Scientific Name Common Name Book Sex N Mean S.D. Min Max Season Location Source Comments Family Apterygidae Status Apteryx australis Southern Brown Kiwi E M 15 2120 1720 2730 New Zealand Colbourne & Kleinpaste 1983 F 31 2540 2060 3850 Apteryx australis lawryi Southern Brown Kiwi B M 9 2720 2300 3060 Stewart Island, New ZealandMarchant & Higgins 1990 F 10 3115 267 2700 3500 Apteryx rowi Okarito Brown Kiwi N M 49 1924 157 1575 2250 South Island, New Zealand Tennyson et al. 2003 F 51 2650 316 1950 3570 Apteryx mantelli North Island Brown Kiwi N F 4 2725 2060 3433 New Zealand Marchant & Higgins 1990 split in Clements Family Tinamidae Nothocercus julius Tawny-breasted Tinamou N F 1 693 Peru Specimens Mus. SWern Biology Nothocercus nigrocapillus Hooded Tinamou N M 1 540 Gomes and Kirwan 2014a Crypturellus brevirostris Rusty Tinamou N M 2 221 209 233 Guyana Robbins et al. 2007 F 1 295 Crypturellus casiquiare Barred Tinamou N F 1 250 Columbia Echeverry-Galvis, unpublished Rhynchotus maculicollis Huayco Tinamou N U 10 868 860 900 Fiora 1933a split by Clements 2008 Tinamotis ingoufi Patagonian Tinamou N U 900 1000 Gomes & Kirwan 2014b Family Spheniscidae Eudyptes moseleyi Tristan Penguin N B 11 2340 517 1400 2950 B Amsterdam Is., Indian OceanDrabek & Tremblay 2000 split from E. chrysocome by Clements 2012 Family Diomedeidae Diomedea antipodensis gibsoni Wandering Albatross N M 35 6800 5500 8600 Auckland Islands Tickell 2000 split by del Hoyo et al. 2013 F 36 5800 4600 7300 Diomedea antipodensis Wandering Albatross N M 10 7460 Antipodes Islands Tickell 2000 split by del Hoyo et al. 2013 antipodensis F 15 5840 Diomedea dabbenena Tristan Albatross N M 1 7200 Hockey et al. 2005 source splits from Wandering Thalassarche cauta cauta White-capped Albatross B M 18 4350 3900 5100 Marchant & Higgins 1990 Split accepted by Clements in 2009 F 18 3700 3200 4400 Thalassarche cauta steadi White-capped Albatross B M 6 4430 3300 5300 B Auckland Islands Tickell 2000 Split accepted by Clements in 2009 F 7 3450 2600 4200 Thalassarche salvini Salvin's Albatross B M 17 4000 3300 4900 B Bounty Islands Tickell 2000 Split accepted by Clements in 2009 F 12 3590 3300 3700 Thalassarche eremita Chatham Albatross B M 13 4000 3600 4700 B Chatham Islands Tickell 2000 Split accepted by Clements in 2009 F 10 3770 3100 3900 Thalassarche carteri Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross N U 31 2550 2100 2900 Hockey et al. 2005 split from T. chlororhynchos accepted by Hockey Family Procellariidae Fulmarus glacialis glacialis Northern Fulmar B U 86 725 560 1050 Howell 2012 Fulmarus glacialis Northern Fulmar B U 27 825 550 1300 at sea, breeding season Bourne 1998 Fulmarus glacialis Northern Fulmar B U 74 812 590 1002 B Scotland Bourne 1998 Fulmarus glacialoides Southern Fulmar B M 17 835 720 1030 Hockey et al. 2005 F 14 738 670 855 Thalassoica antarctica Antarctic Petrel B M 23 679 560 780 Hockey et al. 2005 F 31 656 530 805 Pterodroma macroptera Great-winged Petrel B U 61 587 460 745 Marion Island Hockey et al. 2005 Pterodroma gouldi Gray-faced Petrel E M 56 560 B New Zealand Imber 1976 split from Pterodroma macroptera, Clements 2016 F 28 505 Pterodroma aterrima Mascarene Petrel B U 13 222 28.1 Reunion Shirihai et al. 2014 Pterodroma hasitata Black-capped Petrel B U 40 475 350 590 Howell 2012 Pterodroma incerta Atlantic Petrel B B 26 544 70.8 420 720 B Gough Island Cuthbert 2004 Pterodroma ultima Murphy's Petrel B U 22 380 300 425 B Tuamotu Lacan & Mougin 1974 Pterodroma neglecta Kermadec Petrel B U 12 471 370 590 B Macauley Is.; Chile; TuamotuMarchant & Higgins 1990, Ochoa-acuna et al. 2002, Lacan & Mougin 1974 Pterodroma heraldica Herald Petrel B U 13 275 237 320 Howell 2012 Pterodroma deserta Desertas Petrel N U 17 311 20.6 275 355 Desertas Brooke 2004 split from Pterodroma feae by del Hoyo et al. 2013 formerly in database as P. feae Pterodroma brevipes Collared Petrel E B 20 136 116 158 B Fiji Watling 1986 split from Pterodroma leucoptera by Clements 2012 Pterodroma macgillivrayi Fiji Petrel N U 3 136 120 145 Fiji Watling & Lewanavanua 1985 Shirihai, et al. 2009 Procellaria conspicillata Spectacled Petrel N U 20 1191 76 1010 1315 B Inaccessible Island Brooke 2004 split from P. aequinoctialis by Clements 2008 Procellaria westlandica Westland Petrel B M 30 1260 93.1 B New Zealand Landers et al. 2011 F 7 1186 Calonectris diomedea Cory's Shearwater B M 12 880 60 B N. Atlantic Ocean islands Ramos et al. 2009 F 11 810 76 Calonectris edwardsii Cape Verde Shearwater N M 16 477 37.3 B Cape Verde Islands Gomez-Dias & Gonzalez-Solis unpubl. F 10 443 25.7 Puffinus creatopus Pink-footed Shearwater B B 146 723 66.3 576 889 B Chile Guicking et al. 2004 Puffinus carneipes Flesh-footed Shearwater B U 90 632 5.1 B Western Australia Powell et al. 2007 Puffinus yelkouan Levantine Shearwater B M 45 441 36 360 510 B France Bourgeois et al. 2007 F 41 429 34.1 355 495 Puffinus huttoni Hutton's Shearwater B M 42 374 19.8 330 418 B New Zealand Cuthbert & Davis 2002 F 35 359 18.3 315 392 Puffinus baroli Barolo Shearwater N M 24 160 11.9 142 189 Salvages Brooke 2004 Split from Little Shearwater, Clements 2009 F 17 151 7.8 139 166 Puffinus newelli Newell's Shearwater B U 35 381 45 340 411 B Hawaiian Is. Ainley, . et al. 1997 split from Townsend's Shearwater by AOU 2015 Puffinus myrtae Rapa Shearwater B U 13 192 175 215 Polynesia Shirihai et al. 2017 split by Clements 2015 Holyoak & Thibault 1984 Puffinus bryani Bryan's Shearwater N U 2 147 130 164 Bonin Is., nw Pacific Kawakami et al. 2012 Recognized by AOU, 2012 Puffinus subalaris Galapagos Shearwater E U 78 168 128 211 B Galapagos Is. Harris 1969a split from Audubon's Shearwater, Clements 2008 Puffinus lherminieri Audubon's Shearwater N U 100 200 138 253 Howell 2012 old book sample is now P. subalaris Puffinus lherminieri Audubon's Shearwater N U 12 218 24.7 181 285 Fernando de Noronha Mestre et al. 2009 Puffinus bailloni bailloni Tropical Shearwater B U 12 226 28.2 165 259 Reunion Jouanin 1987 split from Audubon's Shearwater, Clements 2009 Puffinus bailloni nicolae Tropical Shearwater B U 62 168 19 Seychelles Bretagnolle et al. 2000 split from Audubon's Shearwater, Clements 2009 Puffinus bailloni colstoni Tropical Shearwater B U 8 214 Aldabra Bretagnolle et al. 2000 split from Audubon's Shearwater, Clements 2009 Family Hydrobatidae Oceanites gracilis gracilis Elliot's Storm-Petrel B U 2 16.5 Harrison et al. 2013 Oceanites gracilis galapagoensis Elliot's Storm-Petrel B U 3 16.7 16 17 Galapagos Islands Harris 1969b, Spear & Ainley 2007 formerly known as White-vented Storm-Petrel Oceanites pincoyae Pincoya Storm-Petrel N U 12 26.7 2.4 Chile Harrison et al. 2013 new species described in this paper Fregetta grallaria titan White-bellied Storm-Petrel B U 9 69 60 74 Polynesia Holyoak & Thibault 1984 Fregetta maoriana New Zealand Storm-Petrel N U 13 34.5 0.4 New Zealand Rayner et al. 2015 Oceanodroma socorroensis Townsend's Storm-Petrel N B 152 31.7 4.2 22.4 44 Guadalupe Islands Crossin 1974 split from O. leucorhoa by AOU 2016 Oceanodroma cheimomnestes Ainsley's Storm-Petrel N M 4 39.9 35.6 43.8 Guadalupe Is., Mexico Specimens U Cal Berkeley split from O. leucorhoa by AOU 2016 F 2 35.8 34 37.5 Oceanodroma tethys kelsalli Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel B U 16 22.5 B Ferrol Island, Peru Ayala & Sanchez-Scaglioni 2007 Oceanodroma monteiroi Monteiro's Storm-Petrel N U 229 44.1 4.4 33 58 B Azores Is. (hot season) Slotterback 2002 species split from O. castro by Bolton et al. 2008 Family Sulidae Morus capensis Cape Gannet B B 230 2640 2240 3290 Hockey et al. 2005 Morus serrator Australasian Gannet B M 54 2590 1822 B New Zealand Ismar et al. 2014 formerly Australian Gannet F 47 2660 1529 sexes not signif different Sula variegata Peruvian Booby B M 25 1290 75 1200 1450 Peru Zavalaga et al. 2009 F 24 1543 105 1300 1675 Family Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax africanus Long-tailed Cormorant B M 87 585 43 Hockey et al. 2005 F 81 525 41 Family Anhingidae Anhinga rufa African Darter B M 10 1436 1206 1711 Johnsgard 1993 formerly considered a subspecies of A. melanogaster F 9 1357 1055 1660 Anhinga melanogaster Oriental Darter B U 4 1340 1160 1500 Johnsgard 1993 Anhinga novaehollandiae Australasian Darter N M 16 1600 1200 2100 Marchant & Higgins 1990 formerly considered a subspecies of A. melanogaster F 18 1700 900 2600 Family Ardeidae Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron B B 49 1449 1150 2000 Hockey et al. 2005 Egretta garzetta Little Egret B U 75 346 77.3 Y Taiwan Shiu et al. 2005 Egretta sacra Pacific Reef-Heron B U 45 525 345 625 Tuamotu Lacan & Mougin 1974 Ardeola grayii Indian Pond-Heron B M 3 263 230 282 Maldives; India Majumdar 1984a; Cramp & Simmons 1977increased sample size Ardeola id ae Madagascar Pond-Heron N M 1 275 Tanzania; Madagascar Spec. Yale Peabody Mus, Univ Mich MZ F 1 300 Butorides (striata) sundevalli Striated (Lava) Heron N F 1 239 Galapagos Islands Specimens U Cal Berkeley Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret B U 105 274 51.4 Taiwan Shiu et al.
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