1978] SELBY AN A: FLORA OF RIO PALENQUE 151 A B ~ 5cm 1cm 2mm 5cm ENCYCLIA CHIMBORAZOENSIS ENCYCLIA PYGMAEA c D 5cm ENCYCLIA VESPA ~ EPIDENDRUM ANCEPS Plate 69 152 ORCHIDACEAE [VOL. 4 Epidendrum baumannianum Schltr. Plate 70-A Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems erect, cane-like, to 1.5 m long, clothed with 10-15 dispersed leaves, to 10 X 2 cm. Inflorescence to 15 cm long, at the apex of the cane; flowers 7-15; sepals and petals 20 X 6 mm, orange-yellow; lip 2 X 1.5 cm, 3-lobed, yellow. Rare, in trees along the river, growing in ant nests. Flowering in September. Pollinated by hummingbirds. Guatemala to western Ecuador. This species has been erroneously reduced to synonomy with E. radicans Pavon ex Lindl. which occurs from Central America to Colombia. Epidendrum coronanthera Lehm. & Kranzl. Plate 72-C Epiphytic; rhizome very short; stem pendent, branched toward the apex, clothed with close-set, overlappmg, broad leaves, 4 X 2 cm. Inflorescences produced at the apices of the branches, surrounded by short inflated bracts; flowers green, 3-5 in each inflorescence; sepals and petals narrow, subtrian­ gular, to 1 cm long; lip narrow, cordate at the base. Rare, on "Mate" trees (Crescentia) near the river. Flowering in July and August. Similar to E. strobiliferum Rchb.f. but the leaves are broader and the anther cap has a pair of curved horns. Colombia and Ecuador. Epidendrum difforme (L.) Sw. Plate 70-B Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems cane-like, to 45 cm long, clothed with 8-10 leaves to 8 X 1.5 cm. Inflorescence short, to 5 cm long, capitate, from the apex of the cane; flowers 10-15, green; lip 1 X 1.5 cm. Uncommon, in tall trees. Pollinated by Noctuid moths. Flowering in July. Widespread in tropi­ cal America. Epidendrum guayasense Schltr. Plate 70-C Epiphytic; stem pendent, to 2 m long, much branched, the main stem and branches clothed with dispersed leaves, the leaf blade very narrow, to 10 X 0.3 cm. Inflorescence clothed by leaf-like bracts; flowers 1 or 2, green; sepals and petals to 15 X 3 mm; lip 15 X 4 mm wide. Uncommon, pendent from branches and trunks in the tops of tall trees. Flowering in June. Western Ecuador. Closely related to E. isomerum Schltr. of Mexico and Central America. Epidendrum ilense Dodson Plate 277-B Epiphytic; stems canelike to 1 m long, the rhizome short, the canes clothed with 12-15 distichous leaves; leaf blade elliptic to 9 X 2 cm. Inflorescences apical or lateral from stem nodes, to 15 cm long, pendent, flowers 3 to 5, ivory-white, the lip 2 cm long, 4 cm wide, the edge clothed with thick hairs to 1.5 cm long. Infrequent, in trees across the river. Seedlings found at RIO Palenque may be of this species. Flowering sporadically throughout the year. 1978] SELBY ANA: FLORA OF RIO PALENQUE 153 A B 5mm EPIDENDRUM BAUMANNIANUM EPIDENDRUM CORNANTHERA c o 5mm 10cm EPIDENDRUM DJ FFORME 'Z EPJDENDRUM GUAYASENSE Plate 70 154 ORCHIDACEAE [VOL. 4 Epidendrum imatophyllum Lindl. Plate 71-A Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems cane-like, to 1 m long, clothed with dis­ tichously arranged fleshy leaves, to 10 X 2 cm. Inflorescence terminal on the cane, the peduncle to 40 cm long; flowers capitately arranged, pink; sepals and petals to 1.5 cm long; lip fringed on the edges. Rare, in ant nests in trees along the river. Flowering from June to September. Widespread in tropical America. Epidendrum jejunum Rchb. f. Plate 71-B Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems cane-like, flattened, to 15 cm long, clothed with 4-6 narrow leaves, to 10 X 0.5 cm. Inflorescence terminal; flowers white, produced in succession, 2 to 3 at a time; sepals and petals to 1.2 cm long; lip cordate, to 1 X 0.8 cm. Uncommon, in trees along the river and in the canopy of mature forest. Flowering throughout the year. Western Ecuador. Epidendrum mininocturnum Dodson Plate 71-C Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems cane-like, to 30 cm long, clothed with 5-10 leaves, the blade to 6 X 2.5 cm, red on under surface. Inflorescence to 2 cm long, apical on the stem; flowers produced in succession; sepals to 2.5 mm wide, green; petals to 2.5 X 0.2 cm, pink; lip united to the column to its apex, 3-lobed, the side lobes curved downward, the apical lobe slender, to 2.5 cm long, white, the callus yellow; column pink. Uncommon, in tall trees. This species resembles E. nocturnum Jacq. but is much smaller in all its parts. True E. nocturnum has not been collected in the region. Western Ecuador. Epidendrum platychilum Schltr. Plate 71-D Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems, cane-like, to 20 cm long, surrounded by leaf sheaths. Leaves 3-5, distichous, to 8 X 3 cm, fleshy. Flowers produced singly in succession from the apex of the stem, green; sepals 4 cm long, narrow, pe­ tals 4 X 1 cm; lip 2 X 3 cm, heavily ridged by numerous nerves. Rare, on the hillside across the river from the Science Center. Pollinated by the N octuiid moth, Amastus acona. Flowering throughout the year. Western Ecuador. 1978] SELBYANA: FLORA OF RIO PALENQUE 155 A B 1cm 2cm 5mm ~ 1cm EPIDENDRUM IMATOPHYLLUM EPIDENDRUM JEJUNUM D '-------' 1cm '-------' 5mm EPIDENDRUM MININOCTURNUM ~ EPIDENDRUM Plate 71 156 ORCHIDACEAE [VOL. 4 Epidendrum pseudopanieulatum Dodson Plate 72-A Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems cane-like, to 1 m long, clothed with 10-15 dispersed leaves to 10 X 2 cm. Inflorescence unbranched, to 30 cm long; flowers numerous; sepals 1 X 0.3 cm, green; petals 1 X 0.1 cm, green; lip 1.5 X 0.8 em, white. Rare, on the upper limbs of tall trees. Pollinated by male Ithomiid butterflies. Flowering from June to August. Known only from Rio Palen que. Epidendrum rhizomaniaeum Rchb. f. Plate 72-B Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems cane-like, to 50 cm long, surrounded by leaf sheaths. Leaves 5-10, distichous, to 10 X 4 cm. Flowers in pairs, pro­ duced in succession from the apex of the stem, white; sepals 3 cm long, narrow; petals 3 X 1 cm; lip 3 X 2 cm, concave. Rare, on the hillside across the river from the Science Center. Flowering through most of the year. Western Ecuador. Epidendrum rigidum Jacq. Plate 72-C Epiphytic; rhizome to 3 cm long; stems cane-like, to 15 cm long, clothed with 3 to 5 leaves to 5 X 2 cm. Inflorescence to 15 cm long, unbranched; flowers 8-10, green, subtended by bracts 1 cm long, 1 cm wide; sepals 4 X 3 mm; petals 4 X 1 mm; lip 4 X 3 mm. Common, in tall trees. Flowering season May to August. Widespread in tropical America. Epidendrum williamsii Dodson Plate 72-D Epiphytic; rhizome short; stems cane-like, to 30 cm tall, flattened, clothed with 5-10 eUipticalleaves to 8 X 2 cm. Inflorescence apical on the cane, the rachis very short; flowers green, produced in succession; 1 to 3 at a time sepals to 1 cm long by 4 mm wide; petals linear, narrow, to 1 cm long, 1 mm wide; lip broad, recurved, truncate at the apex, 2 cm long by 2 cm wide. Uncommon, on the hillside across the river from the Science Center. Flower­ ing most of year. Western Ecuador and eastern Peru. 1978] SELBY ANA: FLORA OF RIO PALENQUE 157 B 1cm [PIDENDRUM PSEUDOPANICULATUM -5;J; EPIDENDRUM RHIZOMANIACUM tI- c D 5mm EPIDENDRUM RIGIDUM ;#-' EPIDENDRUM WILLIAMSII Plate 72 158 ORCHIDACEAE [VOL. 4 Erythrodes ecuadorensis Garay Plate 73-A Terrestrial; stem erect, cane-like, to 40 cm tall, clothed by spirally arranged leaves, congested near the base. Leaf blade to 20 X 6 cm, thin, green, mottled with red, 5-nerved, petiolate at the base. Inflorescence unbranched to 60 cm long, many flowered, the flowers white; sepals and petals to 4 X 1 mm; lip 3- lobed, the apical lobes curved upward, the base with a short spur. Uncom­ mon, on the floor of mature forest. Flowering throughout the year. Coastal Ecuador. Erythrodes maculata (Hook.) Ames Plate 73-B Terrestrial; stem erect, cane-like, to 30 cm tall, clothed by spirally ascending leaves. Leaf blade elliptical, green spotted with white, to 20 X 3 cm, thin. Inflorescence unbranched, sessile from the apex of the stem, to 10 cm long; sepals and petals to 4 mm long, green; lip 3-lobed, flat, with a white spur about the same length as the lip. Uncommon, in mature forest. This species has been recently treated as Platythelys maculata (Hook.) Garay (Bradea 2:191-204. 1977). It was originally described in the genus Physuris but was listed as an Erythrodes by various authors. Western Ecuador. Erythrodes weberana Garay Plate 73-C Terrestrial. Resembles E. ecuadorensis but much smaller. Stem erect, cane­ like, to 10 cm tall, clothed by spirally arranged leaves. Leaf blade to 4.5 X 2.5 cm, thin, green, with 3 prominent veins, constricted toward the base to form an obvious petiole. Inflorescence unbranched to 25 cm long; sepals and petals to 2 mm long; lip 3-lobed, flat, with a short spur; flowers cream-yel­ low. Rare, in the woods immediately behind the Dodson house. Flowering from March through August. Coastal Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Gongora grossa Rchb. f. Plate 73-D Epiphytic; rhizome short; pseudobulbs swollen, longitudinally-ribbed, to 10 cm tall, 4 cm in diameter. Leaves 2 or 3 at the apex of the pseudobulbs, thin, with obviously thickened veins, to 30 X 10 cm.
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