T II E PROPAGANDA BAMEFRONT Issued by: FRIENDS OF DEMOCRACY, INC. National Headquarters: Eastern Regional Office: Fidelity Building 137 East 57th Street, New York 22, N. Y. Kansas City, Missouri December I, 1943 Vol. I, No. XII "Anti" Propagandists Carry On When Gerald L. K. Smith, the Detroit rabble- think them rather nice, but Pearl Harbor arrived at rouser and of th-7 7M-erica First Party, sug- this crucial moment. gested this month that Senator Robert Rice.Rey- nolds run for President of the U73.7ercta;Ton the Almost two years have passed and the movement MFftca- First ticket in 1944, the Senator said he again is in full swing. The word "nationalist" has was "flattered and honored." This been substituted for the word "fascist," but most That Man on means that the "nationalists" at of the faces are the same—including those of Sena- Horseback long last may have found what tor Reynolds and the Rev. Gerald Smith. they are looking for — a Leader The Senator's record makes him particularly well who really will "lead," a Man on a White Horse fitted for his new role. Reynolds edited the "Amer- around whom the variegated crack-pots, fascists, ican Vindicator" before Pearl Harbor, (his paper nationalists, anti-Semites and Anglophobes can now is called "The National Record") and copies flock. of that newspaper were peddled at meetings of the The search for That Man on Horseback has been German-American Bund and the Christian Front. going on in this country for some years, but for He thought we shouldn't go to war against Ger- various reasons the chosen Leaders just didn't get many to save "minorities." He argued that there around to leading. For a time it looked as if Major was virtue in Nazism and fascism, for, after all, General George Van Horn Moseley, U.S.A. retired, Hitler and Mussolini had solved their unemploy- might be The One to lead America into the prom- ment problems, hadn't they? Before the Japanese ised land of the Fuehrers, Aryans, etc. The native bombed us he sounded exactly like Tojo's Ministry fascists liked him just fine, and he liked them. But of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment. He in- the small-time leaders couldn't get along with each sisted that the United States had declared war on other. They squabbled, and the whole movement poor little innocent Japan by extending a loan to fell apart before the Major General could reach the China. White House. Then Charles A. Lindbergh looked promising. Although all the fascists were for him Reynold's association with persons now under in- 100 per cent, he couldn't get around to committing dictment for sedition are numerous. He inserted in himself one way or the other on how well he liked the Congressional Record a speech by Gerald Win- them. Indications were that he was beginning to rod; Winrod is under indictment fo-r7rion—"M"' 1939 he was one of the authors of a resolution to tours the country during- the summer holding re- appoint William Griffin as a special roving ambassa- vival meetings; he still speaks over the radio with dor to visit variotiropean countries; Griffin is regularity; he once polled more than 50,000 votes under indictment for sedition. He was implicated when he sought the Republican nomination for the in the Prescott Dennett - George Hill - George Syl- United States Senate—and 50,000 is a sizable num- vester Viereck franking scandal; Dennett and Vier- ber of votes in Kansas. eck are under indictment for sedition, and Hill was sent to jail for perjury. He inserted in the Congres- It all started late in September when Winrod ar- sional Record an anti-Semitic, anti-alien article rived in St. Petersburg, Florida, to hold a series of from Domenico Trombetta's "Il Grido della Stirpe." meetings. Nelson Poynter, editor of the St. Peters- Trombetta has been denaturalized and indicted as burg 'Times," ran a front-page editorial attacking an unregistered foreign agent. Elizabeth Dilling says Winrod for following the Nazi line and for his that Reynolds praised her "wonderful patriotism"; connections with World Service, a German propa- Mrs. DiIling is under indictment for sedition. ganda agency. Winrod bought space in the "Inde- pendent," a rival newspaper, to answer Poynter's If it ever occurred to Reynolds that he might attack. (Incidentally, Friends of Democracy has in have been wrong or that his associates might be un- its files documents proving that Poynter was right.) savory, he hasn't made any public statements to One of Winrod's friends sent a copy of that par- that effect. Instead, he congratulated himself on his ticular issue of the "Independent" to Senator Rob- own good judgment by saying that he's "1,000 times ert Rice Reynolds. more isolationist" now than he was before Pearl Reynolds, who had had dealings with Winrod Harbor. before, apparently felt sympathetic. He sat down There can be little doubt that Reynolds means and wrote the Reverend a letter: "I read every word what he says when he says that he's "flattered and of your reply with deep interest. These character honored" at Smith's suggestion. The Senator has assassins are still at large but the day of reckoning announced that he does not intend to seek re-elec- will arrive...." tion in North Carolina when his term expires next year, yet he plans to "continue in, public life" to champion "the best interests of my State and my Iiisalle,kijie a former waitress at the Deutsches country." In other words, Reynolds will be free to Haus, headquarters of the German-American Bund lead a third party movement. The "nationalists" in Los Angeles, recently was released on $2,000 bail who make up the movement like the Senator, and from the California Institution for the Senator likes them. Everything is all set. Out on Bail Women at Tehachepi. Mrs. McBride, along with eight others, was convicted more than a year ago for fail- ure to register with the California Secretary of State as a member of the governing body of a subversive Robert Rice Reynolds is not sitting idly by while organization. She was sentenced to five years in the Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith grooms him for Leader- prison. ship. The Senator is making friends on his own here and there; when The Day arrives he can reap the As the last issue of the BATTLEFRONT reported, support he currently is cultivating. Genevieve Kerrigan and Leone_MeMer, who were Reynold's latest gesture of friendship convictallUrirCili Mrs. McBride, also have been Sidelight was extended to Gerald Winrod, famil- released. All three obtained their freedom through iarly known as the "jayhawk Nazi," the intercession of C Leon de Aryan, editor of the who heads the list of 33 persons now under indict- "Broom" in San Diego, California. De Aryan, who ment for sedition. Now just because the Rev. Win- is under Federal indictment for sedition himself, rod is in bad repute his following is not to be under- claims that the California law under which the estimated. He is a Fundamentalist minister who three were sentenced is un-Constitutional. Mrs. McBride was born in East Prussia, Germany, Speaking of Mrs. Dulling — during the last few and came to the United States, she says, when she weeks she has been writing articles for nearly every was "very young." Active with various "national- issue of C. Leon de Aryan's "The Broom." She has ist" groups on the West Coast, she proclaimed that been telling de Aryan's readers w-lirt rwitienace" the Hitler was a "very great man." She consistently Jews are, keeping them informed about the fine wore a swastika bracelet. points of the "Bible of ,.thc...,61-4L-clikist" which is being sponsored by Boake Carts and insisting that Besides her connections with the German-Amer- there is a conspiracy afoot to rewrite the King ican Bund, Mrs. McBride was active in theFfitgriztr James version of the Bible. This is the first time of Progress, the National 'Copperheads and the Mrs. Dining has written for Mr. de Aryan with any A—rni7aVirst Committee. regularity—she's branching out. It was the Friends of Progress and the National Copperheads, run by Robert Noble and Ellis 0. And speaking of Mr. de Aryan—shortly after the Jones respectively, that staged the mock impeach- 33 persons (including de Aryan) were indicted for ment proceedings against President Roosevelt. The sedition, "The Broom" was reduced from a full- impeachment trial lasted well after Pearl Harbor. sized four-page newspaper to a four-page tabloid. And it was Robert Noble who, during the battle for The contents became almost innocuous—it was full Bataan, yelled, "To hell with MacArthur!" of stories on the blessings of vegetarianism and re- prints from liberal isolationist and pacifist news- With Noble and Jones, Mrs. McBride used to papers. But de Aryan now is getting back into the picket the offices of a Los Angeles dentist because swing of things. Recently he enlarged "The Broom" he advertised in an "interventionist" newspaper. so that it is a full-sized paper again. And de Aryan When she testified before the California State Legis- is beginning to sound like himself. Again he's saying lative Committee Investigating Un-American Ac- that "fair dealing . is alien to Jews," that Mr. tivities, she wore the official National Copperhead Roosevelt "is not God," that "patriotism, contrary to divine law, is an absurdity," etc., etc. An enthusiastic supporter of the America First Committee, Mrs. McBride acted as usher at the The papers a short time back announced that America First rally addressed by Senator Burton K.
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