Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of UNFAMILIAR FOREIGN LANGUAGE bingos – unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 7s - French ACAJOUS AACJOSU ACAJOU, tropical tree [n] AFFICHE ACEFFHI poster [n -S] APROPOS AOOPPRS relevant [adj] ARABESK AABEKRS design of intertwined floral figures [n -S] ARPENTS AENPRST ARPENT, old French unit of area [n] ATTACHE AACEHTT diplomatic official [n -S] AVELLAN AAELLNV having four arms shaped like filberts–used of heraldic cross [adj] B 7s - French BACCARA AAABCCR baccarat (card game) [n -S] BAILIES ABEIILS BAILIE, Scottish magistrate [n] BALAFON AABFLNO musical instrument of Africa [n -S] BATEAUX AABETUX BATEAU, flat-bottomed boat [n] BATISTE ABEISTT sheer fabric [n -S] BATTEAU AABETUX bateau (flat-bottomed boat) [n -X] BAWDRIC ABCDIRW baldric (shoulder belt) [n -S] BEDOUIN BDEIONU nomadic Arab [n -S] BEDUINS BDEINSU BEDUIN, Bedouin (nomadic Arab) [n] BEGUINE BEEGINU lively dance [n -S] BEIGNET BEEGINT type of fritter or doughnut [n -S] BERDASH ABDEHRS berdache (Native American male transvestite) [n -S] BEZANTS ABENSTZ BEZANT, coin of ancient Rome [n] BEZIQUE BEEIQUZ card game [n -S] BEZZANT ABENTZZ bezant (coin of ancient Rome) [n -S] BIBELOT BBEILOT trinket [n -S]m BIGUINE BEGIINU beguine (lively dance) [n -S] BISQUES BEIQSSU BISQUE, thick soup [n] BIVOUAC ABCIOUV to make camp [v -CKED, -CKING, -CKS or -S] BLOUSON BLNOOSU woman’s garment [n -S] BONDUCS BCDNOSU BONDUC, prickly seed [n] BOTONEE BEENOOT having arms ending in trefoil -- used of heraldic cross [adj] BOUCHEE BCEEHOU small patty shell [n -S] BOUCLES BCELOSU BOUCLE, knitted fabric [n] BOUDINS BDINOSU BOUDIN, spicy Cajun sausage [n] BOUDOIR BDIOORU woman’s bedroom [n -S] BOURDON BDNOORU part of bagpipe [n -S] BOURREE BEEORRU old French dance [n -S] BOURSIN BINORSU trademark [n -S] BOUTADE ABDEOTU sudden outburst [n -S] BREVIER BEEIRRV size of type [n -S] BRIOCHE BCEHIOR rich roll [n -S] BUREAUX ABERUUX BUREAU, chest of drawers [n] BURNOUS BNORSUU burnoose (hooded cloak) [n -ES] BUSHWAH ABHHSUW bushwa (nonsense) [n -S] BUSHWAS ABHSSUW nonsense [n] BYZANTS ABNSTYZ BYZANT, bezant (coin of ancient Rome) [n] C 7s - French Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of UNFAMILIAR FOREIGN LANGUAGE bingos – unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CABARET AABCERT music hall [n -S] CACHETS ACCEHST CACHET, to print design on envelope [v] CACIQUE ACCEIQU tropical oriole [n -S] CAGOULE ACEGLOU hooded waterproof garment [n -S] CALDRON ACDLNOR large kettle or boiler [n -S] CANGUES ACEGNSU CANGUE, ancient Chinese punishing device [n] CANTALS AACLNST CANTAL, hard cheese of France [n] CAPOUCH ACCHOPU capuche (hood or cowl) [n -ES] CAPUCHE ACCEHPU hood or cowl [n -S] CASAVAS AAACSSV CASAVA, cassava (tropical plant) [n] CASSAVA AAACSSV tropical plant [n -S] CAZIQUE ACEIQUZ cacique (tropical oriole) [n -S] CELADON ACDELNO pale green color [n -S] CELESTA ACEELST keyboard instrument [n -S] CELESTE CEEELST celesta (keyboard instrument) [n -S] CENTIME CEEIMNT 100th part of franc [n -S] CHABLIS ABCHILS dry white wine [n CHABLIS] CHALETS ACEHLST CHALET, Swiss cottage [n] CHAMBRE ABCEHMR brought (as wine) to room temperature [adj] CHAMOIS ACHIMOS soft leather [n -IX] CHANSON ACHNNOS song [n -S] CHAPEAU AACEHPU hat [n -S or -X] CHASSIS ACHISSS frame of car [n CHASSIS] CHATEAU AACEHTU large country house [n -S or -X] CHEGOES CEEGHOS CHEGOE, chigoe (tropical flea) [n] CHEVRES CEEHRSV CHEVRE, cheese made from goat’s milk [n] CHEVRET CEEHRTV chevre (cheese made from goat’s milk) [n -S] CHIBOUK BCHIKOU Turkish tobacco pipe [n -S] CHICOTS CCHIOST CHICOT, dead tree [n] CHIFFON CFFHINO sheer fabric [n -S] CHIGNON CGHINNO woman’s hairdo [n -S] CHIGOES CEGHIOS CHIGOE, tropical flea [n] CHINOIS CHIINOS cone-shaped sieve [n -ES] COCHINS CCHINOS large domestic chicken [n] CORBEIL BCEILOR sculptured fruit basket [n -S] CORTEGE CEEGORT retinue (group of attendants) [n -S] CORVEES CEEORSV CORVEE, obligation to perform feudal service [n] COTEAUS ACEOSTU COTEAU, higher ground of region [n] COTEAUX ACEOTUX COTEAU, higher ground of region [n] COULOIR CILOORU deep gorge or gully [n -S] COURANT ACNORTU courante (old, lively dance) [n -S] COUTEAU ACEOTUU COUTEAU, knife [n -X] COUTERS CEORSTU COUTER, piece of armor for elbow [n] CRETONS CENORST spread of shredded pork and onions [n] CROQUIS CIOQRSU sketch [n CROQUIS] CROUTES CEORSTU CROUTE, pastry case [n] CROUTON CNOORTU small cube of toasted bread [n -S] Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of UNFAMILIAR FOREIGN LANGUAGE bingos – unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CUIRASS ACIRSSU to cover with type of armor [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CUISHES CEHISSU CUISH, cuisse (piece of armor for thigh) [n] CUISINE CEIINSU style of cooking [n -S] CUISSES CEISSSU CUISSE, piece of armor for thigh [n] CULOTTE CELOTTU divided skirt [n -S] D 7s - French DANSEUR ADENRSU male ballet dancer [n -S] DAUPHIN ADHINPU eldest son of French king [n -S] DEBOUCH BCDEHOU to march into open [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DEMENTI DEEIMNT official denial of published statement [n -S] DEMESNE DEEEMNS legal possession of one’s land as one’s own [n -S] DEODAND ADDDENO property forfeited to crown under former English law [n -S] DERNIER DEEINRR last [adj] DETENTE DEEENTT easing of international tension [n -S] DEVOIRS DEIORSV DEVOIR, act of civility or respect [n] DISEURS DEIRSSU skilled reciter [n -S] DISEUSE DEEISSU female entertainer [n -S] DJEMBES BDEEJMS DJEMBE, type of African hand drum [n] DOMAINE ADEIMNO vineyard in Burgundy [n -S] DOSSIER DEIORSS file of papers on single subject [n -S] DOUCEUR CDEORUU gratuity [n -S] DOYENNE DEENNOY female doyen (senior member of group) [n -S] DUVETYN DENUTVY soft fabric [n -S] E 7s - French ECARTES ACEERST ECARTE, card game [n] ECHAPPE ACEEHPP moving from closed to open position of feet in ballet [adj] ECHELLE CEEEHLL device for spreading light into its component colors [n -S] ECORCHE CCEEHOR anatomical figure with skin removed to show musculature [n -S] EGALITE AEEGILT equality [n -S] EMBRYON BEMNORY embryo (organism in its early stages of development) [n -S] EMEUTES EEEMSTU EMEUTE, riot [n] ENFEOFF EEFFFNO to invest with feudal estate [v -ED, -ING, -S] ENTREES EEENRST ENTREE, principal dish of meal [n] EPATERS AEEPRST EPATER, to shock complacent people [n] EPAULET AEELPTU shoulder ornament [n -S] EPEEIST EEEIPST one who fences with epee (type of sword) [n -S] EPERGNE EEEGNPR ornamental dish [n -S] EQUITES EEIQSTU EQUES, member of privileged military class of ancient Rome [n] ESCALOP ACELOPS ESCALOP, to escallop [v -ED, -ING, -S] ESCARPS ACEPRSS ESCARP, to cause to slope steeply [v] ESCHARS ACEHRSS ESCHAR, hard, dry scab [n] ESCHEAT ACEEGHT to confiscate [v -ED, -ING, -S] ESCHEWS CEEHSSW ESCHEW, to avoid [v] ESCOTED CDEEOST ESCOT, to provide support for [v] ESCROWS CEORSSW ESCROW, to place in custody of third party [v] ESCUAGE ACEEGSU scutage (tax enacted by feudal lord in lieu of military service) [n -S] ESPIALS AEILPSS ESPIAL, act of espying (to catch sight of) [n -S] Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of UNFAMILIAR FOREIGN LANGUAGE bingos – unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ESPOIRS EIOPRSS ESPOIR, category of wrestlers [n] ESPOUSE EEOPSSU to marry [v -D, -SING, -S] ESPRITS EIPRSST ESPRIT, spirit [n] ESSOINS EINOSSS ESSOIN, excuse [n] ESTATED ADEESTT ESTATE, to provide with landed property [v] ETAGERE AEEEGRT ornamental stand [n -S] ETOILES EEILOST ETOILE, star [n] ETRIERS EEIRRST ETRIER, short ladder [n] F 7s - French FABLIAU AABFILU short metrical tale popular in medieval France [n -X] FAIENCE ACEEFIN variety of glazed pottery [n -S] FAILLES AEFILLS FAILLE, woven fabric [n] FAITOUR AFIORTU impostor [n -S] FAKEERS AEEFKRS FAKEER, fakir (Hindu ascetic) [n] FALBALA AAABFLL trimming for woman’s garment [n -S] FAQUIRS AFIQRSU FAQUIR, fakir (Hindu ascetic) [n] FILEMOT EFILMOT brownish yellow color [n -S] FITCHEE CEEFHIT fitchy (having arms ending in point -- used of heraldic cross) [adj] FIXATIF AFFIITX fixative (substance for preserving paintings or drawings [n -S] FLAMBEE ABEEFLM flaming [adj] FLAMBES ABEFLMS FLAMBE, to douse with liqueur and ignite [v] FLANEUR AEFLNRU idler [n -S] FONDANT ADFNNOT soft, creamy candy [n -S] FONDUED DDEFNOU FONDUE, to cook in pot of melted cheese [v] FONDUES DEFNOSU FONDUE, to cook in pot of melted cheese [v] FOUETTE EEFOTTU movement in ballet [n -S] FOULARD ADFLORU soft fabric [n -S] FOUNDER DEFNORU to become disabled [v -ED, -ING, -S] FRICOTS CFIORST FRICOT, stew with potatoes and meat or fish [n] FRISSON FINORSS shudder [n -S] FROMAGE AEFGMOR cheese [n -S] FRONTES EFNORST FRONS, upper anterior portion of insect’s head [n] FRONTON FNNOORT jai alai arena [n -S] FUSAINS AFINSSU FUSAIN, fine charcoal used in drawing [n] FUSTICS CFISSTU FUSTIC, tropical tree [n] G 7s - French GALERES AEEGLRS GALERE, group of people having common quality [n] GALETTE AEEGLTT flat round cake [n -S] GALIOTS AGILOST GALIOT, galliot (small galley (long, low medieval ship)) [n] GALLIOT AGILLOT small galley (long, low medieval ship) [n -S] GAMBADE AABDEGM gambado (leap made by horse) [n -S] GANACHE AACEGHN creamy chocolate mixture [n -S] GAOLERS AEGLORS GAOLER, jailer [n] GARCONS ACGNORS GARCON, waiter [n] GARDANT AADGNRT turned directly toward observer -- used of heraldic animal [adj] GARIGUE AEGGIRU low scrubland [n -S] GASCONS ACGNOSS GASCON,
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