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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89875-1 - A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250–1820 John K. Thornton Index More information Index Abipones, 274, 305, 360 Alboawinneys, 289 Abreu Galindo, 161 Albuquerque, Jerónimo de, 221, 294 Abscal y Sousa, José Fernando de, 512, 518 Alcaçova, Treaty of, 26 Abson, Lionel, 93 Alcalá, Jeronimo de, 150 Acala, 169 aldeias, 219, 232, 300, 360 Acalan, 169 Alfinger, Ambrosius, 175, 176 Acapulco, 202 Algonquin language, 123 Acaxees, 268 Algonquians, 121, 232, 309, 331, 365, 444, Achagua, 293 472 Acuña, Christoval de, 129, 362 Allada, 80, 92, 93, 242, 395, 418 Adair, James, 146 Allouez Claude, 385 Adandozan, King of Dahomey, 94 Almagro, Diego de, 171, 173 Adansi, 75 Almagro, Diego the Younger, 173 Admirable Campaign, 520 Almeyda, Pedro de, 337 Admiral Coligny, 52 Altham, Emmanuel, 122 Adolphus, Gustavus, 56 Álvares, Diogo, 218 Afonso, Estevão, 20 Álvares, Gaspar, 210 Afonso, King of Kongo, 413 Álvares da Cunha, António, 254 Afonso, Pedro, 223 Álvares de Almada, Manuel, 252 Afonso de Sousa, Martim, 216 Álvaro I, King of Kongo, 183 Afonso V, King of Kongo, 97, 494 Álvaro XII, King of Kongo, 97 African music, 386, 390 Amaupiras, 110 African nations, 333 Amazon, 302, 333 Agaja, King of Dahomey, 80, 81 Amazon River, 53, 110, 121, 126, 129, 130, Agaja, Kingdom of, 92 346 Agongolo, King of Dahomey, 93 American Bottom, 140 Aguado, Pedro de, 175, 177 Amina, 72, 75 Aimoré, 109, 110, 218 Amish, 319, 353, 404 Ainavillo, 272 Amistad, 73 Ajose, 187 Amprés, Juan de, 175 Akan, 240 Anabaptism, 404 Akkim, 75 Anabaptist movement, 403 Akwamu, 76, 95 Anabaptists, 450 Akyem, 95 Anáhuac, 502 Alarcón, Hernando Ruiz de, 426 Ananazes, 224 Albany, 321 Andagoya, Pascual de, 135 Fort Orange, 55 André, Louys, 385 525 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89875-1 - A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250–1820 John K. Thornton Index More information 526 Index Anglo-American Folk Ballad, 374 Aztecs, 26, 136, 147, 167, 358, 420, 422, 424, Angola, 49, 56, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 85, 88, 503 92, 182, 209, 220, 239, 248, 252, 328, 337, 388, 390, 417, 457 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 369 Angola Janga (Palmares), 297 Baco, Captain, 106 Angolan Wave, 336, 457 Bahamas, 205, 483 Angostura, 522 Bahia, 56, 110, 216, 218, 239, 294, 304, 370, Antarctic France, 52, 216 393, 500 Antigua, 238, 334, 338 Bajío, 503, 506 Apache, 269, 270, 271, 272 Balacar, 291 apparitions, 399 Bambuhu, 255 Aragon Banda Oriental, 502, 516 king of, 17 bandeirantes, 224, 226 Aramaya, 292 Baptist movement, 450 Araucanian, 274 Baptists, 462 Arawakian language, 121, 126, 127 Barbados, 59, 61, 236, 238, 242, 247, 341, Arawaks, 234, 292 460 Areche, José Antonio de, 485 Barbinais, Le Gentil de la, 222, 353, 370, 390 Argentina, 61, 274 Barboza, Felipe Benício, 371 Argollo Menezes, Joseph de, 225 Baroque, 369, 381, 388 Arguim, 20 Barreira, Baltasar, 387 Arguin, 58, 254 Barro, Rouloux, 134 arimo, 210 Barros, João de, 216 Arkansas nation, 144 Barry, Boubacar, 83 army, English, 465 Bartira, 216 army, French, 465, 466 Bartram, William, 379 Army for the Restoration of the Indians of Bassar, iron production, 68 Peru, 513 Batran, William, 332 Army of the North, 513, 514 Baucke, Florian, 361 Arndt, Johann, 449 Bawol, 84 Aro, 98 Bayano, 285 Arosca, 131 Beatriz Kimpa Vita, 416 Arriaga, Antonio, 485 Belém, 300 Arribab, 113 Belfort, Lourenço, 300, 301 Artaguaye, Miguel, 440 Belgrano, Manuel, 515 Arthur, King, 16 Belize, 291, 499 Artigas, Jose Gervasio, 516, 517 Bemoim, 182 Aruacania, 119 Benalcázar, Sebastián de, 171, 177 Aruba, 323 Benavides, Vicente, 519 Aruwã, 302 Bence Island, 257 Asante, 76, 96 Bengo River, 253 Asbury, Francis, 451 Benguela, 63, 77, 185, 254 ashion, 353 Benin, 24, 99, 183, 213, 254 Asunción, 132, 179, 209, 305, 306, 326 Benin, Kingdom of, 64, 77, 99 Atahualpa, Inca, 151, 170 Bénin, modern, 64, 76 atheism, 448 Benzoni, Girolamo, 277 Atkins, John, 354 Bequia, 280 Atlantic Currents, 14 Berbeo, Juan Francisco, 484 Atlantic histgory, 1–2 Berme, Peter, 260 Augustinians, 421 Bermuda, 55, 237 Avila Pereira, Garcia d’, 304 Berrio, Antonio de, 292 Avilés, Pedro Menéndes de, 378, 380 Bertioga, 113 Azambuja, Diogo de, 24 Bettancourt, Jean de, 25, 162 Azores, 9, 14, 18, 19, 46, 60, 213 Betzanos, Juan de, 151 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89875-1 - A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250–1820 John K. Thornton Index More information Index 527 Beziguich, 21 Buffon, Georges Louis, Comte de, 470 Bible, 400, 401 Buisson, Captain, 106 Bijagos Islands, 66 Bulongo, 418 Biloxi, 308 Burgoyne, John, 477 Biobio River, 119, 273 Burgundy, 37, 43, 45, 50 Bissau, 252 Buritaca, 176 Black Caribs (Garifuna), 280 Black Carolina Corps, 483 Ca’ Masser, Lunardo da, 46 Black Legend, 192, 196 Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez, 132, 133, 179, Black-on-Orange, 347 332 Blandengues, 516 cabildo (town council), 201, 206 Bloomaert, Samuel, 57 Cabinda, 63, 255 Bobadilla, Francisco de, 190 Cabral, Pedro Álvares, 27, 215 Boccacio, Giovanni, 18 Cacheu, 252 Bogaert, Harmen Meydertsz van den, 115 cacique, 186, 191 Bogotá, 136, 178, 291, 483 Cádiz, 501 Bois Caïman, 492 Cadornega, António de Oliveira, 329 bolas, 179 Caeté, 217 Bolívar, Simón, 519, 520, 522 Cahokia, 140, 141, 143, 307, 318 Bonaparte, Joseph, 500 Cainguangues, 360 Bonda, 176 Caiquetía, 175 Bondiga, 176 Cajamarca, 154, 202 Boniatá, 301 Cakchiquel, 168 Bonny, 249 Calabar, 238, 242, 338, 351, 419 Borah, Woodrow, 192 Calarapari, 301 Borbo Gato, Manuel de, 226 calenda, 395 Bordinais, Le Gentil de la, 335 California, 383 Boriquen, 165 Calleja, Felix Maria, 508 Bostock, Robert, 260 Callejon, 510 Boston, 372, 450, 473, 475 calpulli, 149 Botogá, 178 calunda, 395 Bourbon Reforms, 469, 484, 501, 504, 506, Calvin, Jean, 401, 403 510 Calvinists, 50, 51, 236, 402, 409, 450, 460 Boutin, Pierre, 161 Camarão, António Felipe, 224, 226, 295 Boves, Tomás, 520 Camarão, Felipe, 326 Boyacá, Battle, 522 Camarapin, 294 Brainerd, David, 453 Camargo, Diego Muñoz, 169 Brainerd, John, 455 Camargo, José Vicente, 514 Brandenburg, 58 Cambambe, 418 Brandenburg Company, 240 Cambebe, 302 Brasseur, Joseph Alexandre le, 256 Cameroon, 62 Braudel, Fernand, 353 Camire, 132 Brazil, 13, 27, 46, 49, 53, 56, 61, 63, 103, 109, Canabó, 165 110, 213, 214, 274, 294, 326, 353 Canada, 103, 231, 473 Brébeuf, Jean de, 115, 116, 118, 385, 445 Cañari, 171, 172, 174, 204 Bressani, Giuseppe, 379 Canarian (people), 161, 163, 188 Breton, Raymond, 105 Canary current, 11, 19 Brie, 90 Canary Islands, 7, 15, 18, 25, 26, 161, 187, Brotherhood of the Coast, 282 213, 410 buccaneer ships, 282 Canbunda, 86 buccaneers, 277 Candelaria, Our Lady of, 411 budgets, 468 Candiliero, 288 Buena Esperanza, 179 Candioti, Francisco, 362, 516 Buenos Aires, 179, 362, 384, 500, 502, 512 Canek, Jacinto, 429 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89875-1 - A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250–1820 John K. Thornton Index More information 528 Index Canindé, 134 Cerda, Luis de, 25 Cantares mexicanos, 376 Chacabuco, 518 Cão, Diogo, 24, 25 Chaco, 360 Caonabó, 165 Champlain, Samuel de, 103, 114, 378, 380 Cap François, 489 Chanca, Dr., 106, 152 Capawack, 123 Chantran, Girod de, 246 Cape Gracias a Dios, 108, 289, 290 Chantrans, Justin Girod de, 491 Cape Nao, 19 Chapala, 252 Cape Town, 77 Charles II, King of England, 468 Cape Verde Islands, 60, 213, 248, 250 Charles V, 43 Cape Verde peninsula, 21 Charles V, Emperor, 202 Capuchin priest, 304 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 42, 47, 50 Capuchins, 293, 388, 415 Charleston, 145, 310, 478 Caquetos, 126, 127, 323 Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de, 331 Caracas, 502 Charrua, 179 Caramuru, 218 Charters, 48 Cardim, Fernão, 326, 436 Chatoyer, 499 Carey, Samuel, 498 Chaumont, Joseph, 379 Caribs, 58, 104, 105, 205, 234, 235, 240, 276, Chawanook, 124 292, 497, 499 Chayanta, 486 Carijó, 112, 132, 179, 209, 226, 305 Chayantas, 502 Carillo, Ildefonso, 514 Chaymas, 363 Cariri, 110, 303 Chels, 138 Carloff, Heinrich, 58 Cherokees, 146, 147, 365, 379, 472, 476, 478 Carlos III, King of Spain, 469 Chesapeake Bay, 8, 114, 121, 124, 316, 351, Carmelites, 300 482 Carrera, José Maria, 517 Chia, 137, 178 Cartagena, 62, 175, 278, 394, 521 Chiapas, 284, 429 Cartagena Manifesto, 520 Chibchan languages, 134, 136 Cartago, 285 Chichén Itzá, 138 Carvajal, Gaspar de, 129 Chichimec, 150 Casas, Bartolomé de las, 188, 189, 192 Chichimeca, 148 Casolara, Carlos de, 290 Chichimeca War, 264, 267, 268 casta paintings, 359 Chichimecas, 263, 264, 381 Castello de Vide, Rafael, 97 Chickasaws, 146, 331 Castille, 23, 39, 43 Chiguanos, 132 Castles, 36 Chilam Balam, 429 Castro, Cristóba Vaca de, 173 Chilche, Francisco, 174 Catalan Atlas, 12, 37 Chile, 272 Catari, Tomás, 486, 512 Chiquihuite, 511 catechism, 400, 421, 427 Chiquitos, 514 Catholic Church, 50, 51 Chira of Muchuia, 357 Catholic Reformation, 401 Chiriguanos, 439, 514 Catholicism, 474 Choctaws, 147, 310, 331 Caupolicán, 273 Christophe, Henri, 493 Cavazzi, Giovanni Antonio, 386, 394 Chupas, battle, 174 Cavendish, Thomas, 53 Chuquisaca, 512 Caxinga, 329 Churultecal, 167 Cayapó, 133 Cieza de León, Pedro, 171, 173 Cayenne, 257, 349 Ciruelo, Pedro, 407 Cayo Topa, Francisco, 174 Cisneros, Baltasar Hidalgo de, 512 Cazamansa, 251 Claesen, Dirck, 348 Ceará, 133 Claver, Pedro, 336, 457, 458 ceramics, artistic, 343 Cleveland, James, 260 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89875-1 - A Cultural History

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