THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Lists of Members Governing Bodies, Faculties, Boards, Academic and Administrative Staff 1989 Main Committees and Departmental Lists as at 1st January, 1989 (with some amendments up to 28th April, 1989) ADDRESS All general correspondence directed to the University should be addressed to the Regis- trar, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 3052. Telephone: (03) 344 4000 Fax: (03) 344 5104 Telex: UNIMEL AA 35185 Telegrams and Cables: UNIMELB Published May 1989 Contents UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE: SENIOR OFFICE BEARERS 1 COUNCIL 2 COMMITTEES 4 STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL 5 COUNCILS OF HALLS OF RESIDENCE 7 COMMITTEE OF CONVOCATION 8 ACADEMIC BOARD 10 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ACADEMIC BOARD 10 ASSEMBLY 12 FACULTIES 13 BOARDS 20 PROFESSORS 22 PROFESSORIAL ASSOCIATES WITH TITLE OF PROFESSOR 27 READERS 28 PROFESSORS EMERITUS 33 HEADS OF AFFILIATED COLLEGES 36 HEADS OF HALLS OF RESIDENCE 36 TEACHING AND RESEARCH STAFF— Agriculture and Forestry 37 Architecture and Planning 38 Arts 39 Dental Science 45 Economics and Commerce 48 Institute of Education 50 Engineering 55 Graduate School of Management 58 Law 59 Medicine 60 Music 78 Science 79 Veterinary Science 84 LIBRARY 86 FACULTY ADMINISTRATION 89 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 91 Office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal 91 Department of Finance and Accounting 91 Department of Property and Buildings 92 Department of Academic Services 93 Department of Administrative Services 95 Department of Personnel Services 98 MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY PRESS 99 MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY UNION 99 CHAPLAINS 99 STAFF FROM ASSOCIATED INSTITUTIONS— Recognized General and Special Hospitals 100 Austin Hospital and Repatriation Hospital Clinical School 100 Fairfield Hospital Clinical School 105 Mercy Maternity Hospital Clinical School 105 Peter MacCallum Hospital Clinical School 106 Royal Children's Hospital Clinical School 107 Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne Clinical School 110 Royal Melbourne Hospital and Maribyrnong Medical Centre Clinical School 112 Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital Clinical School 116 Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Clinical School 117 Royal Women's Hospital Clinical School 118 St. Vincent's Hospital Clinical School 119 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 122 Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine 124 Victorian College of Optometry 125 Mount Royal National Research Institute of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 125 National Vision Research Institute 125 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research 126 Social Biology Resources Centre 126 Australian Institute of Judicial Administration 126 UNIVERSITY HOUSE 127 The University of Melbourne Lists of Members 1989 VISITOR His Excellency The Governor of Victoria, Dr John Davis McCaughey, AC MA Camb. & Melb. DD Edin. Hon.LLD FACE. CHANCELLOR Professor Emeritus Sir Roy Douglas Wright, AK DSc A.N. U. & Melb. Hon.LLD A.N. U. & Melb. MB MS FRACP. Elected 3rd March, 1980. Re-elected 6th March, 1989. DEPUTY CHANCELLORS The Hon. Mr Justice Raymond Moyle Northrop, QC LLM. Elected 1st July, 1985. Re-elected 6th March, 1989. Fay Surtees Marles, AM MA DipSocStud. Elected 7th April, 1986. Re-elected 6th March, 1989. VICE - CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL Professor David Geoffrey Penington, AC MA DM BCh Oxf. FRCP FRACP FRCPA. Appointed 1st January, 1988. DEPUTY VICE - CHANCELLORS Professor John Riddoch Poynter, AO Chevalier des Palmes Academiques MA Oxf. BA PhD FASSA FAHA. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor 8th April, 1975. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) 1st January, 1989. Professor Gordon Veitch Stanley, BA PhD W.Aust. FBPsS FAPsS. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Staff) 1st January, 1985. Professor John Paul Coghlan, PhD DSc. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) 1st October, 1987. Professor Barry Alistair Sheehan, MA PhD Land. BCom BEd. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Resources) 1st January, 1989. PRO - VICE - CHANCELLORS Professor Graeme Bruce Ryan, MD BS PhD FRCPA FRACP. Appointed 1st January, 1987. Re-appointed 1st January, 1988. Professor Michael John Osborne, MA Oxf. DPhil & Lett Leuven FAHA. Appointed 1st January, 1989. REGISTRAR AND DEPUTY PRINCIPAL James Baildon Potter, AM RFD ED BSc MAppSc FRMTC FIREEAust MIEAust. Appointed 1st January, 1979. Council Appointed by the Governor-in-Council: Term expiring 31st December, 1991 Janet Calvert-Jones. Appointed 2nd February, 1988. Kenneth Charles Stone. Appointed 2nd February, 1988. Denis Vivian Campbell Tricks, BCom AASA FSIA. Appointed 2nd February, 1988. Alan Robert Stockdale, MLA. Appointed 12th April, 1988. Jeff James Wright, BSc (Tech) MEngSc GradDipOpRes N.S. W. Appointed 1st September, 1988. Demetri Dollis, MLA BA. Appointed 9th December, 1988. The Hon. William Albert Landeryou, MLC. Appointed 9th December, 1988. Appointed by the Minister for Education: Term expiring 31st December, 1989 Jeffrey Francis Dunstan, PhD. Wis. BA DipEd TPTC FACE. Appointed 12th August, 1988 Elected by Graduates of the University: Term expiring 31st December, 1989 The Hon. Mr Justice Raymond Moyle Northrop, QC LLM. Elected 14th November, 1975. Re-elected 1st January, 1986. David Stow Adam, LLB. Elected 1st January, 1986. Ann Warriner Blainey, BA. Elected 1st January, 1986. Hilary Jane McPhee, BA. Elected 1st January, 1986. Thomas Peter Bruce, LLB. Elected 16th April, 1986. Term expiring 31st December, 1991 Professor Emeritus Sir Roy Douglas Wright, AK DSc A.N. U. & Melb. Hon.LLD A.N. U.& Melb. MB MS FRACP. Elected 17th December, 1971. Re-elected 1st January, 1988. David Davoren Westmore, MB BS FRCS Edin. FRCS FRACS. Elected 17th December, 1979. Re-elected 1st January, 1988. Fay Surtees Marles, AM MA DipSocStud. Elected 1st January, 1984. Re-elected 1st January, 1988. Joan Mitchell Montgomery, OBE BA BEd FACE. Elected 1st January, 1984. Re-elected 1st January, 1988. Norman George Curry, PhD Low/. BA MEd FACE. Elected 1st January, 1988. Elected by the Professors: Term expiring 31st December, 1991 Professor Leonard Kelman Stevens, PhD Camb. BCE MEngSc MICE FIEAust. Elected 1st January, 1983. Re-elected 1st January, 1988 Professor Thomas William Healy, PhD Col. MSc FAA FRACI. Elected 1st January, 1985. Re-elected 1st January, 1988. Professor Ian Stewart Ferguson, DF Yale BScF. Elected 1st January, 1988. Elected by the Academic Staff, other than Professors: Term expiring 31st December, 1989 John Edward Anwyl, BA BEd. Elected 1st January, 1982. Re-elected 1st January, 1986. Victor Charles West, DipDO Glas. DipOrth R.C.S. MDSc BSc LLB FRACDS. Elected 1st January, 1986. Term expiring 31st December, 1991 Judith Mary Armstrong, MA PhD. Elected 1st January 1987. Re-elected 1st January, 1988. Elected by Members of Staff, other than Academic Staff: Term expiring 31st December, 1989 Francis Patrick Joseph Robotham, MAIP MInstP CPhys. Elected 1st January, 1986. 2 COUNCIL Elected by the Graduate Students: Term expiring 31st December, 1989 Anthony David Lang, BA LLB. Elected 1st January, 1989. Elected by the Undergraduates: Term expiring 31st December, 1989 Evan Thornley, Elected 1st January, 1988. Term expiring 31st December, 1990 Julia Helen Templeton Mason. Elected 1st January, 1989 Members Ex Officio: Professor David Geoffrey Penington, AC MA DM BCh Oxf. FRCP FRACP FRCPA. Vice-Chancellor and Principal. Appointed 1st January, 1988. Professor John Riddoch Poynter, AO Chevalier des Palmes Academiques MA Oxf. BA PhD FASSA FAHA. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). Appointed 1st January, 1978. Professor Barry Alistair Sheehan, MA PhD Lond. BCom BEd. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Resources). Appointed 1st January, 1989. Professor Graeme Bruce Ryan, MD BS PhD FRCPA FRACP. Pro-Vice-Chancellor. Appointed 1st Janu- ary, 1987. Professor Michael John Osborne, MA Oxf. DPhil & Lett Leuven FAHA. Pro-Vice-Chancellor. Appointed 1st January, 1989. Melinda Jane Richards, President, M.U. Student Union. Appointed 1st January, 1989. Members co-opted: Term expiring 31st December, 1991. The Hon. Sir Albert Edward Woodward, Kt OBE LLM. Co-opted 7th March, 1988. James Manson Poulton, FCA, AASA. Co-opted 1st June, 1988. Heads of Colleges co-opted: Term expiring 31st December, 1991 The Rev. Sister Jane Kelly, IBVM BA DipEd DipPT Heythrop MACE. Appointed 1st January, 1988. David Henry Parker, MA Auck. MLitt Oxf. Appointed 1st January, 1988. Secretary: The Registrar. 3 Committees (including Standing Committees of Council and Standing Committees of the Academic Board) The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellors are by statute ex officio members of all University committees, whilst the Registrar is by resolution of Council an ex officio member of the Standing Commit- tees of Council. Their titles are not repeated in the following list of committees unless they are intended to be regularly attending working members of these committees. In the lists of committees following, a number of other ex officio members are expressed by title without name. For the recurring ex officio positions the following persons hold the offices as at 1st January, 1989. The Chancellor: Professor Emeritus Sir Roy Douglas Wright [The Deputy Chancellors: The Hon. Mr Justice Northrop; Mrs. F.S. Marles] The Vice-Chancellor: Professor D.G. Penington The Deputy Vice-Chancellors: Professor J.R. Poynter, Professor G.V. Stanley; Professor J.P. Coghlan; Professor B.A. Sheehan The President of the Academic Board: Professor G. B. Ryan The Vice-President of the Academic Board: Professor M. J. Osborne The Registrar: Mr J. B. Potter. The President of the
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