News Digest the new GOVERNOR MELDRIM Thomson will find regaining office difficult this fall should he seek a second term. According to a poll by the Boston Globe published Sunday, four out of ten New Hampshire voters consider Thomson a be­ February 26, 1974 low average or very poor governor. More popular is the little-known Democratic mayor of Manchester, Sylvio Dupuis. Dupuis, of whom 59 percent of the New Hampshire population has never heard, would defeat Thomson in an election held Enrollment Caucus denies funding today by a 48 to 40 percent margin. Thomson, interpreters of the poll sug­ gest, has been hurt by his unflagging sup­ port of President Nixon. His only support drop troubles requests of GSO . is among conservatives. A third of Repub­ licans in the state feel Thomson, “by Will not seek building himself up,” has “wrecked” the state GOP. Technology further action THE CURRICULA COMMITTEE con­ By Olivia deCastanos By Karen Westerberg siders a proposal to abolish the Dean’s List. Over half the UNH student body is on A decrease in the enrollment of students The Gay Students Organization (GSO) the list, and most members of the Uni­ in the College of Technology has prompted was denied recognition as a Student Acti­ versity Senate think it’s an absurd sit­ the creation of a task force to examine the vity Tax funded organization Sunday night uation. Other schools have been queried on goals of the college. The force, comprised by the Student Caucus. the severity of their problem and few re­ of one professor from each of the eight Amid the bright lights and TV cameras port a “grade inflation” as serious as technology departments, has met weekly of channel five in Boston, GSO Secretary- UNH’s. In response, the Curricula Commi­ since October to make recommendations Treasurer Louis Kelly briefly addressed ttee has scheduled a hearing on the issue to the faculty. the group of student senators before the for 8:00 tonight in the Cheshire Room. A The recommendations will be released in GSO request for over $1700 was turned couple alternatives are considered, in­ a report in late February or early March. down. cluding the outright abolishment of the Until then, the proceedings of the task The request was rejected because the list. Some suggest replacing it with a list force is a secret to everyone outside the Caucus felt the gay students represent their made up in the departments or colleges. committee of eight. own special interest and do not serve the But the committee wants feedback before Dean of Technology Richard Davis said entire student body. making its motion to the Senate, thus to­ the force decided not to disclose its find­ “The function GSO serves to this com­ Photo by Fernald night’s hearing. ings prior to the release of the report be- munity is great, but the group represents a Louis Kel!y--GSO cauac they may be cuiitiuveisial. Although viewpoint,” said student senator Lanca the committee will make recommend­ Witkus, Caucus observer of the GSO. “We THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM offers ations, not decisions, members agreed to should not be funding viewpoints.” its first System-wide degree. report first directly to the faculty. The task “We feel we should be funded because . .and BSU Cutting across “geographic and aca­ force was elected by the technology we serve the whole community,” Kelly res­ demic boundaries to pioneer a new ap­ faculty. ponded. “GSO is an outreaching organiza­ proach to graduate programs” as the Uni­ Professor Steven Fan, task force repre­ tion, and we deserve money so we do not The Black Students Union (BSU), after versity news bureau puts it, the System has sentative for : chemical engineering, said have to be subject to a slush fund. We’re four years of receiving funds from the Stu- devised a peripatetic program leading to a the recommendations of the committee not asking for money for the officers of dent Activity Tax, was denied Master of Occupational Education degree. are now closed to the public because they our organization.” further funding by the Student Caucus It was decided that no single campus could are not yet final. He added, “In my opinion The “slush” fund referred to by Kelly is Sunday night. offer a masters degree in all areas of Oc­ the report will not be that radical or the Program Fund which was approved at Caucus members decided that BSU is a cupational Education so resources have controversial, but maybe it will be to some Sunday night’s Caucus meeting. It will pro­ special interest group that does not serve been pooled. Plymouth’s department of other people.” vide funds for events for recognized stu­ the entire student body. business education, Keene’s Department Chairman of the task force, Professor dent organizations, starting in September. “The campus has not accepted BSU of Home Economics and Industrial Educa­ Robert Corell of mechanical engineering, Student Government Vice President events and does not seem to want them,” tion, and UNH’s Departments of Oc­ said he didn’t know if the recommend­ Fred Hebert stated that if the' GSO receiv­ said Student Body President Alec cupational Education and Home Eco­ ations were controversial. But he said the ed funds from the Student Activity Tax, Buchanan. “The BSU performs no other nomics are involved. force is working in isolation because the the University would be “at the mercy of” function than exposing black culture. A No students are yet enrolled in the pro­ recommendations, if known in part, may Governor Thomson and the SAT might be student organization should do more than gram. Chairman of the UNH Occupational seem different from the complete picture. taken away completely. project their own interests.” Education Department William Annis says Incomplete or unfinalized information, he “The future of this school may be riding Asked if BSU would fall apart without there will be a meeting to consider ap­ said, “may start unfound rumors.” on our decision,” Hebert said before the SAT funds, BSU Business Manager plicants Wednesday. It is not yet deter­ Professor Donald Melvin of electrical vote was taken. Sherman Rosser said he thought it would. mined, he says, whether students striving engineering added that the full rationale for Kelly said after the rejection that the “We would have nothing to help better the for the new System degree will roam bet­ suggestions should be read together with Caucus decision was unfortunate but that campus, nothing to strive for,” he said. ween the campuses or whether the travel­ the recommendations. The task force re­ he was not surprised by it, after BSUwas “All of our programs are geared toward lin g will be left to the instructors. port will include the rationale behind the denied funding earlier in the meeting. the general student public,” Rosser conti­ recommendations. GSO President Wayne April was present nued. “Without SAT funding we wouldn’t Tight finances at the meeting Sunday night, but made no have the proper channels to be able to ma­ AFTER THEIR budgets were approved by The task force was created to investigate comments to the Caucus. He said after­ nipulate.” the Bureau of the Budget last week, WUNH problems discovered last summer by an ad wards that the organization would not seek Several Caucus members pointed out and the Student Publishing Organization hoc committee. This committee report was further action. Hillel, an organization of that the new Program Fund, approved (SPO) received final approval from the distributed to faculty, but Dean Davis was Jewish students, was also denied funding. earlier in the meeting, would help fund Student Caucus Sunday night. uncertain at press time if the report was to BSU projects. The Program Fund was esta­ Bureau of the Budget (BOB) director be made available to the public. blished to help recognized student organi­ Ron Willey presented the budgets to the Davis discussed, however, the economic zations fund events and will go into effect Caucus, and approval was given to every­ problems of the College of Technology next September. thing except salaries. WUNH will receive which led to the creation of the task force. Caucus observer of BSU, Mike King, said $2.85 from each student for the academic he felt the organization tried to take on too year 1974-75, while SPO will get $.70. Davis discussed, however, the economic much, more than the small number of problems of the College of Technology people working in BSU could handle. which led to the task force. “They shouldn’t be a regularly funded A CAPACITY CROWD is expected While the Technology budget has in­ organization any longer,” King said. “Most tomorrow night in the Fieldhouse as creased this year, college salaries have also everything sponsored by your organization Olympic Refinery consultants report the increased, resulting in limited finances. is a losing proposition,” he told Rosser. results of their studies. Equipment used in the technology de­ BSU received $9000 from the SAT this According to Olympic representative partment is also expensive. “We share a year, a cost of $1.20 per student for the Mike Painchaud, 15 or 20 officials will re­ tight financial situation with the rest of the academic year 1973-74. This was 30 cents port during the four-hour session, which University,” Davis said. Technology less per student than the previous year, will be televised live. Slides will be inter­ finances are worse this year than previous when the group requested $11,250. The spersed with the consultants’ lectures, to years, he added. group received funds for the first time for be followed by a question and answer A particular area of concern for the the academic year 1970-71.
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