Webinar July 07, 2021; 11:00 -12:30 MediLabSecure Entomo group vector competence and mosquito-arbovirus relationships vector competence in the lab vectorial capacity in the fields WNV CHIKV Aedes RVFV Culex DENV ZIKV YFV Examples of scientific questions: - What is the vector responsible of WNV transmission in my country? - What permit the persistence of dengue virus in inter-epizootic period? - Is Culex pipiens a secondary vector of WNV? - Between Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which one is the major vector of dengue virus in my country? Bad example Entomologist Virologist Good example Entomologist Virologist Three speakers: Anna-Bella Failloux How to obtain vector status? the example of Zika virus Mawlouth Diallo Experimental infection of mosquito with arbovirus in order to evaluate the vector competence Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero Mosquito-borne epornitic flaviviruses emerging in the Mediterranean How to get the status of vector? the example of Zika vectors Anna-Bella FAILLOUX Arboviruses and Insect Vectors Department of Virology The most important arboviruses Dengue 1 Japan (1943) Zika Uganda (1947) Yellow fever Nigeria (1927) Chikungunya Tanzania (1952) Transmission cycles Non-human primates Bridge vectors? Arboreal canopy-dwelling Aedes spp. Anthropophilic mosquitoes Sylvatic cycle Zone of emergence Epidemic cycle The same epidemic vectors Aedes aegypti Aedes albopictus Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus Houé et al. Emerg. Microbes Infect. (2019) Aedes mosquitoes Main criteria to be a vector 1. Effective contacts between pathogen-infected host and the mosquito; the feeding behavior 2. Association in time and space of the vector and the pathogen-infected host 3. Repeated demonstration of natural infection of the vector 4. Experimental transmission of the pathogen by the vector Main criteria to be a vector 1. Effective contacts with pathogen’s host and feeding 2. Association in time and space of the vector and the pathogen infected host 3. Repeated demonstration of natural infection of the vector 4. Experimental transmission of the pathogen by the vector a Global Alliance For Zika Virus Control & Prevention (52 partners, coordination: Inserm) Mosquito sampling Epidemic Bridge vectors vectors and enzootic transmission Brazil x x French Guyana x x Guadeloupe x Gabon x x Cambodia x x Senegal x x Suriname x x Mass screening of arboviruses ▪ Develop a high-throughput real-time PCR chip (BioMarkTM dynamic arrays) 84 viral species / more than 150 genotypes Samples Targets ▪ Screen 17,958 mosquitoes from Africa, America, and Asia: 6 countries/territories Targeting known viruses Number of Number of Examples of Family Genus viral species genotypes viruses targeted targeted targeted Bunyavirus/ Bunyaviridae Orthobunyavirus/ 24 38 Rift Valley fever virus Phlébovirus Flaviviridae Flavivirus 18 42 West Nile Togaviridae Alphavirus 12 40 Ross River Seadornavirus / Reoviridae 2 2 Banna Orbivirus Mesoniviridae Mesonivirus 1 1 Nam Dinh Rhabdoviridae Vesiculovirus 1 1 Jurona BioMarkTM Dynamic Array Samples - Taqman probe (FAM – BHQ1): Tm 70°C - Primers: Tm 60°C - qPCR program: Pre-incubation 95°C 5 min Amplification 95°C 10 s Targets (45 cycles) 60°C 15 s 96x96 chip → 9216 reactions 48.48 chip → 2304 reactions Time cost: 30 min Financial cost : 4.5 à 9.11 centimes/reaction Development of the HT system 95 Assays (primers and probe targeted viral species) and one design for E. coli (internal control) 92 reference samples and 4 negative control Number of mosquitoes Period of collections Arbovirus identified examined French Guyana 3942 June – August 2016 ZIKV – Aedes aegypti ZIKV – Culex Guadeloupe 2173 May – June 2016 quinquefasciatus ZIKV – Aedes aegypti Suriname 2310 March – May 2017 No virus detected Moutailler et al. Viruses (2019) Number of mosquitoes Period of collections Arbovirus identified examined Senegal 934 August – Nov. 2017 YFV – Aedes furcifer May 2019 No virus detected Cambodia 492 Nov. 2018 YFV - Aedes scapularis YFV - Aedes taeniorhynchus YFV - Haemagogus leucocelaenus Brazil 7705 Jan. 2016 – May 2017 CHIKV - Culex erraticus CHIKV - Runchomyia humboldti Trivittatus virus - Culex nigripalpus Moutailler et al. Viruses (2019) Main criteria to be a vector 1. Effective contact with pathogen’s host and feeding 2. Association in time and space of the vector and the pathogen infected host 3. Repeated demonstration of natural infection of the vector 4. Experimental transmission of the pathogen by the vector Vector competence Bellone & Failloux. Front. Microbiol. (2020) May 15 2015: first cases in Brazil ➢ 1,5 million cases ➢ > 45 American countries E gene In Brazil 100 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 80 June 2015 – May 2016 60 1,683 mosquitoes captured (720 ♀ + 963 ♂) 40 Day 4 pi Day 7 pi Infectionrtae(%) 20 0 100 80 60 40 Day 4 pi Day 7 pi 20 0 Ferreira-de-Brito et al. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz (2016) (%) rate Disseminatedinfection Chouin-Carneiro et al. PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2016) Aedes aegypti and 100 80 Aedes albopictus 60 40 Infection rate (%) rateInfection 20 0 TUB VRB Aedes aegypti Aedes albopictus Brazil USA 100 80 60 USA (AL) 40 20 0 Dissemination efficiency (%) efficiency Dissemination TUB VRB Aedes aegypti Aedes albopictus Brazil USA 100 80 Brazil (AA) 60 2000 km 40 20 Transmission efficiency (%) efficiency Transmission 0 TUB VRB Aedes aegypti Aedes albopictus Chouin-Carneiro et al. PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2016) Brazil USA Cx. pipiens complex and ZIKV Infection Dissemination Cx. quinquefasciatus Cx. pipiens Cx. quinquefasciatus Cx. pipiens 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 Infectionrate(%) 0 0 3 7 14 21 3 7 14 21 Days post-infection (%) efficiency Dissemination Days post-infection Transmission Cx. quinquefasciatus Cx. pipiens 100 80 60 40 20 Transmission efficiency (%) efficiency Transmission 0 3 7 14 21 Days post-infection Credit: A. Vega-Rua (I. Pasteur) Amraoui et al. Eurosurveillance (2016) No transmission by Culex spp. Head (Replication) Cx. quinquefasciatus Cx. pipiens 100 80 Intra-thoracic inoculation 60 40 20 Dissemination efficiencyDissemination 0 3 7 14 Days post-infection Saliva (Transmission) Cx. quinquefasciatus Cx. pipiens ~2500 viral particles 100 80 60 40 20 Amraoui et al. Eurosurveillance (2016) 0 Transmission efficiency (%) efficiency Transmission 3 7 14 Days post-infection Induction of RNAi pathways? No difference in ZIKV-specific small RNAs Non-infected ZIKV-infected Day 3 pi Day 7 pi Lack of virus-derived siRNAs Lourenço-de-Oliveira et al. J Gen Virol (2017) Field-collected populations are not able to transmit ZIKV Fernandes et al. PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2016) Aedes albopictus in Europe 20 countries 64 departments Risk for Europe France French Overseas departments Guadeloupe Martinique French Guiana Jupille et al. PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2016) Ae. albopictus and other ZIKV genotypes Corsica Montpellier 100 100 80 80 60 60 ZIKV Cambodia ZIKV Cambodia 40 ZIKV Dakar 40 ZIKV Dakar ZIKV Martinique ZIKV Martinique 20 20 Transmission rate (%) rate Transmission Transmission rate (%) rate Transmission 0 0 7 14 21 7 14 21 Days post-infection Days post-infection Vazeille et al. Emerg. Microbes Infect. (2019) 2019: first local cases of Zika in Hyères (South of France) Brady OJ & SI Hay. The Lancet (2019) Arboviruses and Insect Vectors R. Bellone A. Blisnick M. Vazeille P.-S. Yen M. Hocine L. Mousson J. Alexandre C. Bohers JP Martinet G. Gabiane M. Viglietta AB. Failloux National International Barré H. (Université de Corse) Busquets N. (IRTA, Spain) Delaunay P. (CHU Nice) Boyer S. (IP Cambodia) David JP. (LECA-CNRS, Grenoble) Calvitti M. (ENEA, Italy) De Lamballerie X. (IRD-AMU-Inserm) Chen CH. (NHRI, Taiwan) Gustave J. (ARS Guadeloupe) Delang L. (Univ. Leuven, Belgium) Lagneau C./Lambert G. (EID Med.) Gasperi G./Malacrida A. (Univ. Pavia, Italy) Leparc-Goffart I. (Irba) Grandadam M./ Calvez E. (IP Laos) Mavingui P. (PIMIT, La Réunion) Haddad N. (Univ. libanaise, Lebanon) Moutailler S. (Anses) James A. (Univ. California, USA) Paupy C./Simard F. (IRD) Kohl A./ Pondeville E. (Univ. Glasgow, UK) Vega-Rua A. (IP Guadeloupe) Lourenço-de-Oliviera R. (Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil) Yébakima A. (Cedre, Martinique) Merits A. (Univ. Tartu, Estonia) Sinkins S. (Univ. Glasgow, UK) Schnettler E. (BNI, Germany) Sousa CA. (IHMT, Portugal) Takken W., Pijman G. (Univ. Wageningen, NL) Veronesi E. (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland) Experimental infection of mosquito with arbovirus in order to evaluate the vector competence Mawlouth Diallo Pôle de Zoologie Médicale Institut Pasteur de Dakar Transmission cycle of arboviruses Arthopods Insects (Mosquitoes, Ticks, Sand flies, biting midges Dynamic Inter-action : Triatomes etc… The pathogen (virus, parasites…) The vertebrate host (s) Vectors The Vector(s) The environment Pathogens Virus, Parasites Bacteria Rickettsia Mammals, Reptiles, Vertebrates Birds, Batrachians Vector competence Vector Competence : definition • Ability of a mosquito species to achieve the development cycle of a virus until been infecting. – Ability to acquire infection, – Ability to replicate the virus – Ability to transmit the virus Vector Competence : Sequential step Step 1 : Infection from a viremic vertebrate Midgut Pathogen hemocoel Viremic host Vector Competence : Sequential step Unique objective of the virus/pathogens Ovaries To reach the organ governing transmission: ==> Vertical Transmission Ovaries and Salivary glands. Midgut Pathogen Viremic host hemocoel Salivary glands ==> Horizontal transmission (When the mosquito will excrete saliva during its next blood meal) Vector Competence : Sequential step Step 2. The virus pass through
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