= = THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL P UMPIRES' ASSOCIATION OFFICE-BEARERS, 1948 R (By FRANK WILLIAMSON). I The Forty-fifth Annual Meeting of the In a previous article I promised i[ C League, held on 15th March last, drew a would give definitions of some of the E record attendance, and intense enthus- rules, and one of the most contentious iasm was evinced in the election of the. is the rule dealing with holding the man, various officers and committees. Those holding the ball. The following was appointed to rule and govern the code agreed upon and adopted by the Aus- tralian National Football Council at a are:- meeting held at Hobart, 7/8/47:- Patron: til'. E. J. Hallstrom. "Firmly held" means when the player President: Mr. L. J. Taylor. is gripped firmly enough to stop him or Vice-Presidents: Messrs. F. J. Dixon retard his progress. Umpires must give (Senior), H. Mannering, J. Ross, .N. Fer- the player who is in possession of the guson, H. Morton and W. Clark. ball a reasonable chance of disposing of Hon. Treasurer: Mr. A. J. Snow. the ball before awarding a free kick Hon. Assistant Secretary: Mr. A. F. against the player. If a player is in the Williams. act of kicking or hand balling and he is Hon. Secretary: Mr. K. G. Ferguson. swung off balance and his foot or hand Editor, "Record": Mr. A. Reed. does not connect with the ball-PLAY Delegate'to A.N.F.C.: Mr. A. J. Snow. \ = ON. If a player is bumped and the ball Protests and Disputes Commission: falls .from his hands-PLAY ON. When Messrs. J. Kealey (Chairman), W. Camp- • a player has the ball held to his body bell and A. S. Gordon. by another player-BALL UP. When a Finance Committee: Messrs. L. J. Tay- i player is knocked on arm or elbow. caus- lor (Chairman), L. Harry, D. Gray, H. ing him to drop the b<:oll-PLAY ON. Mannering. A. J. Snow and K. G. Fer- When a playel' has his arms pinned to guson. his sides, causing him to drop. the ball- Permit and Match Committee: Messrs. PLAY ON. ; W. Clark (Chairman), N. Ferguson and The spirit of the rule is to keep the J. Ross. ball in play. Umpires' Appointment Board: Messrs. Admission: Saturday, Stand 1/11, Outer Please keep for future reference. F. Bradley (Chairman), H. Conlon and ~o W. H. Hunkin. LI...•• , 562 1/3 (includ. tax), Children 3d. LUCKY NUMBER Selection Committee: Messrs. Leo Sundays by donation. .. Cars 1/-. Harry, F. Dixon and E. Shieles. A responsible officer of the League Hon. Solicitors: Messrs. K. D. Manion each week will place in a sealed enve- and Coy. MATCHES FOR NEXT \'V'EEK-END: lope a slip of paper containing a number. Hon .. Auditor: Mr. G. H. Anderson, The envelope will be opened at the match Chartered Accountant (Aust.) Saturday, 8th May, 1948 at Henson Park on Sunday, or Monday WESTERN SUBURBS v, BALMAIN, at Concord Oval. when a public holiday falls on that djlY, NEWTOW'N v. NORTH SHORE, at .Erskinev!l1e Oval. and the person in possession of the CLUB SECRETARIES SYDNEY v, UNIVERSITY, at Henson Park. Record numbered accordingly will re- Sunday, 9th May, 1948 ceive the sum of £1. The number con- are requested to have teams' lists and cerned and win~er (if Claimed) will be club notes at the Editor's residence on EASTERN SUBURBS v. ST. GEORGE, at Henson Park. announced in the following week's issue ,I Tuesday. Copy received after Tuesday SOUTH SYDNEY-a Bye. of the Record. will be too late for publication ..; K. G. FERGUSON, Hon. Secretary, N.S.W. National Football League, Sports Club. AUBREY REED, Hon. Editor, 33 Leonard Avcnuc, Kingsford.-'Phonc: FF 2461. 10 Hunter Street. 'Phones: BW 3024. FJ 2570. Vol. 16. NO.3 ! THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD 11 A KICK IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION 'Jhe Heason Why ALWAYS ASK FOR MICK SIMMONS LTD. holds the distinction of being Aus- tralia's Greatest Sports Organisation is: SHELLEY'S Famous Cordials Whatever the Sport, we can supply the gO,ods. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST Let us quote you for your Club's Requirements.- "Rememper"-Shelley's for Quality. We are suppliers to the N.S.W. Australian Factory: MURRAY STREET, 'Phones: L 2431 National Football League and all leading Clubs. MARRICKVILLE L 2659 INSPECTION INVITED. MICK SIMMONS LTD. SYDNEY CLUB NOTES UNIVERSITY CLUB NOTES (By ROY THOMAS). (By BOB LYONS). 712-722 GEORGE STREET, HAYMARKET, SYDNEY Branches at Hurstville, Newtown. Parramatta, Bondi Junction and Rozelle. r Congratulations are extended to Bert Congratulations are e:dended to our Re- I Dickson. who has been appointed captain serve Graue side for their fine perform- of the club, and also to Vin O'Dowd, ance against St. George last week. K• ST. GEORGE, EASTERN SUBURBS, SYDNEY AND SOUTH • who will act as his deputy. Curtin, who kicked 4 goals, seems cer- SYDNEY, VICTORIOUS IN THE OPENING ROUND Both players gave fine displays against tain to win a place in the senior side Western Suburbs; Dickson kicked ten shortly. (By AVB. REED). proved costly to the students, who were goals, while O'Dowd was prominent on Giant AU Wallace had an "off' day last, Three games of the opening round were soundly beaten. the wing. week, due to a leg injury, played last Saturday and resulted in easy Western Suburbs' defeat can also be The club welcomes new players "Felix" Ted Miles played a stirling game on victories for St. George, Eastern Suburbs attributed to a weakness in the forward Hude, Jerry Moran and Kevin D'Esposi- the wing; he took some excellent marks and Sydney over University, North Shore division. However. full marks must be tor. and is sure to be a great asset to the side and Western Suburbs respectively. awarded to Sydney, who gave a very im- in future games. On Monday, South Sydney defeated pressive performance and indicated that A successful ball was held on the 17th We must congratulate St. George on they will play a big part in this yeai" s Balmain. their fine 'victory; however, we hope that Quite a number of players chosen to fight for premiership honours. VICTORIA v. N.S.W. we shall be able to turn on a much better Eastern Suburbs gave a great display play with the newly-formed clubs were June 26, S.c.G. No. 1 effort this week. deprived of the opportunity by reason against North Shore and were much too- ---::--- of the fact that their clearances had not strong fOil the Red and Blacks. been finalised. However, the new teams, Eastern Suburbs will severely test the Of April at the "Coronet." 'Now, looking Balmain. Western Suburbs and Univer- powerful Newtown eighteen at Henson to the future, a dance will be held at 1948 HONOURS sity, gave very creditable displays and, Park in the main game of this week- Legion' House, Castlereagh Street, on May 8. We extend a hearty welcome to all strengthened by valuable players who end. First Grade Premiership.-Newtown. supporters and players of all clubs. were on the sideline last week-end, these South Sydney opened the season with Reserve Grade Premiership.-Newtown. teams can be expected to offer solid re- a win against Balmain on the Anzac A vote of thanks is expressed in this "Phelan" Trophy for "best and fairest" sistance to their more experienced rivals. Holiday last Monday; there was little be- column to Mrs. Struve and her hard- first grade.-K. Champion (North Shore). St. George piled up a big score against tween the teams for three-quarters, but working ladies' committee. "Sanders" Trophy for "best and fairest" University in the first half. but in the South Sydney's experience was a telling Supporters desiring to purchase the reserve grade.-L. Taylor (Eastern Sub- second holf University fought back factor in the closing stages and the Red Club's new badge are requested to con- urbs>' strongly and held their opponents. How- and Greens went on to score a comfort- tact the secretary at the earliest oppor- Norman P. Joseph Memorial Trophy.- ever. a weakness in the forward lines able victory. tunity. R. Neale (South Sydney), 10 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD 1I AUSTRALIAN RULES \X7ESTERN SUBURBS NE\vS NEWTOWN NOTES ST. GEORGE CLUB NOTES (By LES. BLACKMORE). (By JUNE WILLIAMS). FOOTBALL CONTRIBUTION (By E. LORDING). TO THE AUSTRALIAN TEST Following three good wins in. the trial Supporters were enthusiastic about the Congratulations are extended to the CRICKET TEAM match series, in which our players so Tigers' showing in the first match of the Sydney Club for their fine victory over early showed premiership winning form, season, although they were not extended us last Saturday. last Mon<lay we opened our season by by University. Keith Miller and Sam Loxton. Wests will mould into' a good combina- defeating Windsor, Queensland's 1947 They seemed to combine well and tion before many games have passed, and premier side, in great style to record a showed more teamwork in this game than Included in the present Australian surprises should be in store. This ap- 76 points victory. in all last season's matches put together. Test cricket team, in England are two of plies to our Reserves, also, who battled It pleased us to be the first club team This is undoubtedly due to the excellent Australian Rules Football outstanding hard in the, early game with an under- ever to have played a visiting premier- coaching of Mr.
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