^COTEC, _________ ___. Calibration Date- 3-/2~:L/&S" Contract No: Minimum RF for SPCC is 0.050 Maximum % RSD for CCC is 30% Laboratory ID -B ita. i'2..3- CCC- Compound RF120 «F160 RF %RSD SPCC 2. 4-Dinitrotoiuent 2. 6-Pinitfototuene_____ &.'& 0.3ZV Diethylphthalate 4 - Chlor ophenyl -phanytether Fluorene »• 4-Nitroaniiine ^ ii>. :L-S| o/zet 4. 6-Dmttro-2-Methytphenol w. )°il N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (1 ) 4 - Bromophenyl -pheny let her Hexachlorobenzene o.l&l Pentachiorophanol O.tOf /3 Phenanthrene Anthracene 6 Dt-N-Butylphthalate Fluoranthene Benzidme 7® Pyrene Butylbenzylphthalate 2-3 3. S'-Dichlorobenzidme O.6ST Si Benzofa fcAnthrace ne .S6C. A bis<2-£thylhe*vl|Phthalaie 0.899 3? -- Chrysene LSI J Di-n-Octyl Phthalate Benzo(b)Fiuoranthene /.Z-30 /& Benzo( k |F luora nthene i.J-S* /a BenzoiajPyrene o.eeo IndenoO. 2. 3-cd}Pyrene . 5 S 5 Dioenz(a. hlAnthraeene h. t}Perylene O-foS"? /s Response Factor {subscript is the amount of nanograms) SPCC -System Performance Check Compounds (••) RF .Average Response Factor t -not dttectable at 20 ng %RSD -Percent Relative Standard Deviation 0) 'Cannot be separated from dtphenylamine CCC -Calibration Check Compounds (•) FormVt ARIQ'0330 4/B4 uonunuing uaiioration Cheek Semivolatiie HSL Compound* (Pagel) Case No: Contractor: &V^>7&C _______ Time: Contract No: && -&*-&-&¥ Laboratory ID: instrument ID: _____ &&L ________ Initial Calibration Date: Minimum RF for SPCC is 0.050 Maximum %D for CCC is 25% Compound %D CCC SPCC N • Nit rosodimethyta mine A Phenol Aniline AO/O ryt*-* E but • 2 -ChloroeihyljE th«r 2-ChlofOpheno* 1. 4-Otchtorobenzene Benzyl Alcohol 0,3/2- Mo » os i *h i 2-Oichlorobanz«ne f 2 • Methylphenol bi&(2 -chloroi£Qprocyl}£lher 4-Merhylphenol N-Nrtroso-Di-n-Propyiamine 0.2.3C He xachlor oethane H Nitrooenzene Isophof one , 2-Nnrophenof £3-7,3? 2, 0,1V*]- m • 2 -CnlocoeihoxyJMethane 2. 4-Dichlorophenol O-T-BQ 1 2 4-TnchlofObenzene O-30/ Naphthalene 4.Chloroanilme Hexachtorobuiadiene 4 Cnloro-3-Methyiphenoi Hexachlofocyclcpentadiene 0,3/2- 2-S 2. 4, B-TrtchJoropheno* 0-3&5" 2, 4, S'Tnchlorcpheno! 2 • Cnioronaptithalene 2 -Nirroarwlme Z2- Otmethyl Phthalate Acenaphthyfene 3-Mtiroanihne Acenaphthene A302. A/33 2 4-Diniuophenot Q.t+l 4>Nitropr>enoJ 2.3 Dibenzofuran A RP50 H*«»"** ^acior *rom daily standard file at concentration %0 -Percent Difference indicated CCC -Calibration Check Compounds (.} RT Average Response Factor from initial calibration FermV) SPCC -System Performance Check Compounds {••) Form VII 4/84 Continuing Calibration Check . Semivolatlle HSL Compounds (Page 2) Case No: 3603____________ Calibration Date: Contractor: &JCz>T&C~_________ Time: ______ Contract No: G& -Vlrdfo^ _____ Uboratory ID: Instrument ID: - ______ ; ____ initial Calibration Date: Minimum RF for SPCC is 0.050 Maximum %D for CCC is 25% Compound Iff RF80 SD CCC SPCC 2, 4-OinrtrotoiiMfW o.3"?-r O-330 /2- 2, C-Oinrtrotoiuane 0,32^2- 0,^*7"?" 6 Diethylphthjlate /.31& /./99 \<Z> 4.Chtoroph«nyi-phenyl«th*f O.LSS" 0.5&S ti- Fiuoren* /.33S" J.I&S ll 4-Nitroaniline CU2-»^ 0./?3 WZ) --Ni5ir\«&i-tvJ^ 0 4, 6-Dinitro-2-Methyfph*nol cx/6? 0.15*1 ia> V N-Nitro*odiph«nyiamine (1 1 0-^f? o.(* OA is- * 4-Bromoph*nyt-phenyiether O,^SX- 0- /.ST5 13 Hexach lorobonzene G.f&l o.f(*o i-z~ Pentachlorophenol o./o/ 0. OSZ- /a * Phenanthren* /,0&^ 0-9SO 1.1 Anthracene O.1/3 O.&OI I7<* Di-N-Bulylphthalattf /./Vf /.ti4~ ?** Fluor ant hene o.*wg 0.&3G /7^ * Benndint O.*f73 •*• —— • * Pyrene • 2*0<?f* /.py/ /0 Butylbenzylphtha late l.t+l A/3/ / 3, 3'-Dtchlorobenzidin« o.*f-ie O,3O# ^5 BenzofalAnthracane /.V3*- /.zsg Iff bis{2-EthylheKyf)Phthaiate Q.B?* 0.1W & Chrysene /.&J-! l*3(p® /2~ Ot-n-Octyl Phthalate J'3-7-*? A¥*^ 3 * 8enzo(b)Fluoranthene AZ-3O 0.7W ^/ Benzofk^luoranthene A/O^A A 06^ •£j(- B«ruo<»)Pvf9ne 0-660 O,"76? /3 * tndeno(1 . 2. 3-cd)Pvren« 0.&S9 ^.SS6» // Dibenfla, h Anthracene O.&OQ D.59J5" / Benzofg. h, i)Perylene n.c,S? 0,^^?- 0 RFtn -Response Factor from daily standard tile ai concentration CCC -Calibration Check Compounds {•) indicated SPCC -System Performance Chech Compounds RT -Average Response Factor from initial calibration Form VI (1) -Cannot be separated from diphenylamme °»D Percent Difference ^. _ Form VII WI00332 4'84 Continuing Calibration Check Semivolatile HSL Compounds (Page!) Case No: 3&03____________ Calibration Data: Contractor: ^/CQ-TgC._________ Time: _______ll:Zg> Contract No: ---- ______ Laboratory ID: Instrument ID: (25GSL. _________ - Initial Calibration Date: Minimum RF for SPCC is 0.050 Maximum %D (or CCC is 25% Compound RF %D CCC SPCC N • Nitrosodimethylamine A 7/3 75" Phenol Aniline 14 t»t(-2-CMoro*thyl)Eth«r 2-. 2 •Chloropbenoi 1 , 3 Dtchiorobcnzene 1.ST& 7^33 Beruryl Alcohol f.cxfi 2-Methylphenol /.sen* bis(2-cftioroi*opfopYl)Elh*r 4. Methylphenol N-Nitroto-Cfc-n-PTOpytamine 23 * * Hexachioroethane Nitrobenzene isophorone 2-Nitrophenol 2, 4-Dimathylphenol 7-0 Benzoic Actd bis{ • 2 -ChloroeihoiyJMetriane 2. 4-Dichlorophenoi £>.*-«?? 1 2, 4 Tnchlorobemene Naphtnaiene 4-Cnlorosndinr &.2&C He xachlor obutadiene 4 - Chloro-3-Methyipheno! 2 • Methylnaphinalene Mexdchior ocyclopentadjene - 2 4, 6-Tr»chiorophenol /o 24 5-Tr»chIorophenol 2-Chloronaphihftlene 2'Nitroamtine Dimethyl Phthatate Acenaphthylene 3 Niuoanihne Acenapnthene 2, 4-Dmitrophenol 4-Nitrophenoi Drbenzofuran P*cio* from daily standard file at concentration %D -Percent Difference indicated CCC -Calibration Check Compounds (.) ST Average Response Factor from initial calibration Form VI SPCC -Sv*«*«W BertormancIff§33e Chec3 k Compounds (• 0 Form VII ^wv Continuing Calibration Ctwck ._, S«mivolatile HSL Compounds (Page 2) lr Case No: 3&03___________ Calibration Date: Contractor: &SC&7T£C~ ______ Time: Contract No: —J^ ______ Laboratory ID: Instrument ID: ____ - |nitiai Calibration Date: Minimum RF for SPCC i> 0.050 Maximum %D for CCC is 25% Compound RF %D CCC SPCC 2, 4-Diniiroto*i>ene Z-fc 2, o-Dmrtrotolueoe 2-3 Dtethyiphthalata 4-Chlwophenyf-phenytather 2.0 Ftuoren* 4-Nitroaniltne 4. 6-Dinitro-2-Methylph«nol O./ft? N'NitrosodiphcnyUrnin* (1 ) 4'Bromoph*nyt-pnftnyl0th*r H«xachk>rob«nrene O.i&l Z-2- Pentachlorophenol o. ft Phenanthrane Anthracene Di -N -Butyl Phthalate Fluoranthene /s Benzidin* Pyreon 2-0 Butylbenrylphthalata A// zo 3, S'-DtchJorobenzHJine "$£&' BenjotaiAnthracone it bi s(2 - Chrysene i. Di-n-Octyl Phthaiata A 6enzo(b)Fiuoranthen« AZJO Benzotk)F| uoranthene /3 Benxo(a)PyTtne Indanofl . 2. 3-cd)Pvene Dibenz(a, h)Anihric*n* i Benzo(g. h. i)Perytan« RFgQ -Response Factor from daily standard t*te at concentration CCC -Calibration Check Compounds (•) indicated SPCC -System Performance Chech Compounds {* •) HT -Average Response Factor from initial calibration Form Vt (1) -Cannot be separated Irom diphenylamine DoD Percent Difference • ••—T- Form Vt) 4/84 Case -o. __*p &• & ^ Laboratory fueej* Contract No. _._ £$-£/' 6 -re,-/ Column _g^--#"•/& Date of Analj,«i* 3/V--5/tr/<s.r Inatrument ID _>3^^ EVALUATION CHECK FOR LINEARITV « LABORATORY 10 *3%7'* ^Wt 'i-"X CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALI§ftATlOW PESTICIDE FACTOR FACTOR %RSD EVAL, MIX A EVAL . MIX BEVAL. MIX C ALDRW ^ff-«-3 7-7(-y^'T' ^~* *y ENORIN JZ7/7 w* 3*+e '7^ 4.4'-DDT JW7 {_**'* JSV&f* /&* 0 DIBUTYL CHLORENDATE ^^ 3**7 ^$r<&& s.y EVALUATION CHECK FOB 4.4'-DDT/ENDRIN BREAKDOWN PERCENT BREAKDOWN EXPRESSED AS TOTAL DEGRADATION EVAL. MIX B EVAL. MIX B EVAL. MIX B EVAL. MIX B ENDRW **l ^',3 tf & 4,4'-DDT ^-'/ ^/ ^ * LABORATORY 10 fgflt- &,£)£" £vs*t- C1*/** eitjtt. &,&/ £ t>'<*tr £J,0 / TIME OT ANALYSIS $.&$ /# . SB ^:z$ /.03T EVALUATION OF RETENTION TIME SHIFT FOR DIBUTYLCHLORENDAT6 SMO LAS TIME OF PERCENT SMO LAB TWEOF SAMPLE NO* ID ANALYSE DIFK* SAMPLE NO. to ANALYSIS A?. $3 C tt'tx & /¥ - /***, c 7y«v x? /-37 C 2% PACKED, *0.3% CAPILLARY * 5 u: s^ ^ <N: rx ^ Oi < ^ K 0 s UJ \ ^ OA * O o< rv t ^ R V' i8o! •i tO c. \^ ^? m 1 • v ^j ^ \ ^, F f v\ V. y *^ O 1^ ig I o" r\^ »•• *• ^* ^^ o fv> f*f\ ^- rT\ •c 01 u ^ f\ ^ * 5t g ii r^- E V6 aI J N So ^ ^ "^ h* ' i o « « > *• 3E ^" 5 • «* S e « »- ) ^B fe fc < G U ,-S cc rf rs r^~ 5 ) H CO s * • S < V V «* ^4 t- « a »- 2 — — ^X c< c r< 1 * * • o ^ z t .V)T V ^ ^i 5 57 : *• 51 ^ o " • ^ i CJ ^ •^. ) ^^ ^ 2 P g I >» c w\ ) |E ^ 2 £ ^^ <Sj ^ ^ o a •-( J^ ^ T^ ^i N? ^A o S p * £ o Cj ^ Ij u. ^ r^ >e S i-o C Vc \i r- i ^ \^ § u j • o ** *a J«B o ^ r- ;^, z p^ _ t/^ ^7 fj L^ _ ^ ^B* *o •c *j\ ff _ _ Cv ^ v , * X % _% ** r< -*• * *v) KUIO £J — Z ^S ^^ <v 03 cn L^ ^* j' t 1 i 7- \ * 55 •^i ^S * > M LU S "r 0K *? y Tk 5 -i *^ 2 7 5 z z j it 4 ^1 ^J N3 t a.
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