
FCC FORM 114!)1240 liP!),\UrDA TINGliM,; MAXIMUMMAX!Ml.'l<!l'KRMlTTfl) PERMITl'ED RATESRATf:S FORfOR Rl:Gl;l,\REGULATED rEI> CABLECABJ.f: SERVICES Cable Operator: MM Name of Cable Operator TIme W ......r Cable - Uberty DivWoa Mailing Address of Cable Operator 11adlUtriaJ Dri.. , City Stale IIZIPCode Mid_...... INY ,1_1 YES NO X If yes, complete !he franchise aU1hority informallOn below and enlel' !he associaIed CUlD number bore: NY0513 YES NO~0 1. Dea dais IiIiq iDvolw a JiD&Ie fraadlite autborily but multiple _If _1 X If yes. enlel' !he associaIed CUIo. below and complete !he franchise aulherity infonnalion at !he bonom of 1his pJl8e: 3. Dea dais IiIiq _ multiple fraadlite _rilies? If yes. anach a separate sheet for each franchise aulherity and inclode the fonowing franchise aulherity information with its _lied CUlD(s): FnUldlise Autborily Iaformalioa: Name of Local Franchising Authority ViIIHe of Walden Mailing Address of Local Franchisins AU1hority a Seofield Street City Stale IIZIPCode Walden NY 12586 Telepbonenwnber FaxNwnber 4. ForFtn' .....wh.att po..,...,"pu:(JHJ1H' htlhi;; dais formForm 1240tMJl _.IiIed?bdug ·UJ-t>d? PleaseJ-tk•;ji(M~ put auan "X""'X'' iDm lhethe appropriate:i.I})JHPp,·j~tt: boLb-i·I'IL a.'"' OriginalO:<)!,in& Formh.·;rrn 1240. kJG for{,n Basici<.?.~it~ TierTit~ b, AmendedAn~~'XlJt.\d FormF:h'1n 1240l2-~:_. fort~.:·r BasiclJ.c.t7.it:. TierT;r.;: c,c OriginalOr;.~=;~in.al Formji!~tm 1240~ ;,::,3 forkJ CPS Tier'fi..:.r .,:id, Amendedi\n'}~:rtd',~l Formf.\;._n;l 1240l2.4·'.i forL'rCP'S CPS Tier TO 5. ladKate lhe .... year lime period for _ you are settiq nta (lhe Projected Period). 0111101/ll I 12111 (mmlyy) TO 6. ladKate lhe lime periocl for wbicb you ..... performiDc a true-up. 01110 I 12110 (mmlyy) 7. SlallU ofPre.ious FiIin& of FCC Form 1240 (enter an "x" iD lhe appropriate box) YES NO a. Is 1his !he first FCC Form 1240 filed in any jurisdiction? X b, Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with !he FCC? X If yes. enlel' !he date of !he most recent filing: L.._===_-'09/1S109 (mmlddlyy) YES NO c, Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with !he Franchising Authority? X If yes. enter !he date of!he most recent filing: '-_=="'--_--'09/1S109 (mmlddIyy) a. SIa.... of Previous FiliD& of FCC Form lltO (eater ID "s" iD lhe appropriate box) YES NO a. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the FCC? If yes. enIer!he date of!he most recent filing: '----_____-' (mmlddlyy) YES NO b, Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with !he Franchising Authority? If yes, enlel' !he date of !he most recent filing: '-_____-' (mmlddi)'Y) 9. SlallU of FCC Form 1200 Filial (euter .. "x" iD lhe appropriate bos) YES NO .. Has an FCC Form 1200 been prmously filed WIth !he FCC? If yes, enlel'!he date filed: L ___-' (mmlddi)'Y) YES NO b, Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed ",th!he Franchising Authority? If yes, enIer!he date filed: '-_____-' (mmlddIyy) 10. Cable ~ Seni«s Complaiat SlaIlU (eater so "s" iD lhe appropriate bos) a. Is 1his form being filed in response to an FCC Form 329 complaint? If ).... enIer !he date of !he complaint: '-_____--' II.l \_ Isl..r. FCC~··(_(~ Fermt·m:tn 1205t.Z.V~ BeiD&fik>in1;: IDcIuded~m.lnrta:l Wid!Wi!h TIaisThi~ roliaaHlit'l'_:;· ll.U, Sdoctioa.r"GoiDc:,f:,\t,.:tYXi ~·I '·'f;win~ Forward"fr,,~'JO!J ., ~Cl11-_!lfvtd Ad_Ad4rUt>:u MflIMNIoIocyMe1h~1fh•I(r·~y (eeterff"J.1ti!T ao.u-.~ "s",,. l."' iDw lheftb:.· .ppropriateapprvJ.•tiaW 4-c<':tboo) i' I ! Check bore if you are using !he onginal rules (MARKUP MElHODj. : X 1Check bore if you are using !he ne"" alternalive rules ICAPS METIiODl If using !he CAPS MElHOD, have you elected to "",so recovery for cbameIs added dunng!he penod May 15, 1994 to Dec, 31. 1994? Page 1i 13. IIeadead U ......... _odol.1f -NOTE: Op.n:uon Must ceTlify 10 IN COMmlniOft !Mir t!bgilnlifY to 1Ut! lhis upgrade /MthoJoIbgy and attach an t!qlllpmenlli$1 anJ ikpITCiation JChtduk, CJ Check here if you are a qu.a1ii}ing small system USIII8 the streamlined headend lIP8'ade methodology. Page 2 Part 1:I: Preliminary Information Module A: Maximum Permitted Rate From Previous Filing AI Currcm~ MwmumMaxuman PcnruttedPcm:nttcd RaicRate Mod u leIe B : S u bse"bebscn 'be rs h'h" iiPIP u.. __ _ui<. b < d . u.. U..Daeri- Buk TlerlTlu2 TlerJTluJ TIor'Tlu4 TierSTIorS BI81 AvcrastA""'"" Subs<nb<tslupSubsalbcnhtp ForFoc Truc:wUpTrue-Up Paiod I 2,021 0 0 B282 A-A_ Subscrib<r.olupSubscibcnblp ForFoc True-UpTnoe-Up !'<nodPeriod 2 _ A ___p For l'roj<ded Penod 83B3 futun.oted A-Suboocrib<tslup For Proj.-1 Paiod 1,980 0 0 Module C·C" InOationInflation Information u.. __ u.. u..- ClCI Undaimod_,~SWltclungF"""Unclaimed lnflaltm, Opere« SWifdwla Fmm 12IOT.12401210 To 1240 1.0000 Unclaunod lnfI....... Unrcguia!<d Operator Rc.pcodmg., IUtc c__ C2 UllclaimedlnftobOO. Unrqula!ed Opere«~ tc R<l< Complaint 1.0000 C3 lnftatior!FII<ICI<FO<T,.._Upl'eriodlnfI ..... Y..... For T_Up !'<nod I IWb[Wia I)1] 10131LOt 37 C4C. IntIabOllFtct«f«TruewUpPcnod2lnf1altm ........ f0< True-Up Pcnod 2 [Wia(WU 1]I] C5cs CCum::ot...... FCCfCC_f_ 1atlallm Fac:10r 10108 Module D: Calculating the Base Rate u .. __ . b .< d . u.. U..Dea<ripdoa .-... Tlor2n..2 TluJn..3 Tlor4n.r • n..sTluS D1DI c..,....CurTcnI HoadoodfIeadald UpgradeUP@1'Idc SepJontSegmcnI D2Dl c.......c...... ExtomalExtomaI c-Coots SegmentSepJont $454 9036 OJDl C..,....c ....... CIplICaps MethodMdbod Sell"""'Se_ D4D< cc..-....... M..tupMarlwp MdbodMethod Sell""""s._. C..,... ChanneI __DeIetwn Segment DS C..,... ChannelMovancat and Dek<lon Set!"""t D6DO Curmrtc ........ True-Up SegmcnISell"""' $6.3097S6.3097 D1D7 c......lnfIaIiooSegmcnlC.......lnftatiooS.- $0.3309so 3309 D8 llueBase IUtcR<l< [AI-DI-D2-D3-D4-D5-1J6..D1)[A1-D1-D2-D3-D4-DS-D6-D7] $119194$11.9194 Part II: True-UDTrue-Uo PerIOdPer1od Module E: Timing Information u .. __ u.. U..Daeripdoa EIEl WhIIWhat T)I>CofTrue-UpTjpCofT... -Up {.BeinglslleingPerl'onncd?(Answ..-"1", Pctfonncd1 (Answer 'I', "2',0<"2', or "3'."3' s..See -...lnslrudions forfur. a descnption o(oflhese these type<)types.) I I 2 lf"l",ptoModllle11"1",10 10 Modale L 1f"2",lf"l",auwerll auwer El alldl.l..... E3. It")",lf"l",auwer auwer £2,El, El,EJ,~aad E4,aad as.£5. E2 NumberofMoathsmNumber ofMooths m the Tt'Ue-UpTrue-Up Period JI 12 E3EJ Nwnbc.-ofMonlhsNumbcrofMomhs betw...,betwcc::u the endofTnoe-Upend of True-Up PenodPcnod 1 and !hethe eudofthemostend of the most....,. m:enl PrOJ......tProjected pfJ'IOdPaiod 0 E4 NumberNumb<.- ofMonlhsofMoo!h. min True-Up PenodPaiod 2 EligibleEiisible for_fur 1nlerest E5 NwnbccNumber of Months True-Up Period 221nelisibk Inebpble for Interest Module F: Maximum Permitted Rate For True-Up Period 1 _ui<. b < d . u.. Uu .. ~~ner1p~~ooo...riplioll TIorlTlerl n..JTluJ Taer4Tier' n..STluS FIF1 CapsMcthodSepJontFarTrue-UpPcnodCap. Method Sell"""" For True-Up Penod 1I [Wb[Wial] 2) F2f2 MarlwpM..tup Method SegmentSell"""' For True-Up Period 1I [Wks[Wia 3)3] - F3FJ Chan M_Mvmnt DeldnDeieIn SepJontSegmcnI For True-Up !'<nodPeriod 1I [Wia'[Wb' 4/S]4/5) F4fo True·UpTrue-Up PcnodPeriod 1I Rate EligtbleEligsbJe For IntlatiooIntlauon {D8+F1+F2+F3}[D8+Fl +F2+Fl) $11.9894 F5FS _lnftaboo SepJontSegmcnI foefur True-Up PenodPaiod 1I [(F"C3)-F41[(F4*C3)-F4J $0.1646 1 F6 HeadeadHeodend UpgnodeUp(!lllCie SepJontSegment F«for True-UpT_Up PenodPeriod I [Wia[Wb 616] F1 ExtenulExternal CcstsCoots SepJontSegmcnI ForF..- TNC-UpTrue-Up PenodPeriod I [Wia[Wb 7)7] $1292.$7.2928 F8FS Tt'Ue-Up~ForT~UpP~lTrue-Up SegmcnI For True-Up Penod I $5.9882 F9 MaxMaxPennR<I<fo.-True-UpPcnod Perm Rate for True-Up Pcnod I1 [F4+FS+F6+F7+F8J[F4+F5+F6+F7+F8J $25.4349525.4349 Module G·G' Maximum Permitted Rate For True-Up Period 2 _ui<. b < d . u.. u..o...ri_u .. ~~ne- Tler2n.rl TIorJTluJ Titr4Tler4 Tlu5TIorS Gl CapsCIplI Method SegmcnISepJont ForFoe rT .......... Upup Period 2 [Wb[Wia 21 ·- I I! 02G2 MadrupMarlwp Methods._.Method SegmcnI For True-UpT...... Up PeriodPenod 2 [Wks[Wb 313] I I G3GJ Clw!~Chan MYIIllll..... DeldnDeieIn Se_Sell"""' For True-Up PenodPaiod 2 [Wks' 415]4151 I I G4 TU PenodPaiod 21Utc2 R<l< Ebl!lbleEligible ForFc< lnfIlnf1altm..... [D8+f5-tGl-tG2..v31[D8+FS+G1+G2+G3] iL !I osGS lnfI""""lnftal>oll s._.SegmcnI foefor True-Up PenodPeriod 2 {(G4·C4)-(l41[(G4•C4)-G4] , iI ' I G6 HeadendHe.deod UP@1'IdcSegmcnlforTrue-UpPenod2[Wks61Upgrades._. For True-Up Period 2 (Wia 6j I iI Ii I 07G7 E'II<tnlIlE.........J c-Coots SegmcnIs._. ForFer True-UpT.... up !'<nodPcnod 2 [Wia[Wb 71 I I !I Ji G8 True-Ups._.True-UpSegmcnl ForF... T""'-UpT",,-Up PcmcllPenod 2 I ,i !I 1I G9 Max I'GmPerm RateIUtc f.:.-fur True-UpTf'lle..Up PcnodPenod 2 !G4-tGS~7..vs1fG4-tGS+G6+G7+G8) i , SOOOOOisooooo! ! ', I PagePage3 3 .Module"lndule H: True-Uprr:ll''.:''!!'_'\lljustnH:lt_~~~':'kUialion Adjustment Calculation . b . d . u.. u .. o...ri.- Tied Tier 3 Tier' TierS AoIj_,'orrr-Uphriodl HI ~ucFromPenod 1 5388.032- 0000 I I HZ Revenue from Max Penruttcd Rate for Pmod 1 5616.841.7562 H3 T_UpPmod I Adj_ [HZ-HI] $228.8157562 H4 _",Period I AdjwilJneul SI2.810.8863 AdjutMu, For T,...Vp Pmod 2 H5 _ F.... Period 2 Eh ..bl. fur_ I H6 Revenue From Max Pem Rate for Penod 2 Eligible For mwesa H7 Pcnad 2 Adj_ Fli ..ble Fcc Int=st {H6-H5J , H8 lmercst 00 Penod 2 Adjustment {See lIlStJ'UcUOnS f« formula} I I H9 Re\.'CftUC Frun Pcnod 2 1nebgible for lnt«est I I 1110 _ From Max Pmn a..
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