Fsraitm Sejms. We have opened a Furniture Repair Shop In J. F. HAHN’SBItlLDING BUCHANAN and are prepared to do all “work in thatlino on short notice. Billiard Table Repairing - — AHD------ All Binds of Job Work done to order. Yonrpatronage is solicited EATON & WEAVER. This was just tlie opportunity May The- Sarnia Geyser. Cats at Sea. A Sharp Voice. MICHIGAN CENTRA! RAILROAD. A STRING OF AUTUMN BRILLIANTS. Business Directory. Business Directory. desired. She arose to . see _ that the The last oil well put down by the Certain animals were once thought There is no power of love so hard to M A I N u s e , FIro! Fire! Upon the maple bough, door was closed; then, satisfied that Sarnia association was on the farm of to provoke storms at sea. and were get and keep as a kind voice. A kind The red flames o f the frost! she and Grace were alone. together, thus regarded as unlucky by seamen. SOCIETIES. MPJJNERY GOODS. Peter Lambe, about three and a half hand is deaf and dumb. It maybe Fire! Fire! by burning woodbine, see, she poured into her victim’s ear the A dead bare on board ship has long Time Table-nay ». 1880. miles to the southeast of town. At rough in flesh and blood, yet do the O. O. F.—Buchanan Lodj e N o. 16 holds Its ___ P . B. DUNNING, Reliable Milliner. AI-. The cottage root is crossed ! story, whose result was Grace’s flight been thought a storm-bringer. The , regular meeting, at OddFelows Hall, on each a depth of 600 feet there were some in­ work of a soft' heart, and do it with a I ___ways something new to show customers. Bar- •Mail *Accoiu. The hills are hid by smoky haze! from home, hare is unlucky in many folk-lore sto­ soft touch. But there is no one thing Tuesday evening. ore, Main s t , Buchanan, Mich. _____________ Kxprestu dications of oil, but tlie prosecution of 7 00 A. M. 3 40P.M . 9 IOP.M Look, how the roadside sumachs blaze! The week passed anxiously enough the work was summarily stopped last ries. Many people, as Lapps, Fins and that love so much needs as a sweet Tit * A. IT.—Summit Lodge No. 192 holds a reg- RS. M. FRAME, Fashionable Milliner. The Kensington......... 7 50 • 4 30 1000 And on the withered leaves below to the three people who were awaiting Chinese, will not eat it. As an animal T , ular meeting Monday evening on orhefore the latest styles always on hand. One door east oi Lake 855 513 10 40 The fallen leaves like bonefires glow! Tuesday night at about 11 o’clock by voice to tell what it means and feels; M Michigan City...... the wayward bride’s ^return. The ap­ rail moon in each month. Post-office, Buchanan, Mich. _______________ 9 20 60 0 1133 the flow of gas from the well catcliing- supposed to see at night, it was con­ and it is hard to get and keep it in the -------------------------- •—------ New Buffalo...^..' 960 626 1162 —[M arion Douglas. pointed day came, and early in the nected with the moon, shining by night, TGI & A. M.—Buchanan . N o. 68 holds a reg- Three 0*ka 1093 640 fire from a torch in the hands of one right tone. One must start in youth, RS. LOU DE BUNKER, Fashionable Sniitaer O, happy day, return once more, morning a carriage stopped before the and we have Eastern traditions of the J? . nlar meeting Friday e- Ingon or before the Latest stvles constantly on hand. One dooi Buchanan ........... 1090 7 06 12 32 V M of tlie drillers, who at the time was at and be on the watch night and day, Tell moon In each month. M Niles ..................... 10 -U 7S7 1245 With golden plenty still replete! Sylvester mansion, and Grace alighted hare iii the moon. Hence it is, with north o f Bank, Main St., Buchanan, Mich-________ Dowagiar............ a distance of 25 feet from the well, the work and play, to get and keep a voice a n 8 CO 11 0 As though she never gave before, from it followed by an old nurse, of the moon, a weather-iQaker. The cat OF H.—Buchanan Grange N o. 40 meets on ISSES CONANT have opened a new stock oi Decatur.—.^.*...... 11 39 8 33 132 wind blowing at tlie time in his direc­ that shall, speak at all times the Earth pours her treasures at our leet. « the second and fonrthSaturday of each month, MiUini , Goods.~ We ask the ladies of Bu­- Lawton..**............ 11 55 8 52 148 whom she had always been fond, and tion. The ignition of gas in an oil was still more widely feared as a storm thoughts of a kind heart. But this is P Kalamazoo.......... 12 33 l\. M. at a o'clockp. Jt. chananM to t ys ns a call. Main street. Buchanan. 9 30 223 whose presence explained the fact that hringer, and is always unlucky on Galesburg..... .u . 12 63 More rich than Autumn’s robe ofleaves well is by no meanS uncommon, but the time when a sharp voice is most O. G. T.—Buchanan Lodge No. 855 holds Its Battle Greek....*.... 1 28 320 Grace had been staying in her house, .this particular blaze soon developed hoard ship. She “carries a gale in her apt to be got. You often hear hoys miscellaneous . Should be the garments of our praise; X . tegular meeting on each Monday evenings Marshall............. 230 846 not five miles away. some unusual features. The gas, in­ tail.” and is thought particularly to and girls say words at play With a Albion ................ - 2 46 412 And ampler thonher ample sheaves Grace walked into the house with an TTT C. T. TT- OF BUCHANAN holds its tegular J . ROE, Practical Watchmaker. Watches, Jackson......... ~li\ S 45 716 A. M. 6 00 The charities that crown our days. stead of burning Quietly in a small provoke a storm by playing with a Quick, sharp tone, as if it were the snap . Clocks, Pianos, for sale cheap. Tremont Grass Lake.......... 4 10 T Y • meeting at the Presbyterian Church On each J 7 40 5 25 —[Harriet M. Kimball. air of mingled triumph and depreca­ circle around the outlet, seemed to be gown or apron, rubbing her face, lick­ of the whip. When one of them gets Ihcstd^yat 3 P -11. building, Buchanan. Chelsea............. 4 40 803 550 tion. After-the strange greetings were Dexter.............. 6 00 817 605 forced out with extraordinary power, ing her fur the wrong way, &e. Pro­ vexed you will hear a voice that sounds r r i s c COLLAR PAD CO., sole proprietors and Ann Arbor....... 6 42 8 40 8 25 Ere in the northern gate over, Mr. Sylvester, with attempted voking a eat will certainly bring a gale, as if it were made up of a snarl, a E l manufacturers o f Curtis’ Patent 2tuc Collar and tlie volume of vivid, silvery flame ATTORN aT? Ypsilanti.......... 6 33 856 6 41 The snmmer tresses of the tress are gone, sternness, demanded the promised ex­ in sailor belief, and drowning one will Pad, Buchanan. For sale by dealers everywhere. Wayne Junction.. 6 02 917 7 05 is fully 80 feet high. But the most re­ whine, and a bark. It is often in mirth G .T . Junction^... 635 945 745 The woods o f autumn all around our vale planation, and this was the story: markable feature of this very remark­ surely raise a tempest. Fielding, in a that one gets a voice or tone that is M . PLIMPTON- Attorney and Counsellor at V T f <>».—"TR mannfacturer o f Wagons, Car- Detroit..........~.Ar 6 50 looo 8 00 Have put our giory on. “The night before my wedding day, • Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Office over IV .tx. Repairing at- able exhibition is that at intervals of voyage to Lisbon, (1775), says: “ The sharp, and sticks to him through life, E IV.. i i • riages,uiigva} Baggies,juu^tvi sleight, r O Autumn I why so soon the Bank, Buchanan, Mich. .-Mall ; Accom Kveniiit Local I learned, from some one who thought exactly 15 minutes by the watch there kitten at last recovered, to the joy of and Stirs up ill-will and grief, and falls tended to promptly. Fronfstreefc ISxpresh Pass, Depart the hues that make thy forests glad— I already knew it, that Frank was Ll^Onm * 6 55 pm is -a grand eruption of water which the good captain, but to the great dis­ like a drop of gall on the sweet joys of m s RIPER & WORTHINGTON, Attorneys 830pm ft : OR Thy gentle wind and thy lair sunny noon, T and Counselors at Law, and Solicitors In Chan- a r m e r s & manufacturers b a n k , b u - D etroit 845 545 about to inherit a hundred thousand mingles with the flames, and so far appointment of some of the sailors, home. I would say to all boys and eery. Collections made and proceeds promptly chanan,Mlch. AU business entrusted to this G .T. Junction..... 7 is And leave thee wild and sod? F 6 42 ' 6 17 dollars, upon a very strange condition. -who asserted that drowning of a eat girls, “Use your guest voice at home. remitted- Office over Kinyoa’s Store, Buchanan. Bank will receive prompt and personal attention. Wayne Jnnctiot. 7 61 —[William Cullen Bryant.
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