Paganism in Ukraine: Its Beliefs, Encounter with Christianity, and Survival © V. Proshak, 2006 Vitaliy PROSHAK, Zaporozie, Ukraine “…the past decade has seen a revival of neopaganism in Ukraine…”1 his article presents an overview of Ukrainian paganism Tas the main preChristian religion in Ukraine, explains its encounter with Christianity, and evaluates the reasons for the rising interest in paganism in modern day Ukraine. The first part of the article shows that Ukrainian pagan beliefs could have a connection with ancient Asian religions because of trade routes from India and China to the Roman Empire that passed through the lands of modern day Ukraine. The second part of the article demonstrates that Ukraine was already partly Christian even before its official Christianization due to the missionary outreach of the apostle Andrew, Greek colonization, and the political Vitaliy Valentynovych influence of Byzantium and Rome. The third part of the Proshak is a researcher article presents a short overview of neopaganism in in the Theological Department of Utrecht Ukraine and its international connections. The conclusion University, the of the article responds to the two main reasons for rising Netherlands, where he is interest in paganism in Ukraine: the issue of national pursuing his PhD in identity and the essence of Christianity itself. Philosophy of Religious Education. Before entering the doctoral Paganism in Ukraine program he received the Master of Divinity and As one of the world religions, paganism is, of course, Master of Evangelical present in Ukraine. It is impossible to say when paganism Theology degrees at “came” to Ukraine. However, neither are there sufficient Tyndale Theological historical sources indicating that paganism has always been Seminary in Amsterdam. He also works with in Ukraine. One thing is clear—according to the sixth cen Zaporozhye Bible College tury Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea, paganism and Seminary in Ukraine is the main preChristian religion in Ukraine.2 where he received his Bachelor’s Degree and 1 Andrij Yurash, “Ukraine,” in Religions of the World, J. Gordon Melt taught full time until on and Martin Baumann, eds., vol. 4, (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC June 2003 when he left CLIO, Inc.: 2002), 1321. to further his education. 2 Bohdan Kravtsiw and Bohdan Medwidsky, “Mythology,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, n.d., <http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp? 140 Áîãîñëîâñêèå ðàçìûøëåíèÿ #7, 2006 Paganism in Ukraine Pagan Beliefs in Ukraine tsi) and ancestor spirits,9 but still The Encyclopedia of Ukraine speaks held to its general description as a 10 of four main periods in the develop polytheistic religion. ment of paganism in Ukraine. Arche Scholars who have explored the ological investigations along the history of paganism in Ukraine cannot Dnieper, Don, and Dniester rivers re explain the fact that there is a third vealed that the first inhabitants of phase in its development that is this land (35002700 BC) lived in large radically opposed to the previous two. villages with as many as 600700 peo Bohdan Kravtsiw and Bohdan ple, and had a “culture rich in magi Medwidsky in their article in cal rituals and supernatural be Ukrainian Mythology state that liefs.”3 The characteristic belief of during this phase paganism changed the earliest period was animism—the its nature from polytheistic animism 11 simple belief in the existence of su to monotheism. This was the time pernatural beings4 which explains when all of the deities were organized death, dreams, visions, and natural in the doctrinal pantheon with Svaroh phenomena.5 Animism was expressed being the supreme god. Later, in Ukrainian paganism in the belief in however, the religious system was the existence of good (berehyni) and changed and Perun came on the scene, evil (upyry, demony) spirits,6 a prim subdued Svaroh, and took authority itive form of ethnoreligious dual over the pantheon. ism.7 It should be noted that this devel During this period the ancestors opment in the doctrines of paganism of the Ukrainian nation, the Cimme from animism to Perun’s supremacy rians, as Homer in the Odyssey called does not mean that all other pagan the nation that lived on the northern gods were forgotten and not wor shore of the Black Sea in the eighth shiped anymore. Development in doc century BC,8 also worshiped a mythi trines did not eliminate the previous cal herohorseman. Animism devel beliefs, but added to them the su oped later this period into the worship premacy of a new god without neglect of fertility gods (Rod and the rozhany ing to worship to the old ones. AddButton=/pages/m/y/mythology.htm> (24 pages\P\A\Paganism.htm> (24 March 2006). March 2006). 7 H.B. Kuhn, “Dualism,” in Evangelical Dic 3 Orest Subtelny, Ukraine: A History, (Toron tionary of Theology, Walter A. Elwell, ed., 2nd to: University of Toronto Press, 1988), 6. ed., (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 4 Raymond Firth, “Animism,” in A New Dic 2001), 357. tionary of Christian Theology, Alan Richard 8 Subtelny, Ukraine, 9. son and John Bowden, eds. (London: SCM Press 9 Mushynka, “Paganism,” Encyclopedia of Ltd., 1983), 21. Ukraine. 5 D.A. Hu, “Animism,” in New Dictionary of 10 Ibid. Theology, Sinclair B. Ferguson and David F. 11 Bohdan Kravtsiw and Bohdan Medwidsky, Wright, eds. (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsi “Mythology,” Encyclopedia of Ukraine, n.d., ty Press, 1988), 24. <http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/ 6 Mykola Mushynka, “Paganism,” Encyclope display.asp?AddButton=/pages/m/y/mythol dia of Ukraine, n.d., <http://www.encyclope ogy. htm> (24 March 2006) diaofukraine.com/display.asp?AddButton= Theological Reflections #7, 2006 141 Vitaliy Proshak Table I: Names and Functions of Gods in Ukrainian Paganism Name Description Rod one of the fertility gods Svaroh12 god of sky, sun, and heavenly fire (thunder);13 identified with the Roman Vulcan14 Perun15 god of thunder, lightning, and rain, the ruler of the heavens, and later the god of war;16 the thunder god in the old Baltic religion17 Khors18 a god of the sun and the source of righteousness;19 the healer20 Dazhboh21 a god of the sun, the son of Svaroh; third after Perun and Khors;22 ancient Ukrainian people (Varangians and Polianians23 ) were called “the children of Dazhboh” Stryboh24 a god of the wind;25 however, Dictionary of Pagan Religions says that the functions of this pagan god are obscure;26 the counterpart of the Greek god Aeolus27 Mokosh28 a goddess of fertility, water, and women; related to Hecate and Aphrodite in classical mythology; Perun’s wife29 Unlike the Egyptians, Babylo ganism in Encyclopedia of Ukraine nians, or Greeks, Ukrainian pagans did says that Ukrainians preferred to wor not build huge temples for their gods. ship gods in open areas using altars Mykola Mushynka in his article on pa built on the sacred places.30 Archeol 12 Mushynka, “Paganism,” Encyclopedia of (24 March 2006). Ukraine. 20 Wedeck and Baskin, eds., Dictionary of Pa 13 Mykola Mushynka, “Svaroh,” Encyclopedia gan Religions, s.v., “Khors,” 186. of Ukraine, n.d., <http://www.encyclopedia 21 Mushynka, “Paganism,” Encyclopedia of ofukraine.com/display.asp?AddButton= Ukraine. pages\S\V\Svaroh.htm> (24 March 2006) 22 Encyclopedia of Ukraine, “Dazhboh”, n.d., 14 Harry E. Wedeck and Wade Baskin, eds., Dic <http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/ tionary of Pagan Religions: The Cults, Rites, and display.asp?linkpath=pages\K\H\Khors.htm>, Rituals Associated with Polytheistic Religion (24 March 2006) from the Stone Age to the Present, s.v., “Svaroh” 23 G.Y. Shevelov, “Rus,” Encyclopedia of (Secaucus, N.J.: The Citadel Press, 1973), 312. Ukraine, n.d., <http://www.encyclopediaof 15 Mushynka, “Paganism,” Encyclopedia of ukraine.com/display.asp?AddButton= Ukraine. pages\R\U\RushDA.htm> (24 March 2006) 16 Mykola Mushynka, “Perun,” Encyclopedia 24 Mushynka, “Paganism,”Encyclopedia of of Ukraine, n.d., <http://www.encyclopedia Ukraine. ofukraine.com/display.asp?AddButton= 25 Encyclopedia of Ukraine, “Stryboh.” pages\P\E\Perun.htm> (24 March 2006). 26 Wedeck and Baskin, eds., Dictionary of Pa 17 Wedeck and Baskin, eds., Dictionary of Pa gan Religions, s.v., “Stribog,” 305. gan Religions, 260. 27 Encyclopedia of Ukraine, “Stryboh.” 18 Mushynka, “Paganism,” Encyclopedia of 28 Mushynka, “Paganism,”Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Ukraine. 19 Encyclopedia of Ukraine , “Khors,” n.d., 29 Encyclopedia of Ukraine, “Mokosh.” <http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/ 30 Mushynka, “Paganism,” Encyclopedia of display.asp?linkpath=pages\K\H\Khors.htm>, Ukraine. 142 Áîãîñëîâñêèå ðàçìûøëåíèÿ #7, 2006 Paganism in Ukraine ogists have discovered several minor trines of Ukrainian paganism could and two major places of worship. represent an encounter with the be One of the main altars was built liefs of these two ancient Asian cul by the Grand Prince of Kyivan Rus’ tures. (the ancient name of Ukraine) Volod These altars and places of worship ymyr the Great (956 – 1015) near his to pagan gods reflect the condition of palace in Kyiv, and was dedicated to the Ukrainian nation before the offi Perun, Khors, Dazhboh, Stryboh, and cial “introduction” of Christianity. Mokosh in thanksgiving for the victo ries he gained over the enemies of his The Encounter of Paganism country.31 and Christianity in Ukraine The second known place was built under a great sacred oak on Khortyt Being relatively close to Christian sia Island (an island in the middle of Byzantium and having trade contacts the Dnieper near the city of Zapor with Catholic Europe, Ukraine was izhzhia) and worshipers, mainly mer open to outreach by missionaries from chants, sailed down the Dnieper Riv both the Eastern and Western Chris er to bring sacrifices there.32 Natalia tian churches and to the influence of PolonskaVasylenko in her book new ideas from the Greek colonies on UkraineRus’ and Western Europe in the northern shore of the Black Sea.
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