Cambodia Cambodia CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 021 item 01. TITLE = 1000 jours de résistance nationale : le drame d'une guerre imposée à un peuple pacifique . IMPRINT = Phnom Penh : Khmer Republic, 1973. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = On spine: Une rétrospective historique de la République khmère. NOTE = Special issue of French edition of Khmer Republic, Sept. 1973. OCLC # = 20036084. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 016 item 23. TITLE = L'Agression vietcong et nord-vietnamienne contre la République Khmère : nouveaux documents. IMPRINT = Phnom-Penh : Ministère de l'information, 1971. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 20035736. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 017 item 12. TITLE = The Armed struggle and life of the Khmer people in the liberated areas in pictures. IMPRINT = [n. p.] N.U.F.C. Press (National United Front of Cambodia) 1971. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = At head of title: The Kingdom of Cambodia. OCLC # = 20034963. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 123 item 3. TITLE = L'Art dans le parler. IMPRINT = [Phnom Penh? 1968?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Title and text in Khmer; added title in French. OCLC # = 21464553. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 028 item 03. TITLE = Banque nationale du Cambodge. IMPRINT = [Phnom-Penh, 1955?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Cambodian and French. OCLC # = 20035949. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 028 item 11. AUTHOR = Banque nationale du Cambodge. TITLE = Statuts. IMPRINT = [Phnom-Penh, E. K. L. I. P., anciennement A. Portail, 1954?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Title and text also in Khmer. OCLC # = 20036135. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 101 item 05. AUTHOR = Bejr Dum Kravil. TITLE = Mák thyn : ryan lkhon yi ke / riap rian toy Bejr Dum Kravil. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Krasuan Ghosanakar nin Vappadharm, 1983. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. NOTE = A play. OCLC # = 22235513. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 117 item 1. AUTHOR = Bejr Sál. TITLE = Bidhi pracam táp bir khae / riap rian toy Bejr Sál ; bintip Ñun Syan. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Butdh Sasanapandity, 2508 [1966]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. Page 1 of 98 SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Cambodia NOTE = Title and author on spine: Pithi pracham pi Khmer / Pich Sal. OCLC # = 22373799. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 100 item 01. AUTHOR = Bhi Li Thun. TITLE = Puppha tael khñum sralâñ / pradit toy Bhi Li Thun. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Sen Nuan Huat, 2505 [1963]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. NOTE = A novel. OCLC # = 22041717. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 098 item 06. AUTHOR = Bhi Li Thun. TITLE = Tamnák dyk bhlian kroy pangás! : kamran ryan, phnaek bicarana, dassanavijja, cittasastr / Bhi Li Thun. IMPRINT = Bhnam Ben : Ron Bumb Qapsara, 1971. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. NOTE = A novel. OCLC # = 22041585. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 122 item 6. TITLE = Bhumi vilya : thnâk di 6. IMPRINT = [Bhnam Beñ] : Krasuan Qaparam, 1984. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = At head of title: Krasuan Qaparam. NOTE = In Khmer. OCLC # = 21463859. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 005 item 10. TITLE = Biographie de Samdech Preah Sanghareach Chuon-Nath : supérieur de l'ordre Mahanikaya. IMPRINT = [Phnom-Penh] Institut bouddhique, 1970. SERIES = Série de culture et civilisation Khmères ; t. 6. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 19699843. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 005 item 11. TITLE = Biographie de Samdech Preah Sanghareach Chuon Nath, superieur de l'ordre Mahanikay = Biography of Samdech Preah Sangharaja Chuon Nath, the chief Mahanikaya Order / publié par le Comité central d'Organisation de la cérémonie de la depuille mortelle de Samech Preh Sanghareach. IMPRINT = Phnom-Penh : Le Comité Central, 1970. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = French and English. OCLC # = 20036338. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 014 item 03. TITLE = Biography of His Royal Highness Prince Norodom Sihanouk "Upayuvareach," ex-King of Cambodia. IMPRINT = [n. p., 195-?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 20034790. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 017 item 31. TITLE = Biography of Samdech Preah Sanghareach Chuon-Nath, the chief of Mahanikava order.. IMPRINT = [Phnom Penh] : Institut bouddhique, 1970. SERIES = Série de culture et civilisation khmères ; no. 7. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 19021544. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 016 item 29. AUTHOR = Boret, Long. TITLE = Khmer Republic; speech delivered by Long Boret to the XXVIIth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Page 2 of 98 SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Cambodia IMPRINT = [n. p.] 1972. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. OCLC # = 20035893. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 016 item 28. AUTHOR = Boret, Long. TITLE = La lutte pour la survie; ou, Une neutralite violée. IMPRINT = Phnom-Penh, Impr. du Ministre de l'information] 1972. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = On cover: République khmère. OCLC # = 20035853. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 116 item 2. TITLE = Brah sangh ja jhloen maen r? / toy Krum qnak sneha jati-Buddhasasana. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Thâc Saret, 2515 [1971]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. OCLC # = 22042391. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 113 item 8. AUTHOR = Brah Silasamvara (Rás). TITLE = Gihi pratipatti bises bistar / Brah Sil Samvar Rás Kaev nyn pandit Ind Sudeb. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Pannagar Gim Sen, 2509 [1966]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. OCLC # = 22042404. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 129 item 5. AUTHOR = Brahm Kusal. TITLE = Ras phcal maccuraj / nibandh toy Brahn Kusal. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Qnak Nam Sar, 2518 [1974]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. NOTE = A novel. OCLC # = 21865418. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 117 item 2. AUTHOR = Brahn Virà. TITLE = Maha sankrant chnam khal naksatr : chasak b.s. 2518, k.s. 1896, c.s. 1316, g.s. 1974 / riap rian toy Brahm Virà. IMPRINT = [S.l. : s.n.], 1974. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. OCLC # = 22373811. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 129 item 12. AUTHOR = Brin Dumm. TITLE = Nayopay paccuppann knun lok nin knun sruk Khmaer : toe Khmaer yoen grap ninnakar qac ruap ruam gna viñ pan r de? / toy Brin Dumm. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Ron Bumb Maha labh, 2517 [1974]. SERIES = Etudes politiques. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. OCLC # = 21865458. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 120 item 2. AUTHOR = Brin Dumm. TITLE = Sangram nin santibhab / nibandh nin riap rian toy Brin Dumm. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Ron Bumb Maha Labh, 2517 [1974]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. OCLC # = 21463759. Page 3 of 98 SEAM Holdings List – August 2011 Cambodia CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 119 item 3. AUTHOR = Brin Dumm. TITLE = Sangram pah por nyn pativattn : tamn bi puranakal mak tál paccuppanthakal / Brin Dumm. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Ron Bumb Banly Ekarajy, [1974?]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. NOTE = Bibliography: v. 2, 5th prelim. p. OCLC # = 22042445. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 130 item 9. AUTHOR = Bryn Dumm. TITLE = Dassanah khñum : camboh kar karabar jati liddhi prajadhipateyy nai prades Khmaer / riap rian toy Bryn Dumm. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : [s.n.], 2517 [1974]. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. NOTE = Includes bibliographical references. OCLC # = 22042809. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 129 item 11. AUTHOR = Bud Nan, Bhikkhu. TITLE = Ranasirs pram yan : rapás yuan kummuy nist knun kar pampat buj nin sasana Khmaer / riap rian toy Bhikkhu Bud Nan. IMPRINT = [S.l. : s.n.], 1973. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = In Khmer. OCLC # = 21865453. CALL # = MF-10393 item 3. AUTHOR = Buddhaghosa. TITLE = Visuddhimagg bhag 3 : Paññaniddes / Qacary Jhym Duc prae nyn riap rian.. IMPRINT = Bhnam Beñ : Gim Sen, 2491 [1948]. NOTE = In Khmer. NOTE = Microfilm. New Haven, CT : Southeast Asia Collection, Yale University Library, 1992. On 1 microfilm reel with other items. 35 mm. OCLC # = 31554739. CALL # = MF-10289 SEAM reel 120 item 1. AUTHOR = Buddhasasanapandity (Institute : Phnom Penh, Cambodia). TITLE = Inscriptions modernes d'Angkor. IMPRINT = Phnom-Penh, 1958. SERIES = Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I, John M. Echols Collection. NOTE = Title and text in Khmer; added t. p. in French. OCLC
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