DOCUMENT RESUME ED 060 724 FL 002 976 TITLE Materials Acquisition Project: Volume 2, Number 4 INSTITUTION San Diego City Schools, dalif. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Nov 71 NOTE 20P. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Bilingual Education; Elementary Schools; Fles; History; Instructional Materials; Instructional Program Divisions; Language Arts; Natural Sciences; *Portuguese; Resource Guides; *Resource Materials; Sciences; Secondary Schools; Social Sciences; *Spanish; Textbooks ABSTRACT Bibliographic data, physical characteristics, contents, prices, and ordering instructions for Spanish and Portuguese instructional materials listed in this issue of the Materials Acquisition Project are provided for each entry. Subject categories include general works, social science, language arts, pure science, technology, the arts, literature, and history. Materials are classified according to the Dewey decimal system by subject matter, with related subject areas utilized. The annotation is an objective description of materials and often includes suggestions concerning appropriate grade-level and utilization of materials. The bibliographic materials are generally adapted for use by bilingual teachers. Many familiar works included in the compilation have been translated from foreign languages into Spanish. For the companion documents, see FL 002 968-FL 002 975 and FL 002 977. (RL) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY ATERIALS P:e.po CQUISITION C.Ity ROJECT Schooh E S EA -46 TITLE VII VOW" 111111L. C, %Jt, NOVEMBER 1971 2950 NATIONAL AVE.SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92113 Volume2No. 4 C::, SUGGESTED U.S. DISTRIBUTORS 1 French and European Publications ACQUISITIONS IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL Rockefeller Center 610 Fifth Avenue Project Coordinator Rafael M. Fernandez went New York, New York 10020 Lo Spain and Portugal early this fall to acquire more materials. Arriving in Barcelona on August 2 - Stechert-Hafner 29, he visited publishers and distributors there 31 East 10th Street and in Bilbao, Madrid, and Lisbon during a six- Nev York, New York10003 week period,departing from Lisbon on October 12. 3 Elaiae Ethridge At Editoriales Anaya, Prima Luce, Teide, and 13977 Penrod Street Vasco Americanaand Libraria Bosch in Spain he Detroit, Michigan48223 purchased 5,590 separate titles and 11,055 total items. At Livraria Portugal he purchased 1,288 4 Cultural Portorriquefia, Inc. separate titles and 2,712 total items. His ac- Ave. Fernandez Juncos No. 1406 quisitions amounted to 6,878 separate titles and Parada 20 13,767 total items. Box 8863 Fdez. Juncos Sta. Santurce, Puerto Rico 00910 Materialswere not the only items of value he acquired on his visits. With the assistance of 5 Departamento de Instrucci6n PUblica American Consulates in Spain and Portugal he Oficina de Adultos also acquiredmuch valuable information on Hato Rey, Puerto Rico Spanish and Portuguese publishing, distributing, and shipping. 6 - Departamento de Instrucci6n Pblica Ave. Teniente Cesar Gonzalez Several of the Portuguese books he bought have Esq. Calle Calaf already been annotated, and they can be found on Urb. Industrial Las Tres Monjitas the final page of the current publication. The Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00919 Project staff expects to expand the number of pages on Portuguese materialssignificantly now 7 - European Book Company that such a large supply of them are available 925 Larkin Street for annotation. San Francisco, California 94109 8 Jesus Gonzalez Pita 1540 S.W. 14th Terrace P.O. Box 211 Miami, Florida 33101 9 - Heffernan Supply Co., Inc. STAFF P.O. Box 5309 San Antonio, Texas 78201 Director Clifford Mendoza Coordinator Rafael M. Fernandez .cquisitions Stelvio Locci Evaluator-Writer Catalina Case valuator-Writer Cecilia Estrada valuator-Writer Estela Rodarte valuator-Writer Maria Speer NOTE: It is recommen.ed that materials in Spa- rublications Assistant Ann Kern nish be ordered from a distributorlocated in ypist Gloria Escalante one's geographical area;materials in Portuguese, ypist Isabel Klayer from distributor 3, Elaine Ethridge. VOL. 2 NO. 4 OINSIUMENRIORIERNIMICIMINIMININIIMIEVINS11111181111111111 fffff BOOKS 000-GENERAL WORKS PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT 158.2 Sferra, Adam Personalidad y relaciones humanas, by Adam ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Sferra, Mary Elizabeth Wright, and Louis A. Rice; 036.1 Bamberger, Richard tr. by Jose Maria Gallart Capdevila, Luis Gonzglez Mundo infantil, by Richard Bamberger, Fritz Herngndez, and Jose Maria L6pez-Cepero. New York. Brunner. Fritz Westphal; adapted by Oriol Gall McGraw-Hill, c1968. Pores, Jaime Ministral Masia, Arturo Rajul 234p. b/w. Sec. Martinez. Barcelona. Marin, c1958. 269p. col. illus. 3-6 Paperback volume covering physical, intellec- tual, social, and emotional aspects of personality. Children's encyclopedia. Attractively illus- Offers useful chapters on study, reading, conver- trated. sation and expression, hobbies, manners, dress, grooming, establishing personal philosophy of Price $5.50 life. At end of each chapter: rgsumg, discussion topics, practical case, practical exercises and tests. At end of text: alphabetical index, ob- jective test on study habits with key and grading ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES interpretation, and exercises corresponding to 036.1 Ferngndez Gandia, Jose Maria each lesson. Good quality paper and print, well Diccionario escolar ilustrado. Mgxico. illustrated, attractively presented. Continental, c1961. 301p. b/w. 3-J.H. Price $1.28 Students' pocket-size Spanish dictionary. Clear illustrations. Concise definitions. Paperback. 200-RELIG1ON Price $.80 MYTHOLOGY-CENTRAL AMERICA; ANTHROPOLOGY 00.4 Asturias, Miguel Angel; tr. 100-PHILOSOPHY Popul-vuh, tr. by Miguel Angel Asturias and J.M. Gonzglez de Mendoza; 2a ed. Buenos Aires. Losada, c1965. 183p. Coll. (Biblioteca Clgsica y Contempo- PHILOSOPEY-METHODOLOGY rgnea) 110 Descartes, Renato Glossary: p.169-183 Discurso del mgtodo, tr. by Constantino Lascaris- 2a ed. San Josg, Costa Rica. EDUCA, c1967. Spanish language version of ancient "Book of 92p. Coll. (Aula) Council" of Quichg Indians, who inhabited region of Guatemala at time of arrival of Spaniards. Small paperback volume containing Spanish lan- Contains primeval myths relating how gods formed guage version with introduction and notes of world of America and how man was created from Descartes' Discourse on Method, written as in- corn. Text accompanied by notes and extensive troduction to three treatises on geometry, diop- lexicographical information. Suitable for trics, and meteors, but which in effect stands college and graduate students of history and as intellectual autobiography and has constitu- anthropology. Paperback. ted for generations to follaw methodology for all scientific as well as philosophical investi- Price $1.00 gation. Good quality paper and print. Suggested for college students of philosophy, mathematics, and science. ANTHROPOLOGY AND RELIGION; HISTORY Price $.90 215.7 Mendelson, E. Michael Los escgndalos de Maxim6n, tr. by Julio Vielman. Guatemala. Tipografia Nacional, c1965. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY 209p. b/w. Coll. 155.25 Weil, Pierre G. Relaciones humanas en el trabajo y en la fa- Anthropological study of religion and world- milia, tr. by Marina E. Arater de Hombria; illus. view among native population of Santiago Atitlgn, by Roland. Buenos Aires. Kapelusz, c1965. Guatemala. From study of rites and religious 223p. b/w. Tchr. Ref. symbols author arrives at world-view divided and Bibliography: p.219-223 in tension due to imperfect reconciliation be- tween traditional concepts of nature of man and Handbook pertaining to human relations in work universe and corresponding view brought in from and family. Written in layman's language. Humor- outside world. Work is synopsis of doctoral ous illustrations. Companion book to Relaciones thesis. Interest restricted to anthropology and Entre los Niiios, Sus Padres y Sus Maestros. history majors. Paperback. Fair quality paper, Paperback. good print. -2- Price $2.00 Price not avail. dr) VOL.2 NO. 4 matini1111111111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111IMMII111111111111 sossummouslumm aaaaa momummesmusima aaaaaaaa smummessa (Book materials continued...) 300-SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIOLOGY 301 Solis Luna, Benito El hombre y la sociedad, /6a ed. Mexico. Herrero, c1970. 285p. b/w. col. illus. Sec. LABOR Bibliography: end of each unit 31 Alemgn, Hugo Gilberto La mano de obra en Certroamgrica. San Salvador. ODECA, c1970. Paperback social studies text with workbook for 243p. b/w. col. illus. Coll. (Monografias first year of secondary school. Units cover: Tgcnicas) civic education and its ends, family, school, city, fatherland, social norms and factors of social conflict, state and government, interna- Paperback monograph on Central American labor questions. Scientific study in three parts: job tional community. Units subdivided into topics. Glossary, problems, activities, and bibliography opportunities, panorama of labor in Central Ame- at end of each unit. Good quality paper and print. rica, systems of planning and administration of Library also has second- and third-year social work force. Charts, graphs, and text of labor studies texts by same author. laws in appendix. Good paper and print. Price
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