Index Abu Bekir Sadik, 96 establishment of joint, 44–5 Active Layered Theater Ballistic Missile and integrated security Defense (ALTBMD), 29, 42 strategy, 43–5 Adler, Emanuel, 7–9 and mutual threat perceptions, 33–5 Adriatic basin, 139–41, 142 Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA), Adriatic Charter, 11 31–2, 39 Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO), political considerations, 36–40 36, 42, 45 strategies and responses, 35–6 Afghanistan, 11, 14 technical-economic cooperation aging populations, 190–1 on, 44 Agreement on Strategic Cooperation, Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation 69 Agreement (BMDCA), 44 Albania, 2, 4, 11, 18, 21, 91, 95, 101, Baltic Pipeline System, 121–2 103–4, 157, 181–2, 184, 203 el-Banjaluki, Ebu Zerr’, 92 Albanian National Army (ANA), 98, 101 Barnett, Michael, 7–9 Albanian separatist movement, 96, Basel Committee on Banking 98, 101 Supervision, 67 alternative energy sources, 117, 118 Bašescu, Traian, 204 Anil, Suleyman, 55–6 Belarus, 123 Anonymous, 50 Benevolence International Foundation Ansari Sharriah, 92 (BIF), 89 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, bin Laden, Osama, 89, 90, 92, 97 29, 45n1 Black Hand, 48 Arab-Israeli conflict, 48–9 Black Sea, 4 Arab Spring, 11, 14, 50 BMD, see ballistic missile defense (BMD) Arnaut, Enan, 89 BMD system (BMDS), 30 Asia, 37, 119 Bobic, Mirjana, 167, 169 Asian Development Bank, 67 border security, 12, 176–8 asset forfeiture mechanisms, 81, 83 Bosnia, 1–3, 10, 18, 21, 168–9, 198, asylum seekers, 177–8 201–2, 204, 209 Atlantic Council, 13 Islamist extremism/terrorism in, Aurora, 54 88–92 autonomization of cities, 186–7 migration model, 180–1 Avdija, Ekrem, 96–7 Bosphorus Gaz Corporation, 120 Azam, Abdulah, 89 brain drain, 155 bribe tax, 162 Balkanization, 4 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 115 Balkan route, 67, 136–7 Bulgaria, 2, 3, 157, 203 Balkan states, 3–4, 158–9 emigration from, 170–1 see also specific countries EU membership of, 12 ballistic missile defense (BMD), and Russia, 17 28–46, 205 and Turkey, 18 economic considerations, 40–2 US presence in, 15 217 218 Index Burgas-Alexandroupoli oil pipeline, 17 cybersecurity, 47–64, 205 Bush Administration, 30 cooperative responses to, 53–6 and national security, 47–50, 54 Caucasus, 5 transformation of, 50–3 Central European Free Trade trust-building and, 56–61 Agreement (CEFTA), 12, cyberwarfare, 55, 60 158, 161–2 Czech Republic, 30 Chechnya, 47 Chemical Weapons Convention Dannreuther, Roland, 117 (CWC), 52–3 Davutoglu, Ahmed, 212 China, 33, 117, 119, 129 Dayton Agreement, 1, 174 circular migration, 187–8 defense reform, 11 city policies, 186–7 defense spending, 21, 41 civic society, 22–3 democratic institutions, 9 Clapper, James, 34 democratic transition, 2, 4, 21, coal, 119, 129 68, 155 Cold War, 5, 28, 33–5, 39 demographics, 189–91 collective defense concept, 38 denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, 48, Command Post Exercises, 44–5 49, 52 Common Aviation Area, 12 depopulation, 190–1 communities, 7 deterrence, 52 Community Assistance for Deutsch, Karl, 6–7 Reconstruction Development and development network, 158–9 Stabilization (CARDS), 11–12 discrimination, 23 comprehensive security, 38 al Dosari, Abdel Rahman, 89 Consortium of Western Balkan drug trafficking, 136–7 Security Think Tanks, 23 Duka, Dritan, 105 constructivist paradigm, 7 Dunning, John, 154 Convention on Cybercrime, 54 Cooperation in the Field of earthquakes, 5 International Information East-West nuclear confrontation, 7 Security, 57 economic development, 12, 151–65, Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of 207–8 Excellence (CCD COE), 60–1 economic dislocations, 5 cooperative security, 38 economic liberalization, 154 corruption, 65–7, 72–5, 79–84, 155 economic malaise, 203–4 Corruption Perception Index, 68 economic transition, 4 Costa Concordia, 139 education, 22, 155, 162–3, 191 Council of Europe (CoE), 10, 67, 68 Edwards-Baldwin, Martin, 167 counterterrorism, 106–9 El Mallakh, Dorothea H., 117 crime, see cybercrime; organized crime emigration, see migration Croatia, 2, 3, 10, 11, 204 energy cooperation, 12 energy resources, 118 energy corridors, 121–4, 126–31 EU membership of, 12, 210 energy demand, 117, 119, 128 and Turkey, 18 energy resources, 118, 119, 123, cultural exchanges, 20–1 129–30 cybercrime, 6, 55, 58 energy security, 114–33, 206–7 cyber defense exercise (CDX), 61 defined, 114–16 Cyber Defense Policy, 56 and need for cooperation, 130–1 Index 219 energy security – continued Islamist extremism/terrorism in, pipelines, 120–4 100–2 and Russia, 120–6 France, 33, 171 and Turkey, 126–31 free market, 2, 4 in twenty-first century, 116–19 free trade agreements, 12, 158, enlargement fatigue, 3 161–2 Estonia, 49, 54, 55–6 FRONTEX, 176 ethnic conflicts, 3, 155, 175–80, 208 ethnic homogenization, 168–9 Gazprom Neft, 121 ethnic identity, 4 Germany, 31, 104–5 ethnic migrations, 170–1, 187 global financial crisis, 21, 156–8 Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, 11 Global Forum on Fighting Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative Corruption, 67 (EASI), 19 Global Integrity Index, 74 EUROJUST, 68 Global Integrity Report, 74 European Center for the Development globalization, 6, 36–7, 116, 147, 154 of Vocational Training global security community, 6, 38 (CEDEFOP), 159 Goldstein, Donald J., 116 European identity, 4, 13 Greece, 2, 3, 4, 15, 17, 21, 31, 88, 129, European integration, 10 157, 176, 202, 203, 204 European Neighbourhood Policy greenhouse gases, 119 (ENP), 68 Group of States Against Corruption European Phased Adaptive Approach (GRECO), 67 (EPAA), 39 European Rule of Law Mission in Hackerz Club, 48–9 Kosovo (EULEX), 209 Halilovic, Nezim, 92 European Union (EU), 2, 6, 10, 24–5, Hamad, Ali, 91 55, 68, 1116 Hamza, Abu, 90 and economic cooperation, 158 Al Haramain & Al Masjed Al Aqsa homegrown terrorism in, 103–6 Charity Foundation, 90 integration into, 157, 209–10 Al Haramain Islamic Foundation, 90 migration issues, 176–8 Hasanenin, Fatih el, 89 role of, 208–10 Hatzpoulos, Pavlos, 4 EUROPOL, 68–9, 179 Helsinki Committee, 13 euro zone crisis, 3, 15–16, 21 Herzegovina, 1–3, 10, 18, 21, 198, extremism, 87–113, 206 201–2, 204, 209 Islamist extremism/terrorism in, Fadl, Sayyed Imam, 96 88–92 FBKSH, see National Front for the migration model, 180–1 Reunification of Albanians (FBKSH) Herzo, 168–9 financial security, 152 Hezbollag, 48–9 fishing, 135–6 homegrown terrorism, 103–6, 107 forced migrations, 167–70, 187 Horsnell, Paul, 117 foreign direct investment (FDI), human capital, 179–80, 191 152–6, 159, 161, 163 human rights, 209 Former Yugoslav Republic of human security, 145–7, 166–7 Macedonia (FYROM), 2, 3, 11–13, human trafficking, 136–7, 171–3, 18, 21, 157, 202–3 175–80, 192, 208 see also Macedonia al Huseini, Arman Ahmet, 90 220 Index IEDN, see Interoperable European Islambouli, Khaled, 96 Development Network (IEDN) Islambouli, Mohammed, 96 Igman Initiative, 13 Islamic Youth Forum, 102 illegal fishing, 135–6 Islamist extremism/terrorism, illegal migration, 5, 175–80, 208 87–113, 206 immigrants approaches to counter, 106–9 age and financial status of, 189–90 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 88–92 integration of, 186–7 in FYROM, 100–2 immigration, see migration and homegrown terrorism in US India, 33, 117 and EU, 103–6 influence, 66 in Kosovo, 93–7 information security, 54 in Montenegro, 102–3 information technology, 51, 57–8 in Serbia, 97–100 infrastructure, 155 Israel, 33, 129 innovation, 154 Istanbul Declaration, 18 institutional capacity building, IT professionals, 59 12, 162 Ivanov, Igor, 19 Interconnector-Turkey-Greece-Italy (ITGI), 127–8 Jamaat Tebligh, 101–2 interdependence, 37 Jašaarevic, Mevlid, 99–100 internally displaced persons (IDPs), Jasovic, Sead, 103 169, 192 joint common radar picture International Atomic Energy Agency (JCOP), 142 (IAEA), 34 International Organization for Kaplan, Robert D., 4 Migration (IOM), 181 Kay, Sean, 116 international relations theory, 5, 7 Kennan, George, 4 International Security Assistance Ki-moon, Ban, 144 Force (ISAF), 11 King, Neil, Jr., 123 international security environment, Kosovo, 1, 3, 10, 16–18, 24, 78, 5–10 168, 198, 200–1 International Summer School, 22–3 Islamist extremism/terrorism international trade, 154, 161–2 in, 93–7 Internet, 9 US presence in, 15 cybersecurity, 47–64 Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), 93–4, management of the, 54 95, 97, 98 Internet Corporation for Assigned Kosovo National Front (KNF), 93 Names and Numbers (ICANN), 54 Kosovo War, 48 Internet hacking, 5, 37, 48–9, 52 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), 51 94, 129 Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), Kurds, 129 50–1 Interoperable European Development labor migration, 174–5, 187, 189 Network (IEDN), 152, 159–61, lawmaking coordination efforts, 71–3 163, 207 liberal democracies, 9 interstate conflict, 5 Liberation Army of Presevo, Iran, 14–15, 29, 32, 34, 35, 36, 45, 52 Bujanovac and Medveda Iraq, 14, 29, 33, 128–9 (UCPMB), 98 Ischinger, Wolfgang, 19 Libya, 33 Index 221 liquefied natural gas, 122 ethnic, 170–1, 187 Lisbon Strategic Concept, 115 forced, 167–70, 187 Lisbon Treaty, 55 illegal, 5, 175–80, 208 littorals, 134, 147, 207 integration of immigrants, 186–7 local engagement, 22–3 labor, 174–5, 187, 189 Lukoil, 120–1 national models, 180–4 Lynch, Michael, 117 principles of action and recommendations, 190–3 Maastricht Treaty, 68 Romania, 182–3 Macedonia, 2, 202–4, 210 to SES, 184–6 see also Former Yugoslav Republic of Slovenia, 183–4 Macedonia (FYROM) trafficking, 171–3, 175–80, 192, 208 MafiaBoy, 52 transit, 175–80, 191 marine pollution, 138–9 trends, 187–8, 208 maritime security, 134–50, 207 typology of, 167–73 and illegal fishing and military cooperation,
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