IMA FUNGUS · 6(1): 155–162 (2015) [!644"E\ 56!46F6!!6 789686 nom. nov. for Aecidium goyazense, on Phthirusa ARTICLE stelis (Loranthaceae) from the Brazilian Cerrado @G@O ! UG %! Q@ !< +; ! ` G< ! !< W N G + Z % + #6"!6."66+ <W+ O K . [ ^ Abstract: V$ Aecidium goyazense + O G Key words: O @SU Uromyces Basidiomycota name Uromyces hawksworthii % V > Uromyces Phthirusa Loranthaceae<>/? Pucciniaceae NV@ 5E@ >/ *@Z <>/ % Pucciniomycotina V Uromyces Loranthaceae Urediniomycetes Article info:@ [5_U 56!4K/ [_`56!4K; ["`56!4 INTRODUCTION ; [$ !6 9 et al. 5664 . Loranthaceae + O Aecidum goyazense, 54/!!6.5 54 $ `SQ* Uromyces circumscriptus, U. loranthi, U. urbanianus `@U.#66!WU X ; .@O I ; 56!7 % U G Uromyces Loranthaceae U Z % + Z+ euphlebius, U. evastigatus, U loranthi, U. nilagiricus, U ornatipes, U phthirusae, U. socius U urbanianus, [ $ U. bahiensis + O U. sequencing struthanthi ; V A. goyazense as it V % $ / V % % Uromyces . !4* O <>/? % M56GV O ? [ [ . <>/ $ GV/+ <I<!""6;G MATERIALS & METHODS 54 )* %[64ZV ?<>/; ; 653U * %Phthirusa stelis 4*!6 !4UUG5673U + < W V % % K $ !6\ \ 3* <>/K . % %; NV@7. NV@4. / !4M563 NV@ >/ U O @? ; et al.566!V*@Z [ $ 5 % *F/ 566FX I9 !""6 > *6 ! U % et al !""4 2 et al. * <U 5466 * !""# ? V <WG7"6 K "7G 7 _6"7 * X_ @ G ! 47G ! #5G . G ! #5G 4 [ $ / 54 ;G O !z © 2015 International Mycological Association You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: [ Non-commercial: No derivative works: For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/legalcode. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. VOLUME 6 · NO. 1 155 Souza et al. Table 1.]+ Uromyces hawksworthii Species GenBank accession numbers (LSU)* Source and Country Uromyces hawksworthiiZ+55_E5 2E5!!_" ; + O Uromyces hawksworthiiZ+55E#4 2E5!!76 ; + O Cumminsiella mirabilissima <_474_! / 566F] ARTICLE Cumminsiella mirabilissima /W75F56F U et al566_] Puccinia coronata <_4745F / 566FZ@/ Puccinia coronata SZE4!!7! et al.56!! Puccinia graminis /W455!## + et al.!""5 Puccinia graminis 97!5F7E < et al.56!! Puccinia hemerocallidis ]Z64E656 < $et al56!6Z@/ Puccinia hemerocallidis <_474!" / 566FZ@/ Puccinia heucherae <_4"#6! 9 et al.566#Z2 Puccinia heucherae <_4"#65 9 et al.566#Z2 Puccinia hordei <_4745# / 566FZ@/ Puccinia melanocephala 2;56!E_E et al.Z 56!7G Puccinia melanocephala 2;56!E_" et alZ 56!7G Puccinia nakanishikii ]Z64E665 < $et al.56!6Z@/ Puccinia peperomiae SZE4!!7F et al.56!!G Uromyces acuminatus ]Z!6"5E5 et al.56!6S Uromyces appendiculatus 2U57"E#6 UV 56!7/ Uromyces appendiculatus /#74#67 U et al.Z 5664 Uromyces ari-triphylli <_4745" / 566FZ@/ Uromyces ixiae <"!##_E U et al.566#@ / Uromyces ixiae <"!##_" U et al.566#@ / Uromyces pisi /W75F56! U et al.566_G S Uromyces striatus 97!5F45 < et al.56!!Q Uromyces striatus 9_!#4!5 * et al.56!4 G Uromyces trifoli ]Z"_FF_7 et al.56!!G Uromyces viciae-fabae 2`#!F_7_ ; IU2O 56!7> Uromyces viciae-fabae /W75F!"" U et al.566_G S Uromyces vignae /+!!4F7" Get al.5667` Melampsora larici-populina `675546 + et al.56!5Z@/ Ê*@Z[ <>/ !V/S Pucciniaceae+ et al.!""5U et al.566_G % O ZX [ O et al.5667/ 566FU et al.566F9 et al. ;G S$@/;.NV&Z@+ 566#U et al.566#et al.56!6< $et al.56!6 ? / + /+N_!_6$U < et al56!! et al.56!!+ et al. 56!5 G Z % + UV 56!7; U2O 56!7* et al. V ? + S 56!4 / ? 9 56!5/? W/@V/ ? [ UZ@G*S&S 5667 US]/ ? > ? %F V et al.56!!/ ]+ [\\ %\ ] \V ! V V +/@S [\\ \ !#FF# + +N PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS U % G U G *@Z?+ G? ]+ R +N U +*/@V + +*/@V U UQ<S*VS@V5_; I+5667Q ? / N G /NG 156 IMA FUNGUS 789686 on Pihthirusa (Loranthaceae) V . % % Diagnosis[ / Uromyces Phthirusa stelis ARTICLE % Loranthaceae $ ]VN] % !5 V . GN;S@ U et al. 56!6 U + % _5 ? I 9 Type[Brazil: ] @ ; Phthirusa stelis 56!5W UGUG Loranthus~/!E"5Ule 1909 +5"74M K !6666666 V + ] N/ G ; % !666 !6666 + !4 7E)75!5P@&7#:4E)554_P % V[ 5466 . Phthirusa stelis"W 56!7J. C. DianeseZ+UG ; 55E#4Mepitype designated hereU+V56!4_4 . #466 V Melampsora larici-populina Description[ Spermogonia Aecidia 4MF % O W V 566" $ & _66M766 ) \ % 64M! RESULTS !5 K peridial cells _6M36M4# & 5!M22M_4 ) Phylogeny / [ ? *@Z NV@ <>/ Aecidiospores 57M54M5"M_4 & !#M5!M54M5#4 ) % Z+55_E5 Z+55E#4 % K walls 5M_4M74 ) V [ 5E@ <>/ NV@ % Uredinia Telia!M2M_ ? !466 746 %/ > *@Z[Z+55_E52E5!!_"Z+55E#42E5!!76 % \ NV@[ Z+55_E52E5!!_# Z+55E#42E5!!_E V *@Z NV@ ? . Teliospores _7M V <>/ _"M7_M7F & !EM 55M57 M5F4 ) !. . *@Z [ K @SU %K lateral wall 54M_M7 3 % [ 4MFM#3 . Kpedicels 9et al.56!7VNV@? 7EME7M!7_M!4#&7M4MFM#3 ]+ Z>NVS> et al.56!7+ . *@Z $ \$ 9et al 56!7 _! $ Other specimens examined %Phthirusa stelis[Brazil[ *@Z % V + ] N/ G ; + !6_# "# !EU 56!7J. C. DianeseZ+U55E#"K/ > G %5!! % E!6 % Z % + Z % !#@56!5 E. S. C. de Souza Z+ U 55_E"K ; ? Q <RË !5 @56!5E. S. C. de SouzaZ+U55_E5K* @+ TAXONOMY + ] 5_ / 56!5 E. S. C. de Souza Z+ U 55!E7K/ > *7/%S S$ + Uromyces hawksworthiiS@G@O UG % Z % + 5"@566"M. D. M. dos SantosZ+ Q@ <+; I< nom. nov. U5!6E7KX + W O Ë * Z % U+ U+E!5#_E + !5 @ 566# N. M. Toledo de Souza Z+ U W !M5 56#F5K; .<WS S Ë S !! Replaced synonym: Aecidium goyazense ;9Hedwigia `566#V. R.RodriguesZ+U56F4!K/ > G 34[!6!!E"4 Z % + )["U 566#Z. >Uromyces goyazensis;9Hedwigia 34[E"!E"4 M. ChavesZ+U564F"K@ > 7!6 > +!E/566_R. C. P. CarvalhoZ+U!"_"EK+ Etymology[> < % * 9 9 > ; 5#@!""4Z. M. ChavesZ+U!6!54 ; N U / VOLUME 6 · NO. 1 157 Souza et al. ARTICLE Fig. 1. A–H. Uromyces hawksworthiiZ+UG55E#4[ % A. S B. N C.V D. G % E. / F.; $ G. / H.< % + [/MG5< 463S_663W563]!639!3 158 IMA FUNGUS 789686 on Pihthirusa (Loranthaceae) ARTICLE Fig. 2. A–E. Uromyces hawksworthiiZ+UG55E#4[A.G $ B.S C. / % . D.V @SUE.V @SU+ [/!+5G!63<!663S43 Key to Uromyces species on Loranthaceae ! V . _6M74&5!M_63 E3 U. nilagiricus V . 5 5! V 763 3 V 763 # _5 V U. ornatipes V % 7 7_ V . 4 V % F 47 V U. circumscriptus V %53 U. bahiensis F7 V [% K U. loranthi V K U. socius #5 V . 463 E V . "6 !F63!6 VOLUME 6 · NO. 1 159 Souza et al. ARTICLE Fig. 3. ; + *@Z ? Uromyces $ V + % %6#4 ]+ V + ? <>/? %V Melampsora larici-populina E# V % [ K % U. phthiruzae V % % % " "E V % . K % U. urbanianus V % U. evastigatus !6# V .% K . U. struthanthi V .% K % U. hawksworthii DISCUSSION ]+ + ]+ *@Z Uromyces hawksworthii ? Puccinia heucherae9@45"F\64]+ + O Loranthaceae, in <_4"#65KN "Ez!6_F\!6F6U. acuminatus GV.X6E6F5_._ ]+ ]Z!6"5E5K N "E z _4 .[ % !6_4\!64" U. ari-triphylli ZF_# ]+ <_4745"K W U. hawksworthii N "E z !6_7\!64# Puccinia graminis Z.F#7 $ ]+ 97!5F7EKN "Ez!65_\!67E 160 IMA FUNGUS 789686 on Pihthirusa (Loranthaceae) P. hordei/WVQ*.N<!765]+ <_4745#KN / `G!"!EUredinales] ARTICLE "Ez!6!#\!67_/ <9 MNNAecidiaceae$ %Puccinia Uromyces hawksworthii $ American Journal of Botany 5[756M77F Uromyces + V< X + @U ]O O < 9 <@ et al. ari-triphylli Puccinia peperomiaeW _ !""5 S% [ 6"E >/?Molecular Phylogenetics U. hawksworthii and Evolution 1[5_!M57! $ / @ + ;S / UG > ] 56!5 W / O Populus angustifolia + <>/ ? > / Fungal Biology 116[#"5ME6! G9V VQ2 U5667U V .
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