Blood Supplementary Materials

Blood Supplementary Materials

Appendix 2 Blood Supplementary Materials TABLE 1 Summary of Blood Concentrations Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes, together with Hemoglobin Concentration and Hematocrit in Avian Species Hemato-crit Hemo- Erythro- Leukocyte or Packed Cell globin cyte count Thrombocyte Species Volume (%) g/dL 106/mm3 103/mm3 103/mm3 References Palaeognathae Ostrich (Struthio camelus) 44.15 11.2 1.95 10.0 25.85 Mean: Mushi et al., 1999; Bonadiman et al., 2009 Emu (Dromaius novahol- 37.0 11.8 1.6 15.7 Patodkar et al., landiae) 2008 Greater Rhea (Rhea 49.4 8.9 Uhart et al., 2006 americana) Lesser Rhea (Pterocnemia 48 17.8 2.2 14.1 Reissig et al., 2002 pennata) Red-legged Tinamou 34.3 22.0 1.87 9.55 Smith, 2003 (Crypturellus erythropus) Accipitriformes Family Accipitridae African Fish Eagle 43.2 22.3 2.04 Mean: Hollamby (Haliaeetus vocifer) et al., 2004 African Harrier Hawk 46.7 24.2 2.29 Cooper, 1975 (Polyboroides typus) African Hawk-Eagle 40.1 21.9 2.31 Cooper, 1975 (Aquila spilogaster) African White-backed 44.3 19.7 2.5 16.7 Naidoo et al., 2008 Vulture (Gyps africanus) Augur Buzzard (Buteo 30.8 18.4 1.74 Cooper, 1975 augur) Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus 47.5 15.3 3 11.3 Mean: Elliot et al., leucocephalus) 1974; Hoffman et al., 1981 (Continued) 15 16 Blood Supplementary Materials TABLE 1 Summary of Blood Concentrations Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes, together with Hemoglobin Concentration and Hematocrit in Avian Species—cont’d Hemato-crit Hemo- Erythro- Leukocyte or Packed Cell globin cyte count Thrombocyte Species Volume (%) g/dL 106/mm3 103/mm3 103/mm3 References Bearded Vulture 47 16.4 2.9 9.7 Hernández and ( Gypaetus barbatus) Margalida, 2010 Black Kite (Milvus migrans) 42.5 20.3 1.93 19.0 Mean: Cooper, 1975; Ferrer et al., 1987; Powers et al., 1994 Black-shouldered Kite 48.5 19.6 2.00 Cooper, 1975 (Elanus axillaris) Black Sparrowhawk 41.8 24.4 2.33 Cooper, 1975 (Accipiter melanoleucus) Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus 43 Ferrer et al., 1987 pennatus) Cape Vulture 46 2.8 44.5 Van Heerden et al., (Gyps coprotheres) 1987 Common Buzzard (Buteo 41 31.5 Ferrer et al., 1987; buteo) Powers et al., 1994 Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter 49.9 3.75 Gessaman et al., cooperi) 1986 Crested Serpent Eagle 47.5 2.6 22.0 Elliot et al., 1974 (Spilornis cheela) Eastern Imperial Eagle 40 Ferrer et al., 1987 (Aquila heliaca) Egyptian Vulture 42.5 13.7 2.3 16.0 Polo et al., 1992 (Neophron percnopterus) Eurasian Griffon 45 15.1 2.6 13.2 Polo et al., 1992 (Gyps fulvus) European Honey Buzzard 10.5 Cited in Powers (Pernis apivorus) et al., 1994 Gabar Goshawk (Microni- 32.8 16.4 1.72 Cooper, 1975 sus gabar) Galapagos Hawk (Buteo 43 Dem et al., 2012 galapagoensis) Golden Eagle (Aquila 39.0 13.8 2.1 19.7 Mean: Elliot et al., chrysaetos) 1974; Polo et al., 1992 Griffon Vulture 45 15.1 2.6 13.2 Polo et al., 1992 (Gyps fulvus) Harris’ Hawk 13.0 Cited in Powers et al., 1994 Hooded Vulture 41.45 20.4 2.37 22.4 Mean: Elliot et al., (Necrosyrtes monachus) 1974; Cooper, 1975 Lizard Buzzard (Kaupifalco 44.7 24.8 2.69 Cooper, 1975 monogrammicus) Blood Supplementary Materials 17 TABLE 1 Summary of Blood Concentrations Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes, together with Hemoglobin Concentration and Hematocrit in Avian Species—cont’d Hemato-crit Hemo- Erythro- Leukocyte or Packed Cell globin cyte count Thrombocyte Species Volume (%) g/dL 106/mm3 103/mm3 103/mm3 References Long-crested Eagle 41.0 13.2 4.01 Cooper, 1975 (Lophaetus occipitalis) Marsh Harrier (Circus 34.7 21.0 Lavin et al., 1992; aeruginosus) Cited in Powers et al., 1994 Montagu’s Harrier (Circus 51 13.5 3.1 12.3 Lavin et al., 1993 pygargus) Northern Goshawk 8.7 Hanauska-Brown (Accipiter gentilis) et al., 2003 Ornate Hawk-Eagle 40.0 1.8 33.0 Elliot et al., 1974 (Spizaetus ornatus) Pale Chanting Goshawk 32.0 16.4 1.59 Cooper, 1975 (Melierax canorus) Red Kite (Milvus milvus) 12.0 Cited in Powers et al., 1994 Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo 39.4 2.45 Rehder et al., 1982 jamaicensis) Savanna Hawk 52.5 3.0 31.0 Elliot et al., 1974 (Buteogallus meridionalis) Sharp-shinned Hawk 49.1 12.9 Mean: Gessaman (Accipiter striatus) et al., 1986; Powers et al., 1994 Spanish Imperial Eagle 43.5 14.2 2.29 15.1 Polo et al., 1992 (Aquila adalberti) South American Snail Kite 42 14.0 2.8 Gee et al., 1981 (Rostrhamus sociabilis) Steppe Eagle (Aquila 35.0 17.8 2.12 Cooper, 1975 nipalensis) Swamp Harrier (Circus 39 20.7 Calculated from approximans) Youl, 2009 Tawny Eagle (Aquila 38.1 15.1 2.30 Mean: Cooper, rapax) 1975; Fourie and Hattingh, 1983 Wahlberg’s Eagle (Aquila 32.5 16.9 1.53 Cooper, 1975 wahlbergi) White-bellied Sea Eagle 55 3.2 22.0 Elliot et al., 1974 (Haliaeetus leucogaster) White-tailed Sea-eagle 19.5 Cited in Powers (Haliaeetus albicilla) et al., 1994 Family Cathartidae Andean Condor (Vultur 42 13.5 2.4 Gee et al., 1981 gryphus) California Condor (Gym- 44 15.7 Dujowich et al., nogyps californianus) 2005 (Continued) 18 Blood Supplementary Materials TABLE 1 Summary of Blood Concentrations Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes, together with Hemoglobin Concentration and Hematocrit in Avian Species—cont’d Hemato-crit Hemo- Erythro- Leukocyte or Packed Cell globin cyte count Thrombocyte Species Volume (%) g/dL 106/mm3 103/mm3 103/mm3 References King Vulture (Sarcoram- 43 3.8 41.8 Elliot et al., 1974 phus papa) Secretary Bird (Sagittarius 37.5 22.3 1.51 Cooper, 1975 serpentarius) Anseriformes Black duck (Anas 40.2 13.0 2.8 19.7 Mulley, 1979 superciliosa) Buffiehead (Bucephala 54.3 2.64 Kocan, 1972 albeola) Canvasback Duck (Aythya 52.2 2.56 Kocan, 1972 valisineria) Common Pochard (Aythya 43.7 14.6 3.2 Balasch et al., 1974 ferina) Lesser Scaup (Aythya 57.1 2.45 Kocan, 1972 affinis) Maccoa Duck (Oxyura 37.9 15.1 3.1 Fourie and maccoa) Hattingh, 1983 Mallard (Anas 45.75 13.875 2.89 Shave and Howard, platyrhynchos) 1971 Maned Duck or Australian 45.5 14.9 2.79 23.6 Mulley, 1980 Wood duck (Chenonetta jubata) Red-billed Teal (Anas 44.6 14.0 3.5 Fourie and erythrorhyncha) Hattingh, 1983 Ring-neck Duck (Aythya 49.1 2.50 Kocan, 1972 collaris) Yellow-billed Duck (Anas 40.7 13.4 3.2 Fourie and undulata) Hattingh, 1983 Wood Duck (Chenonetta 45.5 14.9 2.79 23.6 Mulley, 1980 jubata) Aleutian Canada Goose 42 13.2 2.6 Gee et al., 1981 (Branta canadensis leuco- parea) Egyptian Goose (Alopo- 43.7 14.9 3.2 Fourie and chen aegyptiacus) Hattingh, 1983 Embden Goose(Anser 38 11.4 2.6 Gee et al., 1981 anser) Nene Goose (Branta 46 15.5 2.6 Gee et al., 1981 sandvicensis) Snow Goose (Anser 45.8 14.2 2.24 19.7 Williams and caerulescens) Trainer, 1971 Spur-winged Goose (Plec- 42.2 13.4 2.8 Fourie and tropterus gambensis) Hattingh, 1983 Blood Supplementary Materials 19 TABLE 1 Summary of Blood Concentrations Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes, together with Hemoglobin Concentration and Hematocrit in Avian Species—cont’d Hemato-crit Hemo- Erythro- Leukocyte or Packed Cell globin cyte count Thrombocyte Species Volume (%) g/dL 106/mm3 103/mm3 103/mm3 References Tule White-fronted Goose 43 15.0 2.9 Gee et al., 1981 (Anser albifrons) Black-necked Swan 35.5 12.0 1.75 11.75 Norambuena and (Cygnus melanocoryphus) Bozinovic, 2009 Mute swan (Cygnus olor) 34.5 12.7 2.07 16.2 Dolka et al., 2014 Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus 45 12.65 Olsen et al., 2002 buccinators) Tundra Swan (Cygnus - - - 19.1 Milani et al., 2012 columbianus) Apodiformes Alpine swift (Apus melba) 51.1 18.6 4.0 Palomeque et al., 1980 Pallid swift (Apus pallidus) 54.5 18.3 5.3 Palomeque et al., 1980 Swift (Apus apus) 50 17.8 4.7 Palomeque et al., 1980 Anna’s Hummingbird 55.3 18.2 6.1 Carey and Morton, (Calypte anna) 1976 Caprimulgiformes Tawny Frogmouth (Podar- 41 2.26 12.87 McCracken, 2003 gus strigoides) Charadriiformes Family Alcidae Ancient Murrelet (Synthli- 40 4.1 Newman et al., boramphus antiquus) 1997 Cassin’s auklet (Ptychor- 34 9.2 Newman et al., amphus aleuticus) 1997 Common Murre or 39 9.3 Newman et al., common guillemot (Uria 1997 aalge) Crested Auklet (Aethia 40 2.5 Newman et al., cristatella) 1997 Horned puffin (Fratercula 44 4.3 Newman et al., corniculata) 1997 Little Auk (Plautus alle) 56.8 17.0 3.5 Kostelecka-Myrcha, 1987 Marbled murrelet (Brachy- 41 5.7 Newman et al., ramphus marmoratus) 1997 Parakeet Auklet (Aethia 42 5.0 Newman et al., psittacula) 1997 Pigeon Guillemot 47 4.0 Newman et al., (Cepphus columba) 1997 (Continued) 20 Blood Supplementary Materials TABLE 1 Summary of Blood Concentrations Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes, together with Hemoglobin Concentration and Hematocrit in Avian Species—cont’d Hemato-crit Hemo- Erythro- Leukocyte or Packed Cell globin cyte count Thrombocyte Species Volume (%) g/dL 106/mm3 103/mm3 103/mm3 References Rhinoceros Auklet 44.6 12.3 Newman et al., ( Cerrorhinca monocerata) 1999 Tufted Puffin (Fratercula 41 4.0 Newman et al., cirrhata) 1997 Family Burhinidae Double-striped Thick-knee 49.3 13.6 3.57 9.543 Ball, 2003 (Burhinus bistriatus) Stone curlew (Burhinus 47 14.45 2.86 7.88 Samour et al., 1998 oedicnemus) Spotted Thick-knee 46 13.3 2.06 13.57 Samour et al., 1998 (Burhinus capensis) Family Charadriidae Killdeer (Charadrius 46.6 14.0 4.0 8.16 Ball, 2003 vociferus) Piping Plover (Charadrius 49.1 3.80 Ball, 2003 melodus) Family (Haematopodidae) Newman et al., 1997 American Oystercatcher 45.2 8.7 Carlson-Bremer (Haematopus palliates) et al., 2010 Family Jacanidae Wattled Jacana (Jacana 48.7 5.088 Ball, 2003 jacana) Family Laridae Black-headed Gull 43.9 15.9 3.2 Balasch et al., 1974 (Chroicocephalus ridibun- dus or Larus ridibundus) Black legged Kittiwake 41 4.2 Newman et al., (Rissa tridactyla) 1997 European Herring Gull 42.1 14.45 2.5 15.50 Balasch

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