Warwick District Equality & Diversity Profile May 2011 A range of available data and information has been used to compile an Equality and Diversity Profile of Warwick District. Commissioned by Warwickshire County Council Corporate Equalities and Diversity Team, the profile includes data relating to the six strands of equality and diversity; Age, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation. In addition, a number of measures are included to reflect the broader equalities agenda. Key points from the data presented are also summarised. Age & Sex Percentage of population by broad age group Warwick District 16.7% 64.0% 19.3% Warwickshire 18.3% 60.5% 21.2% West Midlands 19.4% 60.6% 20.0% England & Wales 18.7% 61.8% 19.5% Under 16 Working Age Pensionable age Population by broad age group (percentages) Children Working age Pensionable age Males 17.4% 68.2% 14.4% Children - those aged under 16 Females 16.1% 59.8% 24.1% Working Age - 16 to 59 (F) / 64 (M) Persons 16.7% 64.0% 19.3% Pensionable - 60+ (F), 65+ (M) Source: Mid-2009 population estimates, Office for National Statistics Warwick District Population Pyramid, 2009 85+ 80‐84 75‐79 70‐74 65‐69 60‐64 55‐59 50‐54 45‐49 Age 40‐44 35‐39 30‐34 25‐29 20‐24 15‐19 10‐14 5‐9 0‐4 54321012345 Percentage Warwick Males Warwick Females England & Wales Males England & Wales Females Religion Religion at the time of the 2001 Census Religion Other No Christian Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Buddhist not religion religion stated Number 89,763 849 207 627 4,239 346 355 20,494 9,051 Warwick % 71.3% 0.7% 0.2% 0.5% 3.4% 0.3% 0.3% 16.3% 7.2% Warks % 76.6% 0.7% 0.1% 0.7% 1.3% 0.2% 0.2% 13.1% 7.1% West % 72.6% 1.1% 0.1% 4.1% 2.0% 0.2% 0.2% 12.3% 7.5% Midlands England % 71.7% 1.1% 0.5% 3.1% 0.7% 0.3% 0.3% 14.6% 7.7% Source: 2001 Census Ethnicity Estimated resident population by ethnic group and age, mid 2007 Warwick Warwickshire All All 0-15 16-64/59* 65/60+ 0-15 16-64/59* 65/60+ Persons Persons All Groups 23,300 88,900 26,800 139,000 97,800 323,900 113,400 535,100 White British 19,900 73,900 24,200 118,000 85,700 281,000 105,800 472,500 White Irish 100 1,200 1000 2,300 200 3,500 2,800 6,500 Other White 600 4,000 500 5,100 1,800 11,200 1,600 14,600 White & Black 300 400 0 700 1,400 1,300 0 2,700 White & Black African 100 100 0 200 300 400 0 700 White & Asian 400 300 0 700 1,100 1,100 100 2,300 Other Mixed 200 300 0 500 600 800 100 1,500 Indian 900 3,900 700 5,500 2,900 10,700 1,700 15,300 Pakistani 300 900 0 1,200 1,200 3,000 200 4,400 Bangladeshi 100 200 0 300 300 700 0 1,000 Other Asian 100 500 100 700 400 1,500 200 2,100 Black Caribbean 100 600 100 800 400 2,000 500 2,900 Black African 100 700 0 800 500 2,200 100 2,800 Other Black 0 100 0 100 100 300 0 400 Chinese 100 900 0 1,000 300 2,000 100 2,400 Other Ethnic Group 100 900 0 1,000 400 2,200 100 2,700 * 16-64 for males; 16-59 for females. Note: Figures may not add exactly due to rounding. Source: Office for National Statistics, Crown Copyright 2011 Ethnicity Estimated resident population by broad ethnic group Warwick Warwickshire No. % No. % White 125500 90.3% 493,700 92.3% Mixed 2000 1.4% 7,300 1.4% Asian 7600 5.5% 22,700 4.2% Black 1700 1.2% 6,100 1.1% Other 2200 1.6% 5,100 1.0% All Groups 139,000 100.0% 534900 100.0% Source: Mid-2007 ethnicity estimates, ONS, 20011 National Insurance Number (NINo) Registrations to Adult Overseas Nationals to September 2010 Warwick Warwickshire NINos are required for employment/self-employment purposes or 7,180 25,560 TOTAL to claim benefits and tax credits and are issued by the Poland 1,430 8,004 Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The data cover India 780 1,970 people allocated a NINo for all types of work and whatever the Portugal 440 1,002 length of stay in the UK. The NINo data does not show when South Africa 340 1,240 overseas nationals subsequently depart the UK, nor show length France 290 770 of stay in the UK. The figures therefore give a measure of inflow Australia 290 670 of overseas nationals registering for a NINo, but do not measure Germany 250 570 China 210 490 outflow or overall stock of overseas nationals in the UK. USA 190 430 Spain 180 410 Source: Department for Work and Pensions Data is cumulative from 1st January 2002 Disability Those who consider themselves to have a Limiting Long Term Illness (LLTI) Warwick Warwickshire LLTI 19,424 84,795 % 15.4% 16.8% Source: 2001 Census Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Claimants Warwick DLA Claimants Warwickshire DLA All Males Females All Males Females Number % Number % Number % % % % Total 4,430 3.2% 2,190 3.2% 2,240 3.2% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% Under 16 530 2.3% 380 3.1% 150 1.3% 2.7% 3.6% 1.7% 16-59 2280 2.7% 1120 2.6% 1160 2.8% 3.8% 3.4% 3.7% 60+ 1620 5.2% 690 4.9% 930 5.5% 7.3% 7.3% 7.3% Super Output Areas (SOAs) with highest DLA Claimant rate Number of SOA % Claimants Lillington East 90 6.5% Brunswick South East 110 6.4% Brunswick SW & 100 6.3% Kingsway Sydenham West 95 6.3% Source August 2010, Department for Work and Pensions Sexual Orientation Estimated volume of the adult population ( 16+ ) who may identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual if the following rates are applied* Total 1.5% 5% 7% Population 115,727 1736 5786 8100 Source: Mid-2009 population estimates, Office for National Statistics * A number of household surveys have sought to provide an estimate for the proportion of individuals who may identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Recent ONS work has produced a figure of 1.5% but a number of other surveys return higher rates. For this reason a range of rates are used above to give a picture of those who may identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Other measures of inequality 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET), November 2010 NEET 16-18 year olds % Warwickshire 921 23,572 3.9% Warwick 200 4,628 4.3% Top 3 SOAs: Town Centre 10 40 25.0% Old Town North 5 26 19.2% Packmores West & The Cape 94918.4% Source: Connexions, 2010 Free School Meal Claimants, 2010 FSM 5-16 year olds % Warwickshire 7,508 73,802 10.2% 861 17,154 5.0% Top 3 SOAs: Brunswick South East 52 274 19.0% Wedgenock & Woodloes West 25 162 15.4% Brunswick South & Cemetry 30 197 15.2% Source: Warwickshire County Council Deprivation Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 Super-Output Area Ranks, using IMD domain Housing and Housing Employment Barriers to Barriers Education Education Disability Services Disorder Health & Training Crime & Skills & Skills Income Super Output Area (SOA)* IMD Lillington East 4,358 4,733 1,265 8,098 2,344 16,140 15,718 Packmores West & The Cape 8,011 6,956 9,278 13,879 1,886 16,538 6,896 Brunswick South West & kingsway 8,092 10,385 10,780 7,002 3,620 23,026 3,023 Brunswick South East 9,343 6,030 12,991 12,960 4,433 8,998 14,781 Brunswick North West & Foundry 10,114 11,126 13,986 13,078 2,916 14,601 8,835 Lillington South 11,179 8,867 12,350 12,808 3,448 14,863 18,711 Sydenham West 11,675 10,119 8,948 11,691 7,744 19,702 15,539 Milverton South East 12,032 16,669 14,386 15,307 24,332 19,506 993 Old Town West & Railway Bridge 12,205 16,000 12,606 11,321 17,460 20,347 3,282 Lillington West 12,871 9,967 12,273 12,459 8,424 24,797 12,820 Campion Hills & Newbold Comyn 13,241 13,875 14,558 17,161 19,838 23,009 965 Emscote & Spinney Hill North East 13,251 11,037 9,741 10,869 9,889 26,591 20,154 Brunswick South & Cemetary 13,349 10,045 14,138 13,156 12,036 19,105 10,153 Whitnash North 14,117 11,086 10,863 10,608 10,448 21,845 21,240 Town Centre 14,502 17,398 15,520 10,011 21,328 21,387 4,130 Sydenham North 14,596 16,864 11,319 12,210 7,526 22,769 18,302 Warwick West East 15,357 9,340 16,523 17,395 9,534 23,594 18,640 Brunswick North East 15,446 16,361 22,351 17,351 11,445 22,137 4,733 Wedgenock & Woodloes West 15,452 12,097 12,776 15,556 12,616 15,442 28,309 Old Town North West 15,745 22,891 17,416 9,994 28,281 22,879 2,240 Emscote 15,785 13,228 12,431 13,232 14,734 26,744 17,520 The Cape & Wedgenock 17,412 16,941 17,929 20,875 12,711 8,940 18,136 St.
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