Index In addition to the documents themselves, introductory essays, annotation, and most ref- erence material have been indexed. Most maps are not indexed; map coordinates for specific locations are given in the Geographical Directory. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization of quotations have been standardized. Personal names are listed by their correct spellings, not by variant spellings that may be found in the documents, unless the correct spelling is unknown. Entries for married women are generally listed under the names used during the period covered by the volume, with appropriate cross-references under maiden names or other married names. Unidentified individuals, such as “Mr. Devenport,” are included in this index. In subentry text, Joseph Smith (JS) and Emma Smith (ES) are referred to by their initials. Recurring locations in the volume are referenced in subentries without state identifi- cation; these include Commerce (Ill.), Nauvoo (Ill.), and Kirtland (Ohio). When found in an entry, “id.” indicates an entry in the Biographical Directory or Geo- graphical Directory or other text that summarizes the topic, “def.” refers to a passage that defines the topic, “illus.” indicates a photograph or other illustration, and “handwriting of” identifies documents that an individual inscribed. A Agricultural and Manufacturing Association, 111 Aaronic (Levitical) priesthood: discourse of JS on, Agricultural crops in Nauvoo, 246 79–85; at general conference, Apr. 1841, 112–113; Ahman, as term for God, 64–65, 65n291 quorums and quorum presidencies, 108n89 Aitken, Robert, and Aitkenites, 12n50 Abbott, Abigail Smith, 100, 101n53 Alcohol: gin, O. Hyde on production of in Nether- Abbott, Stephen, license as high priest, 100–102 lands, 202–204, 204n97; grog shop condemned Abel (biblical figure), 9–10 as nuisance building, 340n324, 342n328, 342n329, Able, Elijah, properties and residences in Nauvoo, 347–349, 349n358, 349n359, 364n437; O. Hyde 414–415 (map) on use of intoxicating spirits, 171–172, 172n357; Abolition, stance of New York Evangelist on, Nauvoo temple cornerstone ceremony, lack 190n47 of intoxication at, 171n355; Noah, intoxication Abraham (biblical figure), 9–10, 123, 151, 176–178, of, 358–359, 359n407; prohibition, mayor’s 358n406 inaugural speech on, 23n98, 171n355; A. Ripley Ackynaeal [Eckmühl], Battle of (1809), 204–206, accused of drinking and immoral habits, 206n101 113n110, 115n117; sale of, in Nauvoo, 23, 192–193, Adam (biblical figure), 29–30, 64, 66, 85, 288n30, 193n62, 340n324; vagrants and disorderly per- 302 sons, Nauvoo city ordinance regarding, 364– Adams, George J., 123–124, 123n153, 330n260 365; Word of Wisdom revelation, 172n357. See Adams, James, 22, 474 (chart) also Temperance Adams, John, 67, 67n302 Aldrich, Mark, 247n314, 249, 249n323, 250, Adams Co., Ill., 77n353 250n325 An Address to the Citizens of Salem and Vicinity Alexandria, Egypt, 206–207, 207n105 (E. Snow and B. Winchester, 1841), 276–279, Alger, Fanny, xxxii–xxxiii 278n462 Allen, Adolphus: id., 420; handwriting of, 194 Aesop’s Fables, “The Travelers and the Bear,” 259– Letter: to JS, 194–198, 197 (illus.) 260, 260n356 Allen, Nathaniel, 196n76 Affidavits: of I. Hale criticizing church addressed Allen, Riley, 361 by O. Cowdery, 39n178; requested by J. Law Allred, James: id., 420–421; as high constable, 54; from JS, 313, 316; of JS condemning illegal ac- as Nauvoo high council member, 114, 465, 466 tivity, 283–284, 376–381, 384 (chart); as Nauvoo House Association agent, 07 Index Faux_Bluelines 01-25-2019.indd 513 1/28/19 5:42 PM 514 INDEX Allred, James (continued) 245n306, 283–284, 286n21, 317–324; Kirtland, 475 (chart); in Nauvoo Legion, 26, 472 (chart); continuing operation of stake in, xxii, 94n23, as supervisor of streets, 54, 54n242, 134n198 137, 156n296, 318–320, 321n212, 323n221, 334; Allred, William Moore: id., 421; revelation on Kirtland church members seeking clarity building Nauvoo House (20 Mar. 1841), 76–77 about position of, 369–372; mercantile Alma (Book of Mormon figure), 9–10 business of, 370–371, 371n470; power of attor- Amalek (Book of Mormon figure), 9–10 ney, from O. Granger, 321–322, 371n470; Ambrosia, Iowa Territory, 70, 70n314, 70n316 power of attorney, revocation of, 335, 370; American Crisis No. 1 (Thomas Paine, 1776), 105n75 property transfers handled by, 214n134, 234, American Indians: “half-breed tracts” set aside 234n235, 312–315, 315n180, 316–317; proselytiz- for persons of mixed European and Indian an- ing by, 320n209; H. Smith and, 94–97, 94n23, cestry, 38n177, 271n422; land purchases involv- 239n263, 269–270, 286, 320–322, 323n221; ing, 270–275, 271n422; Sac and Fox, payments B. Winchester, dispute with, 235n241 for Iowa Territory lands, 271n422; U.S. presi- Letter: to JS, H. Smith, and William Law, dent Harrison and, 96n27 283–284, 317–324 American Institute of Engineers, 229 Babylonian captivity, 176–177, 177n371 American mile, 202n96 Badger, John, 468 (chart) Ames, D. and J. (paper mill), 42 Badlam, Alexander, Sr., 26, 47n219, 422 (id.) Amsterdam, Netherlands: id., 400; bet din or rab- Bald, Robert, 313n170 binical court, 204n99; Jews, mission to collect Baldwin, Wheeler, 468 (chart) information about gathering of, xxiii–xxv, Baptism: baptisms at general conference, Apr. 122–123, 175, 202–204, 204n99 1841, 116, 116n121; gifts of the Spirit and, 65n285; Ancient of Days, 84–85 of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist, 80–83; Angels, discourses of JS on, 83, 287–288, 300–302 M. Martin performing, 352–355; as one of first Anglicanism/Episcopalianism, 53, 149 principles of the gospel, 81, 150; for remission of Animals. See Dogs, Nauvoo city ordinances on sins, 116, 150; JS given authority to baptize from Annis, John Closson: id., 421; in Nauvoo Legion, John the Baptist, 83; of R. Thompson by 26; sawmill, petition to erect, 133, 133n195, P. Pratt, recalled, 327 133n196; stacking logs in street, 54–55, 55n243 Baptisms for the dead: J. Bernhisel on, 189–191; Anti-Mormon Almanac (1841), 384 general conference discourses on, 109–110, 114– Anti-Mormon political party in Hancock Co., 115, 114n114, 115n115, 116n121, 283–284, 287– Ill., xxxiv–xxxv, 157–159, 195n73 290, 300–302; introduction of doctrine at fu- Appeals from Nauvoo mayor’s court, 364 neral for S. Brunson, 122n140; Nauvoo temple An Appeal to the American People (Rigdon, 1840), as proper place for, xxxi–xxxii, 7–8, 283–284, second edition published by O. Hyde, 255–256, 289–290; New York Saints inquiring about, 255n346 122; poem on, 287n24; revelations on, xxxi– Arnhem, Netherlands, 202–204, 400 (id.) xxxii, 7, 284; S. Rigdon on, 114, 114n114; JS Articles and Covenants, 102n58 on, xxx–xxxii, 6–8, 7n24, 115, 152, 287–290, Asbury, Henry, 280 300–302; U.S. presidents G. Washington and Assembly, freedom of, Nauvoo City Council or- W. Harrison, xxxi, 93; W. Woodruff and P. dinance on, 52 Woodruff performing, 355–356 Asthma, 277–279 Baptists, 53 Austria: id., 400; Jews, mission to collect infor- Barnes, Lorenzo Dow, 224–225, 277–279, 422 mation about gathering of, 199, 206–207; pass- (id.) ports and entry into, 199, 199n83, 206–207 Barnett, John Tipton: id., 422; expulsion of Authority, JS on human desire to exert, 86–87, Nauvoo Legion members for stealing, 385; 87n407 as Nauvoo city councilor, 17, 19, 24, 364n436; Averett, Elisha, 108n89, 414–415 (map) in Nauvoo Legion, 26; new burying ground, Nauvoo, and, 133, 133n192, 339–340; University B of City of Nauvoo, on board of trustees of, 22, Babbitt, Almon Whiting: id., 421–422; disci- 474 (chart) plining of, 286, 286n21, 318–320, 318n197, Barney, Hiram, 377n508 320n209, 323n221, 335n290; I. Galland and, Battavier (steamer), 201–202, 201n90 94–97, 94n23, 239n263, 269–270; O. Granger Bavaria: id., 400; bureaucracy in, compared to and, 321–322, 321n210, 371n470; handwrit- Prussia, 209n108; letter of O. Hyde to JS from, ing of, 317; image of, 319 (illus.); Kirtland, 199–209 ambiguity about future of stake at, 245, Beach, Rufus, 107n84 07 Index Faux_Bluelines 01-25-2019.indd 514 1/28/19 5:42 PM INDEX 515 Beman, Louisa. See Young, Louisa Beman Billings, Titus, 26, 385, 424 (id.) Bear Creek, Ill.: arrest of JS at Heberlin Hotel in, Bird, Phineas R., 108n89 xxxiii–xxxiv, 248n316, 281, 303–304; stake at, Birmingham, England, proselytizing in, 11–13, 154n295 15–16 Belfast, Ireland, proselytizing in, 13–15 Bishops: in Iowa Territory, 468 (chart); in Nauvoo, Belgic-German mile, 202n96 466 (chart); the poor, addressing conferences Benediction by JS on placement of Nauvoo tem- on needs of, 116, 225, 225n188. See also specific ple cornerstone, 98–100 bishops by name Benjamin S. Riley & Co., 332n274 “Bits,” def., 58n252 Bennet, James Arlington, 184n15 Black Hawk War, 250n327 Bennett, John Cook: id., 422–423; affidavit con- Blakeslee, James, 13–16, 15n62 demning illegal activity sworn by JS before, Blessings: of O. Hyde by Quorum of the Twelve, 376–377, 379–381; appointment of JS as trustee- 125n161; of O. Hyde by JS, 123n149, 174–175; in-trust attested by, 4–5; as assistant president, patriarchal blessing received by M. Coray, 109–110, 113, 462 (chart); on baptisms for the 125n161 dead, 115, 115n115; S. Douglas and, 143–144; ex- Bliss, Naomi Crosby, 100 pulsion of Nauvoo Legion members for steal- Blood libel, 177n372 ing, 385–386; at general conference, Apr. 1841, Boggs, Lilburn W., 91–92, 248n316, 281, 303–304, 110–113, 113n108, 115; handwriting of, 24, 66– 306–308, 306n125 68, 313–314, 316n187; inaugural address as Bonaparte, Napoleon, 204–206, 206n101 mayor, 18, 20, 20n88, 22n92, 23–24, 23n94, Book of Abraham, 85–86, 228n202, 480 (id.) 23n98, 24n99, 24n101, 171n355; J. Laws and, Book of Mormon: id., 479; England, edition 313–314, 316n187; S. Little and, 193n60; as mas- published in, 10–11; on Fall of Adam, 29–30; ter in chancery for Hancock Co., Ill., 142n234; on gifts of the Spirit, 65n285; original manu- as mayor of Nauvoo, 17–18, 51, 469 (chart); at script and copy enclosed in Nauvoo House Nauvoo City Council meetings, 51–55, 134, cornerstone, 295–296, 296–297, 296n72, 192–194, 341–342, 364–366; Nauvoo Legion, as 297n74, 298, 298n85; O.
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