1892. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. SENATE. 2143 Also, 3 petitions in favor of pure food, silk culture, and to pre­ carry into effect certain recommendations of the Uni.ted States vent gambling in farm products-to the Committee on Agri­ delegates to the International Marine Conference; which was re­ culture. ferred to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. YOUMANS: Petition of Burns and Elsie Granges, of He also presented the following petitions of Excelsior, Dan­ Michigan, to prevent gambling in farm products, to encourage ville Junction, Houlton, and Norway Granges, Patrons of Hus­ silk culture, and favoring a pure-food law-to the Committee on bandry, of Maine: Agriculture. Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation for the en­ Also, petition of the same bodies, for free delivery of rural couragement of silk culture-referred to the Committee on Agri­ mails-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. culture and Forestry. Also, petitien of the same bodies, favoring the pure-lard bill­ Petitions -praying for the enactment of legislation to pr0vent to the Committee on Ways and Means. gambling in farm products-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, a petition of the Elsie Grange, to prohibit contracts dis­ Petitions praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining crediting legal-tender currency-to the Committee on Banking lard and imposing a tax thereon-ordered to lie on the table. ' and Currency. Petitions praying for the free delivery of mails in rural dis­ tricts-referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Petition praying for the passage of a bill making- certain is­ sttes of money full legal tender in payment of all debts-to the SEN.ATE. Committee on Finance. THURSDAY, March 17,1892. Mr. McMILLAN presented a memorial of the Merchants and Manufacturers' Exchange, of Detroit, Mich., remonstrating Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. against the free coinage of silver; which was referred to the Com­ The Vice-President being absent, the President pro tempore mittee on Finance. took the chair .. He also presented a petition of the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Board The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. of Trade, praying for the establishment of a postal telegraph sys­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. tem; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ He also presented a petition of the Association of the Twenty­ munication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting are­ fourth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, praying for the passage of port of the disbursements which have been made in all the States -the bill to increase the pension of Mrs. Isabella Morrow, widow and Territories under the provisions of "An act to apply a portion of the late Bvt. Maj. Gen. Henry A. Morrow, colonel of the of the proceeds of the public lands to the more complete endow­ Twenty-first Regiment, United States Army; which was referred ment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture to the Committee on Pensions. and the mechanic arts, established under the provisions of an act He also presented the following petitions of Bingham, Flat of Congress approved July 2, 1862," approved August 30, 1890; Rock, Olive, Peninsula, Brighton, Forest,andRutlandGranges, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ Patrons of Husbandry, of Michigan: mittee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation for the en­ HOUSE BILL REFERRED. couragement of silk culture-referred to the Committee on Ag­ The bill (H. R. 4667) to incorporate the Maryland and Wash­ riculture and Forestry. ington Railway Company was read twice by its title and referred Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent to the Committee on the District of Columbia. gambling in farm product3-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Petitions praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. lard and imposing a tax thereon--ordered to lie on the table. Mr. SHERMAN presented a petition of four churches of Troy, Petitions praying for the passage of a bill to prevent the adul- . Ohio, praying that the World's Columbian Exposition be closed teration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table. on Sunday; which was referred to the Committee on the Quadro- Petitions praying for the free delivery of mails in rural dis- Centennial (Select). tricts-referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post- He also presented the following petitions of Marion, Bath, Cen- Roads. ter, Union, Butler, Mill Creek, and Latty Granges, Patrons of Petitions praying for the passage of a bill making certain is- Husbandry, of Ohio: sues of money full legal tender in payment of all debts-to the Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation for the en- Committee on Finance. couragement of silk culture-referred to the Committee on Agri- Mr. WILSON presented a petition of 20 citizens of Wesley, culture and Forestry. Iowa; a petition of 64: citizens of Burt, Iowai a petition of 229 Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent citizens of Kossuth County, Iowa; and a petitwn of 28 citizens of gambling in farm products-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Bancroft, Iowa, praying for the passage of an amendment to the Petitions praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining Constitution of the United States prohibiting any legislation l)y lard and imposing a tax thereon-ordered to lie on the table. the States respecting an establishment of religion or making an Petitions praying for the passage of a bill to prevent theadul- appropriation of money for any sectarian purpose; which were teration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table. referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Petitions praying for the free delivery of mails in rural dis- He also presented a petition of the Young People's Society of tricts-referred totheCommitteeonPost-OfficesandPostrRoads. Christian Endeavor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Petitions praying for the passage of a bill making certain is- Fairfield, Iowa, prlloying that the World's Columbian Fair be sues of money full legal tender in payment oi all debts-to the closed on Sunday; that the sale of intoxicating liquors on the Committee on Finance. grounds be prohibited, and that the art department be managed Mr. HOAR presented the following petitions of Haverhill, in accordance with the Americ!'Jtn standard of purity in art; Framingham, Hopkinton, and Southboro Granges, Patrons of which was referred to the Committee on the Quadro-Centennial Husbandry, of Massachusetts: (Select). Pet~tions praying for the enactment of legislation for the en- He also presented the following petitions of Excelsior Grange, couragement of silk culture-referred to the Committee on Ag- Patrons of Husbandry, of Iowa: riculture and Forestry. Petition praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent gambling in farm products-referred to the Committee on the gambling in farm products-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. Petitions praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining Petition praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining lard lard and imposing a tax thereon-ordered to lie on the table. and imJ?OSing a tax thereon-ordered to lie on the table. Petitions praying for the passage of a bill to p~event the adul- Petition praying for the passage of a bill to prevent the adul- teration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table. teration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table. Petitions praying for the free delivery of mails in rural dis- Petition praying fol· the free delivery of mails in rural dis- tricts-referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post- tricts-referred to the Committee on Post-Offioes and Post- Roads. Roads. Petitions praying for the passage of a bill making certain is- Mr. STOCKBRIDGE presented a petition of sundry citizens sues of money full legal tender in payment of all debts-to the of Otisco Township, Ionia County, Mich., praying for the pas­ Committee on Finance. sage of a law regulating dealing in fictitious farm products; which Mr. FRYE presented a memorial numerously signed ·by per-~ was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. sons engaged in commerce on the Great Lakes, remonstrating He also presented the following petitions of Boardman Valley, against the passage of Senate billl755, to amend certain sections Sylvan, Fraternal, Keystone, Eastport, Bee Hive, South Boston, of Title LII of the Revis~d Statutes of the United States and to and Paris Granges, Patrons of Husbandry, of Michigan: • 2144 OONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATE. MARCH 17, Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation for the en­ ident, and Mrs. L. Calhoun, secretary, remonstrating against couragement of silk culture-referred to the Committee on Ag- the opening on Sunday of any exhibition or -exposition where riculture and Forestry. · United States funds are expended; which was referred to the Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). gambling in farm products-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. ALLEN presented the following petitions of Washington Petitions praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Wa-shington: lard and imposing a tax thereon-ordered to lie on the table. Petition praying for the enactment of legislation for the en­ Petitions praying for the passage of a bill to prevent the adul­ couragement of silk culture-referred to the Committee on Agri­ teration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table.
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