List of mental health services for children and young people funded through Royalties for Regions Royalties for List of initiatives funded Project Name A brief description of each service State Government Other Total Regions A Smart Start Great A Smart Start Great Southern The is a community based early intervention program that aims to provide families with children aged birth to four years with ongoing Southern support, resources and information. It will increase these families’ access to services to empower parents and assist them in providing an optimal learning environment for their children and get them ready for school. The scope of this project is to secure the financial 154,425.00 30,000.00 0.00 184,425.00 future of the 'A Smart Start' program to 2015/16, as it develops alternative financial and structural arrangements. Better Health for Fitzroy Better Health for Fitzroy Kids The purpose of this project is to coordinate existing WA funded child health services in the Fitzroy Valley, such that the services Kids (Allied Health, Paediatrics, Community nurses, General practitioners (GP), Aboriginal Health Workers (AHW) operate as a child health team; with integration of specialists (Allied Health, Paediatrics) and primary health (community nurses, GPs, AHWs). Further, there will be inherent integration of health and education (school) services as the proposed team will operate largely out of schools with clinical co-ordination by the Child and Adolescent Health Worker. Importantly, this project will not replace existing services, nor 400,000.00 0.00 475,500.00 875,500.00 introduce additional complexity within the existing system. It does, however, involve additional partners (Patches Paediatrics and TICHR) in the process of coordinating and increasing the efficiency of the existing health service. The aim of this project is to synchronise and coordinate services by establishing clinical co-ordination, so that these specialists are able to function as a multidisciplinary team as necessary, to optimize the service they are able to provide to children living in the Fitzroy Valley. Bidi Bidi Early Childhood Bidi Bidi Early Childhood Education Support The Project offers intensive support and learning programs (parenting, homemaking, gardening, health and well-being) daily, as well Education Support Centre Centre as early intervention for children and parents, with a referral pathway to specialist services. 1,029,355.00 0.00 320,852.00 1,350,207.00 Engaging Aboriginal Boys Engaging Aboriginal Boys in Education in the To part fund the construction of two houses in Karratha on Lots 296 and 318 to accommodate Clontarf Foundation staff members. In Education in the West West Pilbara (Clontarf Foundation) 849,970.000.00 40,000.00 889,970.00 Pilbara (Clontarf EON Thriving EON Thriving Communities Program To provide funding for the expansion of the EON Thriving Communities Program to an additional six communities in the Kimberley: Communities Program Wangkatjunka, Ngalapita, Kalumuru, Warmun, Halls Creek and Wanalirri, subject to Special Conditions contained in Clause 6 of the Shedule 4 of the Agreement. The funding will be used to establish four components of the program; EON Edible Gardens (EEG), 1,643,445.00 0.00 333,680.00 1,977,125.00 EON Healthy Eating (EHE), EON Education and Training (EET) and EON Health Homes (EHH) and to contribute towards associated project costs. Extension to Responsible Expansion of Responsible Parenting Services Funding to expand the Department for Child Protection's Responsible Parenting Services into the Murchison, Great Southern, Parenting Services 2010-11 to 2014-15 Goldfields, Pilbara, Wheatbelt and South West Regions.; ** An additional $6.441 million was approved to continue the project to 30 33,895,000.00 0.00 0.00 33,895,000.00 June 2015, enabling a period of service consolidation by 30 March 2015 and to facilitate a comprehensive evaluation. Extension to Responsible Parenting Services Expansion of the Responsible Parenting Services in 2015-16 to 2017-8. 19,622,000.00 0.00 0.00 19,622,000.00 2015-16 to 2017-18 Funding for Regional Funding for Regional Community Child Care Funding is provided to assist with the cost of administration of the Regional Community Child Care Development Fund including Community Child Care Development Fund wages; provide funding to community based childcare service providers and child care peak organisations through the Regional Child Development Fund Care Grants Program; contract eligible non-government organisations to develop regional children's services plans and employ Regional Childcare Development Officers; and; develop and implement the Regional Child Care Sector Leadership and Change 9,312,671.00 0.00 0.00 9,312,671.00 Management Program. The grants provided under the Regional Child Care Grants Program will be delivered over five years and will assist in funding the following activities: operational support for child care services; strategic grants; support for the inclusion of children with additional needs in childcare centres; and; the development of regional children's services plans and to employ regional community child care development officers. Improving Ear, Eye and Improving Ear, Eye and Oral Health of Children To reduce the prevalence and impact of eye, ear and oral disease in children. It is a contribution to improving “on the ground” access Oral Health of Children in in Aboriginal Rural and Remote Communities to ear, eye and oral health checks and early treatment provided by Aboriginal Health Workers (AHWs). The inclusion of the combined 6,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,000,000.00 Aboriginal Rural and health checks into the AHWs role will provide a more holistic service for Aboriginal children in rural and remote communities. These Remote Communities AHWs will also link to specialist services using telehealth enabled equipment and technology. Regional Partnerships for Regional Partnerships for Success in The RPS program works in partnership with the Department of Education. Each project involves students being provided with Success in Indigenous Indigenous Education intensive and targeted support through tutorial and vocational education assistance, access to tertiary motivational programs, family 1,500,000.00 592,272.00 0.00 2,092,272.00 Education and home support and a progressive, comprehensive leadership and study skills program for Year 8 to 12. Remote Indigenous Remote Indigenous Health Clinics To fund the project redevelopment costs of six to eight Remote Health Clinics in the Kimberley and Pilbara Regions of Western 22,200,000.00 0.00 0.00 22,200,000.00 Health Clinics Australia. This will include the detailed design, construction and installation of each clinic. Supporting Community Supporting Community Sport initiative - Athlete The funding will be used to support the regional component of the Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme (ATSS), a four year funding Sport initiative Travel Subsidy Scheme scheme that will provide young athletes living in regional Western Australia the opportunity to apply for funding towards the travel 1,750,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 2,750,000.00 costs associated with participation in State/National sporting events. Supporting Community Sport Initiative - The funding will be used to support the Community Sporting Club Equipment Subsidy Scheme, a four year funding scheme that will Community Sporting Club Equipment Subsidy provide additional sporting equipment resources to sporting Clubs in regional Western Australia. 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 Scheme YMCA Swim for Life Funding will be provided to facilitate the deliver of the YMCA Swim for Life training program for young Aboriginal people as lifeguards YMCA Swim for Life Program 500,000.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 Program to secure their first-time employment experience in the Pilbara and Kimberley Health facility upgrades Regional Hospitals – Nickol Bay The purpose of the funding is improve obstetrics services in Karratha, provide urgent staff accommodation on the current hospital site as part of: Pilbara Cities or through leasing local property, commence the development of a detailed and comprehensive business case to support additional 10,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000,000.00 Initiative investment in Karratha and the West Pilbara to ensure sustainable service delivery and improved health outcomes into the future. Royalties for List of initiatives funded Project Name A brief description of each service State Government Other Total Regions Pilbara Health Equipment Upgrade - Improving The purpose of the funding is to provide the immediate replacement of medical equipment and general clinical equipment and Clinical and Medical Imaging Equipment for the outlines service enhancements to health services in the Pilbara region. 2,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,500,000.00 Pilbara region Pilbara Health Partnership – Enhancing Health The purpose of the funding is to provide enhancements to health services in the Pilbara through joint initiative with Pilbara industry. Services for the Pilbara Region in a Joint 32,964,000.00 0.00 5,280,000.00 38,244,000.00 Partnership with Industry Health facility upgrades Proposed funding for hospital upgrades in the Onslow Hospital - $20,000,000 as part of: North West North West Newman Hospital - $51,900,000 71,900,000.00 0.00 0.00 71,900,000.00 Health Initiative Health facility upgrades Mental Health Recovery Project:* Stream 2B - District Hospital and Health Services Investment Program, includes a number of contracts/grants programs with NGOs as part of: Southern *Maternal Health Program Inland Health Initiative *Kindergarten Oral Language Program 26,137,000.00 0.00 0.00 26,137,000.00 Stream 2B *Social Work Program *Kids Health Link Health facility upgrades Telemental Health The installation of equipment, set up, training and procedures for telehealth state-wide as part of: Southern 36,540,000.00 0.00 0.00 36,540,000.00 Inland Health Initiative Stream 5 Health facility upgrades Southern Inland Health Initiative - Streams 2a, The Southern Inland Health Initiative is delivering health care infrastructure in the Southern Inland area to improve community access as part of: Southern 3 and 4 to health care.
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