FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES FOR THE PUBLIC BOARD ACTION MEETING HELD MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2019 AT 7:00 PM IN PAC CAFETERIA 280 PARK AVENUE, FREEHOLD, NJ 07728 A. OPENING STATEMENTS 1. Call to Order The Public Board Meeting was called to order by Mr. Jensen, in the PAC Cafeteria, 280 Park Avenue, Freehold, New Jersey, 07728 at 7:01 PM. He read the Open Public Meeting Act, C 231, P.L. 1975. 2. Pledge of Allegiance Dr. Lichardi led all in the pledge of allegiance. 3. Roll Call Dr. Lichardi asked Dr. Howe to call the roll. A quorum of the board was present. Present: Dr. Michael Lichardi – President Paul Jensen – Vice President Paul Ceppi Jamie Corbett Tyler Jordan Bruce Patrick Ron Reich Joseph Santonacita Absent: Shauntelé Patterson Other Attendees: Dr. Rocco Tomazic - Superintendent Joseph Howe – Business Administrator B. BOARD PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENT COMMENTS None C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Jordan offered the following motion, seconded by Mr. Patrick. A roll call vote was taken and the minutes were approved with unanimously. 1. Recommend the Board approve the release to the public of the minutes of the Board Action Meeting held on June 3, 2019. D. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY None Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – June 17, 2019 Page 1 E. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – Dr. Rocco Tomazic 1. Calendar/Announcements As of last Friday we had 1,716 students, with 1,699 in District and 17 out of District which is 6 more than last meeting. Currently there are 110 unhoused students. With the school year 98.3% completed our attendance rate is 95.68%. Dr. Tomazic gave a brief outline of the summer projects that are planned: o FLC . Finish berms . Pour surface 3rd playground . Add emergency generator . Duct work repair in main room . Kitchen range hood installation . Install chain link fence along property line . Gym floor replacement . Lighting replacement in gym & main hall . Stage curtain replacement . Carpeting in main office, music room, and tile in nurses & guidance office o PAC . Build maintenance shed . Finish 2 small group instruction classrooms . Retile 8th grade wing We are still waiting for the finalized FY20 State budget in order to lock in our state aid for the coming year. The lead testing has been completed and only one student out of all that were tested came back with an elevated reading. The family has been working with the health department to remediate the situation and his readings have improved. Next year there will be a total of 9 Pre-K classes including 2 disabled classes and one at Head Start. The other six classes will all be integrated classrooms to accommodate the 63 general education and 18 special needs children who are registered with having three children attend at Head Start. We will not need a lottery this year as we still have room in the classes for special needs growth throughout the year. The District will be sending letter home this week to share the good news. Tomorrow will be the 8th grade graduation starting at 5:30 PM Wednesday will be the last day of school for all students. On Friday the FIS report cards will be mailed home and the elementary students will hand carry their report cards on Wednesday. Monday 6/24 the 21st CCLC Summer programs will start with credit recovery running from 8:00 – 1:00 and the academies from 8:00 – 12:00 Both programs will run Monday – Friday and both breakfast and lunch will be served. Our next meeting will be Tuesday July 16th at FLC There will be an executive session this evening for the Board for the CSA evaluation. The Superintendent recommends the following motion to the Freehold Borough Board of Education for approval: Mr. Reich offered the following motion seconded by Mr. Jordan that items F-1 through K – 1 and the Addenda be approved. A roll call vote was taken and all items were passed unanimously. Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – June 17, 2019 Page 2 F. INSTRUCTION 1. Modify 031819 BOE Agenda Item F2, Approve Middle School and Elementary School Instructional Time Allotments 2019-2020 SY Modify the middle school and elementary school instructional time allotments for the 2019-2020 school year, as listed. The list below is inclusive of the modifications and an entire reprint of the time allotments. a. Elementary School: 2019-2020 Subject K 1 2 3 4 5 Notes Time split approximately 65% English for Reading and 35% Language Arts 680 665 665 665 665 665 for Writing Mathematics 395 380 380 380 380 380 Time for Science and Social Studies can be blocked together and alternated weekly or Science 150 150 150 150 150 150 quarterly. Time for Science and Social Studies can be blocked together and alternated weekly or Social Studies 135 135 135 135 135 135 quarterly. Grade 3, 4,5 a semester of Art and a semester of Art 80 40 40 20 20 20 Technology. Grade 3, 4,5 a semester of Art and a semester of Technology 0 0 0 20 20 20 Technology. Music 80 40 40 40 40 40 Spanish 80 40 40 40 40 40 Physical Ed 0 120 120 120 120 120 Health 0 30 30 30 30 30 Recess 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 min daily Lunch 150 150 150 150 150 150 30 min daily 5 min HR start & 10 Admin 75 75 75 75 75 75 min end of day Total Minutes/ Week 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – June 17, 2019 Page 3 b. Middle School: 2019-2020 Subject 6 7 8 Notes English Language Arts 420 420 420 Mathematics 420 420 420 Science 210 210 210 Alternating A/B block Social Studies 210 210 210 Alternating A/B block PhysEd/Health 150 150 150 Alternating A/B block One quarter minimum each year. In 8th grade students can opt for Spanish Honors or Spanish Careers, taking it for a semester not taking Art or Music. Spanish 75 75 75 Alternates on A/B block. One quarter of both Art and Music at least once in middle school; however, in 8th grade, students can take a semester of Spanish (Honors or Careers) and not take Art of Music in Art or Music 75 75 75 8th grade. Alternates on A/B block. WIN Period 140 140 140 28 min daily Lunch 150 150 150 30 min daily Homeroom 25 25 25 5 min daily Passing 50 50 50 Five 2 min passing time daily Total Minutes/ Week 1925 1925 1925 2. Use of Facilities for Co-Curricular/Extra Curricular Events – 2019-2020 Approve the following use of facilities for Curriculum/Extra Curricular Events as listed for the 2019-2020 School Year. Event Location Date(s) Time Elementary Winter Concert PAC Old Gym 12/17/19 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm FIS Winter Concert PAC Old Gym 12/18/19 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Elementary Spring Concert PAC Old Gym 5/19/20 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm FIS Spring Concert PAC Old Gym 5/20/20 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm 3. District Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator SY 19-20 Approve Parent Involvement Coordinator position for school year 2019-2020. This hourly position will coordinate the district’s Title I Parent Involvement Nights SY 19-20. Coordinator will hold six (6) events to promote parent involvement activities. The Parent Involvement Coordinator will be compensated for nine (9) hours per event and ten (10) hours for planning and preparation in the summer at the contractual rate of $30.00 per hour. Total fund will not exceed $1,920.00 and will be appropriated from GAAP Account 20-231-200-100-00-09-03. Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – June 17, 2019 Page 4 4. Title I FY 20: LinkIt! Data Warehousing Analytics Assessment Solutions, New York, NY Approve the renewal and support services of LinkIt! at a cost of $36,391.00 to be appropriated from the following GAAP Account lines 20-231-100-300-00-01-40, 20-231-100-300-00-01-60, 20- 231-100-300-00-01-70. LinkIt! will continue to provide benchmark assessments and house district assessment data for analyses and program planning to support all students. 5. i-Ready Supplemental Online Resource by Curriculum Associates LLC, N.Billerica, MA Approve renewal subscription to i-Ready Diagnostic and Instruction for grades K-8. This supplemental online resource will enhance student learning experience through adaptive assessment and personalized learning paths aligned to mastering the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in ELA and Math. The annual subscription cost will not exceed $43,785.50 and will be appropriated from the following GAAP Account # 11-190-100-610-00-02-03. 6. mindAligned Partnership through Count Basie Education and Outreach 2019-2020 Approve continued partnership with mindAligned through Count Basie Education and Outreach. The partnership will provide on-going professional development opportunities for staff to increase student engagement and motivation through instructional strategies rooted in the Arts discipline. The partnership will also provide opportunities for students to experience Theater Arts Residency Program and Theater Art Shows. The partnership is funded through grants managed by Count Basie Education and Outreach. 7. Acceptance of Grant Award Allocation – Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2019-2020 Approve acceptance of ESSA grant allocation for the school year 2019-2020. The grant allocation is as follows: Grant Title Total Allocation Title I Part A Basic, Concentration, Targeted & EFIG $919,243.00 Title I Reallocation (new for FY 20) $34,186.00 Title II Part A $71,842.00 Title III $49,079.00 Title III - Immigrant $2,972.00 Title IV $57,308.00 Total Allocation $1,134,630.00 8.
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