www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE:• Verkhovna Rada finally passes election law — page 3. •A journal from SUM’s World Zlet in Ukraine — pages 10-11. • Soyuzivka’s end-of-summer ritual — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXIX HE No.KRAINIAN 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2001 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine UKRAINE REACTS TO TERRORIST ATTACKS ON U.S. EU Tand UkraineU W by Roman Woronowycz President Leonid Kuchma, who had and condemned the attacks, according to Kyiv Press Bureau just concluded the Ukraine-European Interfax-Ukraine. meet in Yalta Union summit in Yalta with European “We mourn those who died in this act KYIV – Ukraine led the international Commission President Romano Prodi and response to the unprecedented terrorist of terrorism,” said Mr. Prodi. European Union Secretary of Foreign and Immediately upon his return from for third summit attacks on Washington and New York on Security Policy Javier Solana on by Roman Woronowycz September 11 when its Permanent Yalta, President Kuchma first called a Kyiv Press Bureau September 11, issued a statement express- special meeting of the National Security Mission to the United Nations called a ing shock and offering condolences. and Defense Council for the next day and KYIV – Leaders of the European special meeting of the U.N. Security Messrs. Prodi and Solana, who were at Union and Ukraine met in Yalta, Crimea, Council to coordinate global reaction. Symferopol Airport in Crimea on their then went on national television to call For security reasons, the meeting was on September 10-11 for their third annu- way back to Brussels, expressed shock (Continued on page 23) al summit – the first in Ukraine – which held outside the confines of the United had been advertised as a turning point Nations at the mission headquarters of during which relations would move from the Ukrainian delegation in New York. plans and ideas to practical cooperation. Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.N. Valeri Although the final document did not Kuchynskyi who chaired the meeting, con- suggest that a list of specific projects or demned the terrorist attack and called for activities had been developed, it did state an adequate global response. that Kyiv and Brussels would now work “Humanity is shocked by the cata- more closely together to develop energy strophic effects of the terrorist attack on relations, to speed Ukraine’s membership the U.S. The Security Council considers in the World Trade Organization and to these acts a challenge to all humanity,” resolve issues associated with illegal said Mr. Kuchynsky, according to a press international migration as well as visa and release issued by Ukraine’s Permanent border issues involved in the EU’s Mission to the U.N. planned expansion to the edge of Ukraine. Ukraine is in its second and final year In the statement, which was signed by as a non-permanent member of the both sides, the EU also called on Ukraine Security Council, occupying one of the to provide for fully open and transparent four rotating chairs. democratic elections to Parliament in The unusual meeting – one of the first 2002, which would “demonstrate demo- formal international reactions to the cratic progress in Ukraine.” attack – was part of several initiatives The final memorandum included lan- and gestures by Ukraine and its citizens guage on the need for an improved legal in expression of support and sympathy Roman Woronowycz basis for a truly free press, as well as for the United States and its people made Valentyna Snopak of Zhukivtsi writes a message of condolence in a memorial support for deepening economic and in the initial days following the tragedy. book outside the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv on September 13. administrative reforms and privatization and seeing those processes through to completion. It asserted expectations that the Ukraine’s Embassy hosts reception celebrating decade of independence European Bank for Reconstruction and by Yaro Bihun long way,” he added, citing advances in ment, he said. Development along with Euroatom Special to The Ukrainian Weekly nation-building, strengthening democ- Ambassador Gryshchenko pointed to would soon be in a position to finally racy and moving away from the Soviet the visit of Pope John Paul II and other WASHINGTON – The Embassy of extend promised credits to help Ukraine command economy. recent high-level visits to Ukraine as an Ukraine and its friends celebrated the complete nuclear reactors near the “We have a society that is clearly indication that Ukraine is a “well-estab- 10th anniversary of Ukraine’s inde- Ukrainian cities of Rivne and devoted to returning back to Europe, to lished and important player” in interna- pendence at a festive reception here Khmelnytski. European traditions, to European val- tional relations. “The summit becomes an important September 6. Some 300 diplomats, government ues” and sees its relationship with the (Continued on page 4) step in the development of relations United States as “a pillar” of this move- between Ukraine and the EU,” the two officials, businessmen and representa- sides agreed in the document. tives of numerous organizations joined The day-and-a-half session began the in the celebration, which came two evening of September 10 with a banquet weeks after the actual anniversary date reception at President Leonid Kuchma’s to allow those who were in Ukraine for presidential residence. The EU delega- the August 24 festivities, Ambassador tion, included Guy Verhofstadt, prime Kostyantyn Gryshchenko and a number minister of Belgium, whose country cur- of prominent guests among them, to rently holds the revolving chair of the participate. EU; Romano Prodi, president of the Also on hand to mark the occasion EU’s European Commission; and Javier at the Ukrainian Embassy was a Solana, the EU’s high commissioner for unique U.S. diplomatic grouping – all foreign and security policy. four ambassadors to serve in Kyiv dur- The next morning the two sides met ing its 10 years of independence, officially at the Livadia Palace for a half- Roman Popadiuk, William Green day plenary session, which was followed Miller, Steven Pifer and Carlos by private meetings in the afternoon. Pascual. In opening remarks, President Welcoming the guests, Ambassador Yaro Bihun Kuchma emphasized that considerable Gryshchenko noted that Ukraine has Among the guests at the Ukrainian Embassy’s 10nth anniversary reception progress had been made in relations not advanced as far as some would were the four U.S. ambassadors to serve in Kyiv since Ukraine’s independ- between the two sides since the second have hoped in its relatively brief period ence: (from left) Roman Popadiuk, William Green Miller, Steven Pifer and of independence. “But we have come a Carlos Pascual. (Continued on page 23) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2001 No. 37 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Should Lukashenka be considered A warning on Gongadze anniversary tion, Messrs. Udovenko and Kostenko pledged to take steps to reunite their KYIV – Yurii Smirnov told Interfax Rukhs into one organization. Speaking at the legitimate president of Belarus? on September 5 that the police will react a joint conference of the two Rukhs, Mr. by Jan Maksymiuk Does that argument in favor of not iso- with “tough measures” if the opposition Yuschenko announced that Our RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report lating President Lukashenka mean that the resorts to “provocation” during its Ukraine’s core will consist of “five to effort, led primarily by the United States actions on September 15-16 to mark the seven parties”; however, he failed to The Central Election Commission of to support the anti-Lukashenka opposition first anniversary of the disappearance of name them. (RFE/RL Newsline) Belarus announced on September 10 that and establish some mechanisms and struc- independent journalist Heorhii President Alyaksandr Lukashenka over- tures of civil society in Belarus, has suf- Gongadze. “I do not want another 60 of EU to delivers tough message to Kyiv whelmingly won his re-election the pre- fered a failure? Not necessarily so. our employees to suffer for nothing,” Mr. vious day, garnering no less than 75 per- “The most important result of this elec- Smirnov added, referring to scuffles KYIV – Senior officials of the cent of the vote. His rival, unified oppo- tion is the development of democratically between riot police and demonstrators on European Union, including foreign poli- sition candidate Uladzimir Hancharyk, and politically competent institutions in March 9. The anti-presidential Forum for cy chief Javier Solana and Belgian Prime obtained a mere 15 percent. civil society,” according to OSCE National Salvation has said it intends to Minister Guy Verhofstadt, issued a strong In a statement issued the same day, the Advisory and Monitoring Group hold a march commemorating Mr. message to Kyiv on the eve of their Organization for Security and Chairman Hans Georg Wieck. Of course, Gongadze in Kyiv on September 15. The September 11 meeting in Yalta with Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said it is primarily up to the Belarusian oppo- following day Ukrainian journalists plan President Leonid Kuchma and members Belarus’s electoral process had “funda- sition to show that it can prove equal to to gather in Kyiv and set up a of the Ukrainian government. “If mental flaws.” Europe’s election watch- further challenges and maintain the unity Journalistic Ethics Commission in order President Kuchma is serious about dog noted that the authorities did every- that was so painstakingly achieved short- to react to defamatory media campaign- Ukraine’s European choice and putting thing possible to block the opposition, ly before the presidential election. But it ing in the upcoming parliamentary elec- the Gongadze affair and other scandals including ruling by decree, failing to is also obvious that Belarus’ nascent dem- tions.
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